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Optimal Children Guide? (Revelations)

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Wondering if there's a way to optimise all children in Revelations. I've pretty gone everywhere trying to find one condensed guide, but I've so far come up with this list. I don't really care as much for first gen units, which I know is heresy, so it's more looking to optimise the kids and not who offers better pairup bonuses for who. Anyway,

Corrin x Ophelia (boon is magic, so I was thinking magical Kana)

Azura x Kaze (Miracle Midori and super fast Shigure)

Jakob x Felicia (this was more just realising Dwyer isn't all that good, and Felicia hadn't anyone yet).

Silas x Mozu

Ryoma x Rinkah

Takumi x Oboro

Subaki x Selena (the kid she ruins the least...?)

Saizo x Orochi (high skill Asuga and Rend Heaven)

Hinata x Peri (good mods and Cavalier)

Hayato x Nyx (Dark Mage Rhajat and good magic mods)

Azama x Effie (Mitama needs those strength mods since Azama doesn't give good magic ones apparently)

Kaden x Hinoka

Xander x Charlotte (universally loved pairing because of the strength mods)

Leo x Sakura (magically powerful Forrest)

Arthur x Kagero

Benny x Beruka

Niles x Setsuna

Odin x Elise (best magic mods for Ophelia which then makes Kana even stronger)

Laslow x Hana

Keaton x Camilla (good mods, but not sure. Had Keaton x Effie in Conquest and she destroyed everything).

Honestly, just looking for constructive criticism on each pairing, and if I should swap any around. Also, if it's not too much trouble, I'd really like to know what skills to pass down. I've already got Azura and Sakura at A+ so I can pass Miracle to Midori, but I'm only at chapter 13 so I've got none of the children yet and things are just in the preliminary stages.

tl;dr - are these good pairings, and who should be best friends with who so I can pass down the best skills?

Edited by Abyss Of The Azure
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Hmm, I can offer some swaps if you don't mind.

Laslow x Selena (as much as I love Laslow x Hana, it is much better for Soleil to have balanced mods rather be a glass cannon.)

Kaden x Hana (You get a glass cannon Selkie with great speed mods, plus an amazing class to use her speed.)

Subaki x Hinoka (Caeldori get better mods than the ones that would get with Selena, plus she retains the red hair and better classes)

As for the rest, you are all set. While I would argue that certain ones aren't exactly optimal, but most of these seems fine enough that it won't be a problem.

Edited by TanatatKnight
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Thank you! What would be the most optimal pairings though?

One of the main issues with optimizing kids comes from the fact that there really isn't an Apotheosis equivalent in Fates, so maximum stat modifiers only really matter if you want to do PVP (which is.... special). Personally, my definition of an "Optimal" Pairing is where everyone (parents and children) benefit in some way (Classes, Growths, Pair Up Bonuses, Availability ect.). If you want some suggestions based on that criteria, I'd be more than happy to suggest some of my preferred Pairings. In the meantime, I suggest tinkering around with this https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com/

Edited by Avalanche
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Assuming you are going to grind everything (though I don't know why you would at this point since there's nothing you can use your own characters on where it'd matter), the only things that matter are stat mods, pair up bonuses, and available classes. Growths and skills are irrelevant because of Eternal Seals and skill buys. You want your kids to have the classes they need and not necessarily good growth classes (since Dark Falcon and Witch exist you also don't need classes with good MAG growth necessarily). So if your goal is a Siegbert that is a strict pair-up bot his needs are different from a Siegbert you intend to use as a balanced unit. Pair-up bot Charlotte!Siegbert wants Berserker, which he already has; a different Siegbert might consider marrying Velouria for the same reason (and Velouria is likely to want the STR/SPD). It helps to think backward from the kids, thinking about who'd pair with whom and how, what roles the kids will be expected to have, and what mods will get them there, and which parents that narrows each down to, and then start narrowing it from there.

There's a lot more to theoretical optimization such as your Avatar Talent, because while it makes no difference for Corrin per se in most cases (especially female Corrins who can Friendship Seal everything), it does determine Kana's Friendship Seal class for whoever can A+ him/her. This can make a big difference to a kid, but it's almost impossible to say what the "best" or "optimal" combo is unless you have a very specific use for, say, Percy that you can only accomplish by giving Corrin-F/Kana-M a very specific Talent class. And that might not be optimal for Kana, who might or might not be more important to you depending on your Corrin build (some Kanas are better than others, especially planned out third gen Kanas).

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There's some cool stuff you can do with what you have and it's close enough that you can leave it.

