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/r/fireemblem Popularity Poll Results

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I just hope this trend of bringing back old popular characters doesn't continue, or else will see not!Leo and not!Camilla in FE16.

Oh god no

I must say, I really like Laslow and Selena in Fates, though. They both have some really great supports (Laslow/Orochi or Laslow/Mozu, Selena/Arthur for example. Plus better supports with Corrin than most, and also great supports with each other). Their personality traits are a lot less one-note than Setsuna being trap bait or Arthur being unlucky.

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This poll proves that tsundere remains superior to yandere.

I still feel bad that many people hate Peri. Is it because of gameplay? Is it because she's autistic? Is it because of her hair?

Because her character is kinda interesting. She reminds me of Melaine Martinez.

I can only speak for myself, but I think she's a horrible character that drags down others with her. She's somehow the super serious crown prince Xander's retainer, even though she's a psychopathic, really dangerous woman who talks as if she were still a child. That's not the sort of person you'd want in your army, much less in a position of power.

Like I mentioned, she also infects other characters with her nonsense, such as when Keaton says it's more okay to kill humans than beasts and they bond over killing, or when Corrin of all people says he'll hire "hardy folk" who won't die when she attacks them in their S support.

I've never minded her design though. She's a crazy woman and she's got an eccentric design; aside from her lack of pants which you can't even see in the portrait, I'm fine with her looking odd.

Edited by Thane
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I don't understand the Rhajat hate.

Afaik, FKana's better VA delivery alone makes her more lovable than MKana.

Sorry about this double standard (for the love of everything holy, don't make what I'm about to say into an issue), but to me personally, FCorrin's ignorance of everything can be almost... acceptable (not growing out of it bothers me all the same). As for MCorrin, it just comes off as beta, but people would rather follow him because plot demands it.

If I ever play a male character in an RPG that I find unrelatable, or embarrassingly stupid, I'll judge him harsher than the female counterpart. I think most guys who make a male character in an RPG would instinctively self-insert themselves, and would find being MCorrin intolerable. As for FCorrin, I'd suspect that it's only more tolerable because it's much easier to see her as a different persona when the player and the character's gender are opposites. Just a thought.

Much as I dislike the double standard, and think it's insulting that a woman being ignorant is acceptable while a man being acceptable is "beta" and that's a bad thing … you do realize that a crapload of official material (including children DLC) does put m!Kamui as Birthright and f!Kamui as Nohr?

As for the results themselves … well, I don't really think it means anything other than certain people have more, uh, devoted fans. I'm not sure I buy Takumi being so low, after scoring ridiculously high in the Japanese polls, or maybe the western fanbase dislikes him more. Don't buy the large gap between m!Kamui and f!Kamui, who are virtually the same character, and definitely think that gender bias is in play here.

But overall I really can't be bothered to give a fuck.

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I can only speak for myself, but I think she's a horrible character that drags down others with her. She's somehow the super serious crown prince Xander's retainer, even though she's a psychopathic, really dangerous woman who talks as if she were still a child. That's not the sort of person you'd want in your army, much less in a position of power.

Like I mentioned, she also infects other characters with her nonsense, such as when Keaton says it's more okay to kill humans than beasts and they bond over killing, or when Corrin of all people says he'll hire "hardy folk" who won't die when she attacks them in their S support.

I've never minded her design though. She's a crazy woman and she's got an eccentric design; aside from her lack of pants which you can't even see in the portrait, I'm fine with her looking odd.

This. All of this.

I don't mind her design, either.

But I can't get past the straight-up murdering. And not even murdering vaguely evil people, or people with bounties on their heads (Beruka is an assassin, but we can assume her targets committed crimes of some fashion); she murders innocent people in a station below her.

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I still feel bad that many people hate Peri. Is it because of gameplay? Is it because she's autistic? Is it because of her hair?

Because her character is kinda interesting. She reminds me of Melaine Martinez.

It's because a lot of people don't really like a massive crybaby (who gets upset over the most trivial of things) who kills people and servants on random whims. She has a grand total of one decent support (with Laslow)

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Oh yeah, about femui being more popular than mamui, well I haven't played as a female so i'm not sure, but I remember that mamu and femu back in awakening had diferent personalities, female was more aggresive and pro active, like fem morgan, and male was more mellow and chill, like ma morgan. Maybe that's the case here as well?

