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If you could change something in the game, what would it be and why?


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Oh yeah, I forgot. More gay marriage options. Even options amongst the cast that aren't Corrin<3[insert anyone]. I'd kill for Ryoumarx, or Leotakumi, or Sakura/Elise, or even Camilla/Hinoka. Camilla flirts with Hinoka more often than not IIRC. I also find Camilla/Selena to be pretty Decent. alsoiwannagaymarrymybrothersbutthatsbesidesthepoint.

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No Hexing Rods. One of the most annoying Staves in ANY Fire Emblem game, that penalty is way too crippling. Seriously thought we were out of the woods when Berserk Staff died and never returned, only to have to deal with 1-10 range of 'fuck you, this area is prohibited.'

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No Hexing Rods. One of the most annoying Staves in ANY Fire Emblem game, that penalty is way too crippling. Seriously thought we were out of the woods when Berserk Staff died and never returned, only to have to deal with 1-10 range of 'fuck you, this area is prohibited.'

Iago CH26 lunatic conquest:


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Give all female cavaliers and their promotions PANTS! And that goes double for wyvern riders! Seeing as saddle sores are a thing I would hate to see how bad miss battle panties legs get scared up from riding a scaled creature with NO LEG PROTECTION! Not to mention no warmth for high altitudes -_- this really should go for peg knights as well but we are already used to them wearing miniskirts.... -_-

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Give all female cavaliers and their promotions PANTS! And that goes double for wyvern riders! Seeing as saddle sores are a thing I would hate to see how bad miss battle panties legs get scared up from riding a scaled creature with NO LEG PROTECTION! Not to mention no warmth for high altitudes -_- this really should go for peg knights as well but we are already used to them wearing miniskirts.... -_-

Wait, WYVERN RIDERS are pantsless too!?!?!?!?

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If I had to choose only a few things to change, the ones that pop up the most in my mind are:

1. not being able to S rank any of the siblings

2. Garon being a loving/sympthetic father/ruler respectively and not an evil slimy mustache-twirler

3. reasoning for kids

4. battle panties

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More things I'd change

-Make promoted classes have a minimum of D rank in all weapon types

-Removed the "can't critical or activate skills" trait on Bronze weapons

-make weapon exp grow faster

-Give characters non-generic paired endings

-Save marriages for the epilogue

-Make the 2nd gen characters standalone "1st gen" characters.

-Make the cast of Revelations smaller

-Make it so you can buy limited equipment from other players My Castles

-Make it so the three routes can all be considered valid paths/conclusions

-Add a 1-2 range Dragon Stone

-Add other dragon types/Dragon Stones

You know, that makes me think...provided that whoever in charge of those decisions was adamant that Corrin couldn't S support their siblings, would Camilla's design be different?

Probably a bit more humble. It's hard to say if Camilla's entire design/personality was done with Waifu-bait in mind or if they just ramped up her sexiness for an already determined "cool/sexy older sis" archtype.

Speaking of Corrin being a dragon, I'd like to see the unit type icons like they did in Awakening. I know that they probably removed them to prevent interface spoilers for Corrin (not like it made much of an impact to begin with), it would make things easier especially if choosing to use something like Hunter Bow or Armorslayer or something.

-Dragon icon for Corrin, Corrin's kids, and wyvern rider class line

-Beast icon for most mounted units, wolfskin, and kitsune

-Armor icon for knight class line

-Undead icon for Faceless

And since Fates introduces the golem/automaton unit type, there would be an icon for the Mechanists, Automatons, and Stoneborn.

It irks me that they dumbed down the interface like this. I'd appreciate if they added a more detailed list of what supports we have and what rank. Sometimes I forget who married who because it doesn't say who is related to who. We have a whole second page of useless, redundant information.

Wait, WYVERN RIDERS are pantsless too!?!?!?!?

They wear pants but if you look at them from behind, the stitching on the rear outlines where their underwear would be. It's the same for Dark Falcons too.



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I'd like current class to dictate most of a character's growth rates again rather than who they are, or even more irksome, who their parents are. Most potential falcon knights out of the box have damn-near unsalvagable MAG stats for example because their growths outside of class growth bonus is damn-near non-existant.

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I'd change a bunch of things in the game:


-Less supports but more unique. Not every character from the regular cast (non-Corrinsexuals) should be able to marry/support any other character of the cast or to the same level of support. Some of them would reach deeper bonds with the rest, Corrin being the exception for being the main character.

