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Tales of Berseria

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Also at the end I left out the sidequests.

(Honestly I entered the final dungeon by accident. Was so curious that didn't want leave anymore :P)

As for Berseria you'll directly instructed where you have to do all the sidequests.

Normally I don't play all the sidequests (because I don't know how to do them for the most part) so I usually need only 35-40 h for a playthrough.

Abyss and Vesperia were an exception (needed 70 h) because I stuck multiple times.

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Also at the end I left out the sidequests.

(Honestly I entered the final dungeon by accident. Was so curious that didn't want leave anymore :P)

As for Berseria you'll directly instructed where you have to do all the sidequests.

Normally I don't play all the sidequests (because I don't know how to do them for the most part) so I usually need only 35-40 h for a playthrough.

Abyss and Vesperia were an exception (needed 70 h) because I stuck multiple times.

Is it like Xillia 2 that highlights where to do the sidequests?

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i have gotten used to getting to the final area of a dungeon and then getting out just for sidequests the only tales game i didnt do that in was xillia 2 because I hated going through its final dungeon

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with xillia 2 all the sidequests were through the misson board which has basic fetch quests and monster hunts. or the character storys which are probably only in X2 for the affinity system. I am skeptical on the battle system since it is similar to graces and while the graces system is good I don't like how long it takes to be able to use another button for attacks in fights. so basically I am asking how slow is berseria's begining

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with xillia 2 all the sidequests were through the misson board which has basic fetch quests and monster hunts. or the character storys which are probably only in X2 for the affinity system. I am skeptical on the battle system since it is similar to graces and while the graces system is good I don't like how long it takes to be able to use another button for attacks in fights. so basically I am asking how slow is berseria's begining

I loved Graces' combat and title system, so if Bers is like it, that would be nice.

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You can earn new titles and artes by fulfilling certain sidequests in Berseria.

I guess you also can learn them in battles.

As for new skills it's like in Vesperia. If you use a weapon a certain number of times till its bar is full, you'll learn a new skill.

As for artes, you have to use an arte a several times till its bar is full to learn a new one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sigh... I hate to see myself three times in a row... but there's no way to prevent it.


Anyways Tales of Berseria is out now for the PS4. On friday it'll come out for the PC.

For all the people who have started with this game, feel free to share your first impressions.



For all the people who still don't know if to buy this game, here's a little review which might help for your decision:


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