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The Legend of Okörina


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--Well, I just want to say that writing is one of my favorite hobbies. I write for fun, and simply for that. In some of my stories, as is the case with the Legend of Okörina, I write about relatives and friends, using their names as characters. I am only writing this story simply because I came up with the whole idea for it and my relatives said it would be a nice thing to do. I will only post book one of a total of three. The others will be available on the net for purchase once I publish them, and I will. The funny thing is I already have sold more than 100 copies, and I still havent even posted the damn story. Friends and relatvies have already ordered up their copies lol. I guess because they appear in the middle of all the action.

Okay that being said, there is still room for anyone who wishes to appear in the series. I would need a name for your character and description.

Here is the Prologue and I will add more of the story as I go along. ^^

The Legend of Okörina

Book 1: Pöcha's Tomb

Prologue: The Tale of Okörina

Everyone in Phydoria had heard about Okörina, the wondrous elemental imbued sword that was said to be the most powerful weapon ever made. Many were the tales about the fabulous weapon, and though most of them had been changing drastically over the passage of time, still most of the fables were good enough to keep even the most story-hating human being amazed.

Okörina, according to the tales, had been a sword designed to rid the land of evil. Imbued with the four main elements found through out the world; fire, water, air and earth, Okörina became the first ever magical weapon to be crafted. Many tales also told that Okörina not only possessed the power of the elements, but a life of her own as well. Many historians believed that those tales were too far-fetched, though. And since no proof remained whatsoever that could even give a small hint about the sword's existence, many humans had decided that Okörina had simply been a tale invented by a crazy bard of the past and one that had escalated rooted out beyond control.

Truth was, Phydoria was an ancient continent, and ancient too, was its history. Even before time, dates and years had started to be kept as record, many disturbing things had occured through out the land. Okörina did come to exist, though her entire story was a mystery since there was no way of knowing what had happened in those ancient times. No records had been kept, and many of the old world wonders had been destroyed in the ancient war.

One thing was for certain though, and only Okörina knew it. A new age of terror and evil was about to spread through out the continent of Phydoria. Awoke then the sword from her millennia plus years of deep slumber, after feeling those evil vibrations reverberating in the air. Okörina knew its time to act had come once again.


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