-Since they wanted to make them more unique adding the personal skills, they could have added a weapon of choice for each character. The character would be able to use this kind of weapon regardless of class. It would allow use of up to D rank of weapons in a non-familiar class, and increase the rank by one in the other classes (their natural rank would be reduced by one to balance it). For example, Ryoma would have sword as his weapon of choice, so it would raise swordmaster's sword rank from A to S, while as a sniper he'd have A bow and D sword rank. This means that shifters outside Corrin would get to use their stones in other classes (with less proficiency since their rank would be limited).

-Make a unique level like in FE4, where characters kept their level at promotion. This would make levels more consistent.

-Forges would be implemented to give characters unique personal weapons. Effects from forges could include increased stats, effectiveness against weapons/classes, stat increases or reduction of weapon penalties.

+Base resources:

-I think characters in charge of the facilities should be hand picked from those not present in the last battle (you'd set the castle at the same time you'd be setting the battle). This would make place for...

-Civilian classes. There are quite a few of them already (villager, butler/maid, apothecary, merchant, blacksmith...), that could be put use in the castle providing benefits that the fighting classes wouldn't, but they'd have lower bases and caps. Their class skills would be related to castle jobs, finding resources between battles, making better upgrades for weapons, increasing meals efficiency (in addition to their personal skill).

-Training grounds: facilities designed to train underleveled units by experienced ones (finally the Jeigan and Est archetypes can become useful). There could be experience or weapon rank training here, provided the trainee's rank/experience is lower than the coach one.

+Story: Well, there's quite a ton of things that could be changed in the story to fix it (Corrin's personality for starters, give him some guts in Conquests, please).

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-Make 1-2 range physical weapons be able to double at 1 range. I understand the not doubling thing at 2 range since you're throwing the weapon but the same thing doesn't need to be the case at 1 range.

-An option to let you lock in the battle animation speed/camera angle prior to battle. I find it boring sometimes to have animations off all of the time but the default animation speed is too slow for my taste. If there's an option to keep the battle animation sleep at fast all of the time, I think it'd be great.

-An option for enemy phase animations only. I am a slow player and tend to bait the enemy little by little but I do more on the player phase. However, I find the player phase to be boring since I'm just clearing out the enemy so I would like an enemy phase only option.

Edited by Magician Lugh
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Better support conversations and at least some more for the corrinsexuals.

Hana x Corrin is awful

Ryoma x Camilla is all about Corrin

Jakob x Kagero

Azama x Sakura

Silas x Azura

Saizo x Hinoka

to name a few supports that need changing.

Also as Maple said, Scarlet should be able to support Ryoma since he knew her for a while and it makes sense.

If the corrinsexuals couldn't marry and have kids unless they were with Corrin they should have at least been able to support each other.

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- Quality over quantity when it comes to supports.

- No more incest / pseudo-incest, please.

- Either make all three routes part of the same game or stop acting like one route is more canon than the other. Each route should be able to stand alone, and the existence of Revelation does not make up for bad writing.

- Give Corrinsexuals a wider support pool. Scarlet only has two support options (or really just one) but there are characters who are objectively worse that can marry whoever?

- Give the female siblings legendary weapons. f!Corrin doesn't count.

- Not super important, but it'd be great if the paired endings were as personalized as they were in Awakening. Some of them outright contradict each other.

- You know all of those important plot points that are only addressed in DLC? Maybe mention them in the main story, or in the "thanks for the $20, this is the part where we explain everything" route.

I could go on but all of these issues have been brought up by people a lot more eloquent than I am so I'll stop haha

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I agree with pretty much everything everyone has said so I only really have one thing I want to add.

Give every unit a Mag growth like in a previous games. They don't have to be great but if we have reclassing as a option and someone favors the Magic line and their said character has a pitiful zero in that growth, then they would be disappointed. I don't think 20% growth alone from Omyoji will make them capable without massive grinding or stat booster investment, so I think at least a 15% innate growth would do or just make it the same as their Res growth which is also pretty low for mainly physical fighters barring a few.

It's the only real peeve I can add, even though I'm not a magic type guy. I just kinda see characters like Kaze and Takumi with a zero to their magic stat and sure their "canon" class doesn't need it but it kinda hurts since you can't experiment if you think the guy would be pretty interesting as Mage type class.

Edited by Raguna
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I'd like current class to dictate most of a character's growth rates again rather than who they are, or even more irksome, who their parents are. Most potential falcon knights out of the box have damn-near unsalvagable MAG stats for example because their growths outside of class growth bonus is damn-near non-existant.

I think that character's growths should be more important that class growths, since they represent the characters nature. Class growths involve training, but if one character is more biased to one line of development (physical or magical, glass cannon, tank or rounded), he should be tried in the classes that follow that premise to empower his/her strengths, or other classes that would somewhat balance his/her weaknesses. This reflects real life, since I've known many people that studied and tried really hard and achieved pretty bad results in certain subjects (like math or PE), while other people would get amazing grades without breaking a sweat. And I keep seeing things like that at work, where certain coworkers are being used like wildcards just because they have innate abilities that sometimes become more useful than the developed skills from those of the specialized departments.

