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Let's play FE4 together (Naga Project translation) (completed)

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So, if you don't pair off Sylvia, is Hannibal unrecruitable?

Why can't Leif wield Gae Bolg, is he has the same blood as Altena? Is it just because he wields swords?

Are Patty's good level ups here what you were referring to last chapter, or does she have some plot-related stat increases?

I don't really understand Travant and Arion's motivations, now. It's like in WoW when the raid leader sees you're going to lose to the boss and just calls for everyone to wipe it, so you can try again.

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How many times did we see that portrait now? 6?


The Legendary weapons are seriously broken in this game. 20 Speed alone is a respectable end game stat in a lot of FE games.

Yeah, it's no wonder that Awakening nerfed the hell out of them.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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So, if you don't pair off Sylvia, is Hannibal unrecruitable?

Why can't Leif wield Gae Bolg, is he has the same blood as Altena? Is it just because he wields swords?

Are Patty's good level ups here what you were referring to last chapter, or does she have some plot-related stat increases?

I don't really understand Travant and Arion's motivations, now. It's like in WoW when the raid leader sees you're going to lose to the boss and just calls for everyone to wipe it, so you can try again.

He's still recruitable, there are replacement children for every character in the case you don't get anyone paired off, except Quan and Sigurd's kids, because... well... plot. So Hannibal would have a different adopted son if we didn't pair Sylvia.

I think the major holy blood only goes to one of the children, if there are two, so.

Her good level ups

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How many times did we see that portrait now? 6?


Yeah, it's no wonder that Awakening nerfed the hell out of them.

Yeah, effectively doubling your stats is pretty overkill.

I think the major holy blood only goes to one of the children, if there are two, so.

IS doesn't know how genetics works, I guess. It's not like only one of me or my sister is part Lithuanian.

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IS doesn't know how genetics works, I guess. It's not like only one of me or my sister is part Lithuanian.

Thing is that mechanically, it's seemingly simple. You can see some of this in the tree, and there's an indication that a person can only have one major and one separate minor blood or up to 2 minor bloods.

How much can be passed down is not really clear. That and it doesn't add up in practice (I'm speaking after a genetics degree, but I'm not that knowledgeable from memory.).

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Thing is that mechanically, it's seemingly simple. You can see some of this in the tree, and there's an indication that a person can only have one major and one separate minor blood or up to 2 minor bloods.

How much can be passed down is not really clear. That and it doesn't add up in practice (I'm speaking after a genetics degree, but I'm not that knowledgeable from memory.).

The nitty-gritty of genetics would be a bit different, but still not how it works out here. It could be one gene that is the magic-blood gene, in which case every kid would have a 50% chance of inheriting it, but it would be independent of whether their siblings had it or not, so you could wind up with both siblings having it, or neither. The alternate would be treating the blood as a multiple allele heritage sort of trait, in which case both kids would always inherit everything. I didn't major in genetic, but I am a physician, by trade, so I have to deal with genetics a bit.

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The nitty-gritty of genetics would be a bit different, but still not how it works out here. It could be one gene that is the magic-blood gene, in which case every kid would have a 50% chance of inheriting it, but it would be independent of whether their siblings had it or not, so you could wind up with both siblings having it, or neither. The alternate would be treating the blood as a multiple allele heritage sort of trait, in which case both kids would always inherit everything. I didn't major in genetic, but I am a physician, by trade, so I have to deal with genetics a bit.

Yeah, trying to use a mechanism to explain it leads to some inconsistencies. Also, the first sibling not getting the major blood has been indicated before (though I don't recall where specifically: it might be in relation to why Aless's family had the major blood instead of Chagall's family). Don't recall any case of anyone with major blood not having no children without though. I mean, it's not like Mendelian genetics could explain this. :P

I think I've thrown the thread off though.

(Also, damm, Cairpre is not taking shit)

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 part 6]
Next is to fight an army of cavlary. The paladins wield silver axes, silver blades and silver lances which means they cover all melee weapon types. All the paladins have Adept so be carful. The boss is a mage knight with a droppable tornado tome. He's very powerful and can tworound everyone. He has pursuit. There's a troubadour among them who will heal her allies.
The first one is taken out.

