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Fire Emblem games got into Famitsu's "Most Memorable Games of Consoles"

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To commemorate the 30th year of Famitsu, a poll was opened survey which games are the most memorable for each consoles. And The Blazing Sword, Awakenings, and Tokyo Mirage Session were in the list for GBA, 3DS and Wii respectively.

Read more from this: http://kotaku.com/poll-japans-most-memorable-games-on-each-console-1780043369

No Telius game or Shadow Dragon? That is a shame.

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I'm more surprised that neither FE3 nor FE4 made it on the list.

EDIT: (Also lol at Idolm@ster being far and away the highest rated XBox 360 game)

Edited by The Geek
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I'm more surprised that neither FE3 nor FE4 made it on the list.

EDIT: (Also lol at Idolm@ster being far and away the highest rated XBox 360 game)

I can't say I am. All the games listed there have a lot more going for them, as much as I agree that it's a pity none of the SNES FE games showed up.

I'm not surprised by the lack of the Tellius games though. They tanked hard and both the GC and the Wii had a lot of other games that would push it out of the typical person's mind.

Also I'm amused that FFV was more memorable than VI lol.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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Really glad games like Xenoblade and Bayonetta made it on the list.

I think Tellius and SD didn't make it to the lost because they had major title competition. The gamecube and the wii had good libraries and there were better titles to get rather than FE. Meanwhile Awakening and Blazing Sword are more memorable titles: Blazing Sword because it was the first FE to be introduced to America and Awakening because it made it to the 3DS.

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To commemorate the 30th year of Famitsu, a poll was opened survey which games are the most memorable for each consoles. And The Blazing Sword, Awakenings, and Tokyo Mirage Session were in the list for GBA, 3DS and Wii respectively.

Read more from this: http://kotaku.com/poll-japans-most-memorable-games-on-each-console-1780043369

No Telius game or Shadow Dragon? That is a shame.

I'm impresed... Final Fantasy V over Final Fantasy VI in a Poll? Wow.

Personally I like more the way it's played FFV... But still this is incredible.

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Really glad games like Xenoblade and Bayonetta made it on the list.

I think Tellius and SD didn't make it to the lost because they had major title competition. The gamecube and the wii had good libraries and there were better titles to get rather than FE. Meanwhile Awakening and Blazing Sword are more memorable titles: Blazing Sword because it was the first FE to be introduced to America and Awakening because it made it to the 3DS.

However, this was a japanese survey, so I doubt that they took in account the fact that It was released in America.

Btw, I'm really happy to see Drakengard and Golden Sun, considering that those amazing games aren't very known.

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A bit sad to see that only a single SRW game made it to those lists. Oh well...

But good for FE to have more than one.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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This is a real impressive list. I wasn't expecting Drakengard of all games to be anywhere close to ten. I'd pick on some games as standout but that would be rather long so to keep it short games like Drakengard in PS2 and the first Xenoblade gaining first place over Brawl and all those visual novels elsewhere really make me surprised.

Hah Idolmaster, I know full well why you're first. This was pretty much the only IP that single handely kept the Xbox alive in Japan. I played a demo of the game once, and I can see the appeal. Which is weird since aside from the a good combat system, that appeal should also go to Tokyo Mirage Sessions but I still feel slightly bummed on it. Flopping yet still gaining a spot, is this like a cult classic?

Edited by Raguna
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I can't say I am. All the games listed there have a lot more going for them, as much as I agree that it's a pity none of the SNES FE games showed up.

I was mostly basing my statement off the fact that, after Fates and Awakening, FE3 and 4 are the best selling FEs.

Aw, no PS1 Crash Bandicoot or Spyro the Dragon...

I'm surprised Crash wasn't on there either, since it was apparently pretty popular in Japan. Spyro I'm not so surprised as the Japanese localization of Spyro 1 was apparently pretty terrible
Edited by The Geek
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"Memorable" can be interpreted in multiple ways, but the poll is still very interesting. I see a lot of RPGs and less japanese exclusive games than I expected. Splatoon being number 1 overwhelmingly on Wii U isn't really a surprise anymore, it's really impressive how this game managed to almost instantly gain massive success there. As for #FE, really glad to see that it got a place in the top 10, it certainly didn't sell incredibly well, but it sure is "memorable" compared to other Wii U games (not saying that they aren't, but I think it stands out). I'm slightly surprised at FE7 being number 3 of GBA games, they had 3 FE games in the same style on that platform, so I'm curious as to why it got a place while FE6 and Sacred Stones didn't. I wish they included a few comments for the top 3 games of each console, but well.

