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Beauty and the Beast (Live Action) Teaser Released


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I'm really curious what you guys think of this. It looks and sounds amazing, but there's something about Ewan McGregor's voice that does NOT fit Lumiere. What's hilarious is that 90% of the cast is British in what's supposed to be a French-based fairy tale. xD

I really hope this will be a good film since the original is one of my favorite films of all time.

Edited by Leif
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Looks neat. Disney is really ramping up their 2D fairytale adaptations to live action a lot lately. If it's as good as the new Jungle Book movie, I'm up for it.

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Looks like it could be gorgeous. I'll definitely be seeing it. I kind of forgot it was a thing that was actually happening, so this was a pleasant surprise to see

I want to see what the Beast looks like tho, since that's one of those things that could easily be really good or reeeeally bad

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Looks like it could be gorgeous. I'll definitely be seeing it. I kind of forgot it was a thing that was actually happening, so this was a pleasant surprise to see

I want to see what the Beast looks like tho, since that's one of those things that could easily be really good or reeeeally bad

Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey) said that he was put in a suit on stilts to play the Beast. They mixed both practical effects and CGI, which is a really good idea.

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Bleh. I'm TIRED of all these live action remakes. Can we have something brand new or something on Frozen 2, please, Disney?

I mean, I like classics like Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, etc, but they never even needed live action films and I haven't heard of anything brand new coming from Disney since Frozen.

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Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey) said that he was put in a suit on stilts to play the Beast. They mixed both practical effects and CGI, which is a really good idea.

I see. I look forward to images, then!

Bleh. I'm TIRED of all these live action remakes. Can we have something brand new or something on Frozen 2, please, Disney?

I mean, I like classics like Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, etc, but they never even needed live action films and I haven't heard of anything brand new coming from Disney since Frozen.

I really like seeing things reimagined live, but I understanding wanting more original stuff. That said, don't forget Moana's coming out this year, man! :D They haven't forgotten to do non-remakes

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I've never heard of this Moana. o_O

But see, that just shows you they still want to pay more attention to their live action remakes. Sigh...

And I also am a little concerned for Frozen 2, and not because of Disney sequels being hit-and-miss to me. It's a different issue that I think I'll make another thread for, because it may actually be a big thing and rather controversial...

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Bleh. I'm TIRED of all these live action remakes. Can we have something brand new or something on Frozen 2, please, Disney?

I mean, I like classics like Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, etc, but they never even needed live action films and I haven't heard of anything brand new coming from Disney since Frozen.

>brand new

>frozen sequel

those are mutually exclusive

Zootopia and Moana are both indeed things from this year.

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I've never heard of this Moana. o_O

But see, that just shows you they still want to pay more attention to their live action remakes. Sigh...

And I also am a little concerned for Frozen 2, and not because of Disney sequels being hit-and-miss to me. It's a different issue that I think I'll make another thread for, because it may actually be a big thing and rather controversial...

Moana has be revealed for quite a while already and Disney already announced the 2017 movie as well.

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Well, I've never heard of either of these or seen any trailers/previews for them. They must still be low priority compared to these live action remakes.

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I've never heard of this Moana. o_O

But see, that just shows you they still want to pay more attention to their live action remakes. Sigh...

And I also am a little concerned for Frozen 2, and not because of Disney sequels being hit-and-miss to me. It's a different issue that I think I'll make another thread for, because it may actually be a big thing and rather controversial...

Definitely look it up! It's been getting a fine share of attention, so I don't think it's really telling of anything. I think you just somehow managed to miss it, haha. I've got really high hopes for it, though!

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Well, I've never heard of either of these or seen any trailers/previews for them. They must still be low priority compared to these live action remakes.

Actually, it's the opposite.

Moana and Gigantic, which is 2017's movie, had pretty big events at Disney Expo revealing them.

On the other hand this Beauty and The Beast remake has gotten very little exposure.

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Moana is Disney's next princess, so trust me, it's important.

Beauty and the Beast has always been very special to me, it's my favorite Disney movie, Beast is my all-time favorite Disney character, and I actually have a growing collection. My fiancé worked at Enchanted Tales with Belle for a while as well, so it's very special to the both of us. I cannot wait.

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Disney Expo? I've never heard of this either. And I call myself a long time Disney fan? Now I feel like I've been living under a rock...

Disney has several expos but the big one every year is the D23 fan expo where most major announcements are made. It happens in July every year.

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Disney Expo? I've never heard of this either. And I call myself a long time Disney fan? Now I feel like I've been living under a rock...

To be fair, it's a somewhat recent thing, the first one happened at 2009, and it happens every 2 years, so it's easy to miss.

Besides, while Disney is heavily involved in it, Disney Expo technically is not really "official", since it's D23, Disney's official fan club who organizes it, but Disney does help and promote the event.