Finn attracts a couple of them...
However his reward is disappointing.

The two weaken paladins are finished off.
I try to reach the leader in this turn because his allies benefit from his three authority stars. Fee can kill the axe paladin thanks to Adept and gets a great level up.
Leaf onerounds this axe cavalier with the brave sword. Now the way to the boss is open.
Another crit and a good level up. The rest will be quite easy.
With Lene's dance I can kill all the other cavaliers too except for the troubadour. I withstood this storm without problems.
Tinni kills the troubadour and can be promoted finally.
two pretty uninteresting levels

Nanna uses return on Tinni...
... to let her promote to a war mage. She can use swords now. Not that she really needs to. Other units shall use magic swords who can't attack from range. I didn't check out her weapon levels in anima magic. Maybe she can use thoron now.
After a few turns of doing absolutely nothing you have to seize this castle. It's guarded by a dark bishop with Fenrir, a long range magic tome...
... so you better want to silence him.
Now I can eliminate all the ballistas without any problems.
Ares's Mistletainn can oneround the boss without any problems.
Delmud and Ares kills the other ballistas to reach level 20. Two promotions are awaiting.
Seliph seizes.

Lewyn: I guess his stubborn dracoknight pride compels him to fight to the bitter end. And here I was hoping the legendary Arion of Thracia'd be a wiser man than this... Seliph, I hope you understand we can't turn back now. This last battle needs to be fought.

Seliph: I don't understand him... Why? Why must Arion insist on fighting such a futile battle... Arion... How can he be so callous? Does he not understand the grief he is inflicting on Altena?!
Arion mobilizes his army. About 45 dracos including him have to be beaten now. This is the literally the final part of this chapter. And Lewyn didn't say anything wrong when he said "final battle". Because Arion feels like a "final boss" in this game because he's the toughest boss in the entire game.
There are two armies of dracoriders with javelins. Both have a dracoknight (second tier) with a brave lance as leader. They'll move automatically from the beginning. Better have a guard on all seized castles.
Arion's army features only promoted ones which wield slim lances and sleep swords. Can be annyoing if you use an unit who has low evasion.
There's the hardest boss in the entire game tbh: Arion
Arion is difficult and annyoing for these reasons:

  • He carries Gungnir, another legendary weapons which in incredibly powerful and gives him a boost in speed and defense. Physical units can't do shit against him. And Arion can oneshot several units.
  • He has Adept which means instant death for everyone unless one attacked will be dodged.
  • He has five authority stars which give him + 40 hit / evasion and all his allies who are two spaces away from him.
  • He has Nihil so bows don't work on him.
  • He carries the Mircale Band which is the most annoying thing of him. As if his evasion wouldn't be high enough already, he has to get more evasion if he has <=10 HP. When I fought him the first time and he was in "Miracle-zone" he dodged literally every single attack.

Here's the best strategy how to beat him:

Only use magic against him because physical attacks don't do anything to him. Use an attack which doesn't bring him down under 11 HP, and then finish him off with Forseti. To have good accuaracy against him you'll need Seliph's three authority stars and Nanna's and Delmud's Charisma skill which increase the hit / evasion of each unit of a radius of two spaces by 10%. Thankfully Gungnir is only a melee weapon so Arthur can beat him without taking the risk to die.

Patty visits all the villages in this area. Here are the talks from northeast clockwise:

Woman: Thracia has many generals in its service, but Lord Hannibal is the most revered of 'em all. The man has devoted nigh on his entire life to the battlefield, so he never found a wife. Mind, twelve years ago or so, he did take in an orphan. He treats the boy as if he's his own flesh and blood. What a wonderful guy!

Older woman: King Travant's as heartless as men come, he is. But oddly emough, his two kids, Arion and Altena are the kindest souls you'll ever meet. Like peas in a pod, those two are! Always have been. Oh, I pray nothing ever changes that...

