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i'm not trying to argue, but you're just going to get this thread locked, like others before

and for what? momentary anger because some people didn't respond in the way you wanted? when you claim to not care what they think?

I assume I'm one of them, but you do these too much, man. Chill.

e: I suggest not responding immediately. Take a break and come back and read what you said. I don't think you should be going off about hurt feelings.

Getting mocked doesn't mean people are out to get you.

But if you think that's a negative part of your thread, then just ignore it and focus on what you want to focus on in your thread.

or something.

pretty much what they said

don't take what people say on the internet personally, it's bad for you

even worse when you respond with something along the lines of "GOD FUCK OFF"

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It happened last time too, and then some guy signed up to tell me to kill myself


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It happened last time too, and then some guy signed up to tell me to kill myself

It's probably the secret touhou brigade

They're probably making new accounts to insult us with as we speak

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def 12 year olds. idk where this whole kys fad came from. didnt exist when i was 12

also op if you cant handle internet heat you probably should have your "start thread" privilege taken away until you grow up a bit.

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doesn't kys come from the leafy guy?

leafy is pretty awful, i have no idea why people like him, he's obnoxious and unfunny, his voice sounds like a cheese grater, he oozes dishonesty, and honestly, making fun of autistic kids has been out of style for a long time

but uh, i guess that's why people like him

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come on, now, that's unnecessary

everyone can handle this civilly

Sorry. That slipped out.

i'm not trying to argue, but you're just going to get this thread locked, like others beforeand for what? momentary anger because some people didn't respond in the way you wanted? when you claim to not care what they think?

I assume I'm one of them, but you do these too much, man. Chill.

eh: I suggest not responding immediately. Take a break and come back and read what you said. I don't think you should be going off about hurt feelings.

Alright, I calmed myself down so I wouldn't say further things I'd regret. I dunno why I get so angry at these kinds of things, I just do, I guess. And tbh part of my motive for posting these threads is trying to stir up a reaction. I need to learn to control myself and my anger better, since I just look really irrational at this point.

I never really thought of you as a troll, or anything, just someone really blunt.

Getting mocked doesn't mean people are out to get you.

But if you think that's a negative part of your thread, then just ignore it and focus on what you want to focus on in your thread.

or something.

I'll try.

pretty much what they said

don't take what people say on the internet personally, it's bad for you

even worse when you respond with something along the lines of "GOD FUCK OFF"

I know, I just wish it didn't keep happening. And then I get angry and fuel the fire more and the cycle continues and blegh.

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op if you cant handle internet heat you probably should have your "start thread" privilege taken away until you grow up a bit.

I don't think you're entitled to tell me how to handle myself.

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doesn't kys come from the leafy guy?

leafy is pretty awful, i have no idea why people like him, he's obnoxious and unfunny, his voice sounds like a cheese grater, he oozes dishonesty, and honestly, making fun of autistic kids has been out of style for a long time

but uh, i guess that's why people like him


HE IS 19 AND STILL IN HIS SKATER PHASE and his voice is like him trying to be really mysterious but it comes off as cringey and he just talks into a mic making fun of smaller youtubers and its really mean and its the same fucking cs go footage he uses. also i fucking hate the phrase "roast" and basically everything pop culture related because it tells me to accept it as normal and hip and dont fucking tell me what to do.

but really this guy and keemstar are the cancer of youtube and it pisses me off that these assholes are famous and have millions of subscribers and what they are doing is not right. sad part is that its more of a timing thing, im sure if i were 12 i'd find their content entertaining too. but the fact that they are capitalizing on the immaturity of kids does not make anything right

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sparks, stop - that brought nothing that hadn't been said already (edit: not referring to the post above, sorry, posted at the same time apparently lmao)

ziem, thank you for stepping back to handle this properly

everyone keep behaving

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There are literally 0 trolls in this thread, but i guess there was at least one person trying to "stir up a reaction"

Honestly I think you need to do some self-reflection. I think you overreact a lot to perceived slights whether they are there or no and purposefully (even if unconsciously) try to escalate situations by throwing out insults and passive aggressive comments, but still find a way to make yourself out to be the one being aggressed and attacked. i'm not sure you'll even care about this post or react well enough to think about what i'm trying to say and that's fine, but i just wanted to say that your threads are bound to get heated if you act so hostile in them.

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I'd consider myself often an asshole, blunt is a generosity lol

The only reason is zeem is that I do notice you have a tendency to lash out at things you regret that you almost immediately backpeddle from, so can anyone else but stuff likes this is why you perceive others heavily mocking you, you allow yourself to be affected

I'm needlessly confrontational and fairly argumentative so I do the same, but sometimes it's better to ignore. I'm sure you're aware and try.

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