So it's no really suprising that you didn't know about it.

Disney has several expos but the big one every year is the D23 fan expo where most major announcements are made. It happens in July every year.

It's every two years, as I said before. Edited by Water Mage
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Ah, okay, I see. I guess it isn't a big deal that I didn't know. That's good. xP

Also, I decided to watch this teaser for Beauty & the Beast. This already looks terrible. Why are the characters speaking with British accents? This story takes place in a French setting. And even if it was British, Emma Watson should NOT be Belle. She doesn't sing and has no experience at doing so. I seriously thought her being Belle in a live action movie was just a rumor.

Too bad Jerry Orbach can't voice Lumiere anymore since he died years ago... Lumiere was my favorite in the movie.

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Ah, okay, I see. I guess it isn't a big deal that I didn't know. That's good. xP

Also, I decided to watch this teaser for Beauty & the Beast. This already looks terrible. Why are the characters speaking with British accents? This story takes place in a French setting. And even if it was British, Emma Watson should NOT be Belle. She doesn't sing and has no experience at doing so. I seriously thought her being Belle in a live action movie was just a rumor.

Too bad Jerry Orbach can't voice Lumiere anymore since he died years ago... Lumiere was my favorite in the movie.

The only characters we hear speak are Cogsworth and Lumiere--yes, Ewan McGregor's accent isn't the best, but was Jerry Orbach's? Lumiere's accent is never meant to be serious. Cogsworth, on the other hand, is a British character, as is Mrs. Potts; at least, in the original film they both had those accents. There is nothing in their backstories that places them as French citizens, so they could very possibly be from Great Britain.

Also, while I am not 100% set on Emma Watson playing Belle just yet, I have heard that she isn't awful at it and actually does have vocal training. Plus, Belle isn't the most vocally demanding role, especially since they aren't including the songs from the stage version. The more vocally demanding roles in the film are given to people who can actually sing for the most part. Emma LOOKS the part--and for such an iconic character, that's probably more important. I don't think anyone is going to place too much emphasis on her singing--as long as she's decent, no one will complain much. This isn't another Les Misérables scenario where you literally sing everything and it's much more vocally demanding. Beauty and the Beast has a lot more dialogue, and unless they are giving her another song (I have yet to hear this on the grapevine) she'll barely have to sing.

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I thought Mrs. Potts was the only one that sounded British. All the others sounded either French or American to me (American for obvious reasons). And I loved Jerry Orbach's accent for Lumiere. It sounded genuine.

And if you watched Beauty and the Beast, a lot of the characters in Belle's town are saying "Bonjour!" in the opening song. I believe Belle is referred to as a mademoiselle at least once too, which is the French term for an unmarried woman.

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Yeah, Beauty and the Beast is set in France I'm very sure. I'm not going to fuss too much about people being English but, yeah.

I'm not the biggest fan of Emma Watson as an actress but I'm down to keep an open mind and see how she does.

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I agree; I think Emma Watson's acting skills get overhyped because she's pretty and was the only one out of the 3 HP stars that continued to give their 100% past the 3rd or 4th movie. But I still like her because she's pretty she supports a lot of cool initiatives, so I hope she does well. I like(d) Dan Stevens on Downton Abbey so we'll see about him/

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I thought Mrs. Potts was the only one that sounded British. All the others sounded either French or American to me (American for obvious reasons). And I loved Jerry Orbach's accent for Lumiere. It sounded genuine.

And if you watched Beauty and the Beast, a lot of the characters in Belle's town are saying "Bonjour!" in the opening song. I believe Belle is referred to as a mademoiselle at least once too, which is the French term for an unmarried woman.

I'm very aware Beauty and the Beast is set in France. Trust me. It's my favorite.

Lumiere and Babette are the only two characters in the original with French accents because that is their character type--Lumiere the romantic Frenchman and Babette the sexy French maid. Cogsworth is the stuffy British servant and Mrs. Potts is the British nanny type. Those are the only characters in the film with accents.

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I must admit that I can't picture Emma Watson as Belle, but eh... The castle looks suitably fabulous; it was always my favourite part of the movie.

On the subject of original Disney movies, Zootopia was excellent. Great messages, too.

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The funny thing that I noticed is that Belle (Watson) is wearing a pinky ring on her right hand in the final shot, signifying that she is uninterested in pursuing marriage (at least that a pinky ring meant in the Victorian Era).

Also, Beast's castle isn't so much of a castle, but more like a chateau. The ballroom (the shot with the piano), while stunning, looks very small. Perhaps it was a vacation home for the royal family, and when the prince got cursed, they abandoned him in there returned to their palace?

I'm only speculating, but I can tell that Condon (the director) is defiantly making this story more layered.

The only thing I would have done is have Ewan McGregor do his lines over again, because MAN that accent was TERRIBLE.

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