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PoR and RD on virtual console anyone?


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Do you think a tellius styled game would sell poorly in this day and age? Consider that fact that there's far more FE fans in the fandom than before. I personally think, unless it has waifu mechanics, it won't sell.

I think it was sell well. I feel like people, if anything else, will be more than willing to give it a shot. The problem I foresee though, is that IntSys it would be very hesitant about reverting back to it. And I do believe the Tellius games have some issues. While PoR is my favorite, RD is my least favorite. My issue falls within two things. #1, the return of Ike. He is my favorite lord in the series, but specifically in FE 9. I feel like there's some build up to the other characters, the Ike swoops in and steals the show, taking Micaiah and throwing her in the backseat, so to speak. #2, all of part 4. You kind of have a mix of overpowered to underleveled units in what I think are the most tedious and boring Maps in the game. I think the story Falls flat as well. If I had to say the third thing, then I would say the mechanics introduced in Radiant Dawn are quite interesting, but poorly implemented. That being said, I have faith that they would learn from their mistakes.

Now a slightly different question, would I want a remake? Ehhhhhh. I'm a bit hesitant, I'm not a fan of things that kind of feel out of place being inserted into a previous game. I like FE 12, my least favorite part was the inclusion of the Avatar and the Assassin Subplot. It's not that the Subplot was bad, it just didn't feel like a good fit in to the story.

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I think it was sell well. I feel like people, if anything else, will be more than willing to give it a shot. The problem I foresee though, is that IntSys it would be very hesitant about reverting back to it. And I do believe the Tellius games have some issues. While PoR is my favorite, RD is my least favorite. My issue falls within two things. #1, the return of Ike. He is my favorite lord in the series, but specifically in FE 9. I feel like there's some build up to the other characters, the Ike swoops in and steals the show, taking Micaiah and throwing her in the backseat, so to speak. #2, all of part 4. You kind of have a mix of overpowered to underleveled units in what I think are the most tedious and boring Maps in the game. I think the story Falls flat as well. If I had to say the third thing, then I would say the mechanics introduced in Radiant Dawn are quite interesting, but poorly implemented. That being said, I have faith that they would learn from their mistakes.

Now a slightly different question, would I want a remake? Ehhhhhh. I'm a bit hesitant, I'm not a fan of things that kind of feel out of place being inserted into a previous game. I like FE 12, my least favorite part was the inclusion of the Avatar and the Assassin Subplot. It's not that the Subplot was bad, it just didn't feel like a good fit in to the story.

The reason I'm asking this is I hope to make my own FE game one day and I'm curious as to how it would perform which is why I'm asking all these questions.

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I can understand why one specific GameCube game shouldn't be on the VC if that is the ONLY game. At this point, I can't foresee GameCube games going on the Wii U. NX hype? Maybe?

However, you can feel free to like or dislike a game however you want. But saying that you feel glad that a game failed is a bit toxic in my opinion. I don't hate Awakening, but I don't particularly care for it. However, I am glad the game did very well because I want one of my favorite franchises to live on.

Ps: I am a little shocked you don't like PoR considering that it is considered one of the easier games in the series. And you tend to like easier games.As far as multiple RPGs go, I think (although I fully admit that I don't know) that is the deal with persona and shin megami tensei. It started with SMT, and persona spun into it's own thing. So I don't see why FE couldn't do its own thing

Personally, I have been enjoying Tokyo Mirage Sessions #fe. If they decide to make a series out of #fe, I would be quite pleased to see that they have vanilla Fire Emblem as well as a fire emblem that plays more like a rpg of that variety.

I never said I was glad that the game failed because I hated it. But I am saying that if the Tellius duology had done well, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery would have no reason to exist. Which would mean that the horribly outdated Mystery would be the only way to play Marth's games at all. And Marth's games do have a lot of merits. That's also why I'd love to play a Gaiden with concepts like My Castle and stuff because they fit the design of Gaiden very well. Kozaki-style Gaiden characters would also be pretty interesting, especially for Camus and the Whitewings.

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For some stupid reason, Nintendo is probably using the logic of "since these games didn't sell well initially we have no reason to port them"...yeah, because it's not like there's millions of new FE fans who are wanting to experience these games but, because of availability issues, just can't -_-

Which is really dumb as Shadow Dragon sold Poorly and was released in Europe. You would think that they would at least release one of the Tellius games.

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I never said I was glad that the game failed because I hated it. But I am saying that if the Tellius duology had done well, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery would have no reason to exist. Which would mean that the horribly outdated Mystery would be the only way to play Marth's games at all. And Marth's games do have a lot of merits. That's also why I'd love to play a Gaiden with concepts like My Castle and stuff because they fit the design of Gaiden very well. Kozaki-style Gaiden characters would also be pretty interesting, especially for Camus and the Whitewings.

I didn't quite phrase that right. My issue is more so but you're glad the game failed than the reason why you are glad. However, I don't agree with what you said about those games not existing because I think they would have existed either way, but the problem is that neither one of us will ever know for sure... in fact, I think it is a bit sad the shadow dragon didn't do well because we didn't get a fe 12 as a result.
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Which is really dumb as Shadow Dragon sold Poorly and was released in Europe. You would think that they would at least release one of the Tellius games.

Nintendo logic!!

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Yes, please! I have copies of both games (two of RD, in fact, because one doesn't work right anymore and I somehow found a brand new copy in a local Walmart later on), but I've been treating them like collectibles instead of playing them out of fear that they'll suffer the fate of my first copy of RD. >_<

I'd love for them to be re-released in some form, even if it's just VC. Though while I disagree with just about everything Ms. Bunch says, he is right that it would be unfair for PoR to be the only GC game on the VC. I do hope others could eventually join it.

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I'm sure they'll get released eventually... on NX.

GCN VC is 99% not happening on Wii U, and Nintendo probably doesn't want to put FE10 on the eShop without putting FE9 first.

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I'm sure they'll get released eventually... on NX.

GCN VC is 99% not happening on Wii U, and Nintendo probably doesn't want to put FE10 on the eShop without putting FE9 first.

I hope they put them on the NX. I think they might even outsell themselves (as in digital copies vs disk copies)!

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Despite I own copies of them, it would be a dream if a remake would be released in the 3DS e-shop.

Playing them outside would be great.


the 3DS can barely handle Xenoblade. what makes you think it can handle other Wii games?

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the 3DS can barely handle Xenoblade. what makes you think it can handle other Wii games?

There's plenty of console ports on 3DS, actually (Super Street Fighter IV, Rayman 2, Devil Summoner Soul Hackers, Tales of the Abyss, Dragon Quest VIII...). Xenoblade is actually one of the largest Wii games so it's no surprise the 3DS needs the extra boost to run it, but FE9 and even FE10 shouldn't be an issue by comparison.

Edited by Jave
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the 3DS can barely handle Xenoblade. what makes you think it can handle other Wii games?

Echoing what Jave said, FE10 is pretty much PoR 2.0, it's not even in HD. If they did Xenoblade 3DS they can do any other Wii/GCN game, except for a few.

Edit: Onto the topic, I'd love them to be on either of them, I'm ok with it. Also, signed the petition.

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I hope they put them on the NX.

This. I prefer home consoles to handhelds, and for now, I'm going to assume the NX is a home console since it's going to succeed the Wii U. It could very well be a hybrid though, which I'm also fine with.

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