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No One on theSmash Bros 3DS Online Battle Servers?


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I have noticed, lately, that I keep running into the SAME opponents on the online 3DS Smash Bros. server. Not only this, but there doesn't seem to be as many people playing online anymore. I've had to wait, like, 5-10 minutes before someone shows up. I don't remember it being like this a month or two ago.

Has anyone else noticed this? Are people playing online more on the Wii U version than the 3DS?

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Where do you live in the world? If you live in the middle of nowhere, you probably won't get many opponents.

I don't think that has anything to do with it. The Nintendo Network is, I assume, one big server, or several servers connect together (yeah, don't blame me if I don't know how the internet works)

It's probably because the Wii U has a better connection rate, whereas the 3DS's kinda sucks. I'm on the 3DS one every now and then, but it takes forever to load on my regular 3DS, so I mainly stick with the Wii U version.

People can also just lose interest, you know?

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I have noticed, lately, that I keep running into the SAME opponents on the online 3DS Smash Bros. server. Not only this, but there doesn't seem to be as many people playing online anymore. I've had to wait, like, 5-10 minutes before someone shows up. I don't remember it being like this a month or two ago.

Has anyone else noticed this? Are people playing online more on the Wii U version than the 3DS?

Well it might be a possibility that more people playing on the Wii U version plays a role in why you aren't playing with a lot of players on the 3DS version. Whenever I play For Glory on my 3DS, I somehow play the same person I played with 20 minutes ago.

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You might've been banned; if so, it severely limits the pool of players that will be assigned to rooms with you (limited to other banned players).

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You might've been banned; if so, it severely limits the pool of players that will be assigned to rooms with you (limited to other banned players).

Uhhh, what? How could I have been banned? I haven't done anything necessarily bad other than, perhaps, disconnecting early (by accident).

Edited by Leif
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Uhhh, what? How could I have been banned? I haven't done anything necessarily bad other than, perhaps, disconnecting early (by accident).

Repeated disconnections can cause it, but it's also quite possible that it may have something to do with the servers prepping for the update that just went live.
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Uhhh, what? How could I have been banned? I haven't done anything necessarily bad other than, perhaps, disconnecting early (by accident).

Excessive taunting can also net you one, for what it's worth.

Also, when I played a couple months ago (yeah I don't get online that often) I found a match relatively quickly (sub two minutes).

Edited by The DanMan
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