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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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I almost expected that it would all somehow be converted to use dialogue text instead, but if it's not, boy that's pretty complicated

even so, it'd be pretty nice to have for other projects... like mine

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Got a bug report for this one:

Just finished chapter 6 and as soon as I try to save, the save screen bugs out and goes to a black screen. When I reset the game, the save file is gone entirely. I have played with this patch multiple times, albeit with different pairings than this run, which makes me think that a certain pairing causes it to bug out.

The pairing I went with are:

Tailte x Lewyn

Claude x Erin*

Ayra x Lex

Azel x Aideen*

Finn x Raquesis

Briggid x Holyn

Sylvia was left unpaired*

(The asterisks indicate a pairing that I have not done before)


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If you want, I could upload an early build and the source code where I was actually trying to make a proportional font routine render text on the fly. I actually kept using it to render all the later pre-rendered strings, by making a savestate here and editing the text in the ROM with an editor.


Seconding this, would also like to play around with that early build!

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runs old prototype ...Well great, I can't even get into the unit menu to fiddle around with the names and all that, the game hangs when it tries to get to a map.

...It's probably just ZSNES being itself. Considering the compatibility with final PN and ZSNES, I can't be surprised.

EDIT: The opening demo plays fine, creating a new game hangs after the title card, the game implodes if savestate from not-PN implodes, loading save just crashes.

Edited by Darrman
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I seem to have found a bug with Chagall in chapter 2. Sigurd defeated him with a full inventory and the game gave me the seize option before the notification that my inventory was full and after pressing Seize the menu telling me my inventory was full popped up and the game could no longer load the next map.

Edited by Valkama
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So I don't really know if this information means anything here but I figured I might as well share my experience; first and foremost thanks for the awesome work on this project :D!

So I stumbled upon this project about 9? months ago and thought it would be really cool to have a physical reproduction version of this game because it was THE FIRE EMBLEM GAME to play, according to a friend of mine. So just recently retrostage.net started selling snes MEGAROM V2 boards which allow you to essentially make any reproduction cart, so I orderred all that up and did some testing recently. It started up and played normally on my SNES Jr [which has no region locking at all] but would not play for more than 10 seconds on any other SNES I owned, was kind of a bummer, but found out that even with a super CIC chip installed, the game would not pass the CIC lockout chip on SNES consoles, I'm gonna try programming a superCIC lockout chip into one of my SNES's but just thought I'd share that in case it means anything to the people working on this. Thanks once again to holsety and DDS and all those involved!

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If you want, I could upload an early build and the source code where I was actually trying to make a proportional font routine render text on the fly. I actually kept using it to render all the later pre-rendered strings, by making a savestate here and editing the text in the ROM with an editor.


Are you using Snes9X to play? If you still have a savestate or normal save right before this happens, can you send it to me? I can take a look at it.

I am using Snes9x to play. Here's the savestate:

Edit: Didn't attach the file correctly. Will figure out how to do so.

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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So is there really no way to get the patch to work with the 3DS' VC? I finally was able to install the arm9loaderhax on my 3DS and I was really excited to finally play this on an official Nintendo console with the official Nintendo SNES VC emulator and then I found out that the patch makes the file too big. This has probably been discussed before, but is there no way to compress the file size after the patch is applied? It would be really cool to have this translation on my menu screen looking official and complete.

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That looks great, thanks for posting that! It's good that there's at least one way to get it running on a handheld.

You’re welcome, Sir. :Rei:

And thanks for add the accented letters in the project.

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The whole project would have to be redone from the beginning to fit within the original 4 MB. None of the text is compressed, and the graphic assets I created for the menus and items would either need to be compressed or replaced with that earlier built-in proportional font routine I showed a pic of earlier. Though I believe AzimuthFE's graphics for the intro text, title screen, map, and chapter titles are already compressed and use the game's decompression code to render.

It wouldn't be impossible, but it would take probably as long of an effort to accomplish. When we started the project, it was done with the intent that working in an expanded ROM would make things much easier and faster to work with. And that the top-line emulators would already support Ex-HiROM mode that surpasses the 4 MB memory limitation. The total new content doesn't use up all of the expanded 4 MB and I tried publishing a 6 MB ROM version patch early during the beta. But it seems that most handheld emulators and the VC are not able to run games over 4 MB at all.

If I had a lot more free time, I wouldn't mind looking into re-doing the project to fit back into 4 MB. And if/when we work on FE5, I will keep this experience in mind and try to stay within the original filesize if possible.

I understand. I think I'll just have an older translation/the original game on my home screen just for looks and when I actually want to play the game, I'll use the emulator posted below your post to play the new translation.

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Thanks, I got the attachment now.

I replicated the error you got when saving during Chapter 6. I was able to load one of your earlier saves at the end of Chapter 5, and tracked down where the error is happening. It seems that there's an error happening when loading up items and owners, specifically Arthur/Lewyn's belongings. I think the game is trying to give your Arthur 8 items, but since he can only hold 7, the 8th one is getting misplaced. And when the game is trying to verify items when saving, it can't find that 8th item and goes into a dead-end of code, which blows the game up.

If you load your save at the end of Chapter 5 and make Lewyn sell, trade, or store one of his items, and then complete the chapter, I believe that should fix the bug. I verified it with the Japanese version of the game as well, at least for when the chapter begins. I'm not sure how it can be solved with your end-of-chapter 6 save though. I think the damage had already been done at that point.

I guess it's because Arthur always starts with a Wind book? But the inheritance he gets from Lewyn means he'd already have a full inventory. Though I'm surprised this bug hasn't ever come up before. Maybe someone else has any insight into this?

Full inventory from Chapter 5.


Where'd the Leg Ring go?


8 items to deposit?


I think this can help you understand how the inheritance works


For items, the children usually inherit items from their same-gender parent, but only if they can equip or use them in their starting class. Exceptions include Corple, who can inherit Holsety as a Priest, while some children can inherit Holsety or the Valkyrie Staff even though they can never use it. If a child has too many items, the excess items are sent to their storage. On a similar note, stored items are inherited in the same manner as descibed.

The 8th item will be sent to storage automatically. It's the Leg Ring in this case.

Forseti is higher rank/more powerful than Wind so the system chooses it over Wind as the default equipped weapon, thus becoming the 1st item in the list.

Edited by hanhnn
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