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Oh yeah, about femui being more popular than mamui, well I haven't played as a female so i'm not sure, but I remember that mamu and femu back in awakening had diferent personalities, female was more aggresive and pro active, like fem morgan, and male was more mellow and chill, like ma morgan. Maybe that's the case here as well?

If you ask me, I believe the voters of that poll are for the most part male (Ophelia is very high up, female Kanna is higher up than her male counterpart which probably meant more people got the female version), and as such the ones who played probably used the male avatar, got annoyed by how boring he was and as such they didn't give him a high score, while female Corrin was left mostly untouched and got voted for because of her design.

I have no proof for that, but it seems like a very shallow poll.

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Oh yeah, about femui being more popular than mamui, well I haven't played as a female so i'm not sure, but I remember that mamu and femu back in awakening had diferent personalities, female was more aggresive and pro active, like fem morgan, and male was more mellow and chill, like ma morgan. Maybe that's the case here as well?

1) The differences are not big ENOUGH

2) They make the same major decisions, some of them incredibly stupid decisions, in both paths. It's not like any uniqueness of their personalities changes the main story, which is the biggest thing that defines them.

3) THAT big a gap? I'm honestly going to just call waifu/husbando bias. Besides, I've noticed that girls are more likely to project onto the self inserto and treat her as their mouthpiece, which leads to girls voting for her over other female characters, but most don't see the male self insert as husbando material, unlike certain guys who'd rather waifu the female self insert over other female characters.

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I didn't know that the poll was still open before, so I voted for Izana, Azura obviously, and Shigure obviously again as my favorites in their respective categories. I don't really dislike anyone, so I'm not going to say who I voted for the least favorites.

Oh yeah, about femui being more popular than mamui, well I haven't played as a female so i'm not sure, but I remember that mamu and femu back in awakening had diferent personalities, female was more aggresive and pro active, like fem morgan, and male was more mellow and chill, like ma morgan. Maybe that's the case here as well?

I've heard that the M!Corrin is more mellow and dorky while F!Corrin is more peppy and playful. But I'm also pretty sure that female Corrin is more popular than the male because of her thighs.

M!Corrin's dorky and sweet personality is EXACTLY why I like him so much. It's incredibly rare for media males to be "gentle" and not be mocked for it; Corrin's kindness is constantly lauded as one of his best traits, and he still gets to be a badass at the end of the day. That's really incredible.

Especially in Smash. How can one not like his incredibly enthusiastic "I WIN!"

I like you


Edited by Lightchao42
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1) The differences are not big ENOUGH

2) They make the same major decisions, some of them incredibly stupid decisions, in both paths. It's not like any uniqueness of their personalities changes the main story, which is the biggest thing that defines them.

3) THAT big a gap? I'm honestly going to just call waifu/husbando bias. Besides, I've noticed that girls are more likely to project onto the self inserto and treat her as their mouthpiece, which leads to girls voting for her over other female characters, but most don't see the male self insert as husbando material, unlike certain guys who'd rather waifu the female self insert over other female characters.

So in the end they really are the same character? Well that's dissapointing, then yeah it's more bias than anything, because seriously dem thighs... but then again mamui has a cute butt.

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I voted

Favorite - Subaki/Peri/Rhajat

Least Favorite - Leo/Female Corrin/Ophelia

I like all the characters that I put as favorites, but I don't really dislike the ones I put as least favorite. There's something I like about every character. I just wanted to skew their votes so that Peri and Rhajat actually got some support. Subaki too because his perfectionism is innately entertaining.

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This makes me want to make a poll here on Serenes once the game gets out in Europe, although it's probably better to wait for a week or two to let everyone's impressions sink in.

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This makes me want to make a poll here on Serenes once the game gets out in Europe, although it's probably better to wait for a week or two to let everyone's impressions sink in.

That's a good idea. I'd say wait until the start of June or something. That seems fair enough.

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You know what I've noticed? In addition to having a lot of pairing fanart (which was expected since children were tied to men in this game), F!Corrin also has a lot of individual fanart. Why didn't FeMU get this much attention in Awakening?

