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Am I missing something? I don't get it...


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I keep seeing people complaining about how easy this game is, and I don't get it. People, especially on the Gamefaqs boards, go on about how easy it is to solo-unit on Lunatic with pre-promotes, and it just boggles my mind. How is it even possible? Am I missing something here? The only way I can see that happening is if you went around buying skills on the unit beforehand, needing to include Pavise, Aegis, Sol or Aether, Aptitude, and Hoshidan Unity. Even if you're unscrupulous enough to hack in the skills or get them from someone who has, I'm still fairly certain you'd need hexing rod support too.

So are these people breaking the difficulty with skills their units shouldn't be able to get? That seems ignorant to me, to break the game and then complain about it.

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I keep seeing people complaining about how easy this game is, and I don't get it. People, especially on the Gamefaqs boards, go on about how easy it is to solo-unit on Lunatic with pre-promotes, and it just boggles my mind. How is it even possible? Am I missing something here? The only way I can see that happening is if you went around buying skills on the unit beforehand, needing to include Pavise, Aegis, Sol or Aether, Aptitude, and Hoshidan Unity. Even if you're unscrupulous enough to hack in the skills or get them from someone who has, I'm still fairly certain you'd need hexing rod support too.

So are these people breaking the difficulty with skills their units shouldn't be able to get? That seems ignorant to me, to break the game and then complain about it.


It's pretty much impossible to solo-unit Conquest, considering there is a defense map.

How did they manage prevent the all of the enemy units from crossing line with only one unit?

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It's pretty much impossible to solo-unit Conquest, considering there is a defense map.

How did they manage prevent the all of the enemy units from crossing line with only one unit?

Yeah. I'll belive that someone can solo conquest when i see a vidio of chapter 10

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People who talks about how easy the game is, especially Conquest, usually suck. Just ignore them, they just want attention, so ignore them and it will hurt them the most. You can then watch as they slowly go insane, or they just leave if their sane, and break down.

But yeah, you can't really solo Conquest on Lunatic. I've heard and seen pics of someone trying an Anna solo run, but they had to use characters on chapter 10 and had to use MU as a pairup so it wasn't exactly a solo. If they're using a recruited Unit to clear the game, then that's not really fair in calling the game easy because they're using outside resources.

Birthright on the other hand is kind of easy, a bit too easy. Enemies gets like more Hp and +3ish to their attack stat or something and that's it, for lunatic. They also get weapon ranks for weapons they don't use, which does nothing. But that's just based on Effie and Arthur. I don't really know if Ryoma can solo, especially with lunatic RNG, but it might be soloable. (If you maxed stats with stat boosters and such)

Revelation is just massive stat increase, which makes it quite hard in the beginning so it might be hard w/o Servant and/or Azura.

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Ryoma can definitely solo lunatic Birthright without max stats. I've done it quite easily.

Lunatic birthright is not nearly as hard as conquest, and there are no curve ball objectives that require multiple people or anything (exept for the one escape map, but that one can be cheezed by reclassing to a flyer). I can belive that someone could solo it if they did it right. THat being said, i tend to say "pics or it didnt happen" for things like this.

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Lunatic birthright is not nearly as hard as conquest, and there are no curve ball objectives that require multiple people or anything (exept for the one escape map, but that one can be cheezed by reclassing to a flyer). I can belive that someone could solo it if they did it right. THat being said, i tend to say "pics or it didnt happen" for things like this.

Not pics.

An entire play log.


Birthright is pretty easy. . .on Normal Phoenix. For those that claim to be FE gods or something, request a full play log, complete with strategies and stats (since Lunatic levels are pre-determined). It's hard to fudge those, unless you really know what you're doing.

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Ryoma's default build kind of lends itself to survival through pure offense, so I can see how he could basically duo Lunatic Birthright (with Corrin stat backpack). Between Bushido, temp boosts and the enemies' tendency to use silver weapons, he should have 40+ Crit. Between that, 15%+ chance of Astra, Vantage and some pretty non-trivial Avoid, he's deceptively durable. Against most enemies, if he crits, they die and he's safe. If he Astras, he's safe because even if they don't die, he just filled his DG gauge. Even if he's just critting over and over, he can also fill the gauge. If none of that happens, he'll still have a chance to dodge. And thanks to Raijinto being 1~2 range, the only thing that can prevent him from doing any of that are the rare Spy Yumi and Spy Shuriken.

Some luck would still be required, because despite all of that stacked in his favour, it can fail multiple times and get him killed. However, he is still insanely powerful and it doesn't take a lot of effort to reset and then just skip EP to get back to where he died, so I can see why some people might consider that easy.

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I mostly agree with what others have said, but there are a plethora of factors that affect the difficulty, and since many of them are self-imposed, gauging the difficulty difference between people is somewhat harder. For example, I'm playing through lunatic conquest for the first time, and decided to try out dark flier for my MU since I had never used them before, and that I think was a big tip towards lowering the difficulty, sadly. Also due to the pairings I planned out (for skills actually, they just happened to work out like this) I got several kids super early (dwyer, Ophelia, Kana, and Sophie) which has also been making things easier for me, I suspect.

In the end, I agree that no one has probably solo'd Conquest, but depending on DLC usage and whatnot someone could easily trivialize it and then claim it was easy.

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Currently crushing birthright lunatic, Conquest lunatic though is a whole 'nother ballgame -_-; and kinda stuck on revelations lunatic thanks to Hinoka and the one shot brigade joining VERY FAR AWAY FROM ME... if its not Azama dying its Setsuna.... -_- and if by some miracle I do beat it there is no save between and I get to babysit Laslow, Peri, Odin, and Niles the next map... but absolutely crushing Birthright lunatic.

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