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Let's play FE4 together (Naga Project translation) (completed)

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Does Magic do anything for physical units in FE4, and does Strength do anything for magic units?

lots of magical units (notable exceptions include lewyn and deirdre) promote to classes that can use swords, which uses their strength; sword-users (and only sword-users) can get magic swords that actually cast their given magic at 2-range and use the magic stat against enemy resistance

also ops i am following this thread in lieu of actually replaying fe4 thanks!

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Does Magic do anything for physical units in FE4, and does Strength do anything for magic units?

Generally no, but

Celice, Oifey and the Masterknight have competent magic stats which allows them to deal a decent amount of damage with a magic sword to units that have more defense than resistance. The masterknights also benefit from having higher magic than usual and that helps with the healing. Yeah mageknights and magefighters are a thing, but they really are better off just using magic.

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Is Dew a guy? For some reason I though he was a girl from the sprite portrait.

Dew is in fact a Dewd

It's okay, a lot of peeps thought Midir was a girl too ;p

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Really sorry if it takes me a while to update, been very stressful for me recently, just wanna get everything settled before I update a lot. Really sorry!!

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  • 1 month later...

Also Sophie lost her savefile of chapter 2 and asked me to play the arena for her.

[spoiler=Chapter 2 arena]


These duded must be taken down. Actually not everyone.


Eldigan is going to pay Chagall a visit. Probably not a great idea...

However he has an "emergency plan" and leaves three "bad" allies with her in the castle.

On the way to
Begging to be listened to.

This reaction is clear...

too "kind"

Now he has the goldern opportunity to overrun Nordion.

He has more plans!

More douchiness appears.

We will see!

She gets the sad as expected news.

But it becomes even worse. She has two enemies right now.

I like her temperament.

These four have to withstand now.

With Eldigan's absence they're going to take their chance.

Sigurd will come to rescue them.

Even his pearl is allowed to fight. However I can understand his worries.


If you have beaten all seven opponents of the arena of chapter 2 for the first time, this guy will join:
He's the seventh opponent when you play the arena in chapter 2 the first time. After that he'll be replaced by some generic.

Holyn is another myrmidon who's almost as awesome as Ayra. He has pursuit and luna. If you want to have broken children, then pair him with Ayra.

Jamka is still great. He also could beat the arena.

Ayra's levels ups aren't bad either, although I miss strength. I skipped a res. point in her third level, so she has 3 right now. She could complete the arena too.

Holyn disappointed. Not only with his level up, but also that he exploded.

Lex got typical levels except that he got luck all the time. His speed is still stuck unfortunately.

He could beat six opponents including this myrm!!! He hit three times with 30%. It happens rarely enough that an axe user can beat a sword user.

However this RNG was only the tip of the iceberg.

Alec has nice speed but nothing else unfortunately. He could beat at least four enemies.

Now the RNG thingy:
As if it's not tedious enough already to send Dew in the arena because his battles last forever due to his ridiculous low damage output, it's even more digusting if this happens:
He got hit twice by 2% in like 15 attempts.
Tbf it's not the first time that I was hit with this low hitrate. In FE5 I was hit about three times by 1% because the RNG worked differently there.
But this was utter bullshit.

Dew is in fact a Dewd

[spoiler=Indeed!]Dew + screwed = Dewd

Attempt #2
Again he died by the tenth or eleventh hit. (Idr the exact HP of the fighter 40-42)
In this case he was hit only once because an unit starts with 1 HP whenever it died in the arena.

Attempt #3

Attempt #4
It took me like 5 minutes to survive the first round with him. The reward is a pointless defense stat. He'll be oneshotted sooner or later anyways.

Back to business, I guess.

Azel got an average level. His low speed hindered him to come far in the arena.

Not the stats I wanted to see on a bow user.

FAIL II! Fin couldn't even beat the first opponent. If I could give the shield ring to him, he could survive. I'll try it again with him later after the first castle has been seized.

Good level! Finally he gained speed. However he didn't come too far.

Ok, I guess.

I'm guessing his last level.

Even Deidre could get a (good) level which is hard enough. With the aura equipped she has -8 speed!!! Even the first opponent, the steel axe fighter attacks first.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay.

[spoiler=Chapter 2 Part 1] Alright! About time. Short update, but I got a bit annoyed doing it.


Starting off on the long road ahead.

My honey didn't reset when people lost in the arena so I have a lot of healing to do, thanks dear.




They'll probably lure them from the post.


Everyone is so totally not evil and or immoral, here. Damn.


Oh shit here they come


You side for who's going to win, which you won't, anyways, so, it's whatever.


Bad first level of the chapter


The march continues....


Getting close to the castle, if all of Lachesis' paladins survive, you get the knight ring. and it took me forever to get them to survive this part, which is the hardest, so they better not die, dear.


Ethlyn Deirdre talk


Along with a nice little something.


Worst problem with getting the knight ring is this fuck




Also screenshots got a little messed up here, for some reason, so forgive me if things are somewhat out of order.






That's all done...


Lachesis recruitment, HOPEFULLY, IN ORDER

Thanks screenshots.


And here she is, she's a bit weak, but when she promotes, she's an unstoppable monster.

And I'm done for now since saving Yves annoyed the hell out of me.

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[spoiler=Chapter 2 part 2]


Lachesis tries to prove herself in the arena. She reached the third round at least but it wasn't enough to get a level up. She's pretty bleh in combat so she'll get the exp. by stave abusing for now. I hope for a fast improvement - and more important - a fast class change.


