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SeverIan Plays "Infinite Space" (Not the FTL Mod)

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Infinite Space is a game made by the sexily named company Nude Maker. That should be everything you need to know. But I'll go on and give some more details in case it's not enough.

Table of Contents:

Here's the link to the most recent update!

What's this game?

Infinite Space is a DS game released in Japan in 2009 and US in 2010, detailing the epic coming of age of Yuri (astronaut, not sexy lady times), a young man who dreams of traveling the sea of stars. The most obvious influence on the game's plot and setting is the totally awesome anime series Legend of Galactic Heroes, but the creators of the game also cite Arthur C Clarke's Childhood's End as a major influence.

The game takes place not in the milky way galaxy, but far into the future, when mankind has sprawled outwards into the universe by use of cliched warp gates. IIRC (we'll see when we play for sure), either humankind has forgotten how to make warp gates, or they are believed to be alien technology. The story begins with Yuri completing various errands, primarily hunting pirates and participating in turf wars between countries, and as it advances, he becomes a player in conflicts between major powers.

The gameplay primarily involves travelling from planet to planet and shooting down fleets of enemy ships (max of 5 large ships to each side in a given battle) to advance the story. There's a pretty large number of ships of varying sizes, dozens of crew members you can assign to various posts in your fleet, a variety of weapons to equip, and modules you can install on your ship to modify their stats, etc.

The developer is called nudemaker and the protagonist is called yuri? Post the porn and forget the LP!

Nudemaker apparently developed some hentai (cartoon porn) games, but they're better known for the Clocktower series (a horror game) and Steel Battalion (a mech game with a controller that cost over $100). They also released a game called Terror of the Stratos with a atmosphere similar to Evangelion's which never made it here.

The game was also developed by the illustrious Platinum Games. I'm not sure of the role each studio played in the creation of the game.

If I find any porn in this game I will post it (actually I won't) but I've played all the paths and the extra mode. Alas, I'm pretty sure there is none.

What will reading this LP be like?

It will be like reading the script of the game with some commentary. The gameplay has an OK system on a basic level, but is pretty repetitive and mostly breaks down into a couple strategies (keeping evasion on until you build your attack gauge to full, and launching small fighter ships once you're able to equip them). I will probably screenshot new ships and new shots of ship bridges, but most of the battles go pretty much the same and I'll mostly be focusing on copying down all the text (of which there is a lot. So basically you'll be reading the script with pics of the character's faces, and getting some shots of exploding ships. You'll probably almost never see info on random battles.

There are lots of conversations in planetside bars where you unlock new characters and get small stat bonuses and such, so I'll be spending time trying to make sure I get most or all of those included. If you like FE support conversations, this game's side conversations are like that. I played a couple minutes of the game a few days ago and the story started pretty mediocre, but I remember it getting better later on!

Audience Participation?

Besides being able to post comments, I'll put up polls during route splits and see if anyone votes. I will not put gameplay choices (what ships to buy etc) in your hands, because the gameplay just isn't substantial enough for me to think this will make things more interesting. I will mention a certain point when gameplay is a small factor in the route choice (something one route unlocks).

Why this game?

There's only one other written LP I can find, and I want to play the game anyway (to see the LoGH influences).

Final disclaimer:

I've played and beaten this game before, but Night had a problem saving/loading the rom, and it's possible I'll run into copy protection further down the road (I didn't have any problems with saving and loading). So this may get the kibosh if I run into a serious technical issue with continuing the run.


General Stuff:
The game's instruction manual (PDF): http://dl.sega.com.s3.amazonaws.com/guide/infinite-space/infinite-space-zero-g-manual-us.pdf
Yuritau's ship database: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0B-tVGc7nGWUJQekh1bnJjX2c/view
Game OST on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLovvvcIsFKzENFXdvuRnain5DcTsX3mtS
In game database (updated as we complete it): http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=65441&p=4478793

Hanzoku's LP on bay12forums (Using it as a reference guide for crew members and any other optional content): http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=129297.0
Gamefaqs guide (see above): http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/946344-infinite-space/faqs/59421

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Part I: Intro Movie and First Launch

You can watch the intro movie for the game on youtube here. It's a condensation of the first little bit of the game that skips some stuff with animations, etc. They released this along with a few couple animated shorts when the game released. I'll release the other shorts as they become relevant.

Because there are lots of images, I guess I'll spoiler the meat of each post.

This section is now complete. There are two red lines like this marking the beginning and ending of edited content, to help you if you read before the tutorial battle section had the images added.

The Title Screen!


The title screen cycles through ships whenever it opens. This is probably an Elgavan ship? (early sector)

The Opening Menu!


There is Yuri. The cube is an "epitaph," a relic of unknown purpose.

This marks the start of the content that got edited and had some battle images added.

Somewhere in the cosmos, a giant, lone ship cruises through space





#2: Yes, well, it is an autonomous dominion in a remote frontier, sir. Do you really think he's here, though, in a place like this?

#1: Oh, he's here all right.

#2: Really?

#1: I can smell him.

#2: Heh. If you say so, captain.

[Alarms blare]

An enemy?


Valantin:...Challenge me!

(This guy is the first unidentified speaker. Not really a spoiler: his name is Valantin, and he's unsavory)

#2 It doesn't look like Ropesk security. It appears to be from an anti-pirate patrol from the Central Elgavan Forces. What do you want to do, captain?

Valantin: Those fools...they forget their place.

Battle Tutorial:


The back, standby and forward buttons determine your direction of movement (in this game, space battles play out on a horizontal line, and you can't go behind the enemy fleet...).

You can also see cam buttons in the bottom left and right. That swaps the visual between the ally and enemy fleets.

The gauge determines what actions you can take. Fills up over time. Normal and barrage require a yellow gauge (2/3 of the gauge). Normal requires 1/3 of the gauge, barrage 2/3, but barrage uses each weapon 3 times instead of once.

Dodge uses 1/3 of the gauge. Dodge causes all barrage attacks to miss, but increases the accuracy of normal attacks. Enemies can use dodge. Basic strat is to go into dodge, build up your gauge, attack, then go into dodge again, assuming the fight isn't going to be over in a couple volleys.

On the top of the screen, there's a little chart showing orange and green ship shapes facing each other. If you look carefully, you can see a green line slightly behind the orange (enemy) ship. That represents the range of your weapons (barring battleship cannons). I think when you have multiple ships, they may be capable of having different attack ranges?


This picture shows two ship icons at the top of the touch screen. Ships in front of the formation are easier to hit. If you miss this part of the tutorial, the game can be very hard until you realize that you should be shooting down ships in the front, because sometimes you'll start the battle locked onto the middle or back row.

