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Favorite class animations?

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So since around yesterday I was support-&-weapon-rank-grinding a few characters (mostly kids & their parents) when I received a hilarious reminder of just how over-the-top some of these battle animations were. Especially in classes like Basara.

calm your savage, rhajat

And so I started wondering, what other overkill attack animations am I missing &/or not remembering? And which ones do other people like?

im pretty sure most of us adore a good criti-fang tho, right

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I have a fondness of the Sorceror levitating and the screen shaking as if they are in the midst of summoning Cthulu into our mortal realm.

I absolutely love the Swordmaster kicking the opponent before dropping the blade on their opponent's head.

I like the Outlaw/Adventurer's hand salute of complacency before they notch an arrow to merc their enemy.

On a similar note, I like Marth's triple stab when defeating enemies.

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Actually I noticed Marth's (a.k.a. any lodestar's) finisher was 4 stabs & not 3

I think the tristab was on the great lords

The sorcerer tho...... they just be like "R̴͏ ͞҉͘Ì̡͡͞͞ ͢͞Ś̶҉̡͟ ̶́͢E̛̕͘"

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Swordmasters when dual-wielding.

Spear Masters also got some nice animations.

I've heard that the Merchant class attempts (and fails) to imitate the Spear Master when using lances/naginata but I haven't seen it myself since I normally have animations off.

The horse in the Great Knight class has obscene strength... much of the STR stat is likely in the horse. (Just look at the animation when Great Knight gets healed or something.)

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Swordmasters when dual-wielding.

Spear Masters also got some nice animations.

I've heard that the Merchant class attempts (and fails) to imitate the Spear Master when using lances/naginata but I haven't seen it myself since I normally have animations off.

The horse in the Great Knight class has obscene strength... much of the STR stat is likely in the horse. (Just look at the animation when Great Knight gets healed or something.)

I should watch some of those classes in action more. I've definitely been missing out.

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Maybe not best, but try using Azama as a Great Master or a male villager with a javelin up close 1-range and you'll get the most hilarious backroll if the person can one hit kill. I think Basara's also share that animation but I'm not too sure there.

Actually male villager getting a kill and throwing the weapon up in the air like a spear master is funny as well. He'll throw it but unlike the Spear Master fail to catch it and he stands there not wishing to look back.

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Maybe not best, but try using Azama as a Great Master or a male villager with a javelin up close 1-range and you'll get the most hilarious backroll if the person can one hit kill. I think Basara's also share that animation but I'm not too sure there.

Actually male villager getting a kill and throwing the weapon up in the air like a spear master is funny as well. He'll throw it but unlike the Spear Master fail to catch it and he stands there not wishing to look back.

Basaras also backflip when in midair, and somehow hit the target even as they land on their back.

Speaking of Basaras, I like their critical animation, since they essentially do an Ike-style Aether (though the skill doesn't activate).

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im pretty sure most of us adore a good criti-fang tho, right

Yeah. Especially when it critkills Ryoma (totally unnecessary by that point, he would've died as long as he got hit, but it was really cool and I forgot I had Dragon Fang because it hadn't procced in a while so it was even more awesome).

As for other classes I like...

Dual-wielding Swordmaster. I didn't know I wanted this as much as I did, but then I saw a full dual-wield Astra combo and it was so cool. Non-dual-wield crit is nice too, kicking people before you sword them to death is nice.

Basara too. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Oboro do the spinny-jump-finisher-thing with a naginata.

Adventurer's backward-jump-shot finish is also pretty neat.

Marth's finisher (and the Lodestar class finisher by extension) looks like it was lifted from Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (specifically, Marth's Rapier multistab attack), though I'm not 100% sure since I haven't played that game in a long time. Even if it isn't, it's still a nice finisher.

Sorceror is the best tho. It's just amazingly over the top, and it is beautiful. Especially with scrolls.

Also, a question: How do you get a male Villager? Pretty sure you can't capture any of those, so can the kids inherit it from Mozu?

Have you seen Mozu use Luna, though? Like... villager Mozu? She does a Leeroy-Jenkins-style straight charge & then just falls over. It's adorable.

I've seen that animation, though not with Luna (or any skill, it just sort of happened sometimes while she was abusing the boss of her Paralogue). It is adorable tho. Edited by ILikeKirbys
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I just love the snipers animation, I love to see Takumi doing that flip in midair in a normal attack, or the spining critical animation, I love it.


I love when Spear Master do this attack:


Ok, I just love the Snipers and Spear Masters animation

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dual wielding Swordmaster, Adventurer finisher, Dread Fighter finisher. Great Master and Kinshi Knight are pretty nice too.

Dragon Fang as noble classes are overkill.

I haven't seen much animations since I always play with animation off.

Edited by singularity
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Vanguard, for using THE OBJECTIVELY BEST ANIMATION FOR A RANGED SWORD. None of this squatting nonsense or raising it to the sky, actually slashing with it to fire a projectile.

Seriously, why has the radiance series been the only one to do this?

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I loved Nohr Noble's critical hit with the Katana weapon. Just a full on stab, and then pull out while spinning. I found it much cooler than Hoshido's double spin smash.

However, I like Hoshido Noble's critical hit with the Sword better. Loved that drop heel and then dropping the sword. It looks much more brutal than the spin kick that Nohr noble does and then jab.

If only I can find a way to edit critical hit animations.

Others that I found pretty cool are the Hero's spin with the Sword before jumping up and dropping down, it surprisingly fits with Laslow's dance motif. I also love the Falcon Knight's spear thrust for their critical hit.

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Pretty much everything about a Swordmaster, and Snipers, specifically female Snipers. What I love the most about female Snipers is that little arrow twirl they do at the start of combat. It's a small thing, but it's really cool - and male Snipers don't do it for some reason (shame on you, Takumi).

I think Adventurers do it too, but I'm not sure - I think I saw it on Nina.

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Paladin killing animation with a sword. I never thought I'd see an athletic horse animation like that.

Dual wielding Swordmasters. The female win animation is nice.

Any animation that involves kicking, because fuck your armor and take this foot in the chest!

The Hero killing animation is just so nice to look at.

Butler and Maid animations are so full of personality.

All of the Kishi Knight animations.

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The animations in Fates are among my favorites in the whole series:

Everything about the Swordmaster. From dual wielding to a boot to the face and everything in between.

Ninja/Master Ninja/Dread Fighter crits. Also, that Dread Fighter animation where they do that slow teleport walk thing (no idea how to accurately describe it) before appearing right in front of the enemy and uppercutting them.

The dagger boot kick that Maids do at the start of battle.

The breakdancing spinning crit animation that Adventurers do. I don't remember if Sniper's can also do it.

The amazingly epic Dragon Fang Noble crit.

The Knight's shield bash crit. Also, their Happy Healy Dance.

The Songstress animation where Azura slams the enemy on the hand with her lance.

Spinning kicks, jumping backflips, creating earthquakes. Who would have thought Sorcerers were so athletic?

Edited by Magic Ike
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I really love the Spear Master Crit attack. I love all the animations for the Spear Master class, which is I currently have 3 Spear Masters in my castle and they are Oboro (my wife in the game), Shiro, and Lady Hinoka.

I also like all the Merchant animations as well. Especially the one where the Merchant runs through the opponent and then falls forward.

I'm really not a fan of the Mechanist animations at all. But I'm really not a fan of the Mechanist class to begin with.

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