The next target is Heirrhein.

It's an army of knights...


... with this dude as miniboss. He's nothing special except for having great shield which was renamed in pavise in this translation. Since he can only attack from close range, he's mage breakfast.

Also all the other knight have only melee range weapons.

Cuan attracts the first knights...


... and gains like nothing.

Gosh... these level ups in this chapter >_<


Bandits are going for these villages. Actually I don't know if they disappear when Heorrhein is seized.


Wohoo - Alec can kill something - even a knight.


Some of these knight are eliminated in this turn. Lex gets SPEED! I guess hes first or second point yet.

I play this part slowly. I don't want to take out the boss too fast. Since he has great shield, Idk how many units I'll need to kill him.


no magic but not bad


Well, I take the strength.


Preparations to attack the boss in the next turn.

Sigurd begins:


He hits twice... but also gets hit. No great shield was activated. His level up is sweet but no speed.


Azel can finish him off.


And he does! He gets the two most important stats, so it's fine with me.




Area is cleared except for one ballista archer.


On the way to defeat Heirrhein's main boss who's guarded by three stationary knights.


He's named after a city in France. He also has great shield and a range weapon. But not too tough, I guess.


Midir hits him once.


Damn it, great shield!


Sigurd does it much better - Hits him twice without activation of great shield.




Cuan gets a better level this time for defeating one of Bordeaux's guards.


OMG, Lex is on a speed-roll!


sweet except for no speed once more

Time to seize:


Let's crush the bandits!

Well, it will be Sophie's job.

Note: I forgot to find a hidden item with someone in this part. I'll do it, when I play the final part of chapter 2.

There are lots hidden things in this game I don't remember anymore.

Sophie will tell me about them and I'll look up for all the hidden items and items you get by conversations next time.

[spoiler=Sophie's planned pairings]

Finn/Lachesis (if possible) Beowulf I guess otherwise

I know already that I'll screw this up because I don't pay attention who stand next to whom while I have to fight enemies.

I'm already glad if no one will become single (what happened to Fury in very first and only FE4 run).

My honey didn't reset when people lost in the arena so I have a lot of healing to do, thanks dear.

stave-abusing FTW!

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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I wish the rest of the games left you with 1HP if you lost in the arena. I find it odd that even the civilized countries allow random people to fight to the death in the arena. Yeah, all those people you killed in the arena? They weren't bad guys, they were just trying to earn a little extra money, and you killed them. But we still do it because we want to money and XP.

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Sorry for the delay.

still less of a delay than, say, me, integrity

thanks for update


I wish the rest of the games left you with 1HP if you lost in the arena.

fire emblem in general really needs to move away from the hardcore permadeath mechanic and investigate more creative solutions - losing the arena takes a unit out for the rest of the chapter. boom. nice. that's a disadvantage one's actually likely to play through, instead of reset for, and it's not even the best idea probably

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  • 1 month later...

[spoiler=Part 1]

Let's get going, lots of text, so sorry.


Finn gets his Brave lance, which will make him much more viable for now.


Meanwhile at the league of evil, two totally no evil people are planning to send sellswords at us.


Foreshadowing for the future???


Guards start running away... the opposite of usual.


Well, we'd better get going!


Might've missed a line or two here, sorry if I did.

Unpopular opinion, I like Sylvia.

Really good utility unit too, can dance for up to 4 units at a time
Lewyn is really good too.


I...I... didn't forget about him, don't worry, okay?


Guards turned back around, so we got some extra exp.


Missed the text here and didn't realize it.
They're just going to charge us here, nothing too big missed.


Fury continues to look for Lewyn, not going to relevant again until Jules' turn.


Lots of villages in the area where Lewyn and Sylvia spawned, just going to save what I can, nothing too much happening over here.

Missed out on a village with a Bargain ring, which halves the cost of repairing weapons and buying items, it's not too big of a deal, though.


Finally caught up to us, just blocking them off for now. They barely do any damage, so we'll be fine.


You can recruit Beowulf with anyone, as long as they have 10,000 gold on them.


And he gets his first kill. So that's nice. He's an alright unit, semi-mediocre in my opinion, but not bad.

I had A LOT of images this chapter, so I'm splitting it into two parts, next part will be up in a bit.

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[spoiler=Part 2]


Mostly everyone was dispatched by our paladin friends and a few of our units, so next we just need to take out the boss.
He was a bit damaged already, so Midir chips him down to low health.


And... kill him with Lachesis.


This gives 2x experience to whoever holds it.
Probably obvious where I happen to be going with this.


All that's left are these knights, which can be dispatched with ease.


Level ups from the knight feast.


All that's left is the boss.


....But that'll take a bit, so let's have Ethyln give Lachesis something to prep for our next part with.


Slowing chipping him down, we get a level.


While Lachesis heal spams for us.


More level ups from the struggle! And bad rng...


While Lachesis clears out what she can in the arena.


That's a level, alright...


Finally done with that...

Normally, I would seize, but I wanna have some fun and make things a bit easier for my darling.


Return give 70 exp each use with paragon.

Some more levels.


While everyone lines up for the return conga line, Lachesis gets a new toy.

Also, for the most part, Returning people for the next part is a bit faster for some people, so, don't mind it too much.


Nothing wrong with a little fun!



Doing what I could with the rest of the arena for now before Seize storytime.


Thus it ends.
Your turn next, hon!

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Lots of fugly enemies this time.

What class is Raquesis? She seems to get a lot of Strength for a Staff user.

