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Which class are you?


Which Fire Emblem class would you like to be?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. Which base class are you?

  2. 2. Which promoted class are you?

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I chose 1st Class: Myrmidon and 2nd Class: Swordmaster

I've always loved those classes the best and I find the characters are always the most similar to me. That's the class I'd want to be if I was in Fire Emblem if not that then a Lord.

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I chose Mercenary > Hero

No Lance Fighter so I chose this due to the only weapon I have being a sword. (And I didn't care much for saying I'm a samurai. Plus axes are my fave.)

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Mage → Dark Knight

I based everything about my Awakening Avatar on me (Asset = Magic, Flaw = Luck) and that's essentially the class I chose to remain. I've never been one for Dark Magic and would have probably chose Tactician for my Base Class if the option were there.

Pretty straightforward in essence.

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Berserker because when i box or play racket sports, I tend to choke due to lack of form. But when I'm in my game day, my speed and my upper body strength carry the day. No to mention my punish game is disgusting. But my form sucks, so I'm not really an all-rounder or a glass canon.

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I opted for Pegasus Knight -> Dark Flyer, as PKs have always been my favourite class and I'm pretty good with animals and shit, but DF for the promotion because Magic is the best. Had this been Fates classes, though, I totally would have opted for Magic Dragon instead. >_>

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I would've picked rogue but since it wasn't an option I went with assassin. Both have extremely cool looking animations (especially the GBA versions) so that's why I picked them!

Edited by Dinar87
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No Lance Fighter or Tactician....

I guess mage would be the next best choice. I'd probably want to avoid direct fighting so a weapon with range or reach would suit me. I wanted to say Wyvern Rider (because FUCK YEAH DRAGONS), but I get motion sickness so I'd be total rubbish at it in real life, lol

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Mage and Sage. I just like magic (Especially wind magic. Just imagine watching you victims be cut to pieces by blades of wind)

I would say Wyvern Rider then Griffon Rider, but I hate heights and Axes.

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Cavalier>paladin because I have grown up around horses all my life and I am really good with a javelin, plus I have a white horse and paladins ride white horses.

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I would go with Wyvern Rider and then malign knight, since the idea of using Tomes riding an undead dragon sounds really very cool to me, but considering It's not present, I shall go with Wyvern Lord, considering they are just Wyvern Rider with lances/swords

However, I would like to be a Sage too

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Archer -> Sniper.

I'd have high Resistance, Luck, and Speed; average HP, Skill, and Magic; and horrible Strength and Defense. Growths would be 45% HP, 20% STR, 45% MAG, 45% SKL, 65% SPD, 60% LUK, 15% DEF, and 60% RES.

I find the Archer aesthetics to be pretty cool, and Archers tend to be my favorite units. Basara would also be pretty cool though.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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