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If Nintendo turned one of the Fire Emblem Games into a Motion Picture...


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Archanea film outline:

Film opens with narration outlining the nation's of the continent. Gharnef is shown killing Marth's father. There is then a single condensed opening action scene of the 4 prologue sas Marth escapes from Altea. Marth and acted a spend a few scenes together to build chemistry between them. The pirate attack doesn't happen because it's just filler. Then Marth decides to liberate the continent. Cut to Medeus, receiving the news that Marth attacks. Expand on his motivations more; make him more nuanced and feuled by hate and a desire for revenge. Also, mention that a ritual involving Gharnef using the Fire Emblem to reclaim Medues's Dragonstone. This explains why Medeus even needed Grust and Macedonia, as well as why he doesn't just crush Marth to begin with. Marth and his army meet up with Hardin; there isn't a battle because that would waste time. They resolve to liberate Archanea. Cut to Camus and Nyna having a scene. Give Camus some characterization. The first big battle scene then happens with the liberation of the Imperial Capitol. Nyna gives Marth his sword as before.

Here's where things begin to diverge for condensing the story. Make Minerva the true heir to Macedonia, and her brother Michealis was passed over in the succession for Minerva by their father. This gives him motivation to be a Quisling for Medeus. Cut to Medues meeting with Michealis and Camus. Medeus tells Michealis he'd better stop Marth from liberating Altea, or else. Well, Michealis doesn't stop Marth from liberating Altea, dying in the process. Marth finds out about Elise, and has his whole I am a Prince before I am a brother moment. Camus is then fought, in a similar fashion, although his death is far more regrettable. After Camus dies, Gharnef tells Marth where he has Elise, and dares him to come get her. When Marth comes there, Gharnef uses the Fire Emblem, brought there by Marth, to get a Dragonstone for Medeus. Medeus comes to take his Dragonstone, but leaves Gharnef high and dry, because he hates humans so much. However, to fuck with Marth Gharnef murders Elise, leading to Marth killing Gharnef in cold blood. Caeda, though, comforts him. After Gharnef dies, cut to Medeus giving a speech to his Manakete soldiers about how the true power of the Manaketes has been awakened, and they will exterminate all humans. Marth also gives a rousing speech to his troops. The final battle happens, Marth wins. Most of the named cast is cut out, except for Caeda, Hardin, Nyna, Minerva, and Elise. All unseeded parts, then, are cut out. The story would have a far clearer theme about the responsibilities of royalty, which is a good message and a unique one in a world so dominated by individualism. So yeah, how is this pitch? Does it cut out enough?

My idea goes like this:

Marth sees Grust/Macedon/Gra army over the horizon. Elice tells Marth and Liza to leave, covering their escape. Cornelius is shown confronting Camus. After a short conversation highlighting that even though Camus is good, he's wrong, Camus kills the wounded Cornelius. Jiol pockets Falchion (much to Camus's digust), and then leads a detachment of the Sable Order to capture Marth. Marth and co. leave, except for Liza and Frey, with Liza being taken to Morzas and executed, and Frey being slapped and taken away to watch Liza's execution, afterward being tortured by Jiol. Cut to 2 years later, and Marth preparing to leave Talys. As he lands in Aurelis, he draws attention to Grustian Scouts in Galdur. The Scouts flee as the pirates attempt to attack, but are stopped by Ogma, the Fighter Bros, Darros, and Castor. Gomer challenges Marth and is beaten. Gomer points them towards Samsooth Pass, where Caeda is shot down and taken prisoner. Caeda befriends Julian and Navarre, but when Lena is captured soon after, Caeda, Julian, and Lena all run away. Caeda finds her pegasus and mounts up just in time for Navarre to find her. He sheathes his blade, and she offers to give him a ride. When all 4 make it back, Marth turns toward Reynard and kills him. Marth approaches the capital of Aurelis to find that Hardin has routed Macedon and captured Wendell and Matthis. Hardin is wary of the two, but when Lena and Merric ID them, they join the group. They storm Aurelis castle and find Rickard and Nyna in the same cell. King Aurelis and his soldiers tell Marth to depart.

Medeus finds out about losing Aurelis, and he's decently impressed. Here, Medeus is not seen as evil, just the antagonist. Gharnef, however, is wroth that Medeus's only opposition is getting stronger. Medeus retorts that Gharnef has no right to be angry, seeing as though Gharnef has Falchion, not Marth. Gharnef, annoyed at what he views as complacency, leaves Dolhr in a rather poor mood. Medeus then contacts Gotoh to relay a message to Michalis, that Aurelis is liberated, and to move his forces against Marth in Lefcandith Valley. Michalis tasks Minerva, and she complies, but only if she gets to see Maria. He agrees, and tells Harmein to obey any command she gives. Marth reaches Lefcandith Valley, and Minerva arrives, but Harmein disobeys, and attempts to charge against Marth. Knowing that Macedon will be routed, she scatters the Whitewings and heads towards Pales. Marth continues to the coast, where Roger is leading a coup against Kannival. Cesar and Radd notify Marth, and the defectors join Marth to overthrow Kannival. However, Marth knows that Grust would act swiftly against them, so he sails to Pyrathi. Pyrathi is where he finds Bantu, who intervened when Jeorge was about to be executed by Mannu. Enraged, Mannu tries to kill Bantu, but Bantu and Jeorge escape. Jeorge makes it to the village just as Marth makes landfall. Mannu decides to turn his attention to Marth's army, irked that such a large group of mainlanders were there. Mannu forces them to leave, but only after he decides to have Bantu exiled and Jeorge banned. On their way back into Archanea, two things occur: Bantu mentioning Tiki, and Catria telling them of Minerva.

