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Who To Bench In Revelations?


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And for a more on-topic thought, what about Benny? I know he comes unpromoted after Camilla (the previously-cited cutoff point for unpromoted units), but he's probbly still a great tank, and he can promote quickly since he's at Level 15 (so you can promote him immediately, or wait until he hits 20 if you want). I know you're about to get tanky units in Silas and Xander shortly after you get Benny, but it seems like he could be made to work with a little effort. Not sure if he's actually worth it, just wondering.

Benny in Revelations is actually salvageable. Not amazing, but he can do well.

He is a great tank, and the Rinkah pair-up helps him a lot.

I wouldn't do Leo/Charlotte mostly because Charlotte is in high demand. Pretty much any physical unit like Xander, Silas, Keaton and so on can benefit from her. Pairing her with Leo is sort of a waste of her amazing pair-up stats.

And Felicia!Forrest is pretty good.

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So, do I NEED General or GK in Lunatic Revelations?

I kinda NEEDed Effiein Lunatic Conquest but Effie and Benny are so low lvled right now that IDK if ill even be able to train them...

especialy Effie...

I have Mozu as a Paladin and Sophie too, those two should be good tanks right?

Well, if you like to use tank units, then a General couldn't hurt. Of the two Knights you get, Effie's probably hopeless unless you grind, but Benny might be workable with some effort (or just tossing him a Master Seal immediately, that might help too).

Great Knight Silas and/or Sophie (as well as Mozu, assuming she gets good levels) could serve decently enough if you can't make Benny work though.

And of course there's Xander, who should end up with a ton of Defense and make it even higher with Seigfried.

Oboro should get a reasonable amount of Defense as well, or at least mine usually do.

And just about any lance-using unit could become a bit tanky if you give them a Guard Naginata. Hinoka'll come with a free one, and I think you'll be able to buy a few more.

You probably won't be hurting too badly for defensive units on Revelation, I don't think. Though I wouldn't know about Lunatic, so maybe some of those don't quite work out on that difficulty.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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But do I NEED Benny for Lunatic?

No, no.

Silas, Xander, Keaton, Velouria and Beruka all are effective tanks.

Oboro, Saizo and Shiro can take quite a bit of punishment as well.

Sophie isn't an effective tank due to her low def growth.

It's rather low for a Paladin/Great Knight.

She's a great offensive unit however.

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Benny in Revelations is actually salvageable. Not amazing, but he can do well.

He is a great tank, and the Rinkah pair-up helps him a lot.

I wouldn't do Leo/Charlotte mostly because Charlotte is in high demand. Pretty much any physical unit like Xander, Silas, Keaton and so on can benefit from her. Pairing her with Leo is sort of a waste of her amazing pair-up stats.

And Felicia!Forrest is pretty good.

Glad to hear at least one of the knights was good.

Wait, Silas wants Charlotte? Xander I can understand, and Keaton too (though he could maybe marry Camilla), but Silas? He seems like he could get more out of, like, Mozu or maybe Effie or someone who wouldn't tank Sophie's Defense and Resistance (probably more important to me, since I'm kinda careless sometimes and my mages need to be able to take a hit or two, but it seems like it could matter).

And, um, I meant how Charlotte!Forrest ends up. I sort of assumed that Felicia!Forrest would turn out great, since both parents are magic-y so he'd have great Magic without Leo's Speed problem, but Charlotte!Forrest could maybe be a good Dark Knight, since his Strength and Speed probably would be better than Leo's and his Magic wouldn't really be affected (though his Defense would be rather bad).

No, no.

Silas, Xander, Keaton, Velouria and Beruka all are effective tanks.

Oboro, Saizo and Shiro can take quite a bit of punishment as well.

Sophie isn't an effective tank due to her low def growth.

It's rather low for a Paladin/Great Knight.

She's a great offensive unit however.

I forgot Beruka existed. Is her Defense that much better than Camilla's, though?

Also, Saizo? Can he really function defensively? I know he's gotten some weird stuff during my runs, but I just figured I was having weird luck with growths.

Also, new thought: Gunter. Can he work? I know he doesn't get the higher bases he has when he rejoins in Conquest, but can he be made to work at all, or is he completely hopeless?

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Glad to hear at least one of the knights was good.

Wait, Silas wants Charlotte? Xander I can understand, and Keaton too (though he could maybe marry Camilla), but Silas? He seems like he could get more out of, like, Mozu or maybe Effie or someone who wouldn't tank Sophie's Defense and Resistance.

