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For FE 15, feel that fire emblem does need to innovate, I'm replaying FE 4 and i'm just thinking about how remarkably different the game is, and as good as fates is the next game can't just be fates. The pair up mechanic is great and all but that is what made the 3DS Gen unique. FE 15 is going to be on the new generation of Handheld/Console, so it needs some thing to make it it's own game. So I'm going to get a couple points

First the next fire emblem absolutely needs to be built a new engine as good looking as fates is it kind of looks ancient especially during cut scenes. And having the same art style grows kinda dull, I like that fire emblem changes it's look every generation or so make sure playing them again more fun and less like I'm playing the exact same game.

Second half voice acting is annoying, i'm of the mind of go whole hog or not at all, I'm not expecting them to voice acting for support conversations, but if they are going to do voice acting in cut scenes they need to completely voice act them not only half voice act them. Fire emblem is now a "major franchise" Well Nintendo need to show it and put the actual effort and money into full voice acting for cut scenes.

Third and most importantly it needs something to differentiate it whether that is bring you back several mechanics and using them differently, or make skills more of strategical importance (which fates has done to an extent but there are still are too many skills that relies soley on random chance, or are highly situational), make personal skills more important make them less incredibly situational them less obvious favoritism as some people have objectively better personal skills. Make some skills locked to classes ( like you lose them if you switch classes) to increase the importance of being in a certain class.

Here are some examples of what I mean by more strategically important skills that actually change the game. For archers, longshot at the cost of - 20% accuracy, -3 effective speed per space fire your bow up to 5 spaces (7 spaces with a long bow).

For knights defensive position if the player during his turn picks the defend command on the knight, the knight's turn will end and the knight will receive +5 Def and +10 Res and Cannot be doubled and -3 Str, Mag and Cannot double. Also if a person adjacent to the knight in defense position gets hit the knight takes the damage for him and only takes as much as he would received if he was hit.

For cavaliers Charge have the ability to attack a unit up to five spaces away from your ending movement range at the cost of - 10% evasion and accuracy and -3 effect of speed per space, after the attack the unit will return to position in which it used the charge command. I have a couple more than this but I think you get the idea.

Edited by Locke087
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Third and most importantly it needs something to differentiate it whether that is bring you back several mechanics and using them differently, or make skills more of strategical importance (which fates has done to an extent but there are still are too many skills that relies soley on random chance, or are highly situational), make personal skills more important make them less incredibly situational them less obvious favoritism as some people have objectively better personal skills. Make some skills locked to classes ( like you lose them if you switch classes) to increase the importance of being in a certain class.

I'm down for making classes more unique. Skill sharing is fun for trying different builds but it would be neat if classes had a "inherit skill" that didn't tranfer to incentivize sticking to that class, and to make class roles (even for classes with similar stats or weapons) more unique. It doesn't need to be an activated ability but each class should be worth something more than just the skills it provides. There could be other base attribute bonuses like avoid/critical avoid/hit/critical hit and special functions like the Acrobat effect, -breaker effect, bonus damage to x-type units, etc.

Personal skills definitely need to be balanced. A lot of skills seem to be made for characterization with no consideration for if or when the skill would actually be relevant.

Edited by NekoKnight
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