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Not sure how unpopular this is, but...

I've always that in terms of localized dialogue, the Tellius games (specially Radiant Dawn) are the worst in the series. FE7 and FE8 sound like they're done in a more neutral English, while FE11, FE13 and FE14 has the characters talk more loosely, which feels a lot more natural.

In FE9 and FE10, it sounds like everyone is trying too hard to sound medieval, and there's a lot of inconsistencies with some characters sounding super serious in one scene and then cracking jokes on the next. I guess the reason why the dialogue in these games bothers me so much is because nobody talks like this in real life.

I am actually one of those strange people who are put off by contemporary English in more Medieval European settings. Granted, they need not use proper Middle English to fit with the time period (Shakespeare actually used Early Modern English, by the way) as it would cause a great amount of confusion for the general populace due to changes in senses of words and pronunciation, but I would prefer them to not use modern slang as it feels anachronistic. I also find it annoying when they try to use Early Modern English grammar without actually using it correctly.

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Off the top of my head?

I really, really, really don't like Chrobin.

The only thing I don't like about Lucina are the fans that love her because she's "their daughter."

the waifu executions are the best videos on youtube

Emmeryn was an idiot.

The Camus archtype isn't that great (though I admit I have a soft spot for Ishtar. Dammit.)

I'm fine with incest in Fire Emblem as long as it isn't simply catering to the kink of it. For example, FE4.

I like the Hoshidan sibs more then I like the Nohrian sibs.

I don't really like Xander...

I don't ship Hector x Lyn.

I don't mind Soren x Ike, I like making jokes about it, but I kinda ship Lethe x Ike some reason. oopsie.

I like Micaiah.

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Emmeryn was an idiot.

The Camus archtype isn't that great (though I admit I have a soft spot for Ishtar. Dammit.)

I'm fine with incest in Fire Emblem as long as it isn't simply catering to the kink of it. For example, FE4.

I don't really like Xander...

I can't comment on all of them, but I'm pretty confident these are fairly common opinions, at least here on Serenes.

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I can't comment on all of them, but I'm pretty confident these are fairly common opinions, at least here on Serenes.

Yeah, on Serenes. Elsewhere I get shitloads of stuff about husbandoing Xander, for example.

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Well it's like the whole Chrom and FeMU thing.

Currently, we only have one vocal member like that on Serenes.

There's a ton of them everywhere else.


I also am starting to dislike (not Leo specifically) but most of the Royals x Corrin. I won't lie when I say if it weren't for the fact I found other characters I like more I would have husbando's Leo and for a while I was super for Corrin x Takumi, but the more I see it the more I shift to "ehh."

I guess now I'm squarely in "marrying the royal siblings were a mistake." If someone does it, I guess they can go for it all they want, I just will never be doing it.

i fear the day they remake blazing sword and people ship avatar x eliwood so much i start hating eliwood

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Have you tried giving them the laundry list of reasons as to why he sucks?

I've done that for YEARS with Chrom and somehow they get the idea I hate the guy when I am absolutely gay for Sugita Chrom.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Have you tried giving them the laundry list of reasons as to why he sucks?


Despite my visage of wanting people to suffer, I probably wouldn't be the one to do that. If I did, I'd list that, then say that's why I'll never husbando him. That and I prefer not to start anything.

I've done that for YEARS with Chrom and somehow they get the idea I hate the guy when I am absolutely gay for Sugita Chrom.

i'm not surprised people thought this considering you have a video that's dedicated to killing chrom over and over... you sadist :c

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I've done that for YEARS with Chrom and somehow they get the idea I hate the guy when I am absolutely gay for Sugita Chrom.

Sure, but you're influential and well-liked and can get away with it. Whenever I whine about stuff everyone's like "here goes Thane again" or "we don't care that you're objectively right and just so damn sexy, we just prefer to cover our ears and close our eyes and live in blissful ignorance, Thane".

Despite my visage of wanting people to suffer, I probably wouldn't be the one to do that. If I did, I'd list that, then say that's why I'll never husbando him. That and I prefer not to start anything.


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I really, really, really don't like Chrobin.

The only thing I don't like about Lucina are the fans that love her because she's "their daughter."

Sorry, that would be me.

I always end up marrying Chrom in Awakening, because it's the only way I can have 2 kids.

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Sorry, that would be me.

I always end up marrying Chrom in Awakening, because it's the only way I can have 2 kids.

And that's why I play as Male Robin. Because you can pretty much have two kids whenever. Plus, I'm not a fan of Lucina (so there's my unpopular thing). And I really like Robin x Sumia.

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Sorry, that would be me.

I always end up marrying Chrom in Awakening, because it's the only way I can have 2 kids.

I don't care that you always end up marrying Chrom. The only way I'd really get overly pissy about it (comparatively) would be if you said Sumia/Sully/Olivia/x character is a bad one solely because they can romance Chrom or you only like Lucina strictly based on the fact she's "your kid."

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Sorry, that would be me.

I always end up marrying Chrom in Awakening, because it's the only way I can have 2 kids.

kinda thinking that this is the only reason to marry Chrom as feMU, unless someone really likes Chrom's character. I main a male MU so i can get two kids and i like feMorgan over maMorgs a lot more. I dont think this lot was actually referring to you when they talk about That One Chrom/Robin Shipper on this forum. Im pretty confident i know who they are referring to and it aint you.

Unpopular Opinion of the day: On the subject of Chrom, i find him to be a major bonehead and shouldnt want anything to do with his sister's footsteps. Chrom, its a fucking trap. The only competent people ruling anything at all in Awakening, are the Khans.

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And that's why I play as Male Robin. Because you can pretty much have two kids whenever. Plus, I'm not a fan of Lucina (so there's my unpopular thing). And I really like Robin x Sumia.