And, um, I meant how Charlotte!Forrest ends up. I sort of assumed that Felicia!Forrest would turn out great, since both parents are magic-y so he'd have great Magic without Leo's Speed problem, but Charlotte!Forrest could maybe be a good Dark Knight, since his Strength and Speed probably would be better than Leo's and his Magic wouldn't really be affected (though his Defense would be rather bad).

It's not that only Silas wants Charlotte.

Pretty much, any physical male wants Charlotte.

She gives +8 Str and +5 Spd. Any physical unit wants that. And all her kids gets amazing Str.

That's what I meant by Charlotte being in high demand.

Forrest's base Str growth is a measly 15%. Charlotte!Forrest is not really worth it.

I forgot Beruka existed. Is her Defense that much better than Camilla's, though?

Also, Saizo? Can he really function defensively? I know he's gotten some weird stuff during my runs, but I just figured I was having weird luck with growths.

Beruka is a great tank, and can make others great tanks as well.

Saizo has 45% Def growth. In the right class, he can be a great tank.

Edited by Water Mage
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It's not that only Silas wants Charlotte.

Pretty much, any physical male wants Charlotte.

She gives +8 Str and +5 Spd. Any physical unit wants that. And all her kids gets amazing Str.

That's what I meant by Charlotte being in high demand.

Forrest's base Str growth is a measly 15%. Charlotte!Forrest is not really worth it.

Ah, I think I see what you mean now. That makes sense, it's pretty much the whole reason I stapled her to Xander during my last Conquest run (dude didn't want to grow Speed, she made it so she didn't get doubled).

...Ouch, that seems like it won't end well. Still going to go for it, primarily because I'd like to see if Forrest ends up usable and because I want to fix Leo's Speed without marrying Felicia (she's marrying Hinata this run, I like their supports and think it could work stat-wise, if nothing else Hinata'll get Tomebreaker out of it), and also because my current run is morphing into a not-serious-at-all run where I try a bunch of weird shit I wouldn't do during a serious run to see what happens (for example, Berserker!Nyx with a Bolt Axe and maybe Aurgelmir when I get that, or Adventurer!Sakura since it has the same weaponset as Priestess so maybe she'll be good in it).

But I'll keep that in mind and marry her to someone more physically-inclined (Arthur or Laslow, maybe) on my next serious run.

Beruka is a great tank, and can make others great tanks as well.

Saizo has 45% Def growth. In the right class, he can be a great tank.

That's actually kind of surprising. Good to hear tho. Not sure what to do with them (maybe marry them together? Could make a pretty good tank out of Saizo as a Wyvern Lord (I think these have great Defense) or Malig Knight (to give him tomes with his usually-good-for-me Magic stat, and also have good Defense I think with okay Resistance), or maybe fix Beruka's Speed via Pair Up bonuses with a Master Ninja...), but I'll figure something out.

Thanks again, mate.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Not sure but if you have the DLC for it, there's Anna, who could be on your team as early as Ch. 7, joining as a lv. 10 Outlaw. She's known for having the highest total growth rate if you don't count Mozu and her Aptitude skill. Her map contains only prepromoted enemies, so you could get some solid exp if you can handle prepromoted Berserkers with 1-2 range axes.

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I'm actually a bit salty over how many Conquest characters got shafted in Revelations...

when I did no royals literally all my combat units were Hoshidan lol. Hoshido units have so much more availability Edited by Ownagepuffs
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You're party will be extremely small in Revelation, like often around 9 units with Corrin Included. The game pretty much tells you that you should use Hoshidans, and the story pretty much focuses on Hoshidans more, and it pretty much expands more on Hoshido's story. Gosh I hate the Hoshido bias.

Kaze and Rinkah's use will be determinant of how much effort you put into them in the beginning chapters.

Hana and Subaki comes in useless, except Subaki has flying support which can be helpful in chapter 9.

Sakura is a healer and is automatically useful

Hayato is good, but he won't do well in his Oni Savage class, so you have to keep him as a diviner.

Takumi has a harder time dealing with the ninja's on his join chapter, IIRC, but should still do well.

Oboro is useful for a balanced melee unit, but Hinata is not that great offensively compared to Hana.

Orochi dies in one round/hit(?) in her join chapter, and Saizo and Kagero becomes redundant if you've been using Kaze, but you can replace Kaze with one of them.

Reina can replace Subaki and is useful until replaced with another unit, prolonged use may require for her to reclass to Basara.

Camilla is still Camilla, and her retainers are less useful because they join at level ten with base D rank without their 50% boost.

Selena and Beruka needs a bit of babying to get going, but they should end up pretty good.

Kaden and Keaton comes without beastrune, so they are less useful.

Elise comes at a extremley low level with her retainers too. Elise is a better healer than sakura because she can move further distances and makes a good aura bot.

