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Favourite Character Quotes


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Setsuna....I find the "what am I up to?" and "it's dead" quotes hilarious. And her quotes in the shop, too. I didn't like her at first because she looked very plain, but once I read her supports, I loved her because....obliviousness. Like me a lot of the time. lol
And everything Shura says, because his voice is incredible.

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Setsuna....I find the "what am I up to?" and "it's dead" quotes hilarious. And her quotes in the shop, too. I didn't like her at first because she looked very plain, but once I read her supports, I loved her because....obliviousness. Like me a lot of the time. lol

And everything Shura says, because his voice is incredible.

Speaking of Setsuna, her "I'm bored now!" never ceases to amuse me.

Also, Camilla's "Say night-night!".

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Elise - 'You're going down scumbag!' crit quote

Leo - 'Come fool! Bring the booty!' Museum Melee

Nina - that snarky, dorky laugh that she does when kills someone

Beruka 'Do you need someone taken care of? I mean, do you need... someone... "Taken. Care. Of?" Room visit. She also brings poison and asks if you want to taste it. lmao

Reina - How she legitimately says that she sucks in the kitchen and if she does something not wrong that it's not her

Soliel - 'Oh. Uhh... Hi.' Random clip that sounds so cute

Kaze saying that he has a favorite pillow in Ghostly Gold

Setsuna - 'Traps and I were made for each other' Corrin C support. I find this funny cause of Forrest

Odin - EVERYTHING! The 'pour the hot tea on my head' Segment of his supports with Felicia had me dying

Oh... and if we're going to be dark...

Peri when she gets killed - But I was gonna... Do that to you...

Mitama when she gets killed - Ah... Sleep at last.

Charlotte when she gets killed - What? No! Seriously?!

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Speaking of Setsuna, her "I'm bored now!" never ceases to amuse me.

Also, Camilla's "Say night-night!".

Yeah! At first I mistook her spoken parts as ditsy (somehow), eventually realized she's just pretty spaced out. The way she says "I'm bored now!," "feels good..." and "yay" are all pretty funny. I use her even though I don't have good luck with her stat growths.

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Everything Arthur says really.

''The only person in this world I'm closer to is lady Justice...but that relationship is somewhat one sided'' , ''Fighting for truth, justice...and the Nohrian way'' and ''I love you more then anything...but don't tell lady justice I said so!''

Also ''bombastic beatdown blow!'' and ''Super sidekick slam!''

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Hinoka's 'Nohrian Scum!'

Jakob's: Time to take out the trash! ( When he first said that I could not stop laughing )

Felicia's: We've got trouble! (I laugh everytime)

Elise calling people scumbags.


EVERYTHING ODIN SAYS. I died when he talked about his third eye Truth strahl!
(His name is Odin Dank master of memes!)

Mitama's: My cruel, cruel father.
My cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel father.
He rules; I suffer.

Kaden's: Iiiiiit's party tiiiime~ When you talk to him in your castel durring your birthday.

Everything Kana says is adorable (and kills me and makes me want to pinch his cheek)

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Everything Odin says

Everything Arthur says

Everything Laslow says

Everything Setsuna says

Selena's insane kill laugh

Male Kana's infamous voice crack kills me in all the best ways

Jakob's sassy crits

Shigure's sassy crits

"I'm stunning, you're dead." - Forrest, throwing major shade over here

Felicia's "We've got trouble!" just makes me smile now every single time

I love that Benny's crits are actually freaking terrifying

Nyx's random squeaks oscillate between annoying the hell out of me and making me giggle

"Prepare your shelf!" - Xander

"For Horshido!" - Female Corrin

^Neither of those two were typos, seriously listen to them^

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Hoo boy. There's a lot. Here we go.

Kaze's laugh.

One of my faves. It's just so satisfying after he crits or activates Lethality.

Has anyone heard his snicker when you invite him to your room while married? It's hilarious.

P for pulverize, E for eviscerate, R for ruin, and I for impale.
My cruel, cruel father.
My cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel father.
He rules; I suffer.

