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Why Is Corrin Leading the Army? (Spoilers)


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Why is Corrin leading the army when for half the game you get the Crown Prince (Xander in Conquest) or Uncrowned King (Ryoma in Birthright)?

Corrin doesn't really show any tactical genius like Robin that would lead him/her to be given the lead. The narrative could have used Corrin's magical dragon powers as some sort of reason to take command, but no one even brings it up again after Chapter 5.

It would have made more sense for Xander/Ryoma to be off doing their own thing until the very end of the game, so we're not scratching our heads as to why they aren't the ones leading the army. I could see Camilla and Hinoka passing the reigns to their darling little brother/sister, since Corrin is the next oldest in line, and if Corrin is male, the second oldest brother taking command over an older sister would make sense historically, as it seems Takumi was in line of succession over Hinoka in Hoshido at least.

Xander and Ryoma could easily fill the Gotoh archetype, since they are justifiably overpowered compared to most other units.

The only route it really makes sense for Corrin to be in command is Revelations, since he/she's bringing the two nations together and is a good compromise leader.

Edited by Rezzy
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Maybe because he's considered the Commander-in-Chief of Fates...kinda like George Washington of the Continental Army.

Woah now, let's not compare Corrin to the greatness that was George Washington. Even putting them in the same sentence is an insult to the first president.

The real answer as to why Corrin is leading the army is because they're the super special self-insert and the creators wanted to make the players feel special.

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Because Garon explicitly places Corrin in charge several times on Conquest.

There's no explicit reason for her/him to be in charge on Birthright iirc, but given that Ryoma was already playing second banana to Scarlet before Corrin even showed up + he's consistently shown to go renegade pre-route split, I'd hazard a guess there's supposed to be some characterization there I just don't know because I haven't gotten many of his supports.

Edited by blinkingbrave
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Because Garon explicitly places Corrin in charge several times on Conquest.

True, but I thought that was just sending Corrin on various suicide missions before the actual Hoshido invasion began. I could very well have missed something, it just seems funny for Xander to sit back and let Corrin be in charge.

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At this point, I'm not sure why you even question Fates's writting, Rezzy xD.

You can literally answer everything by either: ''magic'' or ''power of being the avatar character''.

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Mmm, nope, if I'm remembering Xander's join chapter correctly, Garon places Corrin in charge of the army (again, like he does for all those other missions), and then Xander joins after. That Xander listens to that order makes reasonable enough sense to me, given Xander's devotion to his father.

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Corrin was doing their own thing at the beginning (Conquest made it clear that the nohr royals minus Elise lead their own fleet) and overtime the others decide to join Corrin's group. Even on Birthright this is can be applied. If Corrin went to join Xander's fleet, than Xander would be in charge. In birthright, Corrin has the only fleet that doesn't fuck up.

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I guess because Garon wants to make Corrin cry, so he puts him in charge in the hopes that he screws it up. Now one might be thinking that it would be incredible stupid to wish for the invasion of the hated Hoshido to fail for the sake of such petty and pointless shenanigans... but considering that Garon actually has the invasion army attacked by the Faceless, there is no doubt that he is really that stupid.

Why does Garon care about making Corrin cry anyway? Are they ripping off the plot of Sonic 06? Sorry, but I kinda lost the drive of playing the rest of this game after that whole mess with the Hoshidian princess "I knew it you have been always on our side", so I don't actually know that yet.

Edited by BrightBow
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I guess because Garon wants to make Corrin cry, so he puts him in charge in the hopes that he screws it up. Now one might be thinking that it would be incredible stupid to wish for the invasion of the hated Hoshido to fail for the sake of such petty and pointless shenanigans... but considering that Garon actually has the invasion army attacked by the Faceless, there is no doubt that he is really that stupid.

Why does Garon care about making Corrin cry anyway? Are they ripping off the plot of Sonic 06? Sorry, but I kinda lost the drive of playing the rest of this game after that whole mess with the Hoshidian princess "I knew it you have been always on our side", so I don't actually know that yet.

Garon sounds like a Care Bears villain.

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I've wondered this as well, especially in birthright, since Ryoma is doing his thing in enemy territory way before Corrin. However, we also have to remember that Corrin has the Yato, the weapon that would save the world, which is probably why he was leading. I actually forget the specific saying that the yato has, though.

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I've wondered this as well, especially in birthright, since Ryoma is doing his thing in enemy territory way before Corrin. However, we also have to remember that Corrin has the Yato, the weapon that would save the world, which is probably why he was leading. I actually forget the specific saying that the yato has, though.

To be honest, the whole fluff behind the Yato is never really explained that well, nor is the Rainbow Sage.

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As others say, Garon puts him in charge in Conquest, and given Xander's devotion to Garon it's unlikely he'd question it. It's possible Garon was hoping Corrin's inexperience would cause him to screw up and get himself/people he cares about killed. Which if so is actually some clever thinking.

In Birthright, I'm not sure, but as someone else pointed out Ryoma seems to like letting others lead (Scarlet, Yukimura), so maybe he just didn't want to and figured "Corrin's running things fine, no reason to change the chain of command and cause confusion."

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It's possible Garon was hoping Corrin's inexperience would cause him to screw up and get himself/people he cares about killed. Which if so is actually some clever thinking.

