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Is the tactician in FE7 Robin's missing child?

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I heard that the tactician in FE7 is the missing twin child of Robin. At first, I doubted; however, I went into deeper research. Apparently, from one of the future dlc in awakening, it confirms that Robin has a pair of twins. The one you get in your army is Morgan and the missing twin is the one you face in the dlc. In the dlc where you get Lyn, she said that Robin looks familiar and thinks Robin is the tactician she meet in her game. Children often resembles their parents. Also, Morgan's name in the Japanese version is Mark, which is the name of the tactician in FE7. In addition, Robin and Morgan wears similar clothes of the FE7 tactician. Is this all just a coincidence, only mere references, or actual connections?

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Isn't that only a fan theory? The dlc never actually says that the other Morgan is Robin's child. Both Morgans were put in so as to not make it seem like Robin has a "canon" gender.

We never really see a portrait of Fe7's tactician so we can't tell their clothes are similar or not.

I'm going to go with that it's a reference/shout-out to FE7.

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For starters, Future Past follows a different canon to Awakening's main story, so it doesn't really count. For example, Grima can kill Naga and vice versa in Future Past, but they can't do so in Awakening

Beyond that, many think Mark from FE7 is Morgan from Awakening, tho I prefer thinking Robin is descended from Mark myself.

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Another theory is that mark IS robin, before he appeared in the the field at the begining of awakening. That would explain why mark never appears in FE6, despite seemings promising to lyn that he would return. He didn't remember to, because of his amnesia. This als explains lyn's comment.

Edited by sirmola
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Actually, I could get behind this.

It also makes sense since the missing Morgan is the same gender as the Avatar.

Still, I'm not sure if I like this or the Robin = Mark theory better.

By the way, there's another minor connection that most people don't notice. Mark's ending in the Japanese version describes him/her as a "Divine Tactician" ("Superb Mind" in the English version) if you achieve a S rank playthrough. Which is suspiciously the Grandmaster class's Japanese name...

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Another theory is that mark IS robin, before he appeared in the the field at the begining of awakening. That would explain why mark never appears in FE6, despite seemings promising to lyn that he would return. He didn't remember to, because of his amnesia. This als explains lyn's comment.

TBH, it also makes Robin a complete genius if he never was Mark either.

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Isn't that only a fan theory? The dlc never actually says that the other Morgan is Robin's child. Both Morgans were put in so as to not make it seem like Robin has a "canon" gender.

We never really see a portrait of Fe7's tactician so we can't tell their clothes are similar or not.

I'm going to go with that it's a reference/shout-out to FE7.

There is no portrait of FE7's tactician; however, the map sprite of the tactician wears clothes similar to Robin's and Morgan's clothes. In addition, tactician has black hair, which can be seen in a cutscene, and Morgan has black hair( I think him having black hair is canon because in Fire Emblem 0 he is portrayed to have black hair).

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