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Should the next FE take place in a different setting?



38 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see the next FE take place in a different setting besides medieval?

    • Yes
    • No

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I definitely wouldn't play or buy a modernday or futuristic FE. I'm not into scifi and I find modernday weaponry boring. Gimme all the swords, lances and axes. A different medieval place would be neat, though.

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I agree. The game definitely needs to be more medieval then it already is.

Just how do you make it more Medievil than it already is? Have everyone die of the Bubonic Plague? Have women be treated as subhuman? Have all the art for like several centuries be nothing but stained glass?

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A modern setting does not mean modern weapons. Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Personas 3/4 use primarily old-fashioned weapons even though they take place in modern times.

I definitely would like to see an argument against a modern aesthetic though. Modern games always have a ton of style and color. Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Persona, Splatoon, The World Ends With You, and probably so much more. That's the primary reason to have a modern setting. And also designer-looking clothes. Those are fab.

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Just how do you make it more Medievil than it already is? Have everyone die of the Bubonic Plague? Have women be treated as subhuman? Have all the art for like several centuries be nothing but stained glass?

Sounds good to me!

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Now even though I voted no, I don't think a modern setting would screw up the weapon triangle or the usual classes.

The reason why I'm so scared of this sudden change is that....well first of, from what I've played so far, I think Nintendo can still expand the medieval setting further as there are lots of things that can only be possible to do in medieval than modern.

I mean, how else can you make stories historical? How else can you explain geographical continents?

Then there's the problem of how the modern setting will look. If you're going to put soldiers and vehicles, you might as well give us another Advance Wars game instead since that thing fits perfectly for this IP.

I think Spain will be a good inspiration and can make some interesnting scenarios. The war between Spain and the Moors that raged on in Spain for centuries could be a good inspiration, and and would allow some Northen African Isalmic inspired designs and classes to the franchise, also could take inspiration from the "Poem of the Cid".

Also they could use the war of conquest of the Americas as an inspiration, the Spanish side could still have a familiar Medieval flavor, though perhaps more Reanaisse looking this time, while they can make new designs based on the Aztecs, Mayans and other etnichs of Meso America. The Aztecs in general would be a cool inspiration.

But yeah, woul be nice to see something beside "Generic medival fantasy setting No.89"

I don't want to sound rude.....but don't you think that sounds a bit racist? I mean this is a Nintendo IP we're talking about here and them doing something like this might be a problem....nothing wrong with the overall idea as I'd like to see stuff based on Spain and all....but the part in Africa might seem a bit off.

I wou;lent mind seeing an FE with a more East Asian setting. No weak ass Hoshidan shit, I'm talking China, the Khmer Empire, the Monglos, the real good stuff. Also, insane Romanophile that I am, I would adore a Roman setting. The main hero could be someone like Caesar, first leading a Revolution against a corrupt aristocracy. Then the second Generation could feature a fight for supremacy Antony and Octavian style. There are also so many cool cultures to work with; you have the Guals, you have the Seleucids, you have the Parthians, etc. Nohr came close to a Roman setting, but then pussed out and decided to go back to a more generic Middle Ages look. I don't want Steampunk, though. That's overdone.

The thing that I didn't like about Hoshido.....or Birthright as a whole is that their weapons are superior than the ones that Nohr has. I'm talking about those damn shurikens that lower stats per time you get/take hits....that is just awful.

A modern setting does not mean modern weapons. Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Personas 3/4 use primarily old-fashioned weapons even though they take place in modern times.

I definitely would like to see an argument against a modern aesthetic though. Modern games always have a ton of style and color. Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Persona, Splatoon, The World Ends With You, and probably so much more. That's the primary reason to have a modern setting. And also designer-looking clothes. Those are fab.

I personally feel that this is more of a shin megami game instead of a mix between both. Those games I'm assuming have something to do with things that are more focused on psychology so for those games, it works.

But I am very doubtful on how a modern setting would work for FE. The only way I can see this happen is they make a crossover between Valkyria Chronicles and Fire Emblem arcs together and put some interesting things there.

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Yeah, I understand how you feel..... I mean, I played Phantasy Star 3 and I hated the way the game changed the main Phantasy Star look for wrong reasons.