Effie and Arthur are obsolete because they join the same chapter as Charlotte and Benny who are at a higher level with better weapon ranks.

Charlotte is great if you can get to her early and feed her some kills, and Benny can help a lot in chapter 17 with a beast killer.

Silas joins with an insane amount of Hp, so he's really good but he's awfully slow.

Luckily you should be high level with your troops, so you can feed the four lower level units some kills to catch up.

Ryoma is ryoma, but Scarlet is unuseable because the writing sucks!

Team Hinoka is decent, Azama won't be that good and Setsuna might be better here because she starts with decent strength and a higher level. Hinoka has low Hp though.

Team Leo is unsalvagable and dies in one hit by paladins while doing 0 to 1 damage. Only Leo is good, but she should have joined earlier

Team Xander is actually decent, Laslow should do fine but Peri might struggle. Laslow needs 4 levels to be 20, so you should feed him some levels if you want to use him.

So yeah, the game pretty much forces and tells you to use Hoshidans or just the royals, except Elise.

Nohrian units get their stats screwed and some join without weapons that they had in Conquest. (Ex. Elise joins without Freeze IIRC and Arthur joins without a handaxe.

I recommend benching kiling off all those stupid Hoshidans units that you can't invest without grinding on skirmishes. So bench retainers of Leo, retainers of Sakura, retainers of Ryoma, retainers of Elise, retainers of Hinoka, Hinata, one of the shapeshifters, 2nd Jakob/Felicia, Peri, and Scarlet.

Getting all the kids is grindy and boring, you'll get bored part way through and might want to stop playing the game, so yeah.

Also it might seem that I hate all Hoshidans, but I just hate most of them and want them dead.


Nyx joins at level 9 in chapter 15 and Shura joins at level 10 Promoted, so Nyx is way too low level and will have a hard time keeping up if you don't feed her kills. She has a good weapon rank of C, but her base level is abysmal. Nyx also loses her Fimbulvetr and never appears in Birthright.

Shura is useful for awhile, but should be avoided.

Edited by Hli Tshiab
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Maybe I'm a little sleep depraved right now, but it's starting to feel like the question has become "which of these units is salvagable in Revs?"

Cause now that I think about it, a lot of units are screwed over in Revs. Benny was a VIP in my original hard run of Revs, and I had grind him, Effie, Arthur, and Charlotte some levels via stationary Generals in their recruitment chapter and a Hand Axe/Javelin to share.

I actually feel like most of the chapters with recruitable units have a small selection of units you can effectively use to feed exp to the fresh meat, such as the stationary generals guarding Silas in Elise's recruitment chapter. I just don't know where those units are...

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To those of you who got terrible Silas's, no, Silas is not bad. In fact, he's usually very reliable, yours just got really RNG screwed. Happens to the best of us. Heck, my Saizo in Birthright got defense 2 times in 13 levels with 50% growth while my Silas in Conquest got speed 12 times in 14 levels, so I pretty much got the exact opposite situation as you there...

Exactly. However this happened to me twice already... In my first Conquest run Nyx had more HP than Silas (although he was at a higher level) and his defense was meh. In Birthright he at least managed to get more than 30 HP and was really fast. Unfortunately he had like 0 defense, hell Sakura beat him by a longshot.

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Exactly. However this happened to me twice already... In my first Conquest run Nyx had more HP than Silas (although he was at a higher level) and his defense was meh. In Birthright he at least managed to get more than 30 HP and was really fast. Unfortunately he had like 0 defense, hell Sakura beat him by a longshot.

I had a balanced Silas during my CQ run a.k.a. nothing was terrible 'cept Res and Spd, but nothing was good, either. He was at level 15 with 12-15 in every stat across the board, except again Res, which was still at base, Mag which he doesn't need anyway, and Spd which was only at 10 or so. He was doubled by pretty much everything. Peri ended up being better than him on the same level and she ended up replacing Xander, also.

Camilla, Leo and Xander got RNG-screwed, so I had to use Beruka, Nyx and Peri as replacements. I don't regret doing that.

I ended up doing a no royal except Elise run in CQ Hard and it was glorious!

I'm avoiding the Royals on Revelations Hard as well, with the exception of Sakura and maybe Elise, because they can heal.

So yeah, I'd think that Silas is more likely to be RNG-screwed than we all want to accept, me included, because I kinda like the guy.

But I still have to wonder how it was possible for you to get Nyx of all people to have more HP than Silas. In my CQ run, she was a Sorceress at level 13 and still only had like 26 HP. Her HP growth is really low, so you must've really gotten lucky (in Nyx' case) or screwed (in Silas' case) in that department.

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