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Conquest PMU Hard


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Now that I'm at the point where I decided I'm only using picked units I figured I'd update.

Paralouge 1

Nah and Arthur pretty much got all the kills while Jakob chipped away with Elise in tow. Arthur got two great 5+ stat levels, including getting luck once.

Chapter 8

Nothing much to say here considering that the only thing different here compared to a normal playthrough is the Avatar being a different class. Things will start getting interesting once I've got some of my team together.

Anna on the run

I was barely able to do this by turtling the center of the map. Anna was nice and didn't move once she was away from everyone.

Chapter 9

Having another unit to be able to tank the initial half dozen units makes this chapter a lot easier, though that's not to say I didn't screw up at all.

Chapter 10

This was incredibly easy with an avatar that can actually tank, two bow users for the basllistas, and Nyx with a Horse Spirit being able to single handedly take care of the initial Oni Savages at the west. I think the next time I do one of these I'll hold off on taking the Castle Rewards until I'm at the point where I'm only using picked units. Though holding off to reclass Camilla until I was done with the chapter probably made things a lot easier too.

Paralouge 4

I wanted to suck as much experience as I could from this map but I couldn't really attract any enemies without having a lot of them come after me, so I beat this chapter in 3 turns and got what I could.

Paralouge 19

So far this has been the hardest chapter manly due to the three dozen units and the horse/wyvernkillers and hammers. I wanted to start using only picked units for this chapter but I pretty much had to use a few extra units if I wanted to beat it now. Camilla did most of the tanking with the Horse Spirit but not much killing, though this did allow me to get most of the money from the map.

Characters so far:




Nah: An amazing tank at this point in the game, and with a Strength boon she's pretty much a better Effie. I wish her speed was a little bit better but there's always Wary Fighter.

Elise: I had to give her an Arms Scroll so she'd do some sort of damage. Right now she's only good for ferrying and pair-up, which I hope won't be the case for the whole game.

Arthur: All of his good levels were completely negated once the Wyvern Rider class change tanked just about all of his stats. At least he can take a hit will with the Adamant Club.

Camilla: Even with using inferior swords she's still the best unit at this point. It's really annoying that her hair clips completely through the Dark Knight's collar.

Selena: Becoming a Great Lord was basically a promotion, I'm hoping she actually gets serviceable levels unlike Cordelia from my last playthrough.

Anna: It's probably going to be a while before I promote her so I won't have a staff user for a bit. She doesn't do much but chip and sometimes getting a crit with the Killer Bow.

Dwyer: This is quite a bit of a rough start for him, E-rank axes and no stat above 13, he can't even take a proper hit.

Percy: Looks promising, that amazing luck and promising skill will hopefully make him a great Berserker.

Also I'm probably going to pair up any spare couples just to get experience from their paralouges, I couldn't imagine trying to get through this playthrough without every bit of experience.

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Everyone is looking good except Elise. She has a 15% Str growth and a 65% Mag as a Sky Knight, so maaaaybe another Arm Scroll is necessary once you get a Bolt Naginata.

Also yeah, Arthur having more then 2 Luck is a sight to behold.

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I should probably update this

Paralouge 5x

I paired married Silas & Effie because they were at A rank by the time I got my team together, so I might as well finish it and get a bit of experience. My characters weren't good enough to rush the center promoted units so about half the villagers died. I couldn't completely rout the map due to some of my units being about to be killed, though I do recall a good level or three making in not a complete loss.

Chapter 11

In spite of no longer havine a healer this was incredibly easy. Nah and Camilla took no damage on the left side, and Elise was able to solo Azama's section with high enough Resistance to not get hit by anything, which greatly helped her staff rank.

Chapter 12

Another incredibly easy chapter due to Nah, Camilla and Arthur being great tanks. They were able to tank the last segment (everything after the dragon vein), and Anna was even able to get both chests before the archer reinforcements arrived. Nah also took a chunk out of Ryoma, I probably could've killed him but I played it safe.

Chapter 13

This is the only chapter I've had someone die so far in this update, and it was due to Anna getting hit by two sub-50% hits due to my stupidity. Everyone went left to hold off on fighting Takumi until the end, except Camilla who took on the top-right knights, then paired up with Benny later to take the rest of the reinforcements.

Chapter 14

Now this one was annoying because I didn't know how to handle the Kinshi Knight reinforcements and I kept forgetting about their high movement. I took it very carefully when I approached the boss because I thought that there was going to be more flying reinforcements but there wasn't, I could've sworn some more Kinshi Knights showed up.

Chapter 15

Nah paired up with Gunter was able to kill every single unit very easily, Nah also promoted and now has defence rivaling my tankiest units from my Birthright playthrough.

I grinded out everyone's marriages/friendships after this, and I'll post everyone's stats after chapter 16 once everyone else is obtained. I'll save Forrest's paralouge for last so I can level Leo to get Duelist's Blow for him. So far this has been quite easy, though I don't know whether to attribute that to my unit choices or knowing what to expect from Conquest.

