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i am a trump supporter ama


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why do you support trump?

i want a commander in chief with the biggest hands so that if he needs to push the nuclear bomb buttons he can do so with ease. also he has no trouble with his hand and his penis by extension

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can we just abort this shitty election or just get like some people off the street to be president instead

your opinion doesnt matter because you are a brit with bad teeth/breath and will never be as great as us americans

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might not be brit for much longer homie #scotlandwantstogetthefuckout

for real though most sane people i've asked see this election as a choice between getting aids or cancer

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How will Donald Trump pay for th wall

A great question!

Should trump be his own vice president yes or yes

As the vice presidency is a coveted position that gives counsel to the president, I think he needs someone with a lot of experience. I nominate obscure presidential candidate Stromm Thurmond.

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If you had to choose between only reading the art of the deal or the bible what would you pick?

I can tell you the answer to that. The problem is that Crooked Hilary is a criminal and the enemy has those emails now. Hilary has lied to the American people over and over again and we can't have a liar in office. Also she is definitely not a woman and is just playing the woman card to get votes. She doesn't care about the voters. Also cops are dying and what is Obama doing about? Playing golf.

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What is trump going to do about CHINA?

Japanese internment 2 internment harder

Will you help round up all the illegals once Trump ascends to his gilded throne?

Of course! We need to give the fruit picking jobs back to the good honest American people!

Why are ships coming out of the base?

Pence is a dumb fuck thats why

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for real though most sane people i've asked see this election as a choice between getting aids or cancer

Isn't this true for basically every election in every Country ever?

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What is trump going to do about CHINA?

China will be easier than Mexico because they already have a wall and probably paid for it.

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what is the true religion trump supporter-sama

There are more religions than Christianity out there?!

am i fired?


will Trump work tirelessly to ban anime?

Yes, anime is from China and is brainwashing our children into supporting their culture and bringing their imports in.

Are you a childless single man who masturbates to anime?

I am a childless single man that masturbates to good old Ukranian/Russian porn. They have the best women.

Are we of the gays?

Yes, and America has no place for you godless heathens. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.This is proof enough that man do not belong with other men.

is trump good at fellatio

Trump is great at that and he loves all Italian people New Jersey is a great state love your governor!

mister trump supporter sir if you had to lay in bed with a dictator who would it be

Hilary Clinton. She loves him I know she does.

Politics is corrupt. And fuck the government because I dont give a fuck?

Which is why you need Trump, a political outsider. No one can buy him because he already has billions of dollars.

Edited by Sparks
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Clinton already got all the money she could get from corruption, it isn't like she could get even more corrupt!

So it's pretty much a safe bet for you guys!

Edited by Naughx
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