Can you swap skills freely or are the scrolls one-time-use?

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Get used to the fugly enemies, happens a lot.

Lachesis's class is Princess, she can use swords and staves, so.

She promotes into the best class in the game, but we'll see that later.

The paragon band, and rings and stuff, can be swapped as long as whoever you want to give it to has the money to buy it.

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[spoiler=Chapter 2 part 5]
Lachesis gets the paragon band which gives you doubled experience. I'll pass it around. It's recommendable to do it before you start an arena with someone. The only catch: It costs 40000 gold... and most units don't have enough money for that.
Ethlyn visits the arena and gets a level up. Sophia gave her the critical skill which was very helpful. She could reach round four.
useless stats
Anphony mobilizes against Grannvale.

meanwhile in Agusty
Mr. Superdouche

???: I need to find Prince Lewyn as quickly as possible. You said you know his location. That's the only reason I'm here.

Chagall: Apologies for the delay, knight, but I just recieved word of a lead for you. I trust you've noticed we're currently contending with a Grannvale invsion? They have taken Prince Lewyn captive! My scouts report that their ary is arresting and executing anyonre and anything which stands in their way.
Time for a fairytale.

???: Our queen, Rahna, cautioned us against clashing with other nations on our mission, but she may have no choice. Should Grannvale's troops cross our way, they'll be confronted withut hesitation.

Chagall: Oho... This is even better that I'd hoped! Best of luck on your hunt.

Her name is Erin. It's a very odd translation here because her original name was Fury. Anyways she and her squad will head towards Grannvale's castle, the castle where you started. Make sure to have someome here who guards it. Otherwise you'll have some turns time to warp / return someone there. Levin should guard because he can talk to her.
Idc for Sylvia levels tbh.
Anphony sends some mercenaries, archers and mages. Also their ballistas will give you a warm welcome.
The boss isn't very special except for his sleep stave. Deidre could silence him... but she would be in attackrange of the ballistas. And you know... she has negative evasion. The best strategy would be to silence him and then return / warp Deidre out of the ballista ranges.
Also two packs of cavaliers are moving towards my party.
lance cavaliers
and sword cavaliers - really weak

Now, it's finally time for Arden to prove his only usefulness in this game:
He has to reach this spot. Then this happens:
... Then he should turn into an other class.

Arden: But I'm still just me... Back to the ol' grind, I suppose... Hang on? What's this little ring thing? Ooh, maybe it's one of those magical ones. I keep hearing about. That'd be grand, wouldn't it? Let's try her on... Hm... Hwooooarh! W-what's this power I'm feeling?! Is this what Alec feels like all the time?
I don't know why this game decided to give a free pursuit ring to the slowest character of my team. Anyways he'll get rid of it immediately and pass it to an unit who can benefit much more from it.
Lex attracts the lance knights.
The cavaliers ignore him because they can't do any damage to him. Only the duke knight attacks him who could do actual damage to him. The A.I. is pretty clever right here.

Time to take out the first wave of cavaliers:
Lex and Fin take out this duke knight. He doesn't give you more experience than the non promoted ones.
Adept's activated.
Midir and Cuan kill together. Cuan is become tankier.
One lance cavalier survives because I haven't enough units here. The footies still need some turns to catch up the cavs.

Ethlyn gets attacked and takes serious damage.
Ugh... that's the "reward" for killing this cav. What I said about Sylvia, applies to Alec as well. I don't give a shit for him because he's trash.
Noish attracts the sword cavs.
Noish pokes all sword cavs. He can crit one of them. His level up is alright.

Now I'm finishing them off:
Lachesis kills this one with the thief sword who had 8 HP left and grabs money.

  • Holyn kills a cav.
  • Midir and Fin kill the last one.

It's an important stat... so I give her that...
Here are the enemies next to the boss. They only move, if someone is in their attack range. The mages are nasty because none of my physical units has any resistance.
Cuan is going to attract the first merc.
Jamke will attract and kill the first of Erin's squad. You won't get anything, if you leave them alive.
again adept
Everyone's moving.

Fin and Midir got hit by the ballista.

Levin leaves the castle so he can reach Erin in the next turn. Beowulf is guarding Grannvale now. I really hope Erin will go for the unit who can't counterattack (Jamke)... and not for Levin.
killed with the brave lance
Cuan and Ethlyn kill this merc.
I've to send Ethlyn back to Grannvale because she could get attacked by multiple enemies... and die.
Getting out of any mages's attack ranges has the highest priority.
Levin kills a peggy and gets a typical level.
Good! Attacked the right person.

Levin recruits Erin.

Levin: What, this? I'm a bard now. You know, walking the land, spreading songs and cheer? What do you say: perfect, or perfect?

Erin: Er... Perfect? But why, milord... Aren't you supposed to be held captive at Evans? I got here as fast as I could, but...

Levin: I'm imprisioned at Evans, am I? Where'd you heard that one?

Erin: King Chagall of Agustria said so.

Levin: Chagall? Hah! Hate to break it to you, Erin, but you've been tricked! It's noce and all that you're so ready to trust, but you wouldn't last ten seconds out there in the city. It'd eat you and innocence alive. You might end up like Sylvia...

Erin: Sylvia, milord...?

Levin: Oh, Sylvia's... Er, it's not important. Point is, what are you doing all the way out here?

Erin: Isn't it obvious? I'm here to find and bring you home, milord. It's been two years since you fled Silesse. Her majesty is hravely worried about you. Please, milord. Come home with me.