Man: It wasn't all that long ago that the region here was under House Leonster's rule. Oh, what a peaceful time that was... As soon as the last war was over, though, the Thracians pounced on us like a starving cat...

Young man: General Distler of Luthecia's nothing more than a slimy toady to the king! Useless as he is, he still acts like he's some almighty tyrant... What a foul little man.

Obtains in total 25000 gold (5000 per village).

Ares's promotion to a paladin. He learned Charge.
These dracos are going for the castles. Altena tries to stop their plan.
Weakened quite well.
Two more units are ready for the promotion. But in Altena's case I don't do it right now because I need her right here.
I can take out this little pack. However not everyone could be attracted. A few of them are alive and fly towards the seized casltes.
The leader is down.
Everyone will be fine, but Hannibal needs support by someone since he doesn't have a 1-2 weapon and isn't able to oneround any of the dracos without the activation of Adept.
Ares can leave the castle, attack, ride back and still guard thanks to canto.
Tinni... on the other hand... can't. Well, I thought she still could guard after attacking from the castle entrance... but unfortunately she couldn't... which could have fatal consequences for her. She can take two hits by the leader with the brave lance. But none of the generics may hit her. Although it's my second run I'm still not familar with all mechanics of this game. Shameful!
Great! Already the first generic hits her. That means she has to dodge the leader once.
Second hits too... with 24%...
... and third too... OF COURSE!!!
first dodge - WOW!!!
... I didn't expect she would already fall by the generics... but ok. Got hit 4/5 with 24%. Amazing!
The castle is taken what doesn't have any consequences right now. I believe only all the units inside the castle would die, but no one was inside when this happened.

Of course I replayed. This time I let Tinny on the throne to have better evasion.
And again she got hit with abysmal hitrates. The generics didn't even attack her because they had no hitrate against her.
This game will take some turns.
Also I highly expect she'll survive this time...
Time to attract the dracoknights and Arion.
Here they come!
a good and a bad level up for taking out the generics
Seliph takes out some dracos and gets more disgusting levels.
She has more magic than Tinni.
This looks quite good. Only a few generics are left besides Arion. I should be able to take them all out in this turn.
This is better but still far away from being good.

Four dracos less. Now time to fight Arion:
I have to hope he doesn't activate Adept and will bring him down to "miracle-zone" He doesn't thankfully!
Lene refreshes...
... so Arthur with Forseti can take him down. He obtains the miracle band. With the right strategy he's easy to beat.
Same what happened after Ishtar's defeat: Julius appears by warping and "revives" Arion. He takes him away.
More levels for beating all the remaining generics.
Ced is warp to this castle to help Hannibal who can't do anything.
Nanna returns Lakche to beat this pack faster.
The last of the leader is defeated. It'll take a few turns till the others share the same fate.

Finally some talks:

Altena: I can't thank you enough for all you've done to protect him all these years.

Finn:Thank you, my lady, but it is I who owes you an apology. Not once in the past seventeen years did I ever suspect that you yet lived on, let alone just across the border! My failure to search for you is... in excusable...

Altena: Sir Finn... Are those tears I see? Why... Why are you crying?

Finn: I... My apologies, my lady. You shouldn't have to see me in such a state as this...

Altena: Hold a moment... I remember something... Yes, I... I was incredibly fond of you... And I always sought your attention, didn't i? That's right... Sir Finn...

Finn: My lady, I...

Altena gets +3 HP.

Julia: Lord Seliph...

Seliph: Is something else?

Finn: Er... No, it's nothing...

Seliph: Listen, Julia. You've been acting oddly all day. Is something troubling you?

Julia: I... All I can feel is dread... I feel as if I'll be torn from you, and we'll never see each other again... I... I'm terrified...

Seliph: You've no need to worry, Julia. I swore to you all those months ago that I'll protect you, no matter what. Have faith, Julia. I'll never let you down.

Julia: I know... I do believe in you... I'm so sorry, Lord Seliph... I've never been more than a nuisance to you.