If you're looking for optimal pvp just pick 4 units (Avatar and probably Ryoma +3 others) and smear Sky Knight onto them to get Kinshi Knight for huge attack range with bows and Falconknight for the best staff range and then buy whatever skills you need from other castles. Or you could take other people's avatars from other castles that are built for it and save yourself the effort (if they have set it up for you to easily take their high power avatar that is).

Wondering if there's a way to optimise all children in Revelations. I've pretty gone everywhere trying to find one condensed guide, but I've so far come up with this list. I don't really care as much for first gen units, which I know is heresy, so it's more looking to optimise the kids and not who offers better pairup bonuses for who. Anyway,

Corrin x Ophelia (boon is magic, so I was thinking magical Kana) +Mag or +Spd/-Lck for Corrin is probably to way to go if you plan to stack Kana for magic. Ophelia should buddy Rhajat for Diviner and Corrin should pass a class that has a mixed class with magic (such as Wyvern or Oni Savage) to allow Kana move options to use her high magic. Kana can buddy Selkie for Diviner, so that's how I'd suggest getting Kana Tomefaire. Kana can marry Dwyer or Forrest for Troubadour if you want Strategist to use Tomes with or Percy if you want Malig Knight, or if you want to just use dragonstones consider buddying Mitama instead for Renewal and marrying Siegbert to hold defensive skills to use Nohrian Trust wih. It all depends on what you want your final Kana build to be.

Azura x Kaze (Miracle Midori and super fast Shigure) Shigure's only choice for getting anything out of a friendship seal is Hisame, so there's that. I like running Shigure as a Rally Bot so he should marry someone that gives him another Rally (Velouria for Rally Strength, Mitama for Rally Luck , Soleil and Nina for Rally Skill). If you want Shigure to run offence I suppose he marries Selkie for Basara's Rend Heaven or Sophie for Great Knight's Luna and you run him in a class that uses Swordfaire from Hisame.

Midori has a solid kit from Kaze that Azura's Sky Knight doesn't add too (unless you want to push her into more speed or resistance) and should marry anyone who wants replicate and buddy Selkie to give herself Rend Heaven I suppose. She's just about guarenteed to double everything so you could put her into a slower class to let her hit harder or boost her durability in a way that that Azura's growths don't facilitate.

Jakob x Felicia (this was more just realising Dwyer isn't all that good, and Felicia hadn't anyone yet). Let Jakob pass Amaterasu from buddying Takumi and run Amaterasu, Gentilhomme, Inspiration, Live to Serve and Good Fortune from Felicia I guess to build a dedicated staff user that just heals himself too. If you want he can marry Mitama and get Renewal and other classes to use his staff rank in, maybe buddy Asugi for Replicate and Kunaifaire.

Silas x Mozu Sophie can get Bowfaire from Mozu and run a pretty good offensive set on Bow Knight (she's still riding Avel, right?) or Merchant. You can buddy Caeldori to give her a flying horse and marry Shiro or Hisame if you want her to stay in Paladin and get a -faire.

Ryoma x Rinkah Shiro's Buddy comes down to how you want to tailor his offense, Cavalier from Siegbert gives him another proc in Luna and 2 mounted classes to use his lance rank in, Ninja from Asugi gives Replicate and Shurikenfaire, Archer from Kiragi gives Bowfaire, Quick Draw and Certain Blow to push his offense further. You can also run Seal Speed, Seal Defence, Seal Resistance and Seal Strength naturally if you want him to debuff (but it takes so many skill slots that it would be better to just buy Dragonic Hex from another castle). Shiro's Spear Fighter is good for any girls offenses so he can marry anyone.

Takumi x Oboro Kiragi gets Apothecary and more options to use his bow rank with, and he gets Quick Draw, Certain Blow, Bowfaire and Rend Heaven to push his offense. If he buddies Hisame he can pick up Duelist's Blow or he can buddy Forrest or Dwyer for Inspiration. Archer is good for pushing offense on anybody, so he can marry whomever that benefits from it since he doesn't really need anything to complement his standard offensive kit.

Subaki x Selena (the kid she ruins the least...?) Buddy Sophie for Cavalier to keep her lance rank and use Swordfaire long term along with picking up Luna and have her marry someone who needs a speed pickup from Sky Knight's Darting Blow.

