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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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As I walked through the valley where I harvest my grain

I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain

But that's just perfect for an Amish like me

You know, I shun fancy things like electricity

At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows

Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool

And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that

Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone

I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline

Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin

But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine

Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699

We been spending most our lives

Living in an Amish paradise

I've churned butter once or twice

Living in an Amish paradise

It's hard work and sacrifice

Living in an Amish paradise

We sell quilts at discount price

Living in an Amish paradise

A local boy kicked me in the butt last week

I just smiled at him and turned the other cheek

I really don't care, in fact I wish him well

'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell

But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it

An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of

I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat

And my homies agree, I really look good in black...fool

If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears

We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years

But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare

We're just technologically impaired

There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar

Not a single luxury

Like Robinson Caruso

It's as primitive as can be

We been spending most our lives

Living in an Amish paradise

We're just plain and simple guys

Living in an Amish paradise

There's no time for sin and vice

Living in an Amish paradise

We don't fight, we all play nice

Living in an Amish paradise

Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter

Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise anoder

Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?

Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art

I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like

On my knees day and night scorin' points for the afterlife

So don't be vain and don't be whiny

Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heinie

We been spending most our lives

Living in an Amish paradise

We're all crazy Mennonites

Living in an Amish paradise

There's no cops or traffic lights

Living in an Amish paradise

But you'd probably think it bites

Living in an Amish paradise

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Smoke a lot of cigarettes. In two months, you're be no longer singing.

But I like my health

and my voice

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Sophia is fine though

But if I don't kill Fa, then she'll snitch on me and I'll no longer be mayor!

I got it! I lock up Fa in a dark, scary dungeon with a bunch of Dark Dragons and Demon Dragons while I snap Sophia's neck!

Great, now freakin' Sigurd heard me. How many people I got to kill to cover my ass? (Shots Sigurd in the head and breaks

Sophia's neck.)

Fireman! Doc, you gotta help me! I think I'm going crazy and I don't want the city to learn of my past actions!

Edited by Snow_Storm
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But if I don't kill Fa, then she'll snitch on me and I'll no longer be mayor!

I got it! I lock up Fa in a dark, scary dungeon with a bunch of Dark Dragons and Demon Dragons while I snap Sophia's neck!

Great, now freakin' Sigurd heard me. How many people I got to kill to cover my ass? (Shots Sigurd in the head and breaks

Sophia's neck.)

Fireman! Doc, you gotta help me! I think I'm going crazy and I don't want the city to learn of my past actions!

I'll keep Fa quiet. I'll make her promise not to tell. But she is mine and if you harm a single hair on her body, the mayor will be no more

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Just sing your heart out. If you're not good, you're not good.

If they like you, then be happy.

Well, I never said I thought I was totally bad. I'm happy enough to be in a cappella, but chamber would be an honor

I'm planning on taking choir every single year regardless. So, you're right. I'll just sing the best I can

I wish I could give you guys an exapmle but I don't have a mic anymore ;_;

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I'll keep Fa quiet. I'll make her promise not to tell. But she is mine and if you harm a single hair on her body, the mayor will be no more

Goddamit, and I just hired the Loput Church to burn her for the Child Hunt today. Julius has a

fuckin' fever

And freakin' Gandolf was killed in battle by Marth and Linda's hand. Indou's sleeping with King Zephiel, so she's no help with her laying on her back for that bastard. Medus is in his temple waiting for Marth's attack. And the Black Knight is a crybaby, so he's no help!

Man, why all my villian buddies are busy! I need to wipe some blood off my hands!

Damn, Grandbell will have me beheaded for these crimes!

King Tribant! He'll know what to do! I hire his dragon knights to kill any and all witnesses!

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Goddamit, and I just hired the Loput Church to burn her for the Child Hunt today. Julius has a

fuckin' fever

And freakin' Gandolf was killed in battle by Marth and Linda's hand. Indou's sleeping with King Zephiel, so she's no help with her laying on her back for that bastard. Medus is in his temple waiting for Marth's attack. And the Black Knight is a crybaby, so he's no help!

Man, why all my villian buddies are busy! I need to wipe some blood off my hands!

You can hire me as a villian buddy, I'm an awesum SE boss

But Fa is not to be harmed

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You can hire me as a villian buddy, I'm an awesum SE boss

But Fa is not to be harmed

Okay, I shall hire your services, but if I am to be betrayed, I shall have your head in my trophy case!

Dr. Fireman, I can hear voices in my head. What's wrong with me?

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Okay, I shall hire your services, but if I am to be betrayed, I shall have your head in my trophy case!

Dr. Fireman, I can hear voices in my head. What's wrong with me?

Do not worry! I would never betray you as long as you keep your word! Me and my precious Atki (awesum sword name) are at your service!

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