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Tales of Avatar the Last Airbender (Avatar Spoilers)

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Wishful thinking that Bamco would make an Avatar game with Tales mechanics.

2 Stories (similar to Tales of Destiny DX Stahn and Lion Side)

Aang's Side - Follows Aang's story


Aang - All-arounder with Speed emphasis. Gradually gets more options as he learns the elements

Sokka - Utility. Items increase in effect when used by Sokka and can create unique tools using science

Katara - Zoner. Long-range attacking and healing. Also has close range move that knocks enemies back to continue zoning momentum.

Toph - Tank. Uses earth bending to gain super armor (reduced damage and hitstun). Can also surround self with boulders that cause enemy hitstun on impact (like Strider ouroboros and the rock shield in Tales of Zestiria

Example Exclusive Content

1. Covers Aang's story

2. Aang/Zuko Sun Warrior Quest

3. Sokka/Toph/Suki Fire Nation Fleet raid. The final dungeon that leads to

4. Aang VS Ozai - Final Battle

Zuko's Side - Covers Zuko and Iroh. Harder than Aang's side due to fewer characters


Zuko - Mage Knight. Dual Swords and martial artes up close and fire bending long range. Breath of Fire for healing

Iroh - All-arounder (more effective than other characters to compensate for smaller party). Martial artes up close and fire bending from far away. Can stun with lighting so Zuko can follow-up with combos (Also for handling swarms of enemies)

Example Exclusive Content

1. Zuko's Story - Covers Zuko's adventures, but not Aang's until he joins Aang at the end

2. Zuko bond trips with Sokka and Katara

3. Azula Final Boss with Katara

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Korra's definitely has more technology in it's era. Since you haven't finished it, I won't spoil anything for you. But yeah, there's a lot of content in it. ...Yeah, it may be better off as a separate game. :P

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