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FE4 Translation Patch (Open Beta v7)

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3 hours ago, GreatHylian said:

Will the character names be updated in this patch? Now that Nintendo officially translated every name for all the characters it would be cool. 

Considering what happened with Thite/Thea, it would probably be wise to hold off a little while longer. Unlike FE5 and FE6 (but like FE2, draw your own conclusions there), most of the names in FE4 appear to have been consciously changed to new ones (with Lachesis specifically being reverted while other Awakening names remained the same, so it's not like they overlooked them), so I don't think the Genealogy names will be changing too much more. But now that Seliph and Julia are in the game, there's a possibility that additional characters from Genealogy will be added in the near future, so it couldn't hurt to wait a bit longer and see how things develop from there.

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On 2/17/2017 at 1:44 PM, Iridium said:

Considering what happened with Thite/Thea, it would probably be wise to hold off a little while longer. Unlike FE5 and FE6 (but like FE2, draw your own conclusions there), most of the names in FE4 appear to have been consciously changed to new ones (with Lachesis specifically being reverted while other Awakening names remained the same, so it's not like they overlooked them), so I don't think the Genealogy names will be changing too much more. But now that Seliph and Julia are in the game, there's a possibility that additional characters from Genealogy will be added in the near future, so it couldn't hurt to wait a bit longer and see how things develop from there.

Unless Lachesis and Othian are oversights; someone pointed out to me Murdock is used in FE7 a lot more than I was initially lead to believe by the consensus here, so it's an even bigger thing they missed afaik than what I was lead on to think- it's more likely Lachesis could very well have been an oversight at this rate. There's enough evidence now to sling at both sides of the fence that we should probably wait until a unit is in Heroes itself or the names never happened. Furthermore, what happened with Thea makes me really really think they might err on the side of Awakening's names- and as for the Archanea names there are several that raise too many questions and break themes like Klein-> Clarine and Sieg -> Zeke that I think bookofholsety's stance of "They're in a game or it never happened" is extremely well founded, once again especially with Thea, Murdock, and Niime basically chucking the website names from a five story window. I also really, really doubt the FE2 names are finalized for several reasons so if there's names changed in Echoes than at that rate the entire website will pretty much be discredited. It's important to wait and not jump onto something that already has two questionable events and one confirmed strike against it, especially as far as Raquesis and Orsin are concerned.


theres also the very very likely possibility the people translating names for the site have not a damn thing to do with the official localization- that would explain how we got Thea- and thus have no authority to begin with on what gets used in the games, so it's very prudent to wait I think.

Nintendo of Europe's FE translations are degenerating into literal anarchy at this rate, especially as far as Archanea is concerned, and NoA is showing signs of wanting to stay very far away from that

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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1 hour ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

theres also the very very likely possibility the people translating names for the site have not a damn thing to do with the official localization- that would explain how we got Thea- and thus have no authority to begin with on what gets used in the games, so it's very prudent to wait I think.

Nintendo of Europe's FE translations are degenerating into literal anarchy at this rate, especially as far as Archanea is concerned, and NoA is showing signs of wanting to stay very far away from that

I think you are right in saying that there should be some time to see if the translated names are actually what NoA wants, though I do think that some of the translated names make a lot of sense. For example, Holyn was translated as Chulainn, which is a direct reference to the actual etymology of the name. Similary Bridget/Briggid was translated as Brigid, the actual spelling of the etymological source. Even Delmud is correctly spelled as Diarmud, and the list goes on. These are the most accurate translations for their names, at least according to the source material, which is the main reason that I felt these translations could be the official names. At the same time however, NoA can re-translate the names to whatever they feel sounds/looks better so I won't hold my breath.

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On 2/18/2017 at 2:23 PM, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

Unless Lachesis and Othian are oversights; someone pointed out to me Murdock is used in FE7 a lot more than I was initially lead to believe by the consensus here, so it's an even bigger thing they missed afaik than what I was lead on to think- it's more likely Lachesis could very well have been an oversight at this rate. There's enough evidence now to sling at both sides of the fence that we should probably wait until a unit is in Heroes itself or the names never happened. Furthermore, what happened with Thea makes me really really think they might err on the side of Awakening's names- and as for the Archanea names there are several that raise too many questions and break themes like Klein-> Clarine and Sieg -> Zeke that I think bookofholsety's stance of "They're in a game or it never happened" is extremely well founded, once again especially with Thea, Murdock, and Niime basically chucking the website names from a five story window. I also really, really doubt the FE2 names are finalized for several reasons so if there's names changed in Echoes than at that rate the entire website will pretty much be discredited. It's important to wait and not jump onto something that already has two questionable events and one confirmed strike against it, especially as far as Raquesis and Orsin are concerned

I disagree. I don't think that the Fire Emblem 7 names were initially accounted for with respect to Binding Blade. IIRC, the names in question would be Murdock, Niime, Igrene, Dayan, and Fae. Two of these names were "reverted" to the Japanese names. Two of them always have been the Japanese names. Fae is the oddball, but since she was in the initial round of Heroes, it's not a stretch to think they might have cared more about her than the other four.

