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Let's play FE4 together (Naga Project translation) (completed)

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I assume that he's about Celice's age, which is around 16 or 17 years old. It'll also be explained later why he is that way, if it wasn't explained already. ;)

Unless I miss read it, it looks like he wasn't born yet before the time skip, so it looks like he's 16 at most.

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Unless I miss read it, it looks like he wasn't born yet before the time skip, so it looks like he's 16 at most.

Oh wait, you're actually right. But If I remember correctly, the whole incident concerning his birth - along with other events - will be explained eventually. ;)

(BTW, your member title is really cute :3)

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I assume that he's about Celice's age, which is around 16 or 17 years old. It'll also be explained later why he is that way, if it wasn't explained already. ;)

Julius is Celice's little and half brother, pretty much born after the Barhara BBQ.

Diadora's dead scene is 1 of the many intros you need to unlock by finishing the game multiple times.

Edited by hanhnn
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Oh wait, you're actually right. But If I remember correctly, the whole incident concerning his birth - along with other events - will be explained eventually. ;)

(BTW, your member title is really cute :3)

Thanks, they're my two babies.

Julius is Celice's little and half brother, pretty much born after the Barhara BBQ.

Diadora's dead scene is 1 of the many intros you need to unlock by finishing the game multiple times.

That seems like something that we should have known without having to beat the game 5 times.

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I think you need to beat the game 7 or 8 times to get that.

Btw, you can see the full intro in my sign video.

Oh, so you're the one who posted this? That's nice!

When I first saw this, I found all the little references of the developers (Forseti reviving Lewyn, for example) to be really mind-blowing. :D

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[spoiler=Chapter 10 Part 5]

We start off with a talk between Seliph and Oifey, with him reminiscing about the past and thinking about the future. I missed it, but I believe it gave +3 HP.

Arvis definitely isn't completely bad, so.


Julia still loves her father, no matter what.


Julia finally remembers her past, and is saddened by the events that transpired.


It seems things are cut short, and Julia is taken away once again...


We gotta hurry now!


Well, this is something new.


Lewyn talks with his daughter...

I forgot to screencap it but Tinny gets +5 magic from this talk.


Levels from taking out a few troops to start.


My plan is to let Arthur and Sety kill all these guys... it'll work out!! Don't worry.


Levels... and...


See, that wasn't so bad!


Sety takes out a mage for a nice level.


As does Leif.


Patty nabs an extra level.


Fee was trying to kill some dark mages approaching the children.

She almost died, but she didn't!


Altenna kills the last one.

Just need to take down the last line of defense.


That's all done! All that's left is Arvis.

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Ooh boy! It's almost time for the greatest boss theme in the whole Fire Emblem series - at least, in my opinion! ^^

The fight itself is pretty cool too!

(How the hell did Finn got Magic this late in the game...?)

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[spoiler=Chapter 10 Part 6]


Anyways. Here he is, he can be a bit tricky to hit, due to his authority stars, and Falaflame. He can be pretty hard to damage , but with enough support, he'll go down in no time.


With Tyrfing in hand...


And magical glowing...


Seliph is now a lot more useful!


Okay level from Leen.


Let Seliph get the rest of the children exp, so things go as smoothly as possible.


Altenna flies 100 miles down to meet Corpul for a talk. She gets 5 resistance for her trouble.


It's only fitting to do this fight this way.


Valflame is pretty dangerous and hurts a lot, but Seliph has this thing called resistance, unlike his dad! So!
Now it's just time to chip him down until he's dead.


And a few turns later, it is done.
Rest in peace. You weren't all bad, unlike every other villain in this game.


If we have Seliph take a rest on the beach after he kills Arvis...


Seliph somehow has a talk with his departed parents on the beach, and obtains a Renewal band for doing so.
You can only get this if Seliph kills Arvis and comes down here, if he doesn't then you can't get this event.


And now it's time for the final chapter!
Next time~!

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Did, did Lewyn just ask Seliph if he had a thing for his sister? I know this is FE4, but the incest is strong with this one.

FE4 pacing seems a bit weird. On the one hand it seems to drag on forever at times, maybe because of the long chapters, but on the other hand it seems very short, especially Gen 2, since we've already killed Arvis. Maybe there were some missing scenes or stuff to still be explained later, but Arvis and most of the villains in general seem very under developed in Gen 2.

