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Metal Rabbit

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I know Raven. Here. *Hits Raven over the head to erase his memory.* You might have a headache when you wake up.

:lol: So, you forgive me?

yes, all is forgiven

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yes, all is forgiven


I am good. *goes to bask in my glory*

Wait, if Fireman says he's good, then he's no longer in-between, and he was the leader of the in-betweens, and the bad guys don't care, so.....


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And i kinda win!

No one died, serenes wasnt burnt down.

Alls well that ends well. And if you excuse me,

Im gonna go eat some spaghetti dinner.

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I am so good, that one sentence stopped the war.

I am good....

Lol. Let's just not have another of those discrepencies Fireman. You don't have to leave town anymore.

*Shakes Fireman's hands.*

We're cool now.

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Lol. Let's just not have another of those discrepencies Fireman. You don't have to leave town anymore.

*Shakes Fireman's hands.*

We're cool now.

*shakes hands*

Wait till we tell Kiryn what happened....

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*Wakes up to find Lyle and Bianchi unclothed with eachother*


At least move me while I'm sleeping, I did not want to see that...

Oh....Sorry Raven. At least you didn't see anything......well, you know.

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Oh....Sorry Raven. At least you didn't see anything......well, you know.

I caught more than you think I did, Lyle. She is as fit as I thought she was, and you're not a bad size.

Back to aimlessly wandering the landscapes now, with thoughts of Fox and dreams of seeing her again one day...

*Thinks about writing a story because of serious boredom*

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all's well that ends well.

*goes to plot another takeover*


*joins laughter*


...... to be continued.......

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