In other words, the Binding Blade names were consistent with the Japanese version and generally ignored the Blazing Blade names until Murdock and Niime were fixed. Everything here can be easily explained by simply assuming they were not aware that Blazing Blade bothered to provide a few extra FE6 names.

But we can't extend the same courtesy to FE4. There were about two dozen Genealogy names provided in Awakening, and all of them were retained -- every single one, except for Lachesis. We can easily believe that whoever is in charge of the poll might not know a few obscure lines from Blazing Blade, but it's a lot harder to believe that they were unaware of Awakening's and independently managed to localize every name exactly the same way except for one, which also happened to be one of the strangest names in the series. What are the odds that two people might independently come up with names like Ulster (from Scathach/Skasaher/whatever) and Ced (from Sety, when it probably should've been Set/Seti, named for Forseti)? The only way they could've made this mistake is if Raquesis was just such an insane, incredible name that they didn't even recognize it as the same character. I'll grant that as a possibility but I don't believe it's very likely.

We can further extend this by pointing out that they were aware of even similarly-obscure names like Mae from Awakening. If I had to guess, I'd say they just assumed the Awakening names were the only place they needed to look for 2/3/4/5/12. The only other name I recall them mucking up is Orsin, who still has his name relegated to a reasonably obscure place.


As for a few other things:

  • Thea: I don't believe this name is ever mentioned in Awakening, so I don't see what it has to do with erring on the side of Awakening. I'd simply use it as proof that the ballot names are not final. Nothing more, nothing less. They do stomp on the idea of 'consistency' a decent amount, though, since a large number of characters made their English debut on this website... and some of them, like the Binding Blade people not named Murdock, are more prominent even there than they ever were in FE7. They had no qualms about giving Thite a less horrifying name despite her already having one in English from this website.
  • Klein/Clarine: I think you mean Clarisse. They probably were not aware of Ein, since the name she uses in the poll is Katarina. This is a pretty easy oversight to make. This is actually unintentionally smart (to avoid conflict with FE6 Klein), so it's too bad they introduced another Cain (FE5's) while doing it.
  • Zeke/Sieg: When did this start? His name has always been Zeke. I've never seen anyone refer to him as Sieg until Siegbert happened, and that's a very different character that has no relation to him whatsoever. Sieg might be a lot cooler, but Zeke fits him too -- in fact, it arguably fits him better, since he kind of got into his current position by losing. His fight, his war, his memories, everything. That's not someone you name 'Victory'. Zeke, though? He's fighting for the kingdom with the god of strength and order. That works quite fine.

I'm not necessarily 100% convinced that the Gaiden names are absolutely the final word, or even the Genealogy names. All I'm saying is that they clearly put much more work into the Gaiden and Genealogy names (which are often completely different from the originals) than they did with the Thracia and Binding Blade names (which generally stayed the same or received very minor changes from the Japanese, and paid less attention to existing names.) I think this is a perfectly reasonable indication that the Gaiden/Genealogy names are more likely to stick.

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I don't know if this typo was reported before, but...

Don't you think that a 'l' would fit very well somewhere in the word «glady»? ;)

FE4 tyop.jpeg

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I've been playing through this (great patch!) and I'm not sure if "guesss" is a typo or if Larcei's supposed to sound reluctant:


I'd recommend either adding or removing an s, depending.

(Also, since I don't really feel like going to the trouble of pairing up Arden myself to find out: was him randomly getting a weird dumb-sounding speech pattern randomly in parts of Chapter 5 in the original Japanese, or a quirk in the old translation patch?)

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8 minutes ago, hanhnn said:

Great, I know official is not official after all.

I feel you

I feel you

Now people will endlessly ragedebate Caeda v Shiida

Thankfully the only other Awakening name that's disregarded by Heroes is Orsin/Othian so we can only be hurt one more time

they'll make a liar out of me I know it, Rhys will be Kilroy

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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What is there to debate? Those two versions of her name are supposed to be pronounced the same. So does the spelling really matter that much? Just use the version that you prefer.

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4 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:


What is there to debate? Those two versions of her name are supposed to be pronounced the same. So does the spelling really matter that much? Just use the version that you prefer.

People debate it.