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[spoiler=Endgame part 1]
Map story
Seliph's long journey is drawing to a close. His army's victories are a beacon of hope to the Empire's victims, and a wave of further rebellions sweeps across Judgral.
back to familar places

Duke Brian of Dozel and the axe knights of the Grauen Ritter, Duke Scorpious of Jungby and his elite archers, the Beigen Ritter; and Freege's Queen Hilda and the war-mages of the Gelben Ritter stand between Seliph and the capital.
the last douches to defeat

Over a year has passed since that fateful first battle in Isaach.
The tragic struggle pitting kin versus kin wears on, splitting the Twelve Crusaders between the light and the dark...
So begins the holy war...

Endgame: The Final Holy War

Julius: Pheh. I almost feel sorry for him. All his life he was your tool, Manfroy, only be thrown away so casually...

Manfroy: All in your empire's name, Your Majesty. Arvis was a lost cause. To think he, a man of Loptyr's blood, dared to challenge the revivial of the Empire! The righteous heart of the crusader Vala burned too fiercely within him. It was only a matter of time until he turned on you.

Julius: I know, I know... Now, then. I hear those rebels have stumbled as far as Chalphy. Are our defenses really that pathetic?

Manfroy: Rest assured. I've already tasked Edda's Bishop Rodan and Brian of Dozel with purging Chalphy of those vermin. You've no need to worry, Your Majesty.

Julius: Don't I, now... Where's Julia?

Manfroy: She awaits her end in the dungeon... You there! Bring us Princess Julia!

Julius: Oho! So you do still remember! I can hardly believe seven long years have passed since you slipped away.

Julia: I... That night is seared into my memory, clear as if it were only yesterday...

Julius: Fehehe... Good. I trust you remmeber your mother's final kindness as well?

Julia: Who... No, what are you?
That night... The night Manfroy came with that eerie black tome... Nothing was ever the same again. My real brother, the kind and caring boy I once knew and loved so, died that night. In his place stood a demon of terrifying power... My brother in name only. You...
You monster... You've taken away my mother and my brother from me!
Who are you? WHAT are you? Why... Why must you torment us all so?!

Julius: I am the heir of Loptyr's kin, and the inheritor of his limitless power. This world belongs rightfully to me.

Manfroy has a final plan what to do with her.

Julius: Julia is yours, Manfroy. Be extremly careful! Even a single mistake with her could cost me dearly.

lots of mage crap

Lewyn: Yeah, that what this is. Julius is desended from Loptyrian royality, and he's been working to revive the dark empire. No matter what it takes, we must stop him.

Seliph: It feels as if you know everything, Lewyn. I'm beginning to feel left out... Please, what in the world are you talking about?

Lewyn: Yeah, sorry about that, Seliph. I know there's a lot I've not been telling you. I've spent over a decade on a journey to figure out the truth behind all this, and I'm finally onto a hidden bigger picture here.

Seliph: ... The bigger picture?

Lewyn: It seems the old Loptyr Empire's founder, the Bishop Galle, dedicated his youth to a world-exploring voyage across the seas. He desired nothing less than to drink the blood of a legendary beast. Even a single drop, he believed, would bestow upon any human limitless power.

Seliph: Do... do you mean the dragonkind of old? It could't be... Is that not a myth?

Lewyn: You'd think so, but... When Galle returned to Judgral, he bore bizarre powers nobody else understood. With these powers, he set to work swaying youths across the land to aid his ambitions. Before anyone else realized, he'd raised a fell legion unfllinchingly loyal to his cause.

Seliph: Where, then, does Loptyr enter the tale?

Lewyn: Odds are Loptyr was a dragon himself. Every last one of Galle's heirs has borned the blood of the dragonkin. The dark powers Loptyr's kin command are nothing than the dragonkin's powers.

Seliph: And what of the Crusaders?

Lewyn: I'm sure you know how the legend goes. The gods descended upon twelve warriors of the old liberators at the fortress of Darna.

Seliph: But?

Lewyn: Sorry, Seliph, but this'll have to wait. The enemy's just about on our doorstep.

This conversation stops abruptly.

Arena for the last time
I passed the paragon ring around so all the units who weren't level 30 yet could catch up.
probably the worst child of Gen. 2
could be better
Not bad but no speed unfortunately. I highly doubt that 23 is the cap of a hero.
I'm pretty sure strength is already capped. Yeah, the strength cap of a Forrest Knight is pretty low.
another maxed unit
Seriously not much more to expect since strength, skill and speed are already capped.
So impressing his first two level ups are...... so depressing his last two.
Johan could get only one level up because this arena featured tons of swordusers.
I think his last level was even his best level.
GREAT! Almost as powerful as Delmud.