These are both gold. Actually, most of what Mitama and Peri say is great. "Time for killinggg.~"

I really like Shigure's "Farewell, fallen one!" and Sophie's "When does it get easy?!" after defeating an enemy. Because of course you didn't just OHKO them, Sophie.


In one of the Conquest chapters, Saizo makes this hilarious "Blrrrr!" sound, like a horse, and I couldn't stop laughing. I've never even heard him do that in Birthright.

Unrelated to the character, but I also like that Kaze tells Corrin in that chapter that life isn't black and white, and then the next chapter is named "Black and White". Clever.

Pretty much all of Takumi's spoken lines. "Uh huh..."

"Ohh...the blue-haired one is being MEAN to me!"

And...*drumroll* for my ultimate favorite so far:

(Birthright Chp.18 spoilers)

"I've even gone to the trouble of trapping you in a proper graveyard. After all, the sister/brother I once loved is dead. It's only fitting."

I got chills.

Aaand there's so much more but I'll stop there. Thanks for making this thread, btw. I was thinking of making something similar because of all the great quotes, but it already exists. :) Yay!

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Mitama's "Death comes for us all!" became more amusing to me when she inherited Lethality. She also has a quality haiku in her sibling C-support with Kana "Foolish foolish fool. / Foolish foolish foolish fool. / Fool, foolish foolish."

Anything that Odin says is gold, but I get a chuckle out of "My darkness was darker than yours!" so edgy

"I'm, uh, glad you were born." lol Saizo

Also Oboro has her priorities straight in her final chapter quote.

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- Kiragi's "War is HECK!" killed me the first time I heard it. Sometimes I imagine Kiragi in a film noir-like setting, wearing a trenchcoat and smoking from a pipe, and after a few seconds saying in a gruff, serious voice, "War is heck." Probably funnier in my head but oh well.

- "?! ----! --- ----- -- -------!" - Niles. The Niles/Nyx support is a gift.

- Every single one of Scarlet's MyRoom quotes, especially the one about alternate realities.

- That embarrassed little laugh Takumi does when he gets a really good level up. That counts as a quote right?

[spoiler={All routes, boss dialogue}]" How's that for not landing a single blow?" So badass. Really makes finishing off Kotaro with Saizo worth it imho

[spoiler={Birthright spoilers}]"I never hated you." I played Conquest before Birthright and that, combined with the fact that this line is actually voiced, made me tear up a bit at the end of that chapter.

Also, this doesn't really count but: "Need a hand?" - Corrin, [spoiler={Rev. spoilers}]knocking off one of Anankos' hands during Revelation endgame.

I found this much, much funnier than it actually was.

- Some more honorary mentions, because I can't help myself: Soleil's "Smile! You're dead," and Shigure's "Let's hear your swan song!"

Edited by farlense
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Yeah! At first I mistook her spoken parts as ditsy (somehow), eventually realized she's just pretty spaced out. The way she says "I'm bored now!," "feels good..." and "yay" are all pretty funny. I use her even though I don't have good luck with her stat growths.

I never thought that being spaced out could be hilarious, until Setsuna happened.


Anyone ever had the party eat bad food at the Mess Hall? I didn't, but thanks to imgur, I know the glory that is the characters' reactions to bad food!

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Most of mine are already listed here but... I'm surprised not to see Elise's adorable "You knooooooow" mycastle line in there...

Silas gets a mention here for his kill quote, "Now we can breathe easy." Somehow he always says it when the situation is dire.. someone nearly dies or a wave of npc reinforcements are approaching.

And since my brain is weird sometimes (or i was just tired) but since i played Conquest first, the first time i saw the Onmyoji class and Silas said his support quote, i swore he said "Onmyoji as a knight!" (instead of "On my honor as a knight")

Selena's laughter always made me feel giddy...

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Anyone ever had the party eat bad food at the Mess Hall? I didn't, but thanks to imgur, I know the glory that is the characters' reactions to bad food!

Character reactions are truly glorious.

Kaze is my favorite drama queen.

Charlotte's real as hell.

Beruka, Izana,and Fuga, Shigure, Arthur, and Mozu's are hilarious.

"The chef must be punished" has to take the cake, though.

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