I've seen people argue neither are correct before.

I'm just worried arguments will escalate now to a point where we get rediculous things like demands for Suzukaze being brought back or saying Rhys should be Kilroy etc.

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There's a pretty big difference between a bit-part name being disregarded (like some random Spotpass character, or someone mentioned in one single line of dialogue from a 15-year-old game) and a major character getting their name changed after playing an incredibly prominent role in a localized game.

It's one thing to go "oh no they changed Lachesis, now we might have to worry about Ced or Malice being changed!" or "oh no they changed Lachesis, what if they change Ike and Elincia too?!?!"

They're clearly trying to remain consistent with the established names for most characters. Lachesis is one special exception, because her previous English appearance is fairly obscure and her name was bad enough to warrant changing -- in her case, it makes sense to fix it before she is placed in a prominent position, as she now has been. "Rutoga" is another example, being sloppily translated in a tiny corner of Smash but quietly edited to Rutger in the poll -- and we can only hope it stays that way because Rutoga is about as bad as Raquesis is.

We can also bring Zigludo and the Descent of Jihad into this, if you'd like.

Consistency is important, but it's more important to avoid doing injustice to the source material. One of my favorite examples is the "Septillion" mistranslation in Trails in the Sky; had this not been changed to Sept-Terrion as intended, the seven most powerful objects in Trails canon would have always been associated with a horrific and nonsensical categorization that has no relevance to what the items actually are (for starters, there are seven of them and not a trillion trillions).

This might not be quite as extreme as an example, since Lachesis doesn't actually mean anything in the context of FE4 (and it can be argued that it's still wrong) --  but in a cast where everyone else's English names are random mythological characters, Lachesis does a much better job of fitting in, and that's what matters most. Internal consistency should trump external consistency, in other words. Just like how Nimue is consistent with the naming scheme of 90% of Elibe (i.e. a gigantic boner for King Arthur) while Niime is consistent with a support famous enough to confuse almost three English speakers should it be changed.

In any case this seems like a mostly one-off thing since the poll reflected it and didn't bother changing anything else except Othin-sin-sian-san-sama. Going forward I could see them going back on other poll characters from 4/5/6/12 that Awakening did not mention, as they did with Thite/Thea, but as far as real localized names go the worst thing I could see them doing is consolidating the American and European names. Which... would probably still not be for the worst, since the way things are right now mean that the fanbase is already forced to be inconsistent as long as both exist.

tl;dr Your philosophy may well ruin my waifu Nimue forever, but I'm not going to let you go without taking something of yours. Please enjoy the chaos caused by all six people who know the character exclusively from Awakening, unaware that FE4 exists, and will never see their waifu Raquesis again.

Edited by Iridium
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10 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Also, it's Friege as per Reinhardt's convo. Too bad I didn't screenshot it.

His prf tome is translated as Dire Thunder. I like that.

Edit: Lachesis refers to her brother as Eldie, heh. bookofholsety called that one.

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11 hours ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

It's Lachesis in Heroes

I am a defeated man if they do not revert it so update the patch as you will @bookofholsety

Clearly Old Hubba is a collector of rare misprints

Yeah, I'm fond of Raquesis - and consistency - too, but it's no great loss.

If they change Nabarl I am never playing FE again

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Honestly, so what if Lachesis is back to Lachesis again. Names aren't the end of the world. Just call the character what you want to call them and call it a day. If you want to call the second generation sage Ced, go right on ahead. I'll just keep on calling him Sety. The important part is the question of whether the quality of the translation is good, and the answer to that is an overwhelming yes. Don't mind our namewanking @bookofholsety, just go and make the game as great as it can be. We may as well go back to the very first patch if we really want the "classic" names, with the addition of Zigludo and his Descent of Jihad. Play FE4 like it's 1999. The names are pre-rendered somewhere in the rom, so it's not even hard to edit Sigurd to Zigludo.

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53 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

Clearly Old Hubba is a collector of rare misprints

Yeah, I'm fond of Raquesis - and consistency - too, but it's no great loss.

If they change Nabarl I am never playing FE again

Forever more I am going to rationalize it as this

im already rationalizing the original Gaiden art as someone drawing the Echoes characters while drunk, it's viable, so I'll end up having to do this too now


edit: I don't think anyone brought up how holsety called "Heir of Light" being the localization for "Light Inheritor". I figured it would once I realized it parallels Heirs of Fate, which is probably why they localized it as Heir of Light.

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Hm? In this patch it's "Scion of Light" for Seliph, and the name of chapter 6. I assumed it was from one of the Awakening DLCs or something so I was scratching my head when Heroes localized it as "Heir of Light".

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