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I'm going to do a run where I marry either Ryoma or Leo (not enough incest smh) and I need help with Boon and Bane/Talent.

Namely I'm not a fan of +Magic, but I feel that'd be the only way to not gimp Forrest. Ryoma I just don't know Talent wise what'd aid him. Any help?

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Can never go wrong with +Speed, then -Luck or -Def.

Talent could really be just about anything, depending on if you want to reclass your spouse, or don't feel like building support without someone to get access to a class.

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Forrest's base Magic growth is high enough that I don't think you need to worry about picking a Magic boon. Even with Corrin's base Magic growth (minus any changes made by boons/banes), he'd still have around 55% Mag growth factoring in Troubador's base Mag growth, and over 60% when he promotes to Strategist. Skill or Speed would be the best boon, since Forrest's natural growths in those is pretty low. As for talent, Diviner because Tomefaire and Rend Heaven.

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I feel like Shiro (and Ryoma) would benefit from either +STR or +DEF. I mean, isn't that why people keep pairing him with Rinkah?

As for Forrest (and Leo), I agree with Rezzy. You can't really go wrong with speed. Also, I know you don't like +MAG but don't knock it; it works well for hybrid units as it doesn't take away strength. Does it take away anything? I can't remember. You could also go for +RES...? +SKL is pretty good as well.

Talent-wise, I'm not sure. I usually don't worry about it because I buy skills so I can't give good advice for that.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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I feel like Shiro (and Ryoma) would benefit from either +STR or +DEF. I mean, isn't that why people keep pairing him with Rinkah?

As for Forrest (and Leo), I agree with Rezzy. You can't really go wrong with speed. Also, I know you don't like +MAG but don't knock it; it works well for hybrid units as it doesn't take away strength. Does it take away anything? I can't remember. You could also go for +RES...? +SKL is pretty good as well.

Talent-wise, I'm not sure. I usually don't worry about it because I buy skills so I can't give good advice for that.

Funny thing is that Rinkah actually gimps Shiro's STR growth rate (Shiro has base of 50% STR growth rate; Rinkah as his mother nerfs it to 37.5%) as well as cancels out the STR part of the "+1 to all stat mods bonus" given to children characters. If anything Rinkah allows Ryoma to have Lancebreaker without needing to buy skills (joke's on you, Shiro!) and gives a slight boost to Shiro's SKL and SPD growth rates.

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Rinkah/Ryoma is a thing for Ryoma to stop giving a fuck about generals and also get more crit, basically

But also it's my favorite support with them

Shiro benefits most from +spd, IMO. He has a ton of damage boosting potential from like, existing, just let him double. Don't gimp his defense too hard, though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Rinkah/Ryoma is a thing for Ryoma to stop giving a fuck about generals and also get more crit, basically

But also it's my favorite support with them

Shiro benefits most from +spd, IMO. He has a ton of damage boosting potential from like, existing, just let him double. Don't gimp his defense too hard, though.


Thanks for the advice - seems both benefits from +Spd. I guess I'll go -Luck just like my unluckyness in reality I suppose.

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To be honest, even with a bane in a pertinent stat, the only ones to watch out for are -Magic on a Magic unit or -Skill for just about anybody, but even then it's 20% Skill before class growths. It's very hard to mess up the Avatar as a parent for anybody.

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