Valantin's Theme plays (you can listen to it in the spoiler)

#2: The enemy is getting ready to fire, sir.

Valantin: Crush them.

#2: Aye, Captain!

A second battle begins, with an enemy fleet of 5 ships. I'm not doing a full blow by blow, but here are a few shots:

I fire a barrage at the enemy fleet:


The game plays crew command vocals when you fire at the enemy. Note the bottom picture of the bridge: it will change throughout the game based on what ship you have leading your fleet.

Probably Valantin: "Lets Give em something to moan over, boys!"

[Technobabble from crew about aiming guns]

Probably Valantin: "All Guns, Fire!"


Because I aimed my shots at a ship in the rear, 4 or 5 of the first shots missed:


But the first barrage still destroyed 3 of the 5 ships. For the record, Elgavan security must not have had good intel, because it was suicide to attack Valantin.

Here are a couple shots of intact enemy vessels (didn't snap all 5), and a shot of a destroyed vessel:




Everything after this point is the same as it was before.

#2: That's the end of them.

Valantin: Bah. That barely even broke up my boredom. Think I'll lie low for a while. It shouldn't be long before we get a hit.

#2: Aye, Captain! Shutting down the inflaton inverter [My note: I'll invert my inflation in your mom]. Switching to inertial navigation in thirty seconds.


Sev: This scene literally happens on the spot: we see Valantin's battleship, the Corsair, "swoop" upwards, and then the ships above fly "under" in the area Valantin just vacated. Space is crowded these days!

Security Forces: This is Ropesk Territory! No one is allowed passage without express permision! Halt immediately, or we will open fire! We repeat! Halt immediately, or we will open fire!


Nia: Nobody likes a guy who's too eager to pull the trigger, you know what I mean? ;)


Nia: What the...?! Damn you! So you want to die that bad, do you? Fine, then, have it your way! I'll gladly knock you into Grus! Turn the Daisy around! Switch to AS mode!

Operator Voice: Anti-Ship mode. Roger. Halting 13 warp engines. Switching over to battle engines.

Sev: Daisy is the ship name, but I don't think she has any crew right now, so I guess she's talking to the AI. Grus is a sector in Etrian Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, and is probably what Nia is referring to. The Daisy sort of looks like something out of Cowboy Bebop.


Sev: That's the Daisy's bridge. Even though you can only see one person on the bridge, if you fire a barrage, you can hear Nia and a male voice yelling information to each other, so either she has crew, or the game makers were lazy.

Nia: Phew. looks like what they need now is a scrap collector.

[shaking (Again?)]


Nia: What the...?! [seriously, it's the exact same]

Nia: Agh! This is not good!


The ship crashes and burns on the planet.

Yuri: This is Ropesk, my home.


But still - I don't want to be stuck here on this planet's surface anymore. I want to explore the sea of stars, just like my father did. The stars in the sky have always called out to me, for as long as I can remember. It was just recently that I first heard about launchers - they act as guides for people like me, and take them out into the sea of stars.

I was desperate, and I didn't have any other options anyway. I managed to contact a launcher, and then spent every night searching the skies for them. A week went by, and then two. Even as I started to lose hope, I still climbed that hill every night to watch for the sign of my launcher. And one night, with a sudden, bright light that slashed across the horizon...


my guide to the stars fell from the sky.


Boy: It should be somewhere around here...(gasps)


Nia: Hoo boy! I really made a mess of it this time. Now what do I do? Huh?


Boy: ...
Nia: What the Grus are you lookin' at?! Get lost, kid! I don't have time for games.

Boy: Uh...you're the launcher, aren't you?

Nia: Huh? Oh. Yeah. Don't tell me you're my client.

Boy: That's right. I'm Yuri. I'm the one who contacted you. But I never thought a real launcher would come for me.

Nia: Well, Grus. I'll go anywhere if the price is right. Why wouldn't I?

Sev: If you're still reading, let me know if I should censor "Grus" in the script and replace it with hell, shit, or some other explative.

Nia: But you know...I wouldn't think a kid like you could afford my services. Do you even have the money?

Yuri: Sure. Here. 1,000 G. You can count it if you want. It's all there.


Nia: Well, I'll be! 1,000 G. It really is all here. This must've been hard to come by.

Yuri: I've been working in an engine repair shop. So you have the money. Can we go now?

Nia: I'd like to tell you we're all set, believe me. But, as you can plainly see, I've got one tiny little problem to take care of.


Nia: I had a little, let's say, "unforeseen trouble"...

Yuri: Okay. But, you know, it doesn't look too bad. I bet I could do something with it.

Nia: Huh?

Yuri: You got some tools I can borrow?

Nia: Yeah, sure.

[screen goes black]

Sev: During this scene, the campfire pictures from above show it's morning, with the fire out and a dim light over the scene. But I forgot to get a shot.

Yuri: There. Thought ought to do it for now. That should give you at least the bare minimum of power.

Nia: Hey, kiddo, you're not half bad. Where'd you learn all that stuff?

Yuri: I told you. I've been working in a repair shop. I've been studying, getting prepared so that I could go up into space.

Nia: Well, what do you know? This whole thing isn't just a childish whim with you, is it? Okay, fine, let's shake on it, then. The name's Nia. Nia Lochlain.

Yuri: I'm Yuri. It's nice to meet you.

Nia: All right, then! Come on. let's get out of here before the Ropesk Security Patrol busts us. Don't you have anybody you want to say good-bye to first? You got any family?

Yuri: No. My family's all dead. I don't have anyone.

Nia: Oh...Well let's go, then! Into the sea of stars!

Yuri: Yeah! Into the sea of stars!

Nia: Warp engines! [comments about powering up engines]30...40...50

Operator Voice: Thrusters up. Attitude control, angle of elevation, 37. Escape mode speed, 17,000.





??: The subject's sphere of awareness is expanding rapidly.

??: Synchronizing imaging progression...

??: Initializing Tracker. Calculating coordinates for initial appearance.

??: Starting metamorphosis of existence probability.


Yuri: Unh...


Yuri: What? I...

Nia: You were out cold. Well, we blasted out of the atmosphere pretty fast, so I guess I can't blame you.

Yuri: ...

Nia: Hey, check it out. There's your sea of stars for you.


Yuri: So, this is space.

Nia: Yup. Ridiculously huge, isn't it? Starting today, this is your turf.

Sev: *Audible groan*

Nia: The world of the Zero-G Dogs.

Yuri: Zero-G Dogs?

Nia: That's what they call people who give up their lives on land for ruthless space, where might makes right. And starting today, you're one of them!

Yuri: ... [he's thinking about what a stupid title Zero-G Dog is]

Nia: So, are you scared yet?