If class growths are more important than personal, you'll end with a bunch of generic soldiers gameplaywise.

I agree with pretty much everything everyone has said so I only really have one thing I want to add.

Give every unit a Mag growth like in a previous games. They don't have to be great but if we have reclassing as a option and someone favors the Magic line and their said character has a pitiful zero in that growth, then they would be disappointed. I don't think 20% growth alone from Omyoji will make them capable without massive grinding or stat booster investment, so I think at least a 15% innate growth would do or just make it the same as their Res growth which is also pretty low for mainly physical fighters barring a few.

It's the only real peeve I can add, even though I'm not a magic type guy. I just kinda see characters like Kaze and Takumi with a zero to their magic stat and sure their "canon" class doesn't need it but it kinda hurts since you can't experiment if you think the guy would be pretty interesting as Mage type class.

I think those characters are just not meant to be magical. Characters with usable magical growth usually have a tome or staff user class in their set (there are some exceptions like Saizo's great magic growth and Effie's and Charlotte's null magic growth, but I guess these two just want easy access to tomebreaker). The ones that don't have magic growth aren't really meant to be used as mages of any kind (maybe just in mixed classes since they'd have strength to use the physical weapon of the class).
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I know this has been said before, but for the love of god enough with the incest. Blood-related or adopted, I don't care. The entire point of Fates was to choose between your two families - why ruin this and the nice familial supports just so you can marry your waifubando? Hell, just change the Royal family tree entirely. Corrin should have been siblings with the Hoshidan family instead of that bs in the S-supports and Revelation. It's almost like IntSys wanted incest to happen in Fire Emblem...

I actually don't mind the child units that much, but the whole puberty void thing is ridiculous. I know that reusing time travel might be redundant, but I would've preferred that over... whatever this is. Add the fact that you can also marry these children like that? Geez, at least Awakening made more sense in marrying 2nd gen units.

Also, why did they reduce the number of builds for each gender in Fates? I heard they had more customizable options for the avatar in this game compared to Awakening, but it definitely doesn't seem like it.

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Also, why did they reduce the number of builds for each gender in Fates? I heard they had more customizable options for the avatar in this game compared to Awakening, but it definitely doesn't seem like it.

This is blamed on the fact that Corrin is the middle sibling for both royal families -- has to be younger than Camilla and Hinoka and older than Leo and Takumi and has to pretty much look the part, which can prevent immersion for some players.

In some ways, there's more, in other ways, there's less. There's more hair colors, facial markings/eyepatches, and, if you're playing as female Corrin, hair accessories. Hairstyles and facial expressions got nerfed as they're only unique based on gender alone, not gender and build.

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I think that character's growths should be more important that class growths, since they represent the characters nature. Class growths involve training, but if one character is more biased to one line of development (physical or magical, glass cannon, tank or rounded), he should be tried in the classes that follow that premise to empower his/her strengths, or other classes that would somewhat balance his/her weaknesses. This reflects real life, since I've known many people that studied and tried really hard and achieved pretty bad results in certain subjects (like math or PE), while other people would get amazing grades without breaking a sweat. And I keep seeing things like that at work, where certain coworkers are being used like wildcards just because they have innate abilities that sometimes become more useful than the developed skills from those of the specialized departments.

This is a game we're talking about here though. Also, I take issue with the how growths are handled because we end up with characters who are advertised as, and promote into hybrid classes known to use magic, but will be completely inept at it with their nearly-nonexistent growths in the stat (eg: hinoka/tsubaki). The kids are a whole other can of worms that take a specific mother/father combination to have serviceable growths for hybrid classes. Sakura!Mitama has an amazing spread of growths in MAG and STR that you'd wish Hinoka, or Tsubaki had so they can do more than hit something with their mediocre falcon knight STR, and ferry people.

Overall, I'd like growths to be more generous than what they are now WITHOUT getting aptitude on characters you know can't have it by legal means, especially since second seals are dead and gone.

Something else I'd like changed is the sheer volume of nerfs they handed to ye olde javelin, hand axe, spear, and tomahawk with shurikens running amok. I seriously don't even want to arm much other units with these (I almost never do really) unless they're heavies like generals/wyvern lords with wary fighter now. Now only shurikens and legendary weapons can now function at the 1-2 range without hindering its user, or its own offensive potential. Shuriken = legendary weapon. It's hard not to make more units go dread fighter.

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