Cut to Minerva talking to Maria, but then being chastized by Zharov for "loose lips." Minerva, content to leave, sees Marth, but chooses not to alert Zharov. Zharov is eventually alerted just as the rear guard chasing from the coast catches up to Marth on land. The Whitewings then clean up the pursuit force as Archanea's flag flies over Castle Deil. Minerva surrenders to Marth, but Marth says that Maria already did. Minerva, indebted to Marth, reveals that Michalis defeated their father in single combat, becoming king. Later, Nyna remarks to Jeorge that Parthia was found. Cut to Knorda, and Medeus tells Khozen to "gauge the situation for him." Jake is found praying as Marth follows a slaver caravan into Knorda. Furious, Marth storms the camp, slaughtering all the slavers, and freeing a young boy and Anna from a single cage. However, as Marth is identifying the captives, Merric pulls the boy out from them and removes his hood, revealing knee-length hair. Linde, shocked she was discovered, slaps him.

Marth tells them to move in on castle Pales just as Midia and her group fly out of the castle. The Ballisticians attempt to load their machines, but then are set upon by Marth from the other direction. After seizing Pales, Marth moves into Gra, but is beset by the Wooden Cavalry. Marth charges into their range, but as they load, they are all seemingly struck by Lightning. Stunned and appauled, Grigas surrenders, knowing full well what it actually was. Beck reveals himself, much to Jake's dismay. Jiol argues with Sheema over the treatment of the people, but then is told of Marth's siege of Castle Gra. He falls into a Der Untergang style breakdown, saying that his allies never gave him a fair shake. He then hangs himself from the throne room window, and Sheema surrenders. Sheema tells Marth that Falchion was taken by Gharnef. The mages, eager for revenge against Gharnef for corrupting Khadein, urge Marth to let them go there. He agrees, and Wendell fends off a savage attack by Gharnef using Imhullu, but finds that Falchion was not there. However, Gotoh appears to Linde, who points them to the Fane of Raman. They don't find out until after that Rickard and Bantu followed them. They all travel there, engaging the Sable Order, but forcing their way in, and finding Tiki attempting to kill them. Bantu manages to reach her and snap her out of her trance, just as Rickard brings the Lightsphere and Starsphere to Merric. \

Cut to Marth retaking Altea and freeing Xane. The mages return, and Tiki is embarrassingly enamored with Marth. Marth designates Minerva to move against Macedon, and Caeda to move against Grust Castle, while he engages Camus, and Hardin Michalis. Merric delivers the spheres to Gotoh, who grants Starlight to Wendell, who is christened the White Sage. At the same time, Marth and Caeda link up against Camus, but as Camus charges Marth, he throws Gradivus, which bounces harmlessly off of Lorenz's shield. Lorenz declares Camus unarmed, and Camus flees. Saddened, Nyna is led away to grieve Camus's departure. Once Merric receives word of Marth's victory, Gotoh warps them into Thabes to confront Gharnef. Gharnef tries to get Medeus to help him, but Medeus refuses, pointing out that Gharnef made little secret of his intentions to betray him when he didn't hand over Falchion to him after defeating Altea initially. Gharnef flies into a furor, diminishing what little troops he has in his rage. Gharnef attempts to get Marth to stand down when he threatens Elice, but Merric uses Starlight on him, causing him to drop her and Falchion. Elice grabs Falchion and runs to Marth. Gharnef fires an Imhullu, but Marth cuts through it with Falchion.

Medeus ponders mortality with amazement and glee when he hears Gharnef was killed. He then eats the messenger in Earth Dragon form. Marth storms Dolhr Keep, where Medeus attempts to kill him with his breath, only to be blocked by Gotoh. Medeus smacks Gotoh into a pillar, telling him not to interfere. Marth charges Medeus, when Medeus silently compares Marth to Anri, and in his thoughts, declares Marth worthy of slaying him, if only because he knows that Marth will face challenges bigger than him, as well as become, at least what he terms, a force more powerful than anything either of them could ever hope to imagine. Marth then hits Medeus in the chest, killing him. Medeus issues Marth the warning that, so long as evil exists, it will persist, and that he or others like him will rise to destroy all that is good. The credits happen, and then the post credit shows Gharnef corrupting Hardin.

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That would definitely work very well for a TV show, but the problem is there would be simply no time to fit all that. I think if you're going to mention all the minor chapters it should be as part of a montage.

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Way to ignore most of my post. And I had a feeling the bias card would be thrown out. It always is, eventually, even though it has nothing to do with my argument. Tellius may be my favorite, but I am going by what I've seen a majority of fans say, nothing more. Now please stop badgering me.

He's not asking to quote a figure, he's saying to back up your opinion with more than just "people generally agree." Why do they agree on that? What basis do they have? What basis do you have to agree with that? You're making a generalization that you don't necessarily know is true and we don't know why you believe it.

Seriously, stop saying generalizations without doing some basic research. Everyone is sick to death of arguing with you about how to make a point. It's been six years and whenever you show a sign of taking a step forward you immediately move backwards.

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That would definitely work very well for a TV show, but the problem is there would be simply no time to fit all that. I think if you're going to mention all the minor chapters it should be as part of a montage.

Fire Emblem in general is far more suited for a TV show. The games generally have an episodic format, in which smaller side-arcs are completed while building toward a larger story. It would also be the best way to incorporate the large casts of the game, having a "character of the week" rather than attempting to condense the cast to 10 to 15 key players. The 2-episode OVA really showed the best way to do it.

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Akaneia for the reasons some people have already mentioned in this thread.

Also, anime is a far better medium for a FE adaptation, so I hope they stay away from FE as long as they're making a live-action movie.

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