Make a selection:


-Don't know.

I don't know:

Yuri: I guess I don't really know yet.

Nia: Whatever you say, kid. But you know, space can be a pretty freaky place. The sooner you get that through your head, the better.

Yuri: Okay...


Yuri: If I said I wasn't scared, I'd be lying.

Nia: Heh heh. That's normal, kid. Space can be a pretty freaky place. You're scared because you're not stupid. Don't let yourself get too relaxed, you got that?

Yuri: Okay...

[Victory fanfare]


Sev's Note: Since Yuri is almost almost always in charge of leadership, his other stats don't make a difference in terms of power of your fleet, but the game still likes to assign him bonuses to other stats as he converses with other characters and learns more. I'll give details on stats later (you can read them in the instructions, too - see resources in the first page). I'll always go for the bonuses, given the option.

Nia: So where to now? You said you wanted to go to Central Elgava, didn't you?

Yuri: That's right. Elgava's so big .I heard the planets in Elgava are really flourishing, way more than Ropesk could ever dream of.

Nia: So you wanna go there, make a little money and buy your own ship, is that right?

Yuri: I would like that.

Nia: Okay, I got ya. But we've got to stop at a spaceport first. Central Elgava is too far to go in a wounded ship. We've got to get ourselves fixed up, nice and pretty. You pick which spaceport we go to. You're the boss, so we'll go wherever you say.


We now begin our voyage! That's the first bit of the intro. God, this will take forever. Anyway, I'm done for now.

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Good old infinite space. If you're expecting logh you're probably going to be a tad disappointed. LoGH is a space opera in which rivalry within and between political systems are central themes, along with an ensemble cast, and slow and character-driven story telling. Infinite space on the other hand is a space opera boy spreads his wings type deal.

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Good old infinite space. If you're expecting logh you're probably going to be a tad disappointed. LoGH is a space opera in which rivalry within and between political systems are central themes, along with an ensemble cast, and slow and character-driven story telling. Infinite space on the other hand is a space opera boy spreads his wings type deal.

I've played it before, so I know it's not as good a story. But tbh I think that the space warfare takes center stage for the game, too, particularly in part 2. I already know there's a Reinhard expy in the game from memory, and I remember a Julian like character as well (though Julian is an easier character to imitate by accident). I think I remember one of the nations having a Free Planets Alliance flavor. The empire in this game is a quite a bit more overwhelming than the Galactic Empire of LoGH.

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Part 2: Escaping the Ropesk Sector (1/X)

I'll be leaving it as X til I post all the updates and know the total.

Quick brush up:

Valantin, a pirate, blows up some elgavan (a spacefaring nation) security forces in the ropesk sector. Nia gets shot down by ropesk forces. She meets up with Yuri, the protagonist. He's hired her to get him off planet and help him start a life as a spacefarer (zero g dog). They patch up her ship and blast off. We get a short scene of ominous beings who appear to be monitoring the situation (the subject they refer to is probably Yuri).

Anyway here's the update:

We left off on the map of the sector, Ropesk:

Here's the picture of the sector from the instruction booklet (see resources in the first post for the full thing). It's the only full image of an entire sector I'm aware of right now:



In the bottom of the screen, you can see some buttons. Back is inaccessible, but probably returns you to the planet you're currently on. Ok begins the journey to your destination. Area up and down buttons change the area of the sector you're on. For instance, area 2:


I probably won't screenshot the layout of every area, but I'm not sure yet.

Ropesk is part of the nation of Elgava. It comes across as a backwater, but apparently it has a population of about 4.6 billion. I won't screenshot the other planets status screens, but Bagut, next door, has 1 billion people, and Hapsal (which you can see in area 2 of the sector) has 2 billion people.

As we fly around Ropesk, the "overworld" theme for this act plays (listen in spoilers)

I launch towards Bagut. As I near the planet, security forces engage me I blow up up pretty easy, taking no damage, moving just into range, shooting em, and then moving out again (my ship moves faster than theirs).

From this point on, encounters will pop up as I travel between stars, and I will probably never make a big mention of em. Just assume I'm building up cash, exp, and fame as we go along.


Exp levels up crew (more later). FAM levels your fame (more later). G is money.

It might not be clear from looking, but all the visuals of ships in space and stuff are not static. They always move along the screen.

Afterwards, a conversation:



Yuri: "...keeping his own people prisoner on their own planet. I guess that's why he can't afford to look the other way when even one of them makes it out into space.

Nia: Hm. That sounds kind of like the teachings of Adis, if you ask me.

Sev: don't remember who Adis is in this game atm. No comment. Fuck terraism in Legend of Galactic Heroes, though.

I return to space travel automatically. As I near my destination, I see the planet loom in front of Daisy.


You'll note the little bar on the side with a bit of red color on the bottom. That measures fatigue. I believe when it fills up, it's bad. There's a crew class (probably management) that reduces fatigue buildup. I believe a stop at a spaceport eliminates fatigue.

Also, the game lists me as having 0 creds, but once I get to the planet the game properly updates my cash based on my victory during the journey.


Nia: Requesting permission to enter the spaceport.

Controller: This is spaceport Controller E307. Nationality code received from applicant for entrance. Coordinates, right ascension 79 degrees, declination 156 degrees, confirmed.


Controller: Opening frequency code F3. Continue at current speed. Please proceed past the outer marker.


Controller: Clearance of outer marker confirmed. Guide beacon to Slip 155 standing by.



Yuri: Wow. I didn't know that spaceports were so big!

Nia: Ha ha! There are plenty of spaceports out there that are a lot bigger than this, and better equipped!

Sev: see what I mean about Ropesk being a backwater?

Nia: Once you arrive in a spaceport, their automatic maintenance system checks out your ship and fixes it for you. So if you ever take on damage, you've got to get your ship to a spaceport, pronto. Spaceports give your crew a chance to rest up, too.

Sev: Sometimes the game puts text in yellow. So far, it seems to do so for gameplay related stuff, but later on it just seems to be used for emphasis. I'll be putting it in blue since yellow is hard to read in my skin

Yuri: That sounds helpful.

Nia: I'll say. Now it's time for me to grab a drink. Later.

Yuri: Oh. All right.

Moving cheerfully, Nia Lochlain walks away towards the orbital elevator.


System lets you save, load, and enter the options screen. Config turns on autosave and lets you make various battle and travel scenes go faster.

Battle sim lets you do some kind of local wireless multiplayer. I've never done it. The best strategy would probably involve fighter jets, though I wonder if massing crew for boarding parties might not be effective (boarding, IIRC, usually doesn't work in story battles, and thus isn't all that effective to use).