Saizo x Orochi (high skill Asugi and Rend Heaven) Decide if you are going to run mixed Asugi by running Master Ninja with the Flame Shuriken to fix his low speed or Basara with Bolt Naginata or if you go full magic in Onmyoji. Asugi runs a -faire (Shuriken, Lance or Tome naturally, Lance through buddy) and can use all the magic weapons well (but you can't use Rend Heaven with them). Asugi can marry someone you want to pass Ninja too and is honestly set to run Duelist's Blow, Life and Death, -faire, Replicate, filler.

Hinata x Peri (good mods and Cavalier) I like to buddy Kiragi and run Death Blow, Certain Blow and equip a Great Club. You can also have him marry Velouria to get Berserker (and the extra crit it has) and add Axefaire. Quick Draw and Life and Death push him further into the overkill zone if that's what you're looking for.

Hayato x Nyx (Dark Mage Rhajat and good magic mods) Rhajat's only good Buddy option is Caeldori if she is getting Dark Mage from a mother. I'd have Nyx pass Certain Blow from Buddying Mozu to fix Rhajat's skill then flip her to Sorceror with Tomefaire and for the slight boost to crit that Sorceror gives to work off her innate Death Blow and to let her use her high Magic. Rhajat marries somebody to give her Troubadour or she gets Malig Knight from Percy. Alternatively marry her to someone that would like Rend Heaven (just about every physical husband).

Azama x Effie (Mitama needs those strength mods since Azama doesn't give good magic ones apparently) Mitama can be turned into a tank with Wary Fighter and Renewal or into an offensive powerhouse by putting Luna and Armored Blow onto Merchant. Selkie gives Rend Heaven and Quixotic (If you want to stack Luna and Rend Heaven in General with Wary Fighter and Renewal, it isn't a bad idea since General won't dodge and can buff their damage pretty well with procs) or Caeldori for Sky Knight. Mitama can marry any of Shiro, Asugi, Hisame or Kiragi to get a faire to buff her damage or Percy for Wyvern's good skills.

Kaden x Hinoka I honestly don't like Selkie much so take these suggestions with a grain of salt. I say marry Asugi to run Posion Strike and Grisly Wound and buddy Kana if you are passing Wyvern from Corrin otherwise Mitama for Renewal or Caeldori to push speed.

Xander x Charlotte (universally loved pairing because of the strength mods) Siegbert is a good marriage option for Kana because he can buddy Ignatius and pick up Pavise to go with his Aegis and he can add an offensive proc with Luna if Kana isn't using a dragonstone and needs to free up room on herself for things like faires or Draconic Hex. If Siegbert ends up elsewhere I highly recommend buddying Shiro for Lancefaire and Rend Heaven to go with his Luna and Trample and boast a scary damage output.

Leo x Sakura (magically powerful Forrest) Forrest is just about set with only his Parents, and he can buddy Siegbert or Ignatius to pick up a proc (Luna) if you want it. he can get Diviner by marrying Rhajat or Selkie (which has a lot of overlap with his Monk since Rend Heaven doesn't work as well seeing as more classes don't have magic than classes don't have strength) or marry Nina if our really want another class for him to uses staves in or if you want him to use the Shining Bow and also buddy Kiragi for Bowfiare. It's a long shot, but he could do it and would have the most magic to do it with so maybe it's worth it?

Arthur x Kagero I would build Percy to run Axefaire, Posison Strike, Savage Blow and Replicate and have him debuff and damage enemy formations all at once, then buddy Ignatius to get Armored Blow and marry a girl that would get a lot out of Wyvern's good skills.

Benny x Beruka Beruka should pass Savage Blow or HP+5 (to make his joining chapter just a little easier) and Benny passes Wary Fighter (again, to help his joining chapter) and then Ignatius buddies Asugi for Replicate or Siegbert for Aegis and marries whomever would benefit well from Knight. If Ignatius ends as a tank then marrying Soleil's Mercenary is worth looking at for Strong Riposte and maybe Good Fortune.

Niles x Setsuna Nobody really wants Outlaw so pair Nina at the end. Nina takes Bowfaire from Setsuna and adds Certain Blow and Quick Draw to push her player phase damage higher in addition to moving over to Sniper to let her have the maximum bow rank. Buddy Caeldori I guess? She's just fast and will use bows.

Odin x Elise (best magic mods for Ophelia which then makes Kana even stronger) I'll assume she buddies Rhajat for Diviner and she's getting some other magic hybrid class from Corrin. Death Blow works well with Bibliophile so Corrin passing Oni Savage or purchasing Death Blow from another castle is recommended. I say leave her in Sorceror for the innate crit boost and stack Crit as high as you can.