Next to your home castle lots of dark bishops on the hills give you warm welcome. They have fenrir and silence staves so you want to take out the crap in the first turn already or silence / sleep them at least.

After that you go eastwards and fight this little batallion of mounted units. They wield all melee weapon types and bows, the mage knights have thunder and the troubadours have mend.

Their leader isn't too tough but has a brave sword and charge. Beware because he could attack four times in a row if he activates it.

After that you fight the large group of magic users. They carry long range magic, sleep staves and fortify. A few heros and snipers are among them.
Their leader is a swordmaster who's not bad. He has four nasty skills (pursuit, adept, critical, sol).

Seliph is the best unit to use against him because of nihil. He's also the best unit to pass all these magic users because he would take no damage and immune to sleep if he has the Tyrfing equipped.
The boss in another dark bishop with long range magic who can actually do damage to Seliph. Again Seliph will make short shift with him.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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[spoiler=Endgame part 2]
6 / 8 dark bishops could be defeated. Faval kills the left one. So only one two are left.

#7 is sileneced. Only one silence bishop can still anger me.

Seliph attracts the first paladin...

... who gets wrecked.

It doesn't hurt me at all. Leif is more busy in attacking than in healing.

I try to kill them all in this turn.
There goes the leader... and so the authority stars for his subordinates.

more offensive power

Of course she uses Astra.
All of them are dead except for the troubadours who can't do anything.

Same goes for the dark bishops.

Next turn:

After defeating the two troubadours Arthur checks out if this pack will move.

The enemies with physical weapons move.

I made a stupid mistake here. I totally forgot that the status staves attack the resistance of the opponent, and Arthur's is rather low. For some reason I was thinking about FE5 right here, the game which doesn't have the resistance stat. Magic = Resistance in this game. Since Arthur's magic is extremly high I expected not to see falling him asleep.

Next turn:

level up for restoring Arthur

Note: Only the enemies with physical weapons moved. All the mageic users are stationary.

The way to the boss is free now.

After refreshing:
adept and dead

I use a superlazy strategy from now on. Since Seliph is untouchable by everyone except for the boss, he shall make his way through all alone towards him. When the castle is seized all the generics will vanish. I don't want to waste any time and weapons on them.
The end of this group.


Next turn:


another level for restoring
Wow! ONE DAMAGE! You see how OP holy weapons are...

Now the way towards the boss is free. Seliph rides back to get danced by Sylvia...


... to wreck the boss.

Seliph can still seize after defeating the boss so all enemies vanish. A short and lazy way how to play this part. Just solo all the mages with Tyrfing.

Lewyn: Edda, huh... Father Claude would be so happy to know his homeland is finally free...

Seliph: Mm... Father Claude gave his life for my father's cause. But his children...

Lewyn: I hate to say it, but it looks like the Edda family's died out completly. Seliph, the people here are counting on you to look after them from now on.

Edda seized.

Don't have any wrong expectations. Not each part of the endgame will be as easy and short as this one.

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Does Lewyn mention Corple if Claude was his father? Because that line is tragic when it doesn't happen, but makes no sense when it does. I need to play more of this game.

It mentions the fact Claude had kids if they're still alive at that point.

I don't remember if they mention them specifically.

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[spoiler=Endgame Part 3]


Patty and Shanan are lovers, so they get this little conversation. Shanan gets +3 hp and speed.




We'll have to defend two castles at once.


They'll head to the east, while others head south, thankfully they aren't too tough.


Endearing little sibling conversation nets Tinny a point of luck.


Look at all those 8s!


Having Leif lure these guys in.


These guys will help defend the left.


Here's the boss, he's a bit tough due to his defensive stats. I end up warping Arthur down here to help, because I forgot about his defense.


Wasn't much left to gain, so.


Alright final level for Sety.


It's not smart to attack with 0 hit


Ulster takes a few of the Axe knights down south.


Ares sneaks in a kill, for a pretty bad level.




You tried.


This hurt a bit.

And I had to drag Arthur in to take care of him...


But he's done, so no worries.


Took a more defensive position.




Boss tries to attack Seliph but nothing of importance happens.


Buh bye


Nanna and Leif are lovers, so they get a lil' talk too. Leif gets some more defense.


Didn't expect much else, almost every important stat is capped.




And.. sure.


We seize and learn more about the crusaders and Julia, and we're done for now.