The elevator takes you down to the planet:


It's a planet of 1 billion people and the only place Yuri can go to is a tavern, 1 tavern. Jesus.

If you want, you can listen to the tavern theme (it's very somber and nice, recommended):

The following shot skips ahead a bit, but the opening menu for the bar blocks the image, so I'm posting in-conversation image now.


Sev: A quick note about taverns. Sometimes they have multiple conversations for a single option, but the new conversations won't necessarily generate first. Sometimes it feels like I might listen to the same conversation 4 or 5 times before a new one appears. This can be pretty frustrating. I'll be trying to log them all. If I get multiple conversations for an option, I'll list em as #1, #2, etc, in order I got them.

Talk to the bartender:

Get information:

To get to the only gate that leads to Central Elgava from here, you have to go to the planet Hapsal first. And even after you're through the gate, you still won't be in Central Elgava yet. You have to go through the Lutsk Sector first, on the other side of the gate. And then you'll finally be in the Central Elgavan Sector.

Ask about a job:

Looking for work, eh? Adkin Transport lays claim to all the jobs around here. So I'm afraid I don't have a single job for you. Sorry.

Talk to Nia Lochlain:

By the way, you can press start and view full portraits. We'll snag Valantin's later on, he's the only one we missed. Here's Nia:


Nia: come to think of it, you never told me why you wanted to give space travel a try. So you wanna tell me? Or is it a secret?


Yuri: I don't mind telling you, but do you promise not to laugh?

Nia: Cross my heart! Go ahead and bare your soul.

Yuri: Okay. Well, you see...I want to figure out what it's all about.


Nia: Huh?
Yuri: My father left it to me when he died. He was an adventurer.

Nia. But this is...

Sev: the holy macguffin of macguffins...

Yuri: ...

Nia: ... You gotta be kidding me. An Epitapth?!


At Nia Lochlain's words, a stir runs through the gathering of tavern patrons. Realizing her mistake, Nia hastily lowers her voice and continues.

Nia: Why the Grus would I laugh about this?! This is quite a treasure! "Epitapths: He who unravels their mysteries will have the power to change the universe."

Yuri: Yeah, my father told me that old saying, too. I want to find out for myself if, you know... if it's true.

??: Hey!
[scene shifts back to standard bar screen]

Yuri: ?

Yuri and Nia suddenly find themselves surrounded by a band of rough-looking characters.


???: I ain't got no idea what that thing is, but if you say it's an "incredible treasure," that's good enough for me. What Torlo Adkin wants, Torlo Adkin gets! Now hand it over.

Yuri: (Uh oh! Now what?!)



Now, Hold On a Second:

Now, just hold on a second. What do you -- ?

Kachko: None of that chit-chat! [Note: Kachko has no portrait. From now on, won't be noting when new non portrait char appears.)

Torlo: That's right, Kachko! Hold him for me!

Yuri: Huh?! Grr! You son of a -- !

Kachko: Damn. This guy is pretty tough!

Yorl: Hey, hold him down, guys! C'mon!

[shattering sound]


Nia: Ha ha ha! Get 'em, kiddo! Hang in there!

Torlo: C'mon! just give up and hand over that Epitaph, nice and easy!

Yuri: Hnh! Go to Grus! (struggling)

Nia: Hm. Maybe the kid is a little bit outnumbered. here lemme give you a hand with that.


Yuri: ...

Torlo: N-no way!

Yuri: Was that a...maser blaster?

Nia: Now this time I'm gonna aim for somebody's head!

Torlo: N-now way...no friggin' way!

[screen goes black, sounds of laser fire]

Torlo: Yikes!

Kachko: Aaaagh!

[sounds of running out of the bar]

We return to the normal bar scene.

Nia: Ha ha ha! Buh-bye! See ya later!

Yuri: Ow...Are you crazy? You can't go firing off a maser blaster in here!

Nia: What, that? Just your typical night out on the town. Ooh, ouch. They got you pretty good, huh?
Yuri: Yeah, well, I was outnumbered. And they had knives, too.

Nia: Okay, that does it. I think I'd better give you a little present now.

Yuri: A present?

[screen goes black for a sec]

Nia: That's right! It's one of my old ones, but it fits you perfectly!


Yuri: A bodysuit?

Nia: That's right. It's way better at absorbing impact than regular clothes. And I threw in a plasmic blade for you, too.

Yuri: A plasmic blade?

[Nameless speaker]: A plasmic blade emits a pulse that generates plasma that can easily cut through objects. It's not a sword for the average novice adventurer. :smug:

Nia: Let's just say I like to go that extra mile for my clients.

Yuri: Wow! Thanks!

You got a bodysuit and plasmic blade! Yuri's Combat skill increased by 3!

Go to Grus!

Yuri: Go to Grus!

Realizing he has to make the first move, Yuri starts pummeling the one who appears to be the leader of the gang.

Torlo: Aagh! Kachko!

Kachko: Hey!

Yuri: Huh?! Grr! You son of a -- !

From this point on, it continues the same as the "now hold on a second" convo, but after receiving the plasmic blade, combat boosts by 5. Yuri's combat is irrelevant for most of the game, but these little touches flavor his development as a character.

The game returns to the planet menu. I return to the tavern, because there was still a convo I didn't do.

When I enter...


As soon as they enter the tavern, Nia Lochlain and Yuri are once again surrounded by the gang of ruffians.

Yuri: What do you want now? You're not getting the Epitapth, so don't even try it.

Torlo: Shut yer mouth! If I had that Epitaph, I could be livin' high on the hog for quite some time, wouldn't ya say? Now hand it over! And I ain't takin' no for an answer this time!

Yuri: You just aren't going to go away quietly, are you?

Yuri: But I'm warning you. It's not going to go quite the way it did last time.


Sev: There's an image of the blade before it powers up, but it's almost the same. I tried to screencap it, but I must not have pressed the key hard enough.

Kachko: Hey! That thing's --

Torlo: A plasmic blade?!

Yuri: Well? Come on. Let's do this.

Torlo: Yikes! Hey, h-hold on! Okay, okay! I give! I won't ever raise a hand against ya again.

Yuri: ...

Torlo: So...I head you're headin' over to Central Elgava. Lemme give you a little tip.

Yuri: Yeah? What's that?\

Torlo: You're gonna run into a security force hired by Demid Panfilov. He's got 'em stationed all around the void gate that leads to Central Elgava. So unless you do something about 'em, you prolly won't be getting anywhere near Central Elgava.

Yuri: Something? Like what do you mean?

Torlo: Well, I hear when they get off their shifts, they like to get together for drinks at the tavern on Hapsal. And they say that's the best place to have a "chat" with 'em, if you know what I mean.

