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guys guys guys let's talk about popplio


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At first glance I did consider Popplio's design to be completely awfull. I'm actually somewhat charmed by it now, but i'm still firmly on team Rowlet.

Its the fire starter who i'm not impressed by so far.

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I really like Popplio, it's nearly as cute as Rufflet, but I feel it has a really solid personality in it's annimations. The only one I dislike is Litten, and even then Litten has a pretty good design. I'd say all the starters this time around are good, hopefully the rest of their lines are as good.

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Popplio... reminds me of something. Dunno what something, but it's something.

But it's cute. And I love cute shit.

And it's a Water type. And I usually prefer the Water starter (except Oshawott. Sorry, samurai otter, but Samurott bores me, and Snivy is just serperior. Oh, and Froakie. I prefer Chespin/Braixen/Chesnaught. Greninja's cool tho).

This may be my starter. Have to see Popplio and Rowlet's (Rowlet is quite cute too, really Litten's the only one I don't care for) evolutions before I decide which one my starter's gonna be.

Speaking of evolutions, I wonder if Popplio's final form'll be a Water/Fairy type. I don't know why, really.

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Its the fire starter who i'm not impressed by so far.

The only one I dislike is Litten,

really Litten's the only one I don't care for

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words....


No need to fear it Popplio!

You won't bother Popplio, Popplio won't bother you.

*Hugs the Fire type*

*Gets covered in flammable oil*

*hugs back*

*gets drenched*

Edited by Litten
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Sticks and stones may break my bones but words....


*hugs back*

*gets drenched*

I just saw weed kitty in your sig.

I like this, can it be Litten's final form? Or mega?


Litten's only problem for me is that I've been exposed to far too many cute cats on YouTube to be especially wowed by an adorable cat Pokémon. Compare that to the owl (who is cute, and I'm not used to cute owls, more used to owls that repeat the same thing over and over again while I mash A to make them shut up, and cute owl will maybe get a tuxedo in later evolutions and become a Grass/Steel type, just because you're expecting Grass/Flying) and huggable seal (still hoping for Water/Fairy, even though it probably won't happen... and kinda hoping this won't be a repeat of Oshawott, where both early forms are good and then Samurott just sort of happens and I don't like it... but it's cute now!), and there's no hope for the adorable fire kitty.

But look on the bright side, Litten! Even if your evolutions suck (hopefully they won't, and you'll probably have at least one good one, but I can't be completely sure after the disappointment that was bacon Tepig), you've got a great future in cat videos!

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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and then everyone will want on the Popplio train

Technically I'm already on the train, since I usually ride the Water Hype Train every time.

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I do find it kinda cute but idk, while I am not one of those people who has a fear of clowns I guess I'm not all that into a clown sea lion look (or at least to me it looks like it's based off of a clown) Edited by Freohr Datia
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I do find it kinda cute but idk, while I am not one of those people who has a fear of clowns I guess I'm not all that into a clown sea lion look (or at least to me it looks like it's based off of a clown)

Well maybe it's a jester sea lion.

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