Levin: Do you have any idea what that'd do to SIlesse, Erin? If I go back, I'll have no choice but to take the throne. It's my late father's will, but my uncles wouls never accept it. Just one false step and whe'd have a civil war, just like here. And it's always the common folk who suffer for it! If there are people who want to be kings or whatever, great! Out there, though? I'm free, and I like it that way. I don't want a thing to do with that throne. For the good of Silesse, just give it to one of my uncles.

Erin: I can't allow that, milord. You know as well as I that the kings of Silesse must bear descent from Forseti, the wind god. You, milord, are sole living scion of his lineage. Neither or your uncles bear it. You milord, are Silesse's future! Yourself and youe uncles aside, all Silesse wishes to see you claim the throne. And... and your mother, the queen, was in tears when she sent me... Please, milord... Come back.

Levin: Erin... Ugh, don't you start crying too! Gimme a break... I can't stand to see a woman in tears... Okay, fine. I'll think about going home. Just... Give me some time to muster the nerve, alright?

Erin: Thank you. In that case. I'm starting with you until you're ready, milord. I'll send a messanger beack to Silesse to report that you're safe.

Levin: Wow, you're persistent. I'll grant you that. Alright. I think I'll stay with Sigurd's army for now. He's a pretty neat guy to work with, not to mention his army's full of beauties! Hey, Erin, you could stand to get to know some of the ladies here. Maybe stylishness could rub off on you a bit! Hey, I'm just kidding, Erin! Relax a bit!
Don't take everything so seriously! ... He, nobody in the world's sweet as you Don't you ever change a thing.

Erin: Y-Yes, sir... I mean, no, milord...
The other peggies become NPC who fly directly back to Castle Silesse.

I continue taking out the remaining enemies:
Note: I don't remember, if I said it before, but don't give her too much experience. You'll see later, why.

Cuan, Lex (both with one shot) and Fin (brave lance) can take out the three mages without getting a counterattack.
Everyone except for this merc could be defeated in this turn. Excellent!

The merc attacks Noish who does some nice counterdamage.
The NPCs kill him for me.
Hey, Dew can take two ballista shots.
Beowulf gets a level up in the arena.
The reward for onerounding the knight.
... what level ups :C
I can take out at least one ballista. Ok level.
Aww... so close. 1 HP left.
45% hits - nice - Obtains sleep.

Now, I've the time for some talks:
Sigurd can talk to Sylvia. All these talks are onesided. Some of them will give you a reward to one of the two.

Sylvia: Come on, sir! Don'tcha know who I am? I'm Sylviaaaaaa! You can call me Sylvie, if ya want, though!

Sigurd: Look, I'm sorry, but I really don't have the time to look after children. Be a good good little girl and run lang to the castle, alright?
Sigurd shows her the icecold shoulder.

Sylvia: Sigh... Oh, well. Back to being a lone, delicate flower, sprouting in a battlefield... My beauty is nothing to the tide of bodies...

Sigurd: Ugh... What in the world is...

Beowulf can talk to Lachesis. Obviously he doesn't know to whom he's actually talking.

Beowulf: Oh, er, sorry 'bout that, ma'am. The name's Beowulf, a hired blade.

Lachesis: What do you want?

Beowulf: Uh... Well, I just wanted to give ya a quick heads up about fightin'. See, war ain't the fun and games you're used to. And someone as green as you... Well, you're just gonna get in the way.
He comes up with classic cliche of a princess. But Lachesis is a badass princess and teaches him manners.

Beowulf: Heh. You really are Eldigan's sister. Shoulda known you wouldn't be a pushover.

Lachesis: What's that? Do you know my brother?!

Beowulf: Oh, yeah. Eldigan and me, we go way back. I'd never've been so nosy if he hadn't asked me to keep and eye on ya.

Lachesis: Is that so? Oh, I'm sorry for snapping at you so.

Beowulf: Eh, I've seen a lot worse in me time. Hey, how about a quick battle lesson? Eldigan thought it's be a big help.

Lachesis: Why, thank you. I'd like that.

Ths is the only conversation which gives you reward. Lachesis gets +2 strength, +1 skill and +2 defense

more talks.

Erin: My name is Erin. I'm a royal knight of Silesse. I wish to join your army, so as to keep an eye on Prince Levin.

Sigurd: Er... Prince Lewyn? What are you on about?

Erin: My lord Lewyn is the rightful heir to the Silessian crown. He is a scion of Ced, the Wind Crusader, and is the sle inheritor of his power.

Sigurd: Wait, THAT Lewyn?! Heh... I knew there was something about him, but I'd never have thought to be Silessian royality. Any idea why he's pretending to be a bard?

Erin: That's a long story, sir, and I'm hardly the most qualified to tell it. Perhaps try asking him later, but for now...

Sigurd: Fair enough. It's hardly my business, anyway. I'm glad you're here, Erin. A pegasus knight among us would be a great help. Wouls you mind aiding us in battle?

Erin: Yes, sir! I'll do my part.

Now Sigurd is curious about Levin.

Sigurd: As I understand it, you're a bard, but you also wield wind magic? That's unusual.

Levin: Something like that. I guess it's a hobby. You're that Sigurd fellow, aren't you? It's obvious what your little hobby is: war! Clearly you've got so much spare time, you spend it starting war after war!

Sigurd: Come again? Yu seem angry, but -

Levin: Don't play dumb! Think about the people of all the countries that you're flattening! You come bargin, swords flashing, and all you do is ruin the lives of normal folk who're trying to make a living here!