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Figures Tellius wouldn't be on there. :( I can't imagine many people to have played it since it sold so poorly, got bad marketing, and didn't have a high print number. Disappointed that Blazing Sword, Awakening, and TMS#FE are there. Those first two aren't very good, imo, and I still think the third looks really stupid. I mean, half-naked singers and music concerts do not fit an FE crossover at all.

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I honestly don't think either Tellius game deserves Top 10 on each system. They're good games, but the best games on GCN and Wii are absolutely stellar and beat the crap out of them.

Splatoon being the #1 Wii U game is not really surprising since that game was perhaps the most innovative experience in the past 10 years from any company. Best Wii U game, best game of the generation, and definitely on my Top 10 list of best games ever. I can't wait to see where Nintendo goes with this franchise.

Also, really happy The Last Story made the Wii Top 10. I like that one better than Xenoblade, as it has good gameplay, a nice story with an entertaining cast of characters, and it doesn't feel as bloated. Not saying Xenoblade is bad (it certainly isn't), but I definitely prefer the more relaxed approach of TLS.

Edited by Jave
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Figures Tellius wouldn't be on there. :( I can't imagine many people to have played it since it sold so poorly, got bad marketing, and didn't have a high print number. Disappointed that Blazing Sword, Awakening, and TMS#FE are there. Those first two aren't very good, imo, and I still think the third looks really stupid. I mean, half-naked singers and music concerts do not fit an FE crossover at all.

You say that like a game has to sell well or even be really good to be memorable.

A good example is Shenmue it sold terribly.

Edited by Bankai
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Why would a bad game be memorable? Memorable means it gave you good memories, you know...

And Jave, that's your opinion. I personally think PoR and RD are the best GC and Wii games I ever played. You can think otherwise, but don't treat it like fact.

EDIT: Yoshi's Woolly World cracked the top ten Wii U list though?! I'm impressed, I thought the game had a poor reception in Japan. But I'm not complaining, this was the best Wii U game to me other than Smash Wii U.

Edited by Anacybele
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Figures Tellius wouldn't be on there. :( I can't imagine many people to have played it since it sold so poorly, got bad marketing, and didn't have a high print number. Disappointed that Blazing Sword, Awakening, and TMS#FE are there. Those first two aren't very good, imo, and I still think the third looks really stupid. I mean, half-naked singers and music concerts do not fit an FE crossover at all.

Why would a bad game be memorable? Memorable means it gave you good memories, you know...

And Jave, that's your opinion. I personally think PoR and RD are the best GC and Wii games I ever played. You can think otherwise, but don't treat it like fact.

EDIT: Yoshi's Woolly World cracked the top ten Wii U list though?! I'm impressed, I thought the game had a poor reception in Japan. But I'm not complaining, this was the best Wii U game to me other than Smash Wii U.

Bankai already answered this well, but you really should check that you have the right definition of memorable. Notice how it doesn't address any kind of judgement on the thing being good or bad, popular or not, etc...

And what you state is also your opinion, and isn't any more important than his or mine. Furthermore, the japanese players that were queried for the poll seem to agree with him if we are to believe the results of the poll.

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This list isn't reflective of sales. Baten Kaitos sold about half of PoR numbers, but it's beloved because it was a jaw dropping game that resonated with those who played. Everything on this list got on it or was left off strictly by their merits and demerits.

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Also, really happy The Last Story made the Wii Top 10. I like that one better than Xenoblade, as it has good gameplay, a nice story with an entertaining cast of characters, and it doesn't feel as bloated. Not saying Xenoblade is bad (it certainly isn't), but I definitely prefer the more relaxed approach of TLS.

Omfg I completely wasn't aware of this!! Ahshdkajdjakakska

So happy to see TLS, it trully is an excellent game. I also like it more than XC, I like its simpler approach, yet appealing and well done.

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And Jave, that's your opinion. I personally think PoR and RD are the best GC and Wii games I ever played. You can think otherwise, but don't treat it like fact.

I started my post with "I honestly don't think..." so that should have clued you right in that I never intended for my post to be taken as fact.

One game that should have definitely made the lists is The World Ends With You on the DS Top 10. Surprised Etrian Odyssey made it over it.

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I started my post with "I honestly don't think..." so that should have clued you right in that I never intended for my post to be taken as fact.

...Huh, you're right. I don't know how I missed that. My mistake.

And I know the definition of memorable, people. It's just that you normally see it associated with good stuff.

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...Huh, you're right. I don't know how I missed that. My mistake.

And I know the definition of memorable, people. It's just that you normally see it associated with good stuff.

To a lot of people find E.T. on the atari is memorable but that's because of how bad the game was

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