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Fire Emblem games got into Famitsu's "Most Memorable Games of Consoles"

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To a lot of people find E.T. on the atari is memorable but that's because of how bad the game was

It's not just that, it's how it caused the great video game crash as well.

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One game that should have definitely made the lists is The World Ends With You on the DS Top 10. Surprised Etrian Odyssey made it over it.

Love both Etrian Odyssey and TWEWY, so I'm really happy to hear that Etrian Odyssey is somehow on there! But TWEWY really does deserve more credit, it takes what could be a really cheesy story and makes it AMAZING. And the gameplay (whether you like it or not), is also pretty memorable.

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...Huh, you're right. I don't know how I missed that. My mistake.

And I know the definition of memorable, people. It's just that you normally see it associated with good stuff.

What they are trying to say is whether it's good or bad it's a irrelevant in this type of list, this is rated solely on memorability they so did not go around asking what are your top 10 wii games are for example, they just asked them what game they considered the most memorable and only allowed them to list a single one per Console (this rule alone probably lead to very different results). Be honest with yourself if someone asked you to say the first Wii game that came to your mind was it probably wouldn't be radiant dawn, it'd be Super Mario Galaxy or something heavily associated the console with like Wii Sports. Radiant Dawn is a great game independent of the Wii not really something associated with the console itself as it didn't help to define the Wii as a console. Also keep in mind that even Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword did not make it, while games like wii sports and wii fit did.

As an example of what I'm talking about, my favorite game of all time is Majora's Mask but when I think of the N64's most memorable game I think more of Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time, the former of which I'm meh about and the latter being my second least favorite 3D Zelda. But I would consider them bit more memorable as they were both revolutionary for their time.

Regardless of this there are no bad games on this list (though a couple games on here like Sonic Adventure have not aged well but they were excellent for their time) you may not like them but they are far from bad, if you think they're bad you have not played an actually bad game. For example I have absolutely no love for any mainline final fantasy titles, and metal gear solid but i'm not going to go around preaching that there somehow bad games just because I don't like them.


I'm surprised that Mystery of the Emblem is not here, also I think Kotaku messed up and labeled earthbound as a NES game I think they meant earthbound beginning's, it's also interesting that earthbound did not place probably was just drowned in the sea of Final Fantasy games. It's also cool that Japan seems to love fire emblem 7 as well I figured they would be more partial to 6. Of the nap pretty much no surprises here what I thought would be on this list is on this list, and that is tons and tons of JRPGs. Though is very intriguing that a couple shooters made it, though a predictably low amount for Japan.

Edit: Holy crap I wrote a novel sorry about that...

Edited by Locke087
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