Yuri: That's a good tip. I'll keep it in mind.
Torlo: S-so, are we good?

Yuri: Yeah, sure. We're good. As long as you don't try to jump me again.
Torlo: Ha ha ha! Of course I won't! And now I owe you. Well, see ya later!

With a friendly wave, Torlo Adkin and his gang leave.

Yuri: (Well, that was a complete about-face.)


Talk to the old woman:

Old Woman; Lord Panfilov has devoted his life to building this sector up into something great. And it's all in an effort to turn this Dominion of Ropest into the ideal nation!

We're done with the first of dozens of taverns.

With that, we end this segment.

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Here's the database. It has ships and characters in it. I'll mostly take the view of ships from the front, but I'll take sideviews if I think they look better (some ships are small enough for it).

Ships: (current to update 3)

(Current progress: 4%)

Borodino Loc: (Battleship)


The Borodino is a battleship widely used by the Central Elgavan Forces. But after repeated upgrades and overhauls, this version of it is far superior to the original.

Askold Loc: (Cruiser)


A cruiser used as a flagship by high ranking officers of Elgavan regional forces. Highly customizable, the captain can take advantage ofa wide range of remodeling options.

Adonis R: (Other)


A transport ship that carries space resources, it is the only type of civilian ship allowed to enter Ropesk ports. Most of the goods on board are luxuries for Demid Panfilov, the feudal lord of Ropesk.

Sev:The daisy docks at Ropesk ports even though it seems to basically be a civilian ship, and looks nothing like this one. Who knows?

Orfey: (Destroyer)


A destroyer equipped with missiles. It is employed by Elgavan regional forces.

Sev: Resembles an X-wing, I guess.

Olitchny: (Destroyer)


An upgraded version of the Perekop destroyer. It has improved durability, and is equipped with the current government's weapons, too.

Perekop: (Destroyer)


A civilian transport ship remodeled into a destroyer. Its hull durability and combat cabapilities aren't quite up to the demands of battle.

Boiky RA: (Other)


An upgraded version of the Boiky RB, a Ropesk security patrol ship. It has been given improved durability and mobility to handle attacks from anyone who breaks the dominion's laws.

Sev:I unlocked this entry after the Boiky RB. Since it mostly looks the same, I got a back shot for variety.

Boiky RB: (Other)


A standard frame security ship that patrols Ropesk territory. It is under the direct command of the feudal lord, Demid Panfilov.

Daisy: (Other)


An ordinary transport ship turned into a small cruiser through extensive overhauling by Nia Lochlain. It is extremely temperamental. Only Nia can handle this ship.

Sev: In terms of gameplay, you don't assign your characters to individual ships. So we don't need to reserve Nia for the daisy in order to use it in our fleet.

Characters: (current to update 3)

(Current progress: 4%)

Help: Male, age 99


An AI information android provided by the Cosmic Trade Authority to help zero-G dogs along in their travels.

Kira: Female, age 14


Yuri's little sister and only living relative. Kira is very attached to Yuri. She wants to be by his side, no matter what it takes, and she'll do absolutely anything for him.

Nia: Female, age 23


A female launcher. For a fee, she helps people leave their home planet to journey into space. Nia is the one who first brought Yuri out to the sea of stars.

Panfilov: Male, age 71


Once a famous adventurer, he discovered and developed the planet of Ropesk, which later became an autonomous dominion of Elgava. But fearing the exodus of his people from Ropesk, he issued a ban on space travel, making them virtual prisoners on the ground.

Sev: Looks good for 71. Thanks the future.

Radimire: Male, age 49.


The proprietor of a tavern on Hapsal. Radimir is a glib talker, and can come across as being rather superficial.

Torlo: Male, age 16.


A boy born on the planet of Bagut in the dominion of Ropesk. Torlo is the leader of a transport gang.

Yuri: Male, age 16


A boy who travels out into the sea of stars to solve the mysteries of the Epitaph that his father left to him. Yuri has a strong sense of adventure and curiosity about the unknown, as well as a fierce competitive streak.

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Part 3:Escaping the Ropesk Sector (2/X)

Quick brush-up:

We fly to Bugat, a neighboring planet, and dock for repairs and visit the planetside bar, of course. Yuri tells Nia he carries an Epitaph, a legendary artifact with a mysterious purpose. Torlo, a local tavern tough, roughs Yuri up in an attempt to get the Epitaph, so Nia bails Yuri out and gives him a bodysuit and a "plasmic blade" (lightsabery). We immediately return to the bar and get in another fight with Torlo, who scares when threatened with the sword. To make up for the trouble, he tells us that if we're on our way out of the sector, we might be able to bribe the void gate guards at their usual off hour pub in Hapsal (another planet).

Maybe it's worth noting that we know Torlo's last name is Adkin from his intro. The bartender mentioned a trading company called Adkin Transport that gets most of the local jobs, so we can assume Torlo has some connections.

Not much really happened.

So far I've been a bit lazy about getting music posted, but I'll try and be a bit more responsible about it. Probably won't post every time it repeats an old track, but if a new one comes up, I'll get it.

A quick note on a couple screens: the images of the station and planet menu didn't fully load into the last update. I tried reposting them, and the post now yields errors if I try and include them in the last update. I'll post them here, with a quick note on the station screen.


Elevator takes us to the planet, and options lets us change a few settings (mostly speed of various battle and travel sequences).

Battle sim lets you fight another player over local wireless. Never played it myself.


And here's planetside.

I probably won't screenshot most planets or stations, but if something looks interesting, I'll get it.

Most planets have more facilities (shipyards, story locations, etc).

Into the thick of it!

For the record, with all the idling I've been doing while posting screenshots and script text, I've already played for an hour and a half. That's with a bit of save stating and pausing, too. My guess is that we'd normally be about 10-20 minutes in.

It turns out we can view another 2 conversations with Nia in the tavern if we go back and talk with her.

Bagut Tavern continued

Talk To Nia

Nia Convo 1

Yuri: Nia?

Nia: Yeah? ?

Yuri: How far do you think the human race has traveled throughout the universe?

Nia: Huh. That's a good question. Far, far beyond the Small Magellanic Cloud, that's for sure. They say that mankind has spread to galaxies up to ten billion light years away. And there are plenty of planets we could never reach in our lifetime, not even if we used warp navigation and void gates.

Yuri: Wow...

Nia: Ha ha ha! Don't get all freaked out on me, now! Hey, you're a zero-G dog now, aren't ya? If you wanna see how far man can go, why don't you just see for yourself?

Yuri: Okay, maybe I will!