Seliph: You must be weary. We have been on the march for weeks on end, after all! Listen. Once we're done here, we'll be headed for the free city of Miletos. You can have a nice, long rest there. Oh, that's right! Miletos is famous for its merchants, no? I can take you shopping while we're there. I'll buy you anything you desire. Well, so long as it's not too pricey. Heh... I can only imagine how poorly Lewyn would handle any over-spending!

Julia: You would do that... ? Oh, thank you, Lord Seliph... Thank you...

Seliph: Is that a little smile I see before me? Heh, now that's more like it!

Julia: Lord Seliph... Close your eyes, please.

Seliph: Hm? Why do you ask?

Julia: I wish to cast a Ward spell upon you... It will help you better resist enemy magic.

Seliph: Are you sure, Julia?! Wouldn't the use of such a spell endanger you?

Julia: Everything will be alright... I've done naught but take and take so far. All I want is to give something back.

Seliph: Julia...

Julia: Oh, lords in the heavens above... I implore you, confer your blessing upon Lord Seliph...

Seliph gets +3 resistance.

Seliph: Your reputation precedes you, General. We've all heared of Thracia's great Shield. That a warrior of your caliber was coerced onto the battlefield by use of hostages... King Travant is an utterly sickening man!

Hannibal: Indeed... And a pitiful man, at that. All he has accomplished is shattering any trust his subjects once held in him. The people's heartes can only endure so much abuse before they break...

Seliph: If I may, Generaly, would you joins us? To have the power and wisdom of a great general like you would be the finest boon.

Hannibal: Very well! If you have a use even for these old bones, Lord Seliph, then you have my fealty.
another promotion
And with this unnecessary level up I end this chapter.

Seliph: The Emperor's son himself?

Lewyn: Mm... and you half-brother, at that...

Seliph: I can hardly believe we share a mother...

Lewyn:And yet you do. Empress Deidre was a talented priestess, and it looks like he inherited her skill with white magic. For Prince Julius, common warping and healing spells are the merest of trifles. He doesn't even need staves! But that's not the whole story, Seliph. Prince Julius's true power comes from something else entirely...

Seliph: How do you mean?

Lewyn: Loptyr... It's the power of the dark lord.

Pretty sure miracle is from around 10 HP. Though yeah, Arion's a nightmare with it. I'd still be more afraid of the last boss next chapter.

Yeah, I was wrong.
It activates at <=10 HP.
I only assumed 50% HP because he had way more HP when he dodged all the time although the hitrates were about 60-70%.

Are you going to bother with Cairpre?

Yeah, he will be used of course.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Pretty sure miracle is from around 10 HP. Though yeah, Arion's a nightmare with it. I'd still be more afraid of the last boss next chapter.

Are you going to bother with Cairpre?

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Odd to think that the kid Hannibal would have adopted if Sylvia hadn't had any kids is probably dead in a ditch somewhere.

What happens if you lose a castle after you seize it?

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Odd to think that the kid Hannibal would have adopted if Sylvia hadn't had any kids is probably dead in a ditch somewhere.

What happens if you lose a castle after you seize it?

It'll turn into ruins, and you won't get 1000 gold for each character in the next chapter.
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I'm sorry I haven't updated the next part, I'm just a bit emotional today, so.. sorry.. I should be able to do it tomorrow, apologies..

Edited by Sophie
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WOW. The magic stat of Fee is absolutely disgusting! Even when considering the gains from promotion (+7 magic) and Azel as her father, I am still amazed by this. O_O

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[spoiler=Chapter 10 Part 1]
My favorite chapter, let's go.


Everything seems to be going to shit. So let's do something about that.


Sun and Moon




Why can't I hold all these child slaves?!




We see that Ishtar picked a really weird boyfriend, and hear that Arvis is not completely insane unlike everyone else here.


These people must be great at parties.

More children to save.


We will!


First world problems.




Let's get going! After the arena, of course.

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[spoiler=Chapter 10 Part 2]



Delmud and Altenna promote.


More levels.


Ulster promotes.


Even more levels...


Patty finally promotes.


And the final arena levels.

Now we can move out.

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[spoiler=Chapter 10 Part 3]


Seliph and Shanan have a cute little talk and he gets +3 Hp.


