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Sometimes I forget I'm not a girl


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Tbh, it's kinda sad and funny how women have such a variety of clothing while we don't have a choice.

I remember a funny picture when you see girl vs guy for preparing for a date, you see the girl running around trying everything she got in her wardrobe for like 10 to 30 mins.

Meanwhile, the guy just picked a t-shirt and a pant and there you go, you can go fix you hair for 2 mins and then you can wait for the girl to come out of her room... some day.

I cut down on prep time by pretty much never wearing make-up. It's just not really my thing. And at work I can't wear perfume and painted nails are discouraged, so I don't really have that, either. I have the same handful of outfits I sort of have on rotation for general use, so I'm kind of weird.

Blaming it on shitty traditional gender roles is not an excuse. We have variety, it's just rather rare and generally not on huge demand. Society made us lazy (us, men).

Back in the middle ages, men used to dress much more colorfully and elaborately. Now, it's all drab colors.

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I cut down on prep time by pretty much never wearing make-up. It's just not really my thing. And at work I can't wear perfume and painted nails are discouraged, so I don't really have that, either. I have the same handful of outfits I sort of have on rotation for general use, so I'm kind of weird.

Me too, mostly. I do like makeup, just lack the time. My wardrobe is abysmal.

I'm trying to raise my kids to understand that clothing has no gender.

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After thinking about I must admit that I had enough situations I acted like a girl or even like a baby.

Whenever someone insulted me or I hurt myself by I always started to cry.

I'm very fragile and thin for being a guy so I have many problems to carry heavy things.

Of course each person expect it from me to do it because I'm a man... but I don't feel like one in this case and I'm not able to do it without help.

Also I'd be a better houswife than husband, because I love cooking and cleaning things while I suck in craft work and other technical things.

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Me too, mostly. I do like makeup, just lack the time. My wardrobe is abysmal.

I'm trying to raise my kids to understand that clothing has no gender.

I'll let my son do whatever he likes in terms of toys and clothes. He sometimes likes playing with my or my sisters old dolls, but he really seems to like playing with his cars lately.

After thinking about I must admit that I had enough situations I acted like a girl or even like a baby.

Whenever someone insulted me or I hurt myself by I always started to cry.

I'm very fragile and thin for being a guy so I have many problems to carry heavy things.

Of course each person expect it from me to do it because I'm a man... but I don't feel like one in this case and I'm not able to do it without help.

Also I'd be a better houswife than husband, because I love cooking and cleaning things while I suck in craft work and other technical things.

I'm a bit the opposite. I'm not that great at cooking, and I sew skin more often than clothing. I'm not super strong, but just by being so tall, I'm stronger than most women. I also like building stuff. I played with Legos a lot as a kid, and usually am the one to put furniture together.

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Well then we could add each other perfectly.

My dad is expert in handcraft but I absolutely hate to use tools.

I don't have even the power and motorical skills to hit preciesly with a hammer... ouch.

Idk if my girlfriend is good in technical stuff.

If not, I might have a problem.

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I'll let my son do whatever he likes in terms of toys and clothes. He sometimes likes playing with my or my sisters old dolls, but he really seems to like playing with his cars lately.

My son definitely has a natural inclination towards balls and cars, and that's fine! As long as he has the options. He goes absolutely nuts about balls.

After thinking about I must admit that I had enough situations I acted like a girl or even like a baby.

Whenever someone insulted me or I hurt myself by I always started to cry.

The misconception that men don't cry is one of the most damaging out there. It's healthy to show emotion, and allowing yourself to cry is important for everyone.

Also, crying doesn't equal girly. That's not 'acting like a girl'.

Well then we could add each other perfectly.

My dad is expert in handcraft but I absolutely hate to use tools.

I don't have even the power and motorical skills to hit preciesly with a hammer... ouch.

Idk if my girlfriend is good in technical stuff.

If not, I might have a problem.

Nah, if neither of you are good at technical stuff - then you hire people who are. :)

My husband is shorter and weaker than me; it's never been an issue. I don't even let him near my toolbox and he's banned from assembling furniture after I saw how he and his father assembled a desk once. I prefer to have control over all the decorating, anyway, so it works out well for us.

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My son definitely has a natural inclination towards balls and cars, and that's fine! As long as he has the options. He goes absolutely nuts about balls.

The misconception that men don't cry is one of the most damaging out there. It's healthy to show emotion, and allowing yourself to cry is important for everyone.

Also, crying doesn't equal girly. That's not 'acting like a girl'.

For my parents and classmates it was "girly behavior", though.

I know it's a part of showing emotions and I'm an emotional person who leaves his happiness, sadness or anger out fast and strict but the problem is that still gender cliches exist.

Nah, if neither of you are good at technical stuff - then you hire people who are. :)

Yeah... but it'll go for your wallet... unless you have a good social connections and have a craftman in your family or as your friend.

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My son definitely has a natural inclination towards balls and cars, and that's fine! As long as he has the options. He goes absolutely nuts about balls.

The misconception that men don't cry is one of the most damaging out there. It's healthy to show emotion, and allowing yourself to cry is important for everyone.

Also, crying doesn't equal girly. That's not 'acting like a girl'.

Nah, if neither of you are good at technical stuff - then you hire people who are. :)

My husband is shorter and weaker than me; it's never been an issue. I don't even let him near my toolbox and he's banned from assembling furniture after I saw how he and his father assembled a desk once. I prefer to have control over all the decorating, anyway, so it works out well for us.

How tall are you? We have so much in common, it's scary. Depending on who does the measuring, I'm usually 5'11", but they said I was 6' last doctor visit. Though I don't trust that measurement.

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I have like 2 actually sorta nice outfits in my wardrobe because I'm exceedingly picky stylistically and everything else I own is graphic tees since you can buy those online for cheap and lbr I'm a programmer that's basically what everyone wears at work anyway

But my prep time is about 5 minutes if you don't count the shower time, I don't think I even know how to deal with makeup, never liked it and never bothered to learn and I'm fortunate that I'm in a field where a makeup-less face is not considered unprofessional for women (tech does have plenty of other issues but hey)
I mean hell I'm just not a naturally very emotional person but it's like, if you gotta you gotta, man
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I cried too often the past two years... because I had to.

My grandma died and my mum almost passed away. However she's a heavy care case now and won't have an ordinary life anymore, which makes me cry often enough.

I'm sorry. I'd like to send a virtual hug your way. *hug

Never feel that crying makes you any less manly. Gilgamesh wept for his friend Enkidu, and Jesus wept for Lazarus, so lots of manly men aren't afraid to cry after losing friends and loved ones.

My first real bout of depression hit when I was 12, when my grandfather died. I still miss him, and sadly, we all lose our share over the years.

Even as a doctor, I'm often powerless to do anything to help, and it hurts.

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