Nia Convo 2

Nia: Well, kiddo, I guess you knew all along exactly where you belonged, eh?

Yuri: What do you mean?

Nia: What I mean is, you've never even been off your home planet. But the minute you get up into space, you take to it like a fish takes to water. It's like, all along, somehow you knew you belonged up here. It's pretty weird, don't ya think?

Yuri: ...

The bartender also has a bit more to say now:


Get Info:

Bartender: There are always all kinds of transport ships flying to Ropesk, bringing in lots of luxury items for Lord Panfilov.

Nia: You don't say.

Bartender: I bet those ships carry riches beyond the imagination of us ordinary folk.

Nia: Those ships, do they use the starlanes around here?

Bartender: Huh? Oh, yeah. I think they use the starlanes around Bagut, too.

Nia: Heh heh. Very interesting. Thanks.

Yuri: Huh?

{BLUE} You got some starlane information. A new starlane has been added to the Destination screen!

And that's it for bagut.

We head to ???, the new area revealed after talking with the bartender.


Yuri: What's that?

Nia: That's one of those transport ships the bartender was talking about.

Yuri: Oh, yeah. Carrying all kinds of luxury goods to Panfilov.

Nia: Private property of the feudal lord, right? So it won't hurt anybody if we just help ourselves to it, will it?

Yuri: What do you mean, help ourselves? You mean steal the cargo? That would make us pirates!

Nia: That's right. So what's the harm in taking a little treasure from an evil feudal lord anyway?

Yuri: Well...

Nia; C'mon, Yuri! Quit draggin' your feet, or it's gonna get away.

Yuri: All right, fine!

A battle begins. Even though I turn on the engines and pursue, the ship simply moves backwards and retreats when it reaches the far end of the screen. I don't get a shot off, even though I narrow the distance.

Nia: See?! I told ya they'd get away if ya didn't step up your game!

Yuri: S-sorry. {BLUE} But there'll be more transport ships passing by here later, I'm sure. There always are. {BLUE} Don't worry.

Nia: Tsk. I was really lookin' forward to belin' down some cold ones today.

I try and fly back to Ropesk:

Nia: Going back to Ropesk now would just mean a whole bunch of trouble. I don't think we should do it.

Yuri: (I guess I'd better not think about going back to Ropesk for a while.

Towards Bagut again:

Nia: That's funny.

Yuri: What is?

There's a really powerful IP communication broadcasting throughout the Ropesk sector.

Yuri: Huh?

Nia: Here. It's quicker if I just show you. Look at the monitor.

A new track, "The Great Evil," plays:


??: ...reading this, Yuri? If you're watching this broadcast, I demand that you return to Ropesk immediately.

Yuri: Hey!

Nia: Who's the cue ball?

Yuri: That's Demid Panfilov. The feudal lord of Ropesk.

Nia: You mean to tell me this whole broadcast is just for you?!

Yuri: ...

On the screen, Demid Panfilov continues.

Demid: Yuri, because you chose to break the law, an important loved one of yours is now suffering the consequences.

Yuri: Loved one?


??: Yuri! Yuri!

Yuri: Huh? Kira!

Nia: Kira? You know that girl?

Yuri: Yes. She's my...she's my...


Yuri: She's my little sister!

Nia: What? You've got a sister?

Yuri: Yeah. She's the only family I've got. They've got her, and it's all my fault.

Sev: News to us too. Yuri said he had no fam earlier. Guess he thought it was to dangerous or is just a jerk, and tried to ditch her.

Nia: ...

Demid Panfilov's voice continues to boom from the monitor's speakers.

Demid: And so now you can see the situation. If you see this broadcast, Yuri, I'm sure you'll understand what you have to do. I'd hate to see a young man with such a promising future turn into anything as lawless and desperate as a Zero-G Dog. Obey the law, return to Ropesk and devote yourself to the betterment of your planet, as is your duty.

Demid's broadcast ends, and our view returns to the ship's bridge. A sadder song, "In the Middle of the Path," begins to play:


Yuri: ...holding my sister hostage?!

Nia: So, uh, what are you gonna do? It's up to you, ya know. I can take you back to Ropesk...

Yuri: No way! I'm not gonna give into his dirty tactics! Isn't there some way I can fight him?

Nia; Fight him, eh? Well, we won't get very far against his military might with just this one ship, I promise you that. And I don't fight a battle unless I know I can win it.

Yuri: ...

Nia: ...

Yuri: Oh, Kira...What am I going to do?

Nia: ... (sighs) Well, as long as you understand what we'd be in for, there might just be a way.

Yuri: Really?!

Nia: But you have to be prepared to do anything. Do you understand? [bLUE]Come and talk to me when or if you think you're ready.[uNBLUE]

Yuri: All right.

We fly for Hapsal. It's worth saying that you can't even route through Ropesk towards Hapsal - I think this is because it's possible to reroute mid-route, and the game doesn't want you rerouting towards Ropesk when you're already along one of the navigation lines leading towards it. Maybe.

Hapsal, population 2.098 billion. I depart Hapsal immediately for the void gate so that we can abandon Kira and start our real adventure.


Gate Guards: No ships shall pass without the express permission of Lord Panfilov. Turn around and leave the area at once.

Yuri: (I guess I have to turn back)

We get back to Hapsal and go to the tavern. An fully illustrated barkeep introduces himself:


???: Welcome, welcome! I'm the owner of this establishment. The name's Radimir. Relax, and please enjoy your time here!

Bar Convos:

Talk to Nia Lochlain:

Yuri: Nia? You said there was a way to fight Panfilov...

Nia: Yeah. It's kind of a gamble, though. Are you sure you're up for it, kiddo?


Nia: Okay, I understand. I'm not gonna twist your arm or anything. Just let me know if you change your mind.

Talk to her again:

Nia: Are you ready to try it now?


{BLUE}Nia: Okay. Here's what we do. There's a planet named Toropets in this sector. There's a little shipyard there.{BLUE}

Yuri: Hold on. you mean, we buy a ship there?

Nia: That's right. If we can get a hold of a destroyer-class ship, we just might be able to pull this one off.

Sev: Let me get this straight. For what appears to be a run of the mill job for Nia, she's gonna help Yuri buy a ship better than the one she currently pilots so he can go head to head with an entire sector's security forces? I mean, the game is kinda aware that this is a bit weird (see below), but it turns out it's surprisingly easy to scrape up enough money to buy a decent combat ship. Sure, whatever.

Yuri: But wait a minute. I don't have that kind of money!

Nia: Don't worry about that. I've got an idea.

Yuri: Okay... (I don't know about this, but right now, Nia is the only one I can trust.)

