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Wii U randomly started freezing


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Started happening yesterday, literally, just started happening. I was playing Smash regularly on most days, sometimes hours on end and absolutely nothing happened.

Yesterday, though, I just turned it on and this shit started happening. I got pretty upset, but I figured it can't be broken considering it's still relatively new (about 2 months) and I've NEVER, ever ran to any issues with it.

also, I can't call Nintendo repair, since it's not in Argentina.

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I heard that if you don't turn off the game first before you turn off the console, you risk "bricking" the system, meaning it won't load the game anymore. This can happen with any game, but the bigger the game is (like Smash), the bigger the risk of it happening.

Sorry to say that that's about the best advice I can give you...

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I think I had a problem like that once, have you unplugged everything and let it sit for several hours? I did that and then I had to hold the power button for a couple of minutes when I plugged it back in, and my Wii U has worked fine since then and I have had it 2 years. It may be like power master said though, have you checked your instruction manual? That is what I did when I had my problem and it helped.

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I heard that if you don't turn off the game first before you turn off the console, you risk "bricking" the system, meaning it won't load the game anymore. This can happen with any game, but the bigger the game is (like Smash), the bigger the risk of it happening.

Sorry to say that that's about the best advice I can give you...

I always turned it off by the power button, yeah. Can't blame me for having common sense. Like, no one would expect a console to not be prepared to handle a game of it's own...

I also tried unplugging it for like 7 hours, for what it's worth. Nothing happened. Did it again for a few hours, came back just now, and Smash actually loaded. Took it off to try it on HDMI (it was set to non-HDMI), but it wouldn't load. I get the message "unable to load, turn off console and try again".

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Like I said, the games themselves have absolutely nothing to do with if it. I can't even access the start menu. It freezes there. Fuck, I actually just managed to play Smash 4 earlier. Turns out I can play my games and access the menu if I do the Start+a+b+Dpad up thing to access the Settings. Only from there I can access other stuff. However, I still can't change stuff like the input. It got locked on non-HDMI and I can't change it (get the message "Unable to change settings" or something along those lines).

I tried deleting everything so it goes back to default settings. Now I can't even get the gamepad to sync. The hell.

I also read about the so called "brick", and it doesn't seem to be the case, as it wouldn't outright be working if it were. Not only that, bricks are caused by stuff like an interrupted upgrade or download, stuff of which I had nothing to do with prior to this. Like I said, it literally just started happening.

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I don't have any thing of that sort, otherwise it would've happened the moment I got it...not now, right after spending countless hours on Smash.

Does any one know how long it would take if I were to send it? My mother's going to the U.S in about two weeks, so that might be my chance. also, anything in terms of costs? I bought it from a seller on eBay, so I've no warranty of sorts (it was new in box, though).

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I don't know about Wii U's. Back in April 2015 I sent my 3ds in for button repairs.

It wasn't a warranty repair, I paid for it (sometimes I think I should have bought a newer model because I paid like $70 but it's still a lot cheaper than a new one).

I'm not absolutely sure of the day I shipped it off or got it back, but

-I got the repair label by email from them on 4/16.

-They sent me an email saying they had received the 3ds on 4/22.

-They sent me an email saying they were shipping the 3ds back on 4/23.

There was nothing wrong with the memory or anything, just the shoulder buttons. I tried some repair guides before sending it in but I couldn't get them to work.

I'm not sure it will be the same since it's been about a year, but I'm gonna PM you most of the email I got from them with instructions etc if you want to take a look. It was generic to all systems etc.

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