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Shanan and Patty are lovers? Isn't he like 30-something, and she looks like she's 12.

Once again, the blood inheritance in this game is stupid and arbitrary. Why is Julius the evil one if he shares the exact same blood as Julia? I guess he just has the penis of evil or something, if I remember the explanation earlier correctly.

I was expecting a bit more from the late-end game of FE4, it seems oddly rushed and anticlimactic. The villains suffer from a lack of development.

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[spoiler=Endgame part 4]
Hilda: Feh, why'd I ever expect any better? Worthless cowards, the lot of them! It's time I took this into my own hands. All I need is to lure these flies into my web. Then I can crush them, once and for all! Send Scorpius a messanger! Pass on to him this plan.

She planned a trap for me.


The Gelben Ritter: a huge pack of barons

Note: These dark mages don't belong to this army what I will find later.
The barons have thoron so they can always counterattack. They're not really scary but I can take some time to take them out because of great shield.
Hilda is powerful but that's it. I recommend to kill her first (if you can) to prevent the generics benefit from her authority stars and charm.
The mainboss is another dark bishop with long range magic. This game isn't very creative with castle bosses anymore. Spams with fenrir dark bishops.
The dark mages have all sleep staves. The dark bishop has fenrir.


lovers talk

Lana: Thank you, but I'm not so sure. I've hardly done anything special, have I? But I don't mind. All I really need to be happy is to be by your side, Lord Seliph.

Seliph: Come to think of it, Lana, we've been together our entire lives, haven't we?

Lana: We have! I have so many great memories of afternoons we spent playing together. But not once did I suspect we'd end up, er...

Seliph: But I've always loved you, Lana. Even when we were children.

Lana: I'm sorry, Lord Seliph... But I can't stop thinking about this... Something feels amiss. It's as if being with you will hurt Miss Julia...

Seliph: Lana...

Seliph gets +2 resistance.


Visiting the two villages:

Elder: Hear me, brave heirs to the crusaders! In your hands lies the task of providing this war to be a holy war of its own. If wisdom, courage and power be your allies, summon them now and give all you have, should you wish the prevail this day. Trust yourselves to bring forth our destiny, one born where te two trails of light meet!

Arthur visits the other one:

Elder: Oh, heirs to the courageous! Hear my ode to the crusaders of old.

O Black Knight Hezul, Mystletainn the demonic in hand, smite the devil

O Sword Saint Odo, Balmung the divine in hand, repel the blight

O Holy Knight Baldur, Tyrfing the sacred in hand, shine a light

And at last, O Saint Heim, Book of Naga in hand, pray to the heavens above

Prayer begets light,

Light begets the white dragon

Foe of the shadow dragon

Black and white

Light and dark

An eternal stuggle

Shall our prayers yield victory

Or shall it be death?

And yet have no fear

For our battle is a beginning

And defeat is never the end

The flame of light we seek

Is eternal, undying, never lost

And in all who follow us

I shall believe

And in all who bear the light

I shall believe

Not bad, innit?

Both obtain 5000 gold.


her best level up so far

When you reach a certain spot, this will happen...

The Beigen Ritter appear as ambush - Hilda's trap

The bow paladins have all brave bows. Their leader is a master knight with a killer bow and charge so be careful.

Faval will have fun with them.

Time to drag out all the enemies at the same time.

They move but don't attack him because they have zero hit.

The first is gone.
I'll let them all come to me.
Faval kills like ten of the bow paladins in one single enemy phase. At least they were able to him three times in total.

The result : the army is heavily decimated

Faval moves out of the boss's attack range and will drag out more of the crappy bow paladins.
That's the only annoyingness of the barons: great shield

another one down

The barons moved further towards my groups and still ignored Arthur. However they did a huge mistake: They didn't block Hilda. Seliph can take her out. Now they're really doomed because they lost like +30% hit / evasion.
Arthur can take out one at least. But Ares was unlucky with another one because he activated great shield twice. I'm a bit worried about Seliph because Im highly sure they'll switch for their silver lance now and attack Seliph whose defense isn't the best and had weapon disadvantage.

Eliminating the rest of the Beigen Ritter.
Faval has a special conversation with Scorpius. Scorpius is probably André's son, so Faval's cousin.

Scorpius: What? As in my dear aunt bridget?! Well, then... The traitor's spawn shows his disgusting face at last! I certainly won't object. After all, I get to kill you, here and now!

Faval: Heh, took the words right out of my mouth!

