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Zelda U E3 Predictions - Call it Before It Happens

Captain Karnage

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I dislike open world, so I hope it doesn't ultimately consume the game. I hope there's an encouraged path and a companion as good as Fi. Fi has always been my favorite.

In general, I'm not very excited for Zelda 2017 just because it looks like everything I don't want from Zelda, compared to Skyward Sword which was perfect.

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I like open world, so I hope it ultimately makes the game. I hope you can make your own path, and there's a companion better than Fi. Fi has always been my least favorite.

In general, I'm very excited for Zelda 2017 just because it looks like everything I want from Zelda, compared to Skyward Sword which was flawed.

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I like open world, so I hope it ultimately makes the game. I hope you can make your own path, and there's a companion better than Fi. Fi has always been my least favorite.

In general, I'm very excited for Zelda 2017 just because it looks like everything I want from Zelda, compared to Skyward Sword which was flawed.

Lol Skyward Sword was anything but flawed. It was near perfection and this game already looks bad in comparison.

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Lol Skyward Sword was anything but flawed. It was near perfection and this game already looks bad in comparison.

Opinions are a thing that exist. Why do you seem to say it like your opinions are facts?

I predict that they will have technical problems showing off this game at E3

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I don't mean to minimod or anything, but yeah, Bunch, you need to stop it.

And Zera, there was NO need to parody his post, you're being just as annoying by doing so. I'm really getting tired of you two being so ridiculous about your comments and it's time you got called out for it.

I'm not trying to sound hypocritical or anything here, btw, people, I'm fully aware of the issues I myself had in the past. But I'm always working to be past that and I still admit to having made those past mistakes, etc. etc.

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Minor prediction but I'm calling a Splatoon reference in some form in there somewhere.

based on the last Zelda game



all joking aside we might be getting a female Link


note that the one on the right looks like it has a breast

Edited by Captain Karnage
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based on the last Zelda game



all joking aside we might be getting a female Link


note that the one on the right looks like it has a breast

A breast? Isn't that's his shoulder? Edited by Water Mage
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Yeah, that's so obviously his shoulder. :/

I doubt there's going to be a female Link option. After so long of Link only being male, it would feel very very awkward to see a female version of him at this point. It wouldn't feel right. I know Aonuma considered using Linkle for something, but it won't necessarily be this.

I do hope to see his bike from MK8 though! Aonuma said he might use that in something too! And considering this game seems to have a bit of a futuristic feel given Link's glowing/transforming arrows and that robot monster, it could fit in this game!

Edited by Anacybele
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I thought the focus of the side by side thing was the face shape? The one on the right seems slightly more feminine.

Also, Nintendo tweeted out an expanded version of the unsafe rock climbing art. There's a bridge and a lake below where Link is climbing.

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I'm calling that the game will be co-developed with Monolith Soft so it can actually meet it's release date (I'm looking at you Pikmin 3), I'd say work with them because they created one of the biggest open worlds of all time. Also we must prepare for the second coming of a Tri-Force fragment hunt filler quest that's just there to pan out the game and make you feel like it was worth $60.

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I'm kind of opposed to the idea of a female Link because... well, if they include gender options, I want the female one to be her own character. It would be cool to play as Zelda, for example.

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I'm kind of opposed to the idea of a female Link because... well, if they include gender options, I want the female one to be her own character. It would be cool to play as Zelda, for example.

That's generally my view on the matter. All a female Link will bring to the table is a clone never able to escape the shadow of the male one. Zelda would not have that problem but I think a female Link will have Nintendo go ''Well aren't we progressieve today'' and just shove Zelda in a dungeon again. They already got a female main character then so what need would there be for a playable Zelda?

And if its a choice between a female Link and Zelda then Zelda can play infinitely more to the table with her magic.

Also, I think its a bit of a demotion to go from one of the most recognized video characters to a mere player avatar which I never viewed Link as before.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I never viewed Link as a player avatar either, mainly because while you can name him, you can never customize his appearance or anything else. And he's been given some consistent personality traits as well, such as laziness and a fondness for sleep. Hell, Link starts out like half his games being asleep and then awoken by somebody because he was lazy or slept in! OoT, TWW, TP, ALBW, SS, TMC, these games all do it.

Also, what's really funny is that Link seems to ALWAYS start a game either asleep or unconscious (or in the case of MM, he gets knocked unconscious during the first scene). lol

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That's been a thing since ALttP. Almost every game since has had Link snoozing at the start.

TWW is particularly amusing, since it implies he went to bed, got up at some point, went to the watchtower, completely forgot it was his birthday and went back to sleep up there. Both he and ST Link snooze through Niko's storytelling in PH/ST as well...

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