Sigurd: You're right. My apologies, Lewyn... I didn't even think about that, but I can't stand knowing I've done this to them.

Levin: Words are just words without actions backing them up. If you really feel so bad, then why not pulling your army out?

Sigurd: Mm, you're right... Very well. I'll consult with my troops and arrange a retreat.

Levin: Wait, you're serious about this?

Sigurd: Of course. I've been mulling over retreating for a while already, and just gave me the answer to all of this. I've had enough of the war approach. I think I'd rather seek a diplomatic answer.

Levin: Yeah, no. Trying to get through Chagall now would be a total waste of everyone's time.
Levin is testing Sigurd, if he is still behind his motivation for this war.
Levin got him. Sigurd questions himself and doesn't know anymore what the right way is. Levin denies any form of violence, but he also knows that diplomacy won't work against Chagall and they still have to use military power against him.


Alec can talk to Sylvia. I have to give him the bad news that this liaison won't happen and he'll become single.

Alec: Heh, I guess. I'm the only decent guy around here. Glad I found you.
(rather the only bad guy)

Sylvia: Thanks! Me, too!

Alec: I guess we'll be here a while, so hoew about dinner sometime? Bet that'd be nice.

Sylvia: Ohh, yeah! Maybe I'll dance for you too!
I think Alec has the same impression... or rather fear as I have.

Time to seize:

Sigurd: Good. Mackily is ours. That leaves the capital, Agustry...

Oifey: Indeed, sire, but don't get too careless. We've been informed that Agustry still hosts a sizable defensive force. We ought to take the utmost care.

Sigurd: Mm, you're right. Who knows what that Chagall has up his sleeve...

I'm going to end this update with a level up.

Can you swap skills freely or are the scrolls one-time-use?

You can swap skills only in a castle. You have to do:

  1. Sell the ring / scroll in the pawn shop.
  2. The unit who shall take the scroll has to buy it back in the pawn shop for the doubled price. Note: Scrolls are VERY expensive. A pargagon scroll costs 40000 gold. BTW an unit may have 50000 at max.

The best time to do it is in the first turn of a chapter part.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Arden broke the 4th wall and found a ring.

Have any hackers out there patched the convoluted inventory management system of FE4? It seems pointlessly cumbersome? Is there even any pre-chapter inventory management screen?

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Arden broke the 4th wall and found a ring.

Have any hackers out there patched the convoluted inventory management system of FE4? It seems pointlessly cumbersome? Is there even any pre-chapter inventory management screen?

I'm not sure if anyone has tried to remedy it, yet.

There is not inventory management, as you can field as many units as you want, and everyone starts in the castle.

[spoiler=Chapter 2 Part final #1]


So we start out with Chagall being a little bitch and the villains revealing their evil plan to the player.

So pretty average stuff.


Just... get used to this guy's face.


Having FURY visit the villages, she needs the money since we just got her. So enjoy the village dialogues, because there's a lot.


You don't need that.


People are clearly not happy with Chagall.

I wonder why.


We've gotten close enough to where they'll start moving, so, let's get to it.


Everyone seems to be very fond of Eldigan.


In position.


More villages, more learning.


Don't expect good levels from here.

Just saying.

Still love ya.


Good level, as expected of Sigurd.


Everyone's here, gotta get ready.


Wouldn't be FE4 without shit level ups, though.


We chip him down, and Quan gets the kill.


Got a horseslayer.

Effective weapons in this game have no damage bonus, but instead, they will always critical if they hit the opponent weak to it.


Send help.


We wouldn't have a game if we did, sorry!


Meh level.


Incredible level, worthy of FE4's legacy.


Just the knights left. Well, and the ballista, and the boss.

But you know what I mean.


I want to die.

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[spoiler=Chapter 2 Part Final #2]


Can't spell Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War without and incest.

Well.. there's no c or s in there, but it's close enough, I'd say.


Everyone seems to hate everyone who is royal in this game, I wonder why!


Level ups in FE4 are made up of bitter tears and bouts of happiness.


Finally got to him.


Bit of chipping and some time later, he's dead.


It'll be useful.


I'm waiting on Fury to get the last village and go to the arena, so... uh... why not spam staves for a bit...?
I'm awful.


More scum levels.


I'm glad he's dead, then!


Once a unit hits level 20, they can promote back at the home castle.

I'll show this soon, because I'm awful and somehow got her to level 20 in one chapter.

I really am terrible.


More FE4 levels, can't get enough.


Oh, yeah. If a couple enters the castle, there's a little dialogue for it.

It's a pretty neat little detail.


Last of the levels, thank goodness.




Now we can promote. Lex and Lachesis can both promote, so let's do that.


FE4 promo gains are pretty good.


Uh, yeahhhh...


Besides having great promotion gains...




So yes, we get a ring that gives Canto to a unit who isn't mounted, it's very useful.

Although Lachesis is mounted now, we'll have to give it to someone else.



Things seem to be getting a little tense for our hero, but we most end for now.

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Pretty good promotion gains is putting it lightly. 7 in Str, Def, and Skill with 4 Speed on top of that is insane. Even half of that would be good. I wish we had that in FE7, where we're lucky to even get +1 in anything. I don't know what her caps are, but already having 27 Strength at level 1 promoted is crazy.

For the inventory management, do you lose money every time you sell something, and then buy it back? I don't know why they'd have this crazy item management system. It doesn't even make sense, logically.