Faval won this word duel and killed his own cousin.
The Beigen Ritter are defeated.
Ares can kill three barons. Nice!

Same goes for Seliph who also killed three of them. A few survived because of great shield.

Oh, I forgot to mention that three barons have fortify instead of thoron.
Great shield was activated once more so Ares got the kill.
Fin and Lester can take out this one.
Fee can't kill one of the healers. Great shield was activated twice. Even worse she continue wasn't activated and she got hit. Ced had to use physics one her.
decent final level - two barons less
crit at the right time
and another one
also good final level
Here goes the last one. The boss is naked now.
easy going

Seliph seizes. I thought mistakenly that the dark mages would all disappear when I seized Freege. Since they belong to an other army, they don't. Sophia has to kill them. I hope they won't be a huge problem for her.

Seliph: But... I can't help but wonder... Are the children of Belhalla still unharmed? I pray they are...

Lewyn: Funny you should say that! We've got a visitor who's got a bit of news on that front, Seliph.


Felipe: On secret order from His Majesty, the abducted children were moved here to Freege for safe-keeping.

Seliph: What? Is this true? You've saved all of the children?!

Felipe: Rest easy, sire. They're all hiding in the city's abbey, and they're all in good health.

Seliph: And all under Hilda's nose, at that! That you've kept every last child safe in Hilda's own city... Color me impressed.

Felipe: Actually, sire... Princess Ishtar deserves your thanks. Without her generous aid given in secret, we could never have done this. No imperial soldiers dared come even close to the abbey, on pain of the princess' wrath.

Seliph: Princess Ishtar?! But why... Why would she...

Felipe: Few people in this land are as kind and caring as Princess Ishtar. All along, the princess has tiled behind the scenes to aid our cause. It was Princess Ishtar herself who ensured that every last child escaped from the bowels of Belhalla.

Seliph: I see... At any rate, thank the gods for their safety. I'm certain everyone will be glad to know the children are in good hands. You have my deepest thanks, Lord Felipe.


Seliph: Mm. And yet, Julia still eludes us... Where could she possibly be?

Lewyn: The only options left now are Belhalla and Velthomer. It's got to be one of these two.

Seliph: And Belhalla is where Julius awaits...

Lewyn: Yeah, we'll have to find Julia first if we want to go anywhere near Belhalla. Without Julia's power on our side, we won't have a hope in hell against Julius.

Seliph: But not matter what's happened, Julius is still her brother. Will she even want to fight him...

Lewyn: ... You'll have to convince her.

Freege seized.


a pointless level at the end

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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It seems like they had too many plots points going on in Gen 2, so if feels unsatisfying when they resolve, since they never really got developed much in the first place.

Hey cousin, nice to meet you, guess I'll kill you, now.

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[spoiler=Endgame Part 5, Last gameplay section]


Alright this is it, the final battle!


Julius and the Dreadlords. They specialize each in a different class and have a lot of skills.


Manfroy guards his caslte and Julia is going to come after us.


Warping Altenna home because reasons.


Larcei and Johan are lovers so we get our last lovers conversation, Johan caps off his strength with it.


They're going to attack our castle, but we have Altenna guarding it...


The three sisters. They all have the same stats and skills.
They can be REALLY annoying if you aren't prepared, but thankfully, we are.


Arthur takes on the brunt of the army and takes out most of the generics, and the first sister...


Another one.




We attack Ishtar...


And thankfully he crits and kills her, if he didn't it could be a big problem, because Ishtar is pretty threatening, and has vantage, and is very dodgy.


Altenna talks with Arion.


And we get his cooperation, at the very least, he isn't too helpful, since he's a bit far away but he can help a bit if you want him to.


We lure Julia into the forest to distract her for now.


Pretty nice.


Just have him move forward, the mages all have Hel, they can't hit him unless they have Manfroy's leadership stars, so just attack and back off.


Seliph finally confronts Manfroy, and is ready to avenge his parents, and everyone.


Manfroy is kind of a pushover, though, and goes down easily.


Well thankfully, we have someone with a circlet on this map!


Julia goes from angry face to her normal self again after seeing Seliph again, so we finally have her back, huzzah!


And we finally get the Book of Naga.


We still have time to go through the arena, though!




Here's Julius. He can be pretty difficult to take down usually, but I think Julia deserves a little revenge.


The Deadlords can't do too much to Julia, though~ so...


Should've killed her.


The power of Naga.


And Loptyr. The competition of whose Dragon is better.


Julia's dragon is victorious. The winner is Julia!