{BLUE} You got some planet information! The planet Toropets has been added to the Destination screen! {BLUE}

Talk to Nia Lochlain #2:

Yuri: Ever since we were little kids, the citizens of Ropesk have been told great stories about Panfilov's space pioneering days. The stories say that he landed on Ropesk after traveling the sea of stars, and that he's a hero. So why would a guy like that want to keep his people on the ground now?

Nia: Once you find a place to settle down, you start to feel like you want to protect that place. It's human nature. And the older a person gets, the truer that gets.

Yuri: A place to settle down, huh?

Nia: That's right. People like you and me, people that don't have a place like that, we're free to roam the stars. Who knows which way makes a person happier in the end? I guess it just depends on the person.

Talk to Nia #3:

Yuri: I don't know, Nia. I guess fighting Panfilov is the only thing we can do, huh?

Nia: You want to be free to go where you want in space, don't you? And you want to get to the bottom of your Epitaph mystery, right? If that's the case, then you've gotta crush anybody who tries to get in your way.

Yuri: Crush, huh? Does it really have to be so extreme?

Nia: Grus, yeah! If somebody gets in your way, you take care of 'em. Doesn't matter who it is. If you can't do that, you'll never really be free.

Yuri: That's a pretty violent way of life.

Nia: What, don't you know? It's the law of the jungle, out here in space. The ones that don't get it will find themselves swimming in the dark pretty fast.

Talk to the gate guard:

Gate guard: What? So you want us to let you through the void gate, do you? I don't know about that... I mean, our jobs are on the line, you know. But you know...If you were to give us a little something, like a bribe...Well, we just might consider it.

Don't give him anything:

Guard: Hmph. Uptight fellow, aren't you?

Talk again:

Guard: Had a chance to rethink things a little bit, did you?

Give him 100 G:

Guard: Hold on just one minute! That's out-and-out bribery, that's what that is! We're clean as a whistle, you hear? We don't accept bribes! Now, if somebody were to offer us something "like" a bribe...Well, that might be a little different.


Give him something like 100 g:

Yuri: Here you go. Here's something "like" 100 g.

Guard: Now we're talking! We don't have any problem accepting it as long as it's only something "like" 100 G! Thanks! Now just leave the rest to us.

Yuri: ...

{BLUE} You paid the guards 100 G!

Sev: We can't actually leave the sector before saving Kira, but we'd have to do this later on to progress through the story.

Talk again:

Guard: Yeah, yeah. You wanna go through the void gate. We got it already. Just leave it to us.

Talk to the Owner, Radimir

Get Information:

Radimir: I heard that somebody from Ropesk disobeyed the ban on space travel and went off into the sea of stars. I don't know who that person is, but I'll tell you one thing. They've sure got guts. But folks like that usually go to an early grave, if you know what I mean. Ha ha ha!

Yuri: (This guy doesn't know when to shut up.)

We keep asking for info:

Radimir: (Sighs)

Yuri: ...

Radimir: (Sighs)

Nia: ...

Radimir: I'll bet you want to know wh a grown man like me is so despondent, don't you?

Yuri: (...)

Sev: We're gonna keep saying no till we wear this guy out.


Radimir: So I can't get you to bite, eh? You really ought to have a little compassion for your fellow man.

[/b]Ask for info again:

Radimir: So you decided you do want to know why, do you? Why I'm so upset, I mean?

Yuri: (...)


Radimir: That's funny I thought you adventurer types were supposed to be filled with an endless curiosity.

Sev: after this it loops, so we say

Yes, please tell me:

Radimir: Ha ha ha! That's what I thought you'd say. You see, lately, this tavern just hasn't been making the money it should.If things keep up this way, I'm surely going to lose the place.

Yuri: I'm sorry to hear that.

Radimir: It's tragic, right? I've always done my best, always put my customers first. And after all my hard work, this is my reward? (sighs) It makes you wonder what the point of it all is. This tavern is my treasure. I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than lose it.


Sev: it looks like a pretty cozy little place, but it also looks like every other tavern in the game.

Yuri: You shouldn't let it get you that down. It's not the end of the world, you know.

Radimir: Hm...You seem like a person with a kind heart. Let me ask you a favor.

Yuri: What is it?

Radimir: Please, lend this destitute man a little money, What do you say?

Sev: Damn, asking a first time customer for money.

Nia: No way.

Radimir: Anything, even the smallest amount, would really help.

Nia: Nope, not a single G. I don't trust guys that go on and on about all their "hard work" and "always doing their best."

Yuri: Isn't that a little harsh, Nia?

Nia: Just promise me one thing: no matter how far you fall, never get as low as this guy.

Yuri: Okay...

Radimir: (groans) That's cold! That's really cold...

Ask for info again:

Radimir: You look like a kind person. Could you take pity on an old man and spare 500 G? Even 300 G would be great.

Yuri: What? What kind of question is that? Just concentrate on the cooking. Look, my steak is starting to burn!

Radimir: Yeah, okay. Sorry.

Sev: Tell him Yuri! Get back in the kitchen, Radimir!

Ask about a job:

Radimir: Looking for work, are you? All right. In that case, I'd like you to take this cargo to Bagut. This job pays 300 G.


Radimir: Bartender: No? Maybe some other time, then.

Sev: In this shot, the name by the character appears as Radimir, but the name of the speaker in the text bubble is bartender. Probably an oversight during the editing process. No biggie.


{BLUE}Radimir: Yes? Okay, then. Great. Take this cargo to the tavern on Bagut. Give it to the bartender there. {BLUE}

Sev: Weird that Radimir offers a transport job to some random people even though there's an apparent ban on space travel. I assume there are some people licensed to trade, etc, but Radimir doesn't check on any of that, even though he seems wary enough of the ban in prior conversations.

If we ask for more work:

Radimir: Sorry. I don't have any more work for you at the moment. Please just take care of the job I already gave you, okay?

Done with Hapsal for now. We head to Bagut to drop off the cargo for the job. At the tavern:

Talk to Bartender:

Bartender: Ah, the cargo from Hapsal! The bartender there got in touch with me about this. Here's your compensation for the job, then. 300 G. It's all yours!

{BLUE} A job well done! You got 300 G!

I quickly head to Hapsal and check if Radimir has any more jobs:

Ask Radimir for Job info:

Radimir: Thanks for taking care of that task for me. I'm afraid I don't have any more work for you right now. But I'll let you know as soon as I do!

With that, we head to Toropets to get a ship!

When we arrive at the station:


Yuri: But what do we do now? I still don't have enough money to buy a ship?

Nia: Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, kiddo. You just leave it to Nia. Wait right here.

Yuri: All right.