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So far this has been quite easy, though I don't know whether to attribute that to my unit choices or knowing what to expect from Conquest.

I mean, you DO have a broken General MU, a really good Arthur (I wish mine was decent...) and Camilla.

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I got all my characters so here's a big update

Paralouge 3

Gave Leo kills until he got a level then finished it. Pretty sure I killed nearly every enemy until the reinforcements showed up.

Paralouge 16

The enemies were pretty tough so I had to lure them out with my tankiest enemies, and even then some people nearly died. It didn't help that I had to rush it near the end to save Forrest due to my turtling strategy.

Paralouge 20

I don't recall this stage being tough, I had to spread my units in a few directions but I didn't have enough reliable hit-takers so there was a bit of luck too. I also missed the top right house but I probably have the contents of it from all the Castle Rewards.

Paralouge 18

Did this just for the experience, I really don't remember much about it except I only got about four levels total.

Paralouge 17

Also did this for the experience, paired Benny with Charolette incase Ignatius needed the extra health to live but he didn't. I don't like this map, the wastes make it hard to tell what units move where so I just throw my tanks ahead and hope for the best.

Chapter 16

I tried to get Xavier a level to get him Defender but the most experience he got from a battle was 5 so I gave up on that, it shouldn't be a big deal. Though in that attempt he was able to singlehandly take care of the right side while the rest of my team went to the left.

Paralouge 6

Paired Kaze with Peri because I already paired him with the other "spares" in previous playthroughs. Surrounded Candace and had the units that haven't promoted get experience.

And with that here comes the annoying to do picture dump






Nah: Pretty much a better Effie, but can takes hits so much better. She one shots most of everything with Oboro's Spear and tanks every physical unit with the Guard Naginata. Her only flaw in low speed will be negated very shortly.

Elise: That Bolt Naginata makes changes her from pair up fodder to able to one round just about every enemy, though with pretty terrible accuracy to balance her out I guess. I forgot she got staves on promotion so that's a huge help.

Arthur: He can fly and take hits, and sometimes gets criticals but that's about all he can do well. His speed is improving though, but his health should be higher at this point. Also gave him a Dragon Herbs.

Camilla: She's basically a paladin that can use the Horse Spirit. Swords are working well for her, axes tend to make her accuracy a little bit unreliable.

Selena: I'm getting concerned with her, her levels haven't been that good so far and her passable defence and speed can only last for so long. I might give her my last Dragon Herbs.

Laslow: He got enough speed so that he one rounds a lot of things, and this is with only a Dragoshield. Don't think he'll need any resources at this rate.

Peri: I gave her a Dragon Herbs early on because I was worried about her getting bad levels, but that was a mistake because she clearly didn't need them. Though I did give her a Seraph Robe, she kind of needed that.

Leo: He's really average, though that Resistance might make him a good mage killer. Sadly I don't have any spare magical weapons for him to use.

Xander: The growth rates from Master Ninja should make him well rounded. I doubt I'll be using any shurikens on him with Siegfried being all he needs.

Anna: Not very strong and surprisingly inaccurate when using anything other than a Bronze Bow. Wouldn't be surprised if she ends up healing more than fighting.

Dwyer: He's nothing short of amazing at the moment. His magic will probably end up the better stat so I'll focus on that, wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being my best magic user.

Percy: Good Luck and Skill growths will go a long way in making him a great Great Club user, but it'll be later until that can be done reliably. I should probably put Gamble back on him soon, his accuracy isn't that bad now.

Ophelia: She really needs that Shuriken rank to go up, but it's not the worst thing that could happen at this point, a sole staff user would be of use and I guess she could use the Pebble to cripple enemies when she isn't healing

Shigure: He can one round most enemies, but only on Player Phase. I need his Beaststone rank up so I can give him the Beastrune to be able to take hits. I'll probably give him one of my Boots.

Forrest: He's a worse Dwyer at the moment, but he does have the best Resistance so maybe that can be of use somewhere.

I'm going to update this one last time and that's when I'm done with the playthrough, this is too annoying to do otherwise.

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Jesus Christ, Nah is tanky. I don't think I've had an MU have that type of Defense or Strength even at 20/20.

You're also plowing through this much faster than I am.

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Boy have I been plowing through this game

Chapter 17

This took a few tries, fortunately (I guess) all my failures came from my own stupidity. I was worried about all the Poison Strike Master Ninjas so I took this really slow. Saizo somehow survived because I kept delaying him with moving the blockades, and he also got a hit off on the boss.

Chapter 18

Forrest proved his worth here, he was able to tank all of the mages at the top part of the map. Xander made good use of the +4 Pebble I had to cripple the bosses, he's also still pretty tanky inspite of his class change.

Chapter 19

It took me a minute to even remember this chapter. It was pretty trivial when Nah and Xander could pretty much soak up all the damage.