Sister: Hey, Rachel, can I borrow your hat?

Me: Sure, let me drop by the pawn shop on my way to work.

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Pretty good promotion gains is putting it lightly. 7 in Str, Def, and Skill with 4 Speed on top of that is insane. Even half of that would be good. I wish we had that in FE7, where we're lucky to even get +1 in anything. I don't know what her caps are, but already having 27 Strength at level 1 promoted is crazy.

For the inventory management, do you lose money every time you sell something, and then buy it back? I don't know why they'd have this crazy item management system. It doesn't even make sense, logically.

Sister: Hey, Rachel, can I borrow your hat?

Me: Sure, let me drop by the pawn shop on my way to work.

I was just trying not to overhype it

When you sell an item, you sell it for half of what it's worth, and when you buy an item, you buy it for full price.

So yes.

Maybe they take pride in their belongings and...

I don't know where I'm going with this.

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[spoiler=Chapter 3 part 1]
Map story
King Chagall has fled Augusty' fall and moved his royal court to Madino Castle in the north. Honoring his promise to Eldigan, Sigurd allows Chagall his freedom and does not interfere. Sigurd adopts Agusty as his headquarters, and while his troops there recuperate, he persists in negtiating Agustria's return to governance by its own king. Despite his determiniation to restore Chagall's rule, his orders from Balhalla never change: to remain in Agusty and to govern its citizens.
Scarely six months passed, and yet Grannvale's ruling administrators have already grown arrogant and taken to abusing their power over Agustria for their own gain. Day by day, the Agustrian people grow ever wearier of Grannvale's actions. Before long, as he feared, Sigurd finds himself yet caught in a new conflict.
Reports abound of Chagall raising his army
Chagall isn't done yet!

Further north beyond Madino, the reviled
more douches
Sigurd's heart lies heavy in the the face of the impending crisis.

Soutwest of Madino, Eldigan's forces hold the defenses of Fort Sivail. The looming battle for Agustria... A trial between friendship and loyalities.
Before Sigurd looms a final battle in Agustria's north: a showdown fated to shape the course of Judgral's history.

Chapter 3: Eldigan the Lionheart
Chagall: This is our final chance to return Agustry to our control. Just look at them... Lingering in my kingdom, oh-so-carefree. ... I grow weary of them. They will pay dearly for this! Jacoban! Where's that lousy sellsword gotten this time?!
Here's Jacoban.

Jacoban: Yeah, I know... Might be a boring job, but you're payin' awfully well for it. Let's see 'em to fear my bolt sword.

Chagall: That what a I like to hear. Don't fail me!
He's planned another intrige...
Eldigan gets the bad news
Guy: This is our chance, I reckon, with nuthins stoppin' us from fleecin' the villages.
When two people quarrel, a thired rejoices. While the battle between Agusty and Madino the Orgahil bandits want to take their chance to plunder the villages. But the girl refuses to work for them.

Girl: Don't forget, we're heroic thieves. That's what the name of Orgahil now means to the world!
They have a certain plan with her.
Bandit: The cap'n jus' found 'er lost when she was a tiny thing an raised 'er as 'is own. She still took over when 'e died, but little she knows she ain't really his brat. She ain't the real boss, so there's nuffin t'worry 'bout. Now, let's go 'elp ourselves to sum treasure!
Sigurd gets to know that Chagall is going for vengeance.

Sigurd: Where in the blazes is Eldigan...
The worse news won't stop Sigurd.
She's not available in this chapter.
... Because Seliph, their son, was born and Deidre has to care about him.

Deidre: Yes, dear...

Sigurd: You needn't look so anxious, Deirdre. I'll be back before long I promise. Shanan, I've a favor to asky of you. Would you look after Deidre and Seliph, please?
said and done

Sigurd: At the very least, Deidre, he ought to keep you in good cheer. Don't worry about a thing, Deidre. I'll be back for you. I promise.

Deidre: Milord...

Battle preparations
Before I start chapter 3 I have to do some stuff like visiting the arena, repairing items and weapons, passing rings and buying weapons in the shop. Each chapter has a shop with a different offer. In chapter 3's shop you can buy

  • silver axe
  • silver bow
  • silver lance
  • silver sword
  • elfire tome

Since Lachesis as a Master Knight has the required weapon level to use these weapons, I highly recommend to buy them for her, except for the elfire tome maybe because it's ridiculous heavy.
I pass the paragon band around before an unit enters the arena (if they have the required money).

awesome, bad, meh
meh, fantastic, bad, mehfyk4neG.pngfyk4neG.png No unit is able to get two at least average level ups in a row.
Fury gained amazing defense surprisingly.
Is it just me, or is this Lex speedblessed? 16 speed is pretty good for him I'd say despite he's already promoted.
pretty nice
... f***
... f*** you too
alright x2
Even Arden could get a level up. ... who cares...
strength and defense... but neither magic nor skill Some really weird level ups. But it doesn't change anything that most of level ups are FE4-like, means bad.
New class: old pain: pathetic level ups
finally speed! Also Noish has the paragon band equipped for this chapter part.

Sigurd, Jamka, Lachesis and Lex could beat the arena.

Note: You can also heal and dance inside the castle. If you dance, you can refresh everyone inside the castle. A FE4 dancer can normally only refresh up to four units in midgame.

Starting this chapter... finally! The arena took me more than an hour.

I didn't heal everyone of the units who failed in the arena and had only one HP left.