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This makes me want to make a poll here on Serenes once the game gets out in Europe, although it's probably better to wait for a week or two to let everyone's impressions sink in.

Much as I support this idea, I think SF itself will have some bias in its results. I think each site with an FE community is naturally going to be biased towards the characters that the site likes (because all sites have a different makeup of people). The only real accurate poll would be one that could encompass everyone who has the game, and get them to vote their favorites in order and just once.

… Which is freaking impossible.

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Much as I support this idea, I think SF itself will have some bias in its results. I think each site with an FE community is naturally going to be biased towards the characters that the site likes (because all sites have a different makeup of people). The only real accurate poll would be one that could encompass everyone who has the game, and get them to vote their favorites in order and just once.

… Which is freaking impossible.

I could attempt to post this on Miiverse... although that might not end well.

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In regards to Male Corrin placing low, it's also possible that several voters only played as Female Corrin, so it's just easy to say that they didn't like Male Corrin solely based off of his design because he never shows up in the game at all if you don't play as him. I don't really dislike any of the male characters, so it was easy to just say Male Corrin was my least favorite because I'm not much of a fan of his design, and I have no attachment to him whatsoever.

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You know what I've noticed? In addition to having a lot of pairing fanart (which was expected since children were tied to men in this game), F!Corrin also has a lot of individual fanart. Why didn't FeMU get this much attention in Awakening?

I can only imagine it's based on design.

Even I have to admit Female Corrin looks good. Can't say the same about Female Robin.

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I could attempt to post this on Miiverse... although that might not end well.

It will not end well. Not everyone who has the game goes on Miiverse as well :P:

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Voted Ryoma+/MCorn-, Rinkah+/FCorn-, Shiro+/Rhaj-

Rinkah's position makes me want to fite ppl

Like seriously her gameplay issues are entirely overblown

Edited by Thor Odinson
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You know what I've noticed? In addition to having a lot of pairing fanart (which was expected since children were tied to men in this game), F!Corrin also has a lot of individual fanart. Why didn't FeMU get this much attention in Awakening?

No one draws male Corrin because I've hardly talked to anyone who actually likes his design. There's also the fact that he's seen as so stupid and boring by a lot of people that when he IS drawn, he's usually being made fun of.

I've seen a lot of fan art of female Robin though, so I don't know where you got that from.

Much as I support this idea, I think SF itself will have some bias in its results. I think each site with an FE community is naturally going to be biased towards the characters that the site likes (because all sites have a different makeup of people). The only real accurate poll would be one that could encompass everyone who has the game, and get them to vote their favorites in order and just once.

… Which is freaking impossible.

Oh sure, but it would still be interesting to see; who knows, maybe Europeans and Australians will like completely different characters, although I doubt it.

I'm also interested in seeing if the localization will differ in any way. If memory serves, Tharja's butt wasn't censored in Europe but her dialogue with Nowi was. That might affect people's impressions.

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It will not end well. Not everyone who has the game goes on Miiverse as well :P:

Screw it, posted it anyway using a different collector. Wonder if the Miiverse Admins will allow it.

Edit: Maybe some could post it on Tumblr? I sure as hell aren't noteworthy enough. I just posted it there though using the same collector as Miiverse.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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There is another simpler explanation for why male Corrin might be lower than female Corrin (and which ties to why Elise is high):

There aren't as many female characters with significant roles to play as there are male characters.

Female Corrin is more prominent a character amongst all the other women than male Corrin is amongst all the men. All the royal men have fairly important roles to play. Of the royal women, only Elise has a significant impact upon the story. Perhaps it's less that female Corrin is popular so much as the rest of the women just aren't as popular.

This is especially true if you're playing the game more for its gameplay and aren't doing many supports (and really, there are so, so many supports that it requires many hours to unlock them all - so even dedicated players can get a skewed view of characters).

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Screw it, posted it anyway using a different collector. Wonder if the Miiverse Admins will allow it.

Oh great, now I bet we'll see a bunch of kids loving Peri for being edgy and having massive tits.

The things I've seen at Miiverse have made me lost faith in the next generation.

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