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My Casual Tournament Experiences Today


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So today I entered a casual tournament (with ~88 participants) at the anime convention at my city, and I thought I'd talk about my experiences with it.

The rules were very non-standard compared to regular tournament rules. It was 8 player free-for-alls (except for the last round which a was 4 player free for all) 3 stock, 3 minutes, all items on medium. Last two standing made it to the next round, along with whoever got the most kills (if they overlapped, the person who got the next most kills went forward, and if there was a tie, it was whoever survived longer). They had the level select on complete random, allowing all stages (though when Grat Cave Offensive was randomly picked, they restarted that match with a different random level).

Anyways, for the tournament, with it being a 8 player free-for-all setting with medium items and (almost) all levels allowed I used R.O.B. for both my first and final match, along with Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi once each. I figured those 4 would be good choices, due to their relatively decent mobility for getting items, weight and survivability, and power. First R.O.B. match (on Norfai)r and my Luigi match (on Castle Siege), I dominated survival wise (I had two stocks with R.O.B. after it timed out, and with Luigi I was the last one standing with 2 stocks left) and I only squeaked by the Mario and Yoshi matches due to getting enough KOs to qualify (Palkia's flipping over messed me up in my Yoshi match (on 75 M) and I was 4th out, but I barely got enough KOs in the end to qualify. The Mario match (on Big Battlefield) I was fortunate enough to get a Final Smash on and score a good amount of KOs on) so me being the 3rd last surviving in sudden death didn't disqualify me.

The final round was on Big Battlefield, with my R.O.B. against a Lucas, Roy, and Kirby. Despite being the first to lose a stock, and despite being subtly teamed up on (as in, they exchanged hits a fair amount, but they directed the majority of their attacks towards me) by the Lucas and Roy (they were brothers that made it to the final round, so they likely had an unofficial truce. Even some of the other participants told me they were brothers and as spectators they knew I was their main target) and how the Roy let Lucas use a Special Flag for an extra stock (that really irked me, I should've thrown that flag off the stage when I had it), I managed to get the Roy knocked out into 3rd place. Sadly, the Lucas had two stock and I had one by the time the timer ran out. So the Lucas got first place and I ended up in second. I at least got the Roy out before me and didn't let them completely get away with it.

Normally, I suppose I would've been quite angry with the turnout of the final round, but with all the rewards I got (multiple Skyzone passes, deals and coupons, a Mario and Boo figure, a Hello Kitty 8 GB drive, a micro heli-drone, a 90 day subscription code to Crunchy Roll, a Roku 3 streaming device, a Sky Zone water bottle and a T-shirt), I was much more happy than angry about it. I'll admit, it did feel quite disappointing that more people were cheering for the 3rd and 1st place winner than me as the 2nd place winner at the awards ceremony. Then again, even without them subtly teaming up on me, they did have many more friends at the tournament than I did (my other friend left when he got disqualified in his 3rd round), so I suppose it made sense (even though the lesser cheers and applause I received felt a bit cold).

So long story short, I entered a casual tournament today, placed 2nd out of 88 participants despite getting teamed up on at the final round, and I got tons of cool stuff as a reward which made up for the frustrating final round.

So uh, feel free to talk about your personal experiences with casual Smash tournaments, the rules and format they followed, and how well you did.

On a final note, do most casuals consider R.O.B. to be bad or something? I know he's highish-mid on tier lists, but I found it weird that when I picked him both times in the tournament, people were like "Why's he picking R.O.B.?"/"What? R.O.B.?"

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R.O.B is just a very unstandard choice to alot of people. Even in the competitive community, but more there its like "Oh man he picked ROB, I got a heck of a fight ahead of me, because he/she likely knows what they are doing".

Edited by Jedi
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I made a copypasta based on the only casual tournament I went to: I went to a casual tournament today. It was the most cancerous thing ever: 8 player smash with an old small projector, 3 minutes, any stage, and smash balls. I had to play first round, best of 1, on the Kid Icarus stage and I could barely see where my character was half the time. In the end, I was tied for 3rd place, and was VOTED OUT of winners bracket. In losers, I was put in sudden death just to get hit by some stupid dash attack. It was a colossal waste of time and I'm never going to a filthy casual tourney again.

I'm sure most of them are good, but the one I went to was awful.

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The one i went to on thursday was my first, and not too bad, though the bracket never exceeded 16ppl, making it kinda small.

I got some good allyship with a solid ryu that trains with Trela, which was rewarding.

Placed fourth in total, but the top three were easily solid matches for me, rivaling Knife easily in play

Edited by Elieson
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