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So.... why is this?

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Neither does any other DLC.

You only dont get them if you get routed.

Royal Royale becomes infinitely more difficult if one of your units is killed, unless that death is at the end when you only have like one more enemy to kill anyways.

It's supposed to be a test of tactics using units you have had no hand in leveling or preparing beforehand. Beach Brawl is lighthearted and rewards the player with artwork. Heirs of Fate gives a reward if no one dies, and that is, again, a test of how well you can use units you had no hand in raising. Same with Hidden Truths.

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I think all dlc maps are separated from the double difficulty settings. They play their own rules, not the ones you set.

All of the Heirs of Fate DLCs respect Phoenix mode and you do get the reward. So does Hidden Truths. You can let everyone die and they'll come back next round. It's only the Royal Royale that enforces that inane restriction.

Edited by kcirrot
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