Chapter 20

Even with all these good units this chapter was still annoying. I had a plan that would kill Hayato and all the flying units near him by the end of turn 3 which would make the rest of the chapter pretty easy, but there was a lot of luck involved so I kept trying until I got it. It wasn't too bad since it didn't take too long to try again if I failed.

Chapter 21

I waited until the third turn to use Dragon Veins so I could chain them every turn until I beat it. This map was pretty boring and forgetable honestly.

Chapter 22

Now this was a chapter that I was stuck on for over a day on my first playthrough, here I did on my first attempt. My units were strong enough to handle the reinforcements so I took it real slowly. The only danger I faced was Nah taking a Rend Heaven from Hana and killing Yukimura with 50%ish hitrates on all my units attacking him. I was almost able to kill Sakura with a crit from Percy but she survived ith Miracle and proceeded to dodge the next three attacks, luckily I don't really need the Spirit Dust.

Now I'm really worried about the next chapter, fighting Takumi always worries me with his two abilities that almost guarantee death if they activate, I'll probably finish the rest of the paralouges before I do this chapter.

Nah also still needs a spouse if anyone wants to suggest one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After putting it off long enough I've finally finished

Chapter 23

Boy was I worried for nothing. The only time I had to restart was because Arthur died to an archer I forgot. Takumi did get off of a Rend Heaven or two but Nah and Xander were able to take every hit.

Chapter 24

This one was kind of annoying, but then I realised you're supposed to activate the Dragon Veins every two turns, something that I missed the first time I played this. Percy paired with Arthur singlehandedly held off the eastern reinforcements, making this even simpler.

Chapter 25

This was easily the hardest chapter. I had to have Xander tank the right side while luring out the Spy Shuriken Ninjas with weaker so that the Master of Arms' wouldn't kill Xander, he then slowly picked off all of the Ninjas, his defences were high enough so he wouldn't get killed by their skills. The left side was basically pair up Shigure with Camilla and cross my fingers. It took about three hours to finally perfect the strategy.

Chapter 26

This was actually very easy. Forrest & Anna were able to tank all of the eastern mages and Arthur & Xander tanked the center units. I was feeling so confident that I completely routed the map.

Invasion 3

Decided to do this to squeeze a few more levels out before finishing the game. I moved Lilith and all of the golems to the front of the castle to take on all the concentrated units and reinforcements. I really didn't know how to handle this map due to the enemies priortizing buildings sometimes, so I just had everyone charge when there weren't that many enemies left from my protectors and that worked out pretty well.

Chapter 27

I could've sworn there was reinforcements on this map, there wasn't so this was really easy. All of my units that were entrapped were actually good against what they were entrapped next to so I had no trouble.


I was able to slowly move down the map and easily kill Takumi. A combination of having very good tanks and combat units made me able to easily complete this on my first attempt. I also grossly prepared and gave everyone tonics for most stats.







Nah: A better Effie, she was one rounding enemies once midgame came around and lasted until endgame. Lack of Resistance wasn't much of a problem with the Guard Naginata and Wary Fighter. She got the most kills out of anyone.

Elise: Would've been pretty crappy if it wasn't for the Bolt Naginata, that made her into the best magic user I had, though she still healed a lot of the time.

Arthur: My best tank. He could only really take hits and he did it well. Rally Defence was invaluable in some chapters like 25.

Camilla: Still amazing inspite of using a worse physical weapon. She was usually equipped with the Horse Spirit to take hits and weaken enemies for others.

Selena: Pretty average but still usable. Didn't have enough defence to take hits or strength to reliably kill so she was paired up alot.

Laslow: A great unit, though lacked speed. He got a lot of Sols off but I never relied on it for tanking.

Peri: Great combat but lacked proper defences, a shame considering she started off a lot better in that regard. I used her to finish off enemies a lot.

Leo: I didn't have much faith in his growth rates so he was Xander's dedicated pair-up partner. Probably the only really bad unit I had.

Xander: Probably my best unit. He was amazing at tanking in both regards and weakened bosses with the Caltrop. He solely used shurikens upon class change unless faced with an extreme disadvantage.

Anna: I thought her combat was pretty terrible initially but then I found a Shining Bow and she became another Elise.

Dwyer: He was really held back by his poor speed. He exclusively used magic shortly after promoting.

Percy: An alright unit, sadly didn't get to really excel in anything except Skill. He didn't get to use the Great Club well until the last few chapters where he had a 100% crit rate.
Ophelia: My dedicated staff user, her speed didn't improve until late game so she didn't see much combat. She also successfully hexed Garon & Takumi.

Shigure: Probably my second best unit. He was able to one round most things with the Beaststone on player phase and could tank well with the Beastrune.

Forrest: I greatly underestimated how good a magic tank would be. His accuracy actually wasn't too bad and could double with the Horse Spirit.

Thank you everyone for the units, you made this a pleasurable experience rather than having me struggle with a team of weird units

Edited by Ozarhok
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