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Question about Promoting (Gaiden)


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So, I'm playing through FE Gaiden and it's been rather fun (although I have just started), but I'm rather curious about promoting in this game.

Since (from what I know) when you promote, you only gain bonuses to reach your new class' bases: Is it a good idea to early promote in this game? I'm not really used to early promoting (I tend to reach level 20 before doing so), but it looks like it might be a good idea to do it for this game.

I would love to hear some opinions, thanks!

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Promote as soon as possible. There isn't a good reason to wait.

Except for Mages, because they might learn some new spells.

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Except for Mages, because they might learn some new spells.

Even then, it doesn't really matter too much. Let's just say that someone learns Angel at level 12, but you promote then at level 10. When they reach level 2 or 3 (because they leveled up a few times after promoting) they should learn the spell then since they were a couple of levels away from learning it, if I recall correctly. Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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I find its better to promote at level 10, when the EXP gains start becoming utter crap, rather than ASAP. But yeah, getting all the way to 20 is something only for the very patient. P.S., always abuse the Angel Ring when grinding.(which you will need to do)

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Promote ASAP. It bumps up your stats and doesn't have many drawbacks. Also, Experience needs a lot of grinding if you don't play in easy mode or use the Very Easy patch, so it becomes much less boring.

BUT, Mages learn their spells by levelling up, so if you promote early you might miss a spell (Don't miss Excalibur!). So best to check their spell list and promote after you've got everything.

If you are planning to make Grey a Merc like most people do, early promotion can actually make his speed salvageable.

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Promote as soon as possible unless you are heavily grinding. 80% of the characters have horrible growth rates anyway, and because of the experience formula, you will gain experience at a much better rate promoted than you would if you continue to level past level 5, 7, 10 etc. (A good example is Alm, whose Experience gain gradually slows down as until he hits level 10 then explodes past promotion.) Don't worry about missing any spells; even the really higher level ones can be obtained after promotion.

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Promote as soon as possible unless you are heavily grinding. 80% of the characters have horrible growth rates anyway, and because of the experience formula, you will gain experience at a much better rate promoted than you would if you continue to level past level 5, 7, 10 etc. (A good example is Alm, whose Experience gain gradually slows down as until he hits level 10 then explodes past promotion.) Don't worry about missing any spells; even the really higher level ones can be obtained after promotion.

Honestly, gaiden can't be beaten without grinding anyway. If you're playing on easy, which you should be, the generally only goes to crap past level 10. It can vary though. I find it best to promote when the EXP gain gets too low for your tastes.

P.S., abuse the hell out of the angel ring when grinding, once you've obtained it, at least.

Also, Alm almost always hits level 20 before promoting anyway, at least whenever I play.

Edited by Matthewtheman
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Honestly, gaiden can't be beaten without grinding anyway

I beat Gaiden without grinding on my first playthrough? It's not even that hard, you just have to make sure the EXP shrines go to your Healers.

Edited by Irysa
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Honestly, gaiden can't be beaten without grinding anyway.

This is most definitely false, I've never grinded in any run of mine, and I watched SRC in a stream of his do it with 0% growths, so its preeeeeeeeetty possible to win without grinding ever.

Edited by Jedi
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This is most definitely false, I've never grinded in any run of mine, and I watched SRC in a stream of his do it with 0% growths, so its preeeeeeeeetty possible to win without grinding ever.

Huh, I stand corrected. Most FE players probably aren't getting through without grinding a bit though.

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Even with modest grinding I'd still advise promoting at a low level or the minimum level. You're still going to get most of your stat boosts from promotion and once your dudes are in their final form they tend to be in good shape regardless of when you promoted them. You can do stuff like the Demonfighter>Villager loop and level people to 20 to get really really high stats, but it's just not necessary and your dudes are going to be so good that it might detract from the gameplay.

Getting through the game without grinding isn't too tough but it can be a little annoying if you're doing it blind. Probably the main concern is focusing your experience on units that are actually good late game. (i.e. Demon Fighters, Falconknights, Healers in particular)

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Huh, I stand corrected. Most FE players probably aren't getting through without grinding a bit though.

Well thing is, I don't consider myself particularly adept at Gaiden either, so I'm not sure.

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