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Efficient grinding method on Boo Camp!


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Hey guys, I found an efficient grinding method on Boo Camp DLC that I thought I'd share, because I know how frustrating it can be when your units are too weak and keep dying on the map. Also when the Green enemies start giving little to no EXP due to your units being over levelled.

First, Recruit 3-4 Einherjars with their stats maxed out or as high as possible (just recruit them from the top 3 ranked My Castles)

Next, Start Boo Camp and bring the OP units with you.

Now here's the strategy.

In the centre of the map, just North of your starting position, there is a breakable wall. Your weak units will be aiming for this wall and breaking it to get to the upper half of the map.

Meanwhile, your OP Einherjars will simply be moved into the middle of wherever the enemies spawn. I usually send one up the left and one up the right side of the map, while 1-2 go up north with the weaklings (I will tell you why shortly). The Green monsters will suicide on the Einherjars on enemy phase and will leave the yellow ones that give the big EXP to "escape" to the north of the map. If Golems spawn, try and get rid of them with the Einhejars on Player Phase.

Finally, when the yellow enemies come to your weak units that are waiting on the upper half of the map, Kill them for all the EXP you desire by having the OP Einherjars that came up with you stand adjacent to you while you attack them. They should be able to kill them easily.

NOTE: This works better the earlier in the game you are, as the enemies are weaker but Yellow Enemies ALWAYS give a minimum of 20exp per kill no matter what. Also, if the Yellow Enemies are still too strong for you, give the Einherjars a weapon that doesn't kill the enemy if above 1HP (e.g. Niles' Bow) or a weapon that doesn't activate skills/crits/follow up attacks (e.g. Hand Axe) so they can weaken the yellows for your weak units to finish them off.

Hope this helps!

Edited by poptdp
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Thanks, I'll try it later.

Actually, I have been using pumped up Einherjars (which you can grab easily from unguarded castles) and I did notice the breakable wall, but didn't think to put two and two together XD

In addition to the choice weapons, using tag team/attack stance is good as well. Esp. if the tag partner is high level and has Master weapons.

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While i took a similar approach, i failed to notice until now that i just can have my units guard the spawning points, so thanks for the reminder.

If i may add something, though, the Replicate skill is highly recommened for this map. It gives you more units to effectively weed out the golems and green faceless, and also allows for more pair-up options to protect your units from being swarmed during enemy phase, especially in later chapters. Plus, many of the Einherjar from the top castles readily carry it.

Edited by Sétanta
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Niles' Bow is probably preferred (especially with Point Blank skill equipped) as it can be equipped on Kinshi Knights, which can fly.

Takumi's Shinai (the only other weapon that can't land fatal blows) is a sword weapon, meaning that it can't be equipped on flying units. It can be equipped on Paladins, though (having base 8 movement, even while grounded, is nothing to sneeze at).

Einherjars can be even more effective if they're in classes with base 8 movement (preferably flying ones like Wyvern Lord, etc.), have 2 more movement from 2 Boots (Logbook exploit FTW), and have at least Galeforce, Replicate, Movement +1, Pass and possibly an attack skill or Warp.

... Gotta love having 11 movement.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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While grinding in Boo Camp i use Corrin and Kanna in dragon form ( unequipped all attack skills and use replicate ) to tank the green ones, when the green ones have low hp i use the low lvl character to deal the final blow

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Thanks, I'll try it later.

Actually, I have been using pumped up Einherjars (which you can grab easily from unguarded castles) and I did notice the breakable wall, but didn't think to put two and two together XD

In addition to the choice weapons, using tag team/attack stance is good as well. Esp. if the tag partner is high level and has Master weapons.

Not alone.

I've already took those hacked units before they were taken down by Nintendo. =]


My hacked unit.
Now I have a great Onmyoji which I hate it's bad caps for.
Got this one anyway from another castle, because this class of hers is rare and this is what I want her in the end! Although people have made a fuss about it and with too much announcement going on...they've scared the hacker away and these were taken down right afterwards. I still wanted to get the Niles and the Shigure though.

I just want some unbalanced units. ^_^


I just bring the Einherjar to battle the Faceless by Ch7 in another file to make for easy skill grinding. =)

Useful for DLC skills which you cannot purchase from other players, or from your logbook.

Edited by PuffPuff
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