Laslow x Hana Soleil buddies Sophie to give her an 8 move class that keeps an A sword rank to use with Swordfaire and to add Luna to Hana's Astra if you want to proc stack. I don't know if any of the male children want Mercenary so you might want to pair her after you pair everyone else off.

Keaton x Camilla (good mods, but not sure. Had Keaton x Effie in Conquest and she destroyed everything). Camilla can easily pass Savage Blow to mix with Grisly Wound to make her a terror during player phase combat. She can buddy Sophie to get Armored Blow to make it safer for her to attack into crowds, or Selkie for Rend Heaven. Hisame and Kiragi both give -faires in classes more accurate than Berserker if you don't want to leave her in Wolfssegner while also giving Duelist's Blow or Quick Draw and Certain Blow respectively.

Honestly, just looking for constructive criticism on each pairing, and if I should swap any around. Also, if it's not too much trouble, I'd really like to know what skills to pass down. I've already got Azura and Sakura at A+ so I can pass Miracle to Midori, but I'm only at chapter 13 so I've got none of the children yet and things are just in the preliminary stages.

tl;dr - are these good pairings, and who should be best friends with who so I can pass down the best skills?

There's so much flexibility in Fates that my advice isn't worth much, just mix and match and have some fun with it. I usually try to build characters around their personal skills because I find it more fun.

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Thank you so much! That really helps with deciding who to place where!

I think I'll take up on @TanatatKnight's advice, and switch into those pairings. My only concern now is who else needs to be optimised and then I'm done!

The majority is fine, it is more on how you play the game and your playstyle.

For example, I could argue Odin x Orochi can make a better Ophelia but that is because I want my Ophelia to be a high-skill magic powerhouse, with not much care for speed. However, many people have problems with doubling and may not find it optimal for their playstyle, which is why Elise is an alternate option for a faster Ophelia while having no negative in skill and speed while retaining the same magic.

Another thing to note is which kid do you really want to use? I know that Ophelia is on the top for being your MU's spouse and Kana will definitely end up being a beast but what about the rest? Is there any particular one you like? Well I will help offer some alternative.

Ryoma: Oboro can make a godly Shiro, however Rinkah is still an okay option plus she passes down an amazing class.

Xander: Charlotte for the god strength, or Mozu for some luck and balanced stats. They both suck with Res, so be careful with that.

Takumi: I can argue that his kid is kind of a throw away since he outclassed by his father but Oboro is the best option for him. Mozu can also give him more skill if you do decide to switch. Rinkah also isn't half bad, but not as good as the first two.

Silas: It really doesn't matter whoever you pair up with this guy because of how flexible he is. Seriously, Sophie is so balanced that she can work with anything and not suffer terribly. The best is probably Oboro, but anyone works with this guy.

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Hi Everyone,

First, Sorry for my English, I'm French. :XD:

Someone Knows if "Hoshidian Unity" and "Quixotic" can be cumulate ?

I explain, I love the skill "Lethality", but 1/4Skl% proc is ridiculous.

But if "Hoshidian Unity" and "Quixotic" can cumulate, Lethality is playable.

Saizo+Setsuna -> Asugi + Avatar (Skl+/Mag-) Talent: Mercenary -> Kana (S support with Selkie for Quixotic) Master Ninja Max stat:

HP 55 / Str 31 / Mag 23 / Skl 44 / Spd 36 / Lck 28 / Def 29 / Res 31

So Lethality have 11% to proc, but with "Hosh Unity" (+10%) and Quixotic (+15%), if that cumulate, we have a Lethality 36% to proc.

With that you give a Steel Shuriken+7 to be sure making damage and up speed +2, and you'll have a Master Ninja who hit regularly twice (range 1-2) with 36% Lethality.

And for keeping him "safe" you can give him "Vantage" by his father, and Sol (69% to proc) by Mercenary Class Set.

So if "Hosh Unity" and "Quixotic" are cumulate, it's playable. But if it's not...

Thanks =)

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The majority is fine, it is more on how you play the game and your playstyle.

For example, I could argue Odin x Orochi can make a better Ophelia but that is because I want my Ophelia to be a high-skill magic powerhouse, with not much care for speed. However, many people have problems with doubling and may not find it optimal for their playstyle, which is why Elise is an alternate option for a faster Ophelia while having no negative in skill and speed while retaining the same magic.

Another thing to note is which kid do you really want to use? I know that Ophelia is on the top for being your MU's spouse and Kana will definitely end up being a beast but what about the rest? Is there any particular one you like? Well I will help offer some alternative.