One last level to top it off.


We've finally defeated Julius and Loptyr.


Loptyr rises...


and dissolves and dissipates...


Next time, the ending.

Edited by Sophie
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I think I've seen the same pallet-swapped bangs girl at least 3 times now.

I love the Let's Play, I just am disappointed by the plot and pacing. But then again, many of the best LPs are for terrible games, it's like how I enjoy it like an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I think FE4 is a little over-rated. I liked the plot of Gen 1, but I honestly think Gen 2 was a let-down. There were so many plot points, but they all seems to get too little attention to really be explored in any meaningful depth. With all the praise FE4's plot gets, I was expecting better. I honestly think the second gen should have had twice as many chapters in order to fully flesh out the dozen or so plot threads going on. I barely know anything about Julius besides he's some asshole demon spawn kid. We saw hardly any of Arvis in Gen 2, and I was expecting him to be some menacing presence, but he goes out with a whimper. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but in this case, it sat out too long and was just lukewarm, giving us food poisoning and the wish that it had been better as we vomit the contents of out enteric tract at 3:00 in the morning.

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I think I've seen the same pallet-swapped bangs girl at least 3 times now.

I love the Let's Play, I just am disappointed by the plot and pacing. But then again, many of the best LPs are for terrible games, it's like how I enjoy it like an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I think FE4 is a little over-rated. I liked the plot of Gen 1, but I honestly think Gen 2 was a let-down. There were so many plot points, but they all seems to get too little attention to really be explored in any meaningful depth. With all the praise FE4's plot gets, I was expecting better. I honestly think the second gen should have had twice as many chapters in order to fully flesh out the dozen or so plot threads going on. I barely know anything about Julius besides he's some asshole demon spawn kid. We saw hardly any of Arvis in Gen 2, and I was expecting him to be some menacing presence, but he goes out with a whimper. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but in this case, it sat out too long and was just lukewarm, giving us food poisoning and the wish that it had been better as we vomit the contents of out enteric tract at 3:00 in the morning.

That's an... odd way to put it. xD

I know it's probably not the wisest of all ideas to listen to a FE4 fanboy, but I still think that you should play FE4, because even though it's obviously not perfect (yes, even I will admit it has flaws :P), it is undeniably a very important entry in the Fire Emblem series, just by the many new things it brought to the table, be it a recurring thing in the series (Skills, Weapon Triangle, Light/Dark Magic) or not (Home castles, Holy Blood).

Plus, it has the arguably sexiest most badass Jeigan in all of Fire Emblem, Oifaye! ;)

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That's an... odd way to put it. xD

I know it's probably not the wisest of all ideas to listen to a FE4 fanboy, but I still think that you should play FE4, because even though it's obviously not perfect (yes, even I will admit it has flaws :P), it is undeniably a very important entry in the Fire Emblem series, just by the many new things it brought to the table, be it a recurring thing in the series (Skills, Weapon Triangle, Light/Dark Magic) or not (Home castles, Holy Blood).

Plus, it has the arguably sexiest most badass Jeigan in all of Fire Emblem, Oifaye! ;)

He does have the mustache going for him, but I'd argue that I'm the sexiest Jeigan.

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I think I've seen the same pallet-swapped bangs girl at least 3 times now.

I love the Let's Play, I just am disappointed by the plot and pacing. But then again, many of the best LPs are for terrible games, it's like how I enjoy it like an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I think FE4 is a little over-rated. I liked the plot of Gen 1, but I honestly think Gen 2 was a let-down. There were so many plot points, but they all seems to get too little attention to really be explored in any meaningful depth. With all the praise FE4's plot gets, I was expecting better. I honestly think the second gen should have had twice as many chapters in order to fully flesh out the dozen or so plot threads going on. I barely know anything about Julius besides he's some asshole demon spawn kid. We saw hardly any of Arvis in Gen 2, and I was expecting him to be some menacing presence, but he goes out with a whimper. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but in this case, it sat out too long and was just lukewarm, giving us food poisoning and the wish that it had been better as we vomit the contents of out enteric tract at 3:00 in the morning.

I've played the game 20 years ago, when I couldn't read a single Japanese character.

Plot was not the reason why I like this game. It's the system and gameplay.

You should play the game to feel it yourself.

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I've played the game 20 years ago, when I couldn't read a single Japanese character.

Plot was not the reason why I like this game. It's the system and gameplay.

You should play the game to feel it yourself.

I tried playing it, but the interface and inventory system scared me away.

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