And Leif and Altenna have a nice little talk, Altenna gets +1 luck.


Lastly, Nanna and Leif have a talk.
Nanna gets +3 Hp.


Corpul gets a weird level.


Leisurely child murder.


Corpul gets a nice level.


Lester gets a nice level. He doesn't have many other stats to gain, so.


Gotta kill all of these annoying Dark Mages.


Couple of weird levels!


Johan gets use out of the handaxe for once ever.




Altenna is gonna rescue some of the kids.


Good level from healing.




Could be worse.


Have some bandits to deal with later.




Good and good.


Back to meh...


Quick little village. Ulster will take it.


The small army coming towards us finally caught up. It could've ended a bit bad... but it didn't. So.

Altenna and Oifey rescued the children.


More money.




I missed his battle quote, but it doesn't really matter.




Tinny, the best kid, kicks this bitch's ass.


And gets some deli meat


It's alright.


And we're done for now.

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Child hunts are pretty dark for Nintendo.

I'd imagine the fathers would be just as distraught as the mothers if their kids were being hunted, unless they're the terrible Fates parents.

In the world of gray morality we have child killing, not even Garon did that.

Looks like Seliph finally got some good levels.

Has Arthur leveled Speed at all in the last 10 levels? He was sitting on 20-something speed at like level 13.

Altena has some serious resting bitch face, but I'm not really one to talk.

I remember the Magic helps units with magic weapons, but does Strength do anything for magic units in FE4?

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Child hunts are pretty dark for Nintendo.

I'd imagine the fathers would be just as distraught as the mothers if their kids were being hunted, unless they're the terrible Fates parents.

In the world of gray morality we have child killing, not even Garon did that.

Looks like Seliph finally got some good levels.

Has Arthur leveled Speed at all in the last 10 levels? He was sitting on 20-something speed at like level 13.

Altena has some serious resting bitch face, but I'm not really one to talk.

I remember the Magic helps units with magic weapons, but does Strength do anything for magic units in FE4?

Arthur has capped speed. It doesn't show where each stat caps, so. Plus with Lewyn as a dad his speed growth is over 100%, so if he didn't have capped speed yet it would be weird.

Strength doesn't do anything for magic units, no.

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Arthur has capped speed. It doesn't show where each stat caps, so. Plus with Lewyn as a dad his speed growth is over 100%, so if he didn't have capped speed yet it would be weird.

Strength doesn't do anything for magic units, no.

A cap of 22? That seems woefully low for a Mage. I've seen Generals with a higher cap than that.

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[spoiler=Chapter 10 part 4]
I'm going to play the next two castles since the next part consists of six enemies:

The dark bishops with hel who guard the boss.
The boss has long range magic and Jormungand. Not special at all except for having two authority stats which gives the hel mages +10% hit.

And a couple of bandits who are going to destroy the villages.

You'll see lots of level ups like this.

Elder: Long ago, the Twelve Crusaders waged holy war against the Loptyr Empire for 15 years. Nary a single corner of the land of Judgral escaped the war's clutches. It was Saint Heim who smote the dark god's avatar, Emperor Galle XVII, restoring light to this land at long last. And yet... the dark god us upon once more. Oh, great crusaders, protect us all!

Obtains 1500 gold.

Caipre still has paragon so he'll get lots of levels in this part. Using recover twice gives him already a level up. The target is to promote him as quickly as I can.

The two remianing hel bishops are going to move now. But Idc for them since I lowered their hitrate by killing the leader.

Welcome to Hel!
more work for Cairpre

Man: 'Tis only been lately that we've had t'deal with these rites of sacrifice. Not so long ago, from what I hear, Emperor Arvis himself forblade 'em entirely. What the devil could've changed his mind? Please, I'm beggin' you! You've gotta save our children! Here, this magic ring oughta help you out.

Obtains 1500 gold and a magic ring.

I didn't remember about the magic ring. It's a coincidence that the exact right person visited this village.

He's... not great.

Seliph seizes

Seliph: This is... It's like a ghost town...

