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Terror Attack at Nice, France


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I'm really glad to hear that your sister's safe!

Thanks. I really hope this won't fuel anti-Muslim sentiments in France further. She is Muslim and I would hate for the situation to turn even more volatile.

I find it a bit strange that a discussion about Islam is raised since the motive of the culprit of Nizza isn't even clear yet.

He was a petty criminal and mentally ill (according to the statement of his father), but never was known to be an extremist.

This terror attack doesn't seem to have a religious backround.

To be fair, he did yell "Allahu Akbar" as he did the attack. That may be a hint that he did it for religious reasons, even if reports say that acquaintances said he wasn't particularly religious. He is also probably mentally ill, granted.

Edited by Tryhard
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Oh ok.

I didn't know it.

I only heared that he wasn't a strict Muslim.

He drank alcohol and didn't celebrate Ramadan.

Sticking to the traditions of a religion and actually practicing the moral/ethical beliefs don't necessarily go hand in hand. For example, there are good christians that will be more lax about going to church, and those that go to church every sunday but don't practice anything of what christianity preaches.

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i dunno those are very necessary aspects of a religion

practicing ramadan isn't equivalent to going to church it's equivalent to catholics who don't follow lent

what you are saying is equivalent to "just because they dont read jumah prayer doesn't mean they're not religious"

Edited by Lord Raven
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i dunno those are very necessary aspects of a religion

practicing ramadan isn't equivalent to going to church it's equivalent to catholics who don't follow lent

what you are saying is equivalent to "just because they dont read jumah prayer doesn't mean they're not religious"

Lent? Eh, my family is strict on catholic morals (and even as an atheist I still adhere to quite a few of them) and I don't ever recall any of them giving any particular importance to lent, nor I do recall any catholics I've met giving it more than a simple aknowledgement of what time of the year it is.

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To be fair, he did yell "Allahu Akbar" as he did the attack. That may be a hint that he did it for religious reasons, even if reports say that acquaintances said he wasn't particularly religious. He is also probably mentally ill, granted.

A Muslim saying "Allahu Akbar" before death is like a Jew saying "Shema Yisrael" before death. It's supposed to be the last thing you say (praising God and thanking him for your life). It is not proof of a terrorist attack against Western civilizations.

Mind you, I have said "Shema Yisrael" in that context before in my life and I'm not religious. But that's another story.

But the facts are such: Dude's name is Muhammed, his origins are from a Muslim country in Africa (can't remember which one), he had guns and grenades, and it was in France. Pardon me for connecting the obvious dots without a smoking gun but it was probably a terrorist attack on a Western civ again.

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A Muslim saying "Allahu Akbar" before death is like a Jew saying "Shema Yisrael" before death. It's supposed to be the last thing you say (praising God and thanking him for your life). It is not proof of a terrorist attack against Western civilizations.

Mind you, I have said "Shema Yisrael" in that context before in my life and I'm not religious. But that's another story.

But the facts are such: Dude's name is Muhammed, his origins are from a Muslim country in Africa (can't remember which one), he had guns and grenades, and it was in France. Pardon me for connecting the obvious dots without a smoking gun but it was probably a terrorist attack on a Western civ again.

The perpetrator was born in Tunisia. So yes he was likely Muslim (98% of Tunisians are Muslim, according to Wikipedia).

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