I suppose they can try something like how Breath of the Wild is doing adding technology while still keeping it fantasy.

Funny enough, Phantasy Star 3's setting is exactly how I imagine FE in space. In fact Gen 2 protagonists kind of look like Seliph and Leif (or Cuan).

As for different setting, I think that mainline FE should stay medieval but I would love to see sci-fi spin-off (with the same gameplay) done by IS themselves.

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Really, they've basically said "to hell with it" in regards of staying true to roots. If anything, I'd prefer a different setting as it would further distance it from what came before while making people look at it as more of its' own thing.

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I doubt I would enjoy more modern or futuristic setting in Fire Emblem (I mean, Tokyo Mirage seems to have nice-looking enough setting, but from what I've seen it's not really a Fire Emblem game so...).

Different cultural settings would be cool tho, it doesn't always have to be "generic medieval-ish Western World".

Also I would totally welcome a game with tons of desert maps if they fit the setting. "One Thousand and One Fire Emblems" could be really nice.

And speed runs and LTCs of it would be hilarious

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A modern setting does not mean modern weapons. Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Personas 3/4 use primarily old-fashioned weapons even though they take place in modern times.

I definitely would like to see an argument against a modern aesthetic though. Modern games always have a ton of style and color. Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Persona, Splatoon, The World Ends With You, and probably so much more. That's the primary reason to have a modern setting. And also designer-looking clothes. Those are fab.

But how would you explain the fact that they're using those weapons -- against other human beings at that. I can understand that FE dudes/dudettes wouldn't bat an eye at killing someone with swords, because that's normal for them. In a modernday setting? Yeah, no. And most of those games have some sort of parallel world thing going, which isn't what I personally want in a game. Nor do I want to solely fight monsters in an FE because characters with a more modern mindset wouldn't just slaughter other humans.

Can't agree on the designer clothes, cause I really don't care, but a change of medieval setting would also mean some new wardrobes.

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I don't want to sound rude.....but don't you think that sounds a bit racist? I mean this is a Nintendo IP we're talking about here and them doing something like this might be a problem....nothing wrong with the overall idea as I'd like to see stuff based on Spain and all....but the part in Africa might seem a bit off.

I don't see how it can be racist at all, the Moors did came from Northen west Africa, but that's it. The invasion and war was in Spain the whole centuries it lasted, If it's considered racist to use this war an setting as inspiration because one side came from Africa then I would say that's really absurd reason. At the end is just another war, nothing more nothing less, the whole franchise is basiclly war and war over wars, and it's not that IS does a historically acurate recreation of the setting an periods the franchise takes inspiration.

But... anyway, Sorry if it end sounding racist or unsensitive, I was thinking that it would be a cool idea if it was based in medieval Spain, as it would allow to keep the medieval setting but added a little twist with the Islamic presence and inspiration, however yes, it could cause trouble I suposse... even if I think it shouldn't at all but yeah, it could not be well accepted.

Edited by Purikaman
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Sure, could be cool to see how IS handles it. I would really like to see how FE would operate in a Steam Punk Setting. Like, a Code Name Steam - Fire Emblem Exclusive. They already did something like it once (talking about code name steam here), so it wouldn't hurt. Mages? Easy. Steam based tubes have cylinders whose "element" (wind, thunder, dark, etc.) can only be controlled by certian peoples. It'd be a nice way to bring back the magic trinity, and get rid of the weapon... hexagon-triangle they have now. (It's stupid, in my opinion). If only they brought back movement stars and Leadership stars...

Edited by Lord Tullus
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Would enjoy a future/space-travel setting. Don't necessarily think it would be a good move on their part, but I'd be interested and would definitely try it. Laser oriented melee weapons, rifles in place of bows. Would be fine with magic sticking around. Mounted units would be replaced with some sort of small vehicle, jet bike or hover board, something like that. HP would be represented by an overshield, for sake of explaining how people get hit with lasers and live.

Would be fine with any setting though, I love SRPGs, but FE has my favorite gameplay of all SRPGs.

Now if you'll excuse me, gonna go draft an idea for a futuristic SRPG with FE style gameplay.

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