Part of the map
From the west a small group of lance cavaliers inclduing a duke knight will ride towards you.
In the east is a small group of armor knights including a general who all wield lances.
In the north, where Jacoban is guarded, you have to fight a few bow knights including a promoted one, more armor with all three melee weapon types...
... a couple of mages...
... and a bishop who can heal everyone.

Note: He'll heal everytime, even if only one enemy took 1 damage. Enemies have infinite weapon and stave uses. Why had it return in the latest FE game?

West of the armors and bow knights is a small group of mages including a promoted one.
Jacoban isn't really special except for having a 1-2 range sword. Magic users don't take much damage from him. However don't attack him with too slow allies since he's fast.
Lex can talk to Ayra. Make sure to do this conversation.

Lex: Sheesh! Courteous as ever, aren't you?

Ayra: Look, get to your point, whatever it may be. I've better things to do than waste time on you.

Lex: Hold on. I've a got a little gift here. I thought you the moment I saw it.

Ayra: You can foist it on some other woman. I've no use for such trinkets.
... fast change of opinion...

Lex: Glad you like it! It's yours. I guess I'll see you around, Ayra.

Ayra: Er, Lex! Wait a moment!
Ayra obtains the Brave Sword. At the latest now Ayra is broken. The Brave Sword is super accurate and very poweful. It's not a personal weapon, so you could pass it, if you want. But it's the best in Ayra's hand because she could attack up to 20 times. (four attacks with activation of Astra)
Everyone moves except for the enemies next to Jacoban.
Levin attracts the knights from the east and does and awful job.
I haven't seen one single good level on her yet.
Beowulf has easy game with the knights.
... OH SHOOT!!! This knight could kill Beowulf, if he hit him. He wasn't completly healed yet after the failure in the arena.
... same went for Azel... only with the "little" difference that he paid with his life for my stupidity. CRAP!

To be continued...

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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[spoiler=Chapter 3 part 2]

That's what I deserved for my stupidity.

This time Ethlyn heals Azel.

Voilà! Better! Although it'd be nicer, if you dodged right here...
Levin activates Adept and obtains a typical level up. I was considering to give him the Pursuit band from the previous chapter. However I guess he doesn't need it anymore because of his high activation rate of Adept. (based on speed like in FE10)
Quan also activates Adept. Nice! Ethlyn can kill the weaken knight by Azel. Azel with his low HP retreats. I only have to worry about Levin, because as you could see above he has only 8 HP left. The hitrate of the knight is 29%. I don't want to have another replay...

Sigurd saves the villages in the north-west while Erin saves them in the north-east. Even if you killed the bandit you still may visit the village after that.

Young man: Hey, be careful out there! Rumor has it that King Chagall's got the infamous Thracian dracoknight on his payroll. Don't think there's been a war lately where someone or other didn't hire 'em. They're like a pack of hyenas descending on fresh prey: brutal and indiscriminate. Nothin' survives in their wake.

He obtains 4000 gold and gets the information about draco knight reinforcements.

Her level up average is like 1,2.

Jamka is attracting the pack of bow knights from the north.

Thankfully no more food for my self created count. All the knights from the east are defeated.
My plan to overrun the enemies. ... Hopefully I won't pay for this.
Jamka activates Adept to kill him and gets an excellent level up.
very nice - I can kill all the enemies... because I still have Sylvia left.

Refreshing four units makes things a lot easier.

Next enemies will be the lance cavaliers from the west. Again Jamke will play the decoy bird.
Got hit with 5%.

Erin can save this village in the next turn.

Here they are.

Erin kills the bandit and visits the village:

Elder: Oh? Here to help, are ya? Huzzah! This village is saved! We can't thank ya enugh, buy mayhep this magic staff'll help ya out. They call it a Restore staff. It yer allies've been put t'sleep or silenced, one cast of this staff'll get 'em back on their feet. This oughta be a big helf for ya.

Obtains Restore and 3000 gold.

Restore works same like in the other parts, but it can be used in range which is great.

Taking out the lance cavaliers:

Lex can kill the Duke Knight with two shots by his Brave Axe.

Noish gets more speed. Nice!

These cavs. were taken out without much effort.

Azel needs levels badly so he shall deal with this group of mages.

Fin checks out, if the enemies next to Jacoban will move when someone's in their attack range.

Erin will save the next village.
Yep! Everyone's coming to me.

This guy will heal everytime, even if only one was hurt.

Honestly I underrestimated the hitrate of these mages. They have still >50 although Azel has weapon advantage and is placed in the forest. Maybe someone has to help him.

More magic for taken out this weaken mage.

Time for wrecking the bunch of enemies:

Alec kills the bandit Erin weakened and visits the village:

Girl: Ah... the Cross Knights. Lord Eldigan's elite knightly battalion. Their might is legendary, and none in Judgral can even compare to them. Actually... My boyfriend is a Cross Knight! Hee hee... amazing, isn't it?

Obtains 2000 gold.

These aren't the stats a bow knight needs.
All enemies are defeated. Only Jacoban and the ballistas are left. Beowulf gets more speed.
Unfortunately no single activation of Astra. It kinda sucks because I wanted to give her the thunder sword.
So Levin has to do it. obtains bolt sword.

The bishop and the ballistas are gone too. Only a few of the mages are left. Sigurd shall not seize yet, because if he does, all the remaining enemies vanish.

Lachesis visits the village in the north-east:

Elder: Oho! Glad to see ya've come. I got this 'ere sword for ya in 'preciation. They call in the wingslayer. It's enchanted to be lethal to sky-riders. If it flies, this sword'll bring it down. 'Course, if ya can't use it, sell it!