Lewyn: The handiwork of Morrigan's mages, I hear. Any who dared to resist met a grisly end...

Seliph: How could they... How could anyone be so savage...

Lewyn: And that's why we've got to fight this war to the end, Seliph. This is something you've got to understand. This is the way of the Loptyr Empire. They have no place at all for the good-hearted... Now, it shouldn't be too long before the gate through to Miletos opens for us. What's your next move, Seliph?

Seliph: Needless to say, we must march on Miletos. We can't afford to rest while those children are still at risk... Or Julia, for that matter.

Lewyn: Good. And after that, Grannvale awaits!

Rados seized.


Everyone is waiting on the gate to see what will happen next...
Arvis and Ishtar

Arvis: Listen, Ishtar. Release the captive children. I know you care no more for these foul deeds than I do.

Ishtar: My apologies, sir, but I'm on Prince Julius's...

Arvis: Pay Julius's orders no mind. I'll be having a word with him soon.

Ishtar: But...

Arvis: This is an order from your Emperor, Ishtar! Has Julius bent you such that you will no longer listen to the word of your liege?

Ishtar: No... Never, Your Highness...
Arvis is unable to control his son.

Julius: Why not retire before it grows still feebler? Unless... Ohoho! Don't tell me you still seriously believe that you can banish me?

Arvis: No... I know better than to try something futile again... I... I have no further objection.

Julius: That's better. Now, then Begone! Return to your post and haunt my sight no more. Defending Chalphy is crucial. Don't fail me for once in your sorry life, Father.

Arvis: Y-yes, Julius. At once...
Mr. Superdouche appears

Manfroy: Your dear little sister is in Chalphy, burdened once more by her old memories. Never have I seen such horror as when she recalled how you, her brother, almost killed her! Or how her dearly departed mother spirited her clear of the castle and your clutches...

Julius: Indeed... Near everyone puts up some defiance to death by my hand, yet Deidre never so much as flinched in the end. She accepted her own demise, all to save Julia with that little strength she still had... Julia possesses the foul powers of that ghoul, Naga, just as Deirdre once did. Nothing is more crucial than killing her now, Manfroy, lest we lose the chance.

Manfroy: You overrestimate her threat, milord. After all, the Book of Naga remains under the strictest lock and key in Belhalla. Without it, I cannot fathom how Naga's soul could ever come to dwell within that girl...

Julius: How many times must I explain, Manfroy? Every last one of the avatars of Naga, the heirs of Heim, must be purged from existence!

Manfroy: Understood, milord. I'll have my men see to it that Julia is dead by sundown.

Julius: Don't fail me, Manfroy. Now, then I suppose I'm needed in the capital.

Manfroy: I shall ensure that holding the Miletos territory is the Order's highest priority. Before the week is done, Your Majesty, the corpse of Seliph will lie before you.

Julius: Seliph? ... Ah, of course. The one the peasants the call the "scion of light"... Feh, just as they call me the "scion of darkness". The alleged the eldest son of Deidre, and the alleged true heir to Grannvale... A fairy tale, told to inspire hope amongst fools!

This is true... for now.

Julius: I might not care about him, Manfroy, but you're welcome to do with him as you will.

Manfroy: Very good, milord...

Julius: Say... I have a better idea. I want to play a game. Rumor has it that a small army of fresh sacrifical meat is headed our way. Let's see who can claim the life of a rebel first.

Ishtar: Yes, Lord Julius. I'd love to!

Both appear along with lots of dark bishops.
This happens if you place units next to the gate. The enemies appear as ambush and can already attack you in enemy phase.
I have to fight lots of dark bishops and a few mercenaries, warriors and snipers... and of course Ishtar and Julius.

The dark bishops have pretty much each type of dark magic: Jormungand, Hel and Fenrir (long range magic). But some of them also wield staves (sleep and fortify).
The physical enemies carry all silver weapons.
Ishtar has better stats than she had in chapter 9. Her two skills are very scary. However she can be taken by two hits.


Julius looks at first sight less threatining than Ishtar since Loptyr only gives him