This is what I always thought, but I can't remember if that was explicitly the case (if it was, it was definitely stated well after Xander joined) or just something I surmised based on his earlier dialogue/motivations. Either way, it seems pretty likely to me, given that's almost his exact reasoning earlier in the game, where it is explicitly stated. If Garon consistently operates on the same motivations (which would make sense), there's no reason to beat the reader over the head with it.

Edited by blinkingbrave
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Why is Corrin leading the army when for half the game you get the Crown Prince (Xander in Conquest) or Uncrowned King (Ryoma in Birthright)?

Probably because Corrin's so dang nice that they can somehow persuade people to follow them and do what they say, kind of like how most FE protagonists can lead armies despite not knowing about any tactics or strategy. Not to mention that Corrin is already leading the army for the first half of the game so Ryoma and Xander just tag along. Also they're the main character, but that already gives special privileges to every protagonist in every sort of medium anyway.

Why does Garon care about making Corrin cry anyway?

Garon wants to crush Corrin's spirit so Anankos can use him as a vessel.

To be honest, the whole fluff behind the Yato is never really explained that well, nor is the Rainbow Sage.

Well, Corrin's choice between Nohr and Hoshido does decide the fate of two/three kingdoms so it's not like the Yato's choosing of Corrin was unwarranted.

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In Birthright, I'm not sure, but as someone else pointed out Ryoma seems to like letting others lead (Scarlet, Yukimura), so maybe he just didn't want to and figured "Corrin's running things fine, no reason to change the chain of command and cause confusion."

That would actually be consistent with Conquest, where Ryoma isn't seen anywhere until all of his siblings are either dead or captured.

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As others say, Garon puts him in charge in Conquest, and given Xander's devotion to Garon it's unlikely he'd question it. It's possible Garon was hoping Corrin's inexperience would cause him to screw up and get himself/people he cares about killed. Which if so is actually some clever thinking.

In Birthright, I'm not sure, but as someone else pointed out Ryoma seems to like letting others lead (Scarlet, Yukimura), so maybe he just didn't want to and figured "Corrin's running things fine, no reason to change the chain of command and cause confusion."

This is what I always thought, but I can't remember if that was explicitly the case (if it was, it was definitely stated well after Xander joined) or just something I surmised based on his earlier dialogue/motivations. Either way, it seems pretty likely to me, given that's almost his exact reasoning earlier in the game.

I like your reasonings for the Conquests side, and I could see that making sense.

I still don't think he should be in command on Birthright's side. As King, Ryoma should really be the one leading the troops, or if he doesn't want to, he should go back to whatever the capital of Hoshido is called and focus on protecting it and doing other kingly duties. During the middle ages, a king being a mere spectator to the one leading his own troops reflects very poorly on him, and would be a sign of weakness or incompetence.

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Mm, yeah, there definitely isn't the same clear reasoning on Birthright. In regards to Ryoma, I think that's more just a character flaw the writing kinda didn't finish or something. To me, he consistently behaves one particular way (talking a lot about being a leader, but not fully acting that way), so his not behaving responsibly in this regard fits. But at the same time, I'm not sure the writing ever actual confirms that as an intended behavior, meaning that might not be the correct reasoning at all.

So... I think Ryoma should lead because it's the appropriate thing to do, but (assuming I'm understanding the characterization right) it makes more sense to me that he fails to do that.

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Mm, yeah, there definitely isn't the same clear reasoning on Birthright. In regards to Ryoma, I think that's more just a character flaw the writing kinda didn't finish or something. To me, he consistently behaves one particular way (talking a lot about being a leader, but not fully acting that way), so his not behaving responsibly in this regard fits. But at the same time, I'm not sure the writing ever actual confirms that as an intended behavior, meaning that might not be the correct reasoning at all.

So... I think Ryoma should lead because it's the appropriate thing to do, but (assuming I'm understanding the characterization right) it makes more sense to me that he fails to do that.

The more I see of Ryoma, the more I think he's a poor king and doesn't have his priorities straight. His first act as head of Hoshido is to disappear without a word to even his siblings on some covert mission. Dude, you're the king now, your place is at your capital or leading your army, not on some mission to foment rebellion. You've got countless ninjas at your disposal for that sort of thing. If Garon had half a brain, he would have taken the royal siblings absence from Hoshido as an opportunity and waltzed into the capital in chapter 8.

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Do you want the serious answer or the meta answer?

Serious answer: Because Garon said so in Conquest and because Ryoma doesn't seem to be much of a military commander in Birthright. I haven't played Revelation yet so I can't say for there.

Meta answer: Because he's the main character.

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Meta answer: Because he's the main character.

This is the only correct answer, as I'd stated earlier in the thread.

The game developers could've easily had Ryouma be the leader of the army after he shows up, while still having Kamui be the viewpoint character. The only real reason why that didn't happen is because this game sucks up to Kamui. Which is the real reason as to Garon putting Kamui in charge of the army just to make them cry.

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Do you want the serious answer or the meta answer?

Serious answer: Because Garon said so in Conquest and because Ryoma doesn't seem to be much of a military commander in Birthright. I haven't played Revelation yet so I can't say for there.

Meta answer: Because he's the main character.

Revelations is the route it makes the most sense, since neither Xander nor Ryoma would likely accept the other as the leader of the combined army, but they both like Corrin.

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I agree with the meta answer

also I wouldn't say Ryoma didn't leave a word to his siblings--he did, she just got caught. Kagero's job was to tell his sibs where the hell he is, and when they rescued her, that's exactly what she did and where they went for in BR11-13.

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