Obtains 5000 gold and wingslayer.

The wingslayer (originally called clipper) isn't only effective against wyvern knights, but also against pegasus knights.

Lex visits the house in the north-west.

Man: No matter much I think about it, I just don't get why the Orgahil pirates have so suddelny turned on us like this. We could've sworn that boss of theirs was godd lass... Bridget or something, was it? (he's talking about the girl who talked to the bandit boss)

Obtains 3500 gold.

Noish visits the house south-west of Madino's Castle:

Elder woman: Oh, it's so nice to see visitors! How 'bout a little somethin' for yer troubles? Here, take a draught of our secret medicine. Don't be shy. Drink up! Well, how 'bout that? Feel the might swellin' in yer muscles! Oughta make yer work out there so much easier.


Obtains 5000 gold and +3 strength. Visit this village with a physical unit with rahter low strength like Erin. Sending Noish there wasn't the best, but not the worst choice either.

It takes forever till the mages leave the forest and can attack Azel.
Azel kills them all! A nice level!

Promotion time!

Time to seize:

Sigurd: His Cross Knights are the last remains of Agustria's army. At this rate, all should be well if we can subdue them, but...

Suddenly two people come inside the castle.

Oifey: Sire, we have a visitor. Father Claude of Edda has just arrived.

Sigurd: Father Claude?! See him in, please.
Claude brings horrible news.

Claude: Lord Byron was once constantly by His Highness's side... Yet, ever since his murder, he has been nowhere to be found. I regret to say this, but...

Sigurd's dad could be responsible for his death.

Claude: I regret to say that there's been naught but horrid rumors in Grannvale lately. Among them are those which allege that you and your father worked in concert to assassinate the prince... Alas, His Majesty's anguish at the affair has rendered him dreadfully ill.

Sigurd: My father was already the prince's closest confidant. What could he have possibly gained from the prince's demise?! Surely, shouldn't Reptor, Langbalt and the others who opposed the prince be the likely culprits?

Claude: I am of the same mind, but we've no evidence tying either to the crime. And Reptor and his minions currently hold a great sway over the royal court.

Sigurd: What about Lord Arvis, His Majesty's aide? Do you know where he stands on this?

Claude: I cannot say for sure. He seems to hold no emnity toward you, but I am loath to consider him an ally...

Sigurd: Hmm... I'm worried for my father. If I could, I'd head home now and do what I can to help, but my orders haven't changed. I stil need to hold Agustria. Please, Your Grace... Do you have any idea what I should do?

Claude: I am ony my to the Tower of Bragi, on the island to the north-west of here. As an heir to the great Saint Bragi, if I pray at our sacred tower, then the truth shall be revealed to me alone.
Here's Claude accompany: Tallite (Tiltyu in other versions). She's Reptors daughter... and has an eye on Claude. But she'll get an other, better partner.

Cluade: Gods, give me strength to cope with this child... Anyway, I'll rendevous with your group once I've learned the truth. I pray we'll both return home this day.

Sigurd: As do I, Father Claude. As do I. I can't thank you enough.

Claude and Tallite go to the Tower of Bragi.

Madino is seized.

But the chapter part isn't over yet...

Deidre is so worred about Sigurd that she wants to disregard the order of her husband.

Deidre: I know. I want you to look after Seliph while I'm gone.

Shanan: No way! I'm just a kid. I can't look after a baby all by myself.

Deidre: I won't be long. I promise. Please, Shanan... I implore you... Promises are made to be broken.

Shanan: Okay, fine. I'll look after him. Just be careful out there and get back here as soon as you can, okay?

Deidre: Thank you, Shanan. I'm sorry, Seliph. I'll be back for you right away.

There she goes...


Deidre: Oh? Who are you? Wait... How do you know my mother?

Manfloy: Kehehe... The day of your rebirth is upon us. Through my black magic, the slate of your life will be cleansed, paving the way for your true husband... Your fate was written the day you were born. There's no use in fighting destiny.
She gets brainwashed under Azel's eyes.

That's the end of Deidre in my team.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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16 Speed at level 23? I'd say that's okay, but not great. Is Lex's Speed usually awful?

Even if Raquesis got nothing on level-up those promotion gains gave her a huge boost in power upon promotion. Are all promotion gains in FE4 OP, or is she a special case?

It's bothering me more than it should that the stats are in a different order in FE4 character profiles.

How many chapters are in FE4? It's chapter 3, and you've already got a shop selling Silver Weapons?

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16 Speed at level 23? I'd say that's okay, but not great. Is Lex's Speed usually awful?

Even if Raquesis got nothing on level-up those promotion gains gave her a huge boost in power upon promotion. Are all promotion gains in FE4 OP, or is she a special case?

It's bothering me more than it should that the stats are in a different order in FE4 character profiles.

How many chapters are in FE4? It's chapter 3, and you've already got a shop selling Silver Weapons?

His speed growth isn't very good, but I think it's about average.

FE4 promo gains are pretty good usually but Lachesis is very good because she starts off so weak.

There are... counting the prologue and epilogue, 12 chapters.

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FE4 is fun

Also, from my experience, speed doesn't really matter too much in Gen 1 - as long you hit a bench mark of sorts at 14 speed or so (what Sigurd has at base), you're basically doubling everything that the first gen throws at you (if you have Pursuit ofc); save for arena enemies, and maybe that one Swordmaster boss in Chapter 4.

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