Ryoma: Oboro can make a godly Shiro, however Rinkah is still an okay option plus she passes down an amazing class.

Xander: Charlotte for the god strength, or Mozu for some luck and balanced stats. They both suck with Res, so be careful with that.

Takumi: I can argue that his kid is kind of a throw away since he outclassed by his father but Oboro is the best option for him. Mozu can also give him more skill if you do decide to switch. Rinkah also isn't half bad, but not as good as the first two.

Silas: It really doesn't matter whoever you pair up with this guy because of how flexible he is. Seriously, Sophie is so balanced that she can work with anything and not suffer terribly. The best is probably Oboro, but anyone works with this guy.

Wrong, Camilla and Hana are both better, giving better stats and better classes (and he won't have to buddy anyone for samurai in Hana's case). Plus, it doesn't rob Takumi of a marriage class. Oboro isn't a bad mom for Kiragi (or any phys kid for that matter), but she is far from the best option.

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Hi Everyone,

First, Sorry for my English, I'm French. :XD:

Someone Knows if "Hoshidian Unity" and "Quixotic" can be cumulate ?

I explain, I love the skill "Lethality", but 1/4Skl% proc is ridiculous.

But if "Hoshidian Unity" and "Quixotic" can cumulate, Lethality is playable.

Saizo+Setsuna -> Asugi + Avatar (Skl+/Mag-) Talent: Mercenary -> Kana (S support with Selkie for Quixotic) Master Ninja Max stat:

HP 55 / Str 31 / Mag 23 / Skl 44 / Spd 36 / Lck 28 / Def 29 / Res 31

So Lethality have 11% to proc, but with "Hosh Unity" (+10%) and Quixotic (+15%), if that cumulate, we have a Lethality 36% to proc.

With that you give a Steel Shuriken+7 to be sure making damage and up speed +2, and you'll have a Master Ninja who hit regularly twice (range 1-2) with 36% Lethality.

And for keeping him "safe" you can give him "Vantage" by his father, and Sol (69% to proc) by Mercenary Class Set.

So if "Hosh Unity" and "Quixotic" are cumulate, it's playable. But if it's not...

Thanks =)

Personally, I think needing to devote three skill slots to make one (Lethality) usable means that it's bad, especially if another one of them is a double-edged sword (Quixotic).

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Quixotic is double-edged sword yes...

That's why I take Vantage and Solar.

In case of Kana have half-HP or Less, he will hit 1st. So He have chance to instant-kill or regen before ennemy's hit.

And If He have more than 50%... Well, for killing him, you need a very big STR + a good Weapon. (Critical exclude).

Plus, You always can hide him with a very big sponge Like a General.

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Quixotic is double-edged sword yes...

That's why I take Vantage and Solar.

In case of Kana have half-HP or Less, he will hit 1st. So He have chance to instant-kill or regen before ennemy's hit.

And If He have more than 50%... Well, for killing him, you need a very big STR + a good Weapon. (Critical exclude).

Plus, You always can hide him with a very big sponge Like a General.

Still, 36% chance of an instant kill isn't reliable by my standards, especially when I have to use the majority of my skill slots to make it usable. Also, Hexing Rod. What are you optimizing for, anyways?

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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With so many skills that just flatly boost your damage, Luna and Astra, Killer/Great Weapons and proper Guard Stance Bonuses, do you really need to specifically make Lethality work? Like, is there ever an occurrence where a Berserker with a Great Club and the Deathblow skill won't kill something? That's 1 Skill for essentially the same effect as using 3 to make Lethality proc essentially 1/3 of the time. Like, I don't wanna be a party pooper, but there are soooo many ways you can get reliable KO's in this game, Lethality is really just there for gimmick set ups.

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Fair point, but I would honestly take that over using Quixotic and Hoshidan Unity to make Lethality at best proc 36% of the time. Again, the setup works fine if you want to make Lethality you're main source of offense, it's just that a lot of us don't find it to be reliable enough to bother with.

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Wrong, Camilla and Hana are both better, giving better stats and better classes (and he won't have to buddy anyone for samurai in Hana's case). Plus, it doesn't rob Takumi of a marriage class. Oboro isn't a bad mom for Kiragi (or any phys kid for that matter), but she is far from the best option.

Yes, I know that they are better options for him.

But I'm only try to work with the only few units that I am swapping around. I'm sorry that it wasn't clear enough, since Hana is already with Kaden and I don't want to move Keaton away from Camilla. Sorry about my mistake.

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