I love Robin x Sumia, too. Cynthia looked so cute with my green hair. Also, yes, I am guilty of shipping Chrom x Robin on the majority of my playthroughs. There's nothing wrong with the whole platonic soulmate relationship they have going on; I just like the very slight change in the story tone. That said, I wish the M!Robin support was copy-pasted as the F!Robin support. Instead, we got that...other support...

My unpopular opinion: I ship Hector x Florina, Kent x Fiora, Lyn x Rath and Guy x Priscilla with every fiber of my being.

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I don't care that you always end up marrying Chrom. The only way I'd really get overly pissy about it (comparatively) would be if you said Sumia/Sully/Olivia/x character is a bad one solely because they can romance Chrom or you only like Lucina strictly based on the fact she's "your kid."

Again, there's only one member on Serenes Forest that is currently active that fit that criteria. And it's not Rezzy.

Chrom x FeMU B-athroom support is pretty bad too.

Anyways, regardless of which side of that you fall into, both sides aren't unpopular.

There's a presence for both the ones who love Chrom to the point of insecurity, and those who dislike the ones who are like that.

Unpopular opinion time:

Japanese Voicing for most characters is superior in FE13 and FE14. Especially Sugita Chrom.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I do ship F!Robin with Chrom, mostly because I love the idea of turning the Exalted Bloodline into a walking contradiction.

Tho I typically play with a male MU in Awakening, so Naga winds up a true abomination of a grandchild in the form of Divine Fell Dragon Morgan

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On the topic of shipping and children, my possibly unpopular opinions.

-I think Chrom is alright and Robin x Chrom (despite the cliche 'anime' support) is a decent pairing. Robin and Chrom, regardless of gender feel like a solid team so whether it's platonic or romantic, I can see them always being there for each other.

-Kana is infinitely inferior to Morgan. Whereas Morgan had a quirky and occasionally mischievous personality, Kana is just "I'm so cuuuuuuute!" Even Elise is less obtuse in her "kawaii" pandering. If IS was trying to trigger some paternal instinct with Kana, they failed for me.

I do ship F!Robin with Chrom, mostly because I love the idea of turning the Exalted Bloodline into a walking contradiction.

Tho I typically play with a male MU in Awakening, so Naga winds up a true abomination of a grandchild in the form of Divine Fell Dragon Morgan

This is actually the best reason to ship Robin with Tiki or Chrom. I wouldn't mind a sequel with one of the Divine + Fel dragon blood descendants as the main character.

Would Chrom!Morgan have both the Fel Dragon mark AND the Exalt brand?

Edited by NekoKnight
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ON the topic of shipping and children, my possibly unpopular opinions.

- I think Chrom is alright and Robin x Chrom (despite the cliche 'anime' support) is a decent pairing. Robin and Chrom, regardless of gender feel like a solid team so whether it's platonic or romantic, I can see them always being there for each other.

-Kana is infinitely inferior to Morgan. Whereas Morgan had a quirky and occasionally mischievous personality, Kana is just "I'm so cuuuuuuute!" Even Elise is less obtuse in her "kawaii" pandering. If IS was trying to trigger some paternal instinct with Kana, they failed for me.

Those definitely aren't unpopular.

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kinda thinking that this is the only reason to marry Chrom as feMU, unless someone really likes Chrom's character.

personally i like to think the only reason to marry him is matt mercer voice

glorious matt mercer voice, so beautiful

Unpopular opinion time:

Japanese Voicing for most characters is superior in FE13 and FE14. Especially Sugita Chrom.

japanese chrom is great too but tbh i think both are about even

although i don't know japanese so i can't judge that well in terms of actual dialogue delivery outside of cutscenes since i have no idea what anything he's saying means

edit: i've only seen like 5 episodes of jojo the anime which is why despite my avatar being joseph joestar generally not very familiar with his work so i can't appreciate tomokazu sugita voice as much as matt mercer voice

in addition to me generally not being too familiar with his work (i do know a few of his other roles but nothing too major)

i felt like i should clarify that since it just seems kinda silly with this avatar

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Again, there's only one member on Serenes Forest that is currently active that fit that criteria. And it's not Rezzy.

Okay, though I seem to be outnumbered by liking it.

For my unpopular opinion of the day: I think marrying a Gen 2 unit is creepy, especially in Fates.

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Those definitely aren't unpopular.

I've heard a lot of people slam Chrom x Robin just because of the weak support and iirc, in the last Kana vs Morgan poll on Serenes, Kana was more popular than Morgan for reasons I can't fathom.

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It's kinda ironic when you think about it.

The M!RobinxChrom support is much, much more romantic than F!RobinxChrom.

Hell, F!RobinxChrom shows absolutely no chemistry between F!Robin and Chrom.

And there's F!RobinxLucina support when she's not Lucina's mother.

Those two are so hostile to each other!

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japanese chrom is great too but tbh i think both are about even

although i don't know japanese so i can't judge that well in terms of actual dialogue delivery outside of cutscenes since i have no idea what anything he's saying means

I agree. I like both the Japanese and English versions. Like, for example, I love Koyasu!Lon'qu but I would be lying if I said I didn't melt when I heard Willingham!Lon'qu. Same with Maribelle. Her English VA and her Japanese VA are pretty even for me; Miriel, I actually prefer her English VA. That said, I feel like most voices in Fates are a bit better in Japanese; not that the English is bad by any means, I just think that the Japanese voices are a bit better in delivery.

(Also, you need to keep watching JoJo, fam. The anime is where it's at. I'm rewatching the whole series for the third time now that Part 4 is out.)

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Unpopular Opinion: I prefer even cringe worthy VAs, as long as I can understand them. I cannot judge what is good vs bad, when I don't understand the language.

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