[screen goes black for a bit, then Nia returns]

Nia: Sorry for the wait. Here you go. 10,000 G. That ought to be plenty to buy something in the destroyer class.

{BLUE}You got 10,000 G!{BLUE}

Yuri: Wh-where in the universe did you get all this money!?

Nia: Well, I kinda pawned something. Something of yours, actually.

Yuri: Something of mine? What do I have that's worth this kind of money? I -- Wait a minute!

Nia: That's right. I pawned the Epitaph.

Yuri: What?! You did what?!

Sev: Hahaha go fuck yourself Yuri.

Yuri: How could you?! My father left that to me when he died!

Nia: All right, enough already!

Yuri: Huh?

Nia: What's more important, something a dead guy gave you, or your still-alive sister?

Yuri: W-well...

Nia: ...

Yuri: My sister, of course.

Nia: See? So, first, we go rescue your sister. Then, we'll have plenty of time after that to think about getting your precious Epitaph back. And it's not like it's gone or anything. I just pawned it. When we get the money together, we can get it back.

Yuri: I-I guess you're right. I'm sorry, Nia. I was just...I didn't expect that, was all.

Nia: No hard feelings. As long as you get it. Now, let's go get us a ship built.

Yuri: Okay. So how do we do this?

Nia: {BLUE}Well, first we go down to the ground a buy a blueprint from the ship design company there. Then we just take that blueprint to a shipyard. And, by the way, as long as you have the blueprint, any shipyard on any planet can build you that exact same ship.{BLUE}

Yuri: Okay, thank you, Nia.

I go planetside on Toropets and buy both blueprints.


I also check out the pawnshop for a single line of dialogue!


Then the tavern...

Talk to the bartender:

Get Information:

Bartender: Those ships the Ropesk Security Patrol use are getting old and worn out. They just aren't what they used to be.

Ask about a job:

Bartender: Looking for work, are you? All right, I'll give you something. How about you take this cargo to Bagut? This job pays 250 G.


Bartender: No? Maybe some other time then?


Bartender: Yeah? Okay, then. Great. Take this cargo to the tavern on Bagut. Give it to the bartender there.

Talk to Nia Lochlain:

Nia: The Space Pioneering Law says that the person who discovers a new planet has the right to govern it. Paniflov is taking advantage of that law to play king of the mountain, but with power comes responsibility. That means if there's trouble on the planet you discover, it's all your responsibility.

Yuri: So what you're saying is --

Nia: That's right. No one's gonna mess with you if you bring Paniflov down. So go get him, kiddo!

Yuri: I'll do my best!

Talk to Nia Lochlain #2:

From the tavern's monitor, the voice of a newscaster gravely reading the news can be heard.

Female newscaster: The authorities are offering a 1,000 G reward for the capture of this youth. They are also offering a 500 G reward for any information leading to his capture. For more information, please contact --

Sev: So Nia could sell out Yuri and double her money!

Yuri: Hey, is she talking about me?

Nia: Are you really worried about it?

Yes, I am:

Yuri: Well, of course!

Nia: Look around. None of these people are paying the slightest bit of attention to you. Nobody's gonna get themselves involved over some small fry who broke the ban on space travel.

Sev: Aside from the 5 or 6 security force ships we've shot down.

Yuri: You really don't think so?

Nia: Nah. And if not being wanted bugs you, I guess you're gonna have to make it your business to pull off some really big crime and get put on Central Elgavan Security's "Most Wanted" list.

Yuri: No, that's okay. It's not like being a criminal is my life's ambition or anything!

No, I guess not:

Yuri: No, I guess I can't let it bother me now, can I?

Nia: Heh heh. That's the spirit, kiddo. Nobody's gonna come chasing you down over a little thing like breaking the ban on space travel.

Sev: From this point on, it's the same as above, but you get a small bonus of 10 fame.

Yuri: You really don't think so?

Nia: Nah. And if not being wanted bugs you, I guess you're gonna have to make it your business to pull off some really big crime and get put on Central Elgavan Security's "Most Wanted" list.

Yuri: No, that's okay. It's not like being a criminal is my life's ambition or anything!

{BLUE}Yuri's Fame increased by 10!{BLUE}

Talk to the Laborer:

Laborer: Everyone's gotta do his or her part to keep our nation afloat! And the ban on space travel is just another way of working towards that goal. Instead of gallivantin' off through space, we gotta devote ourselves to the betterment of our own planet, right here. But I hear there's a guy who was willing to abandon his nation, just for the chance to wander through space. Unbelievable.

Sev: Earth first! But seriously, is Yuri the first guy who tried to break the space ban? Maybe it's a recent thing.

We go up to the station with our blueprints to build a ship. Oh, it's in the pictures, but I forgot to mention that Toropets is doing nicely with a pop of 5 billion (we don't know anything about the weather, so chatting about population size is the most mundane we can get).


Toropets looks the nicest of the planets we've been on. Beautiful in blue. Let's go to the shipyard.


We can buy two ships. The Otlichny is more durable, and the Perekop is faster. We'll go with more durable (and a bit more expensive). The Olitchny also is a tiny bit bigger, so maybe the module space (think upgrades) is a bit larger. Right now, our max fleet size is 1, so even if we could buy both, it would be unwise. Ships are a big investment of capital, you don't want to buy willy nilly. There isn't much point in keeping more than 5 ships at a time (the highest your active fleet can go), though I believe you can keep multiple fleets which you cycle through.

When we exit the shipyard,

Nia: That's quite a ship you've got there! And you bought it with your own money, so that makes you the captain.

Yuri: I'm a captain?

Nia: Yup. And from now on, sink or swim, the responsibility lies with you.


Nia: And considering everything that's happened, I'd be happy to offer my services as one of your crew members. Just assign me to a post. {BLUE}You can assign crew members at the Cosmic Trade Authority you can find at any spaceport.{BLUE}

Yuri: You're going to be on my crew?

Nia: What, you don't want me?

Yuri: No, of course that's not it. I just feel like you're being way to good to me.

Nia: Ha ha ha! Don't worry about that! After all, you're my client until I get you safely to Central Elgava. Anyway, what's important now is that you're ready to go up against Panfilov.

Yuri: I am, aren't I? (Hold on, Kira! I'm coming to get you!)

At this point, we're done with the story update. Tomorrow I might post a bit of an overview of some new gameplay features/menus regarding ship customization.

Here's the one really great pic we're gonna get from that update: HELP, the robotic tutor who teaches you some stuff about the game.


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FyI to any reader who gets here: my cpu died. I think it's the batterbecause it simply won't turn on? I have an old laptop but this run is suspended til further notice. Once I get my cpu repaired (hopefully will be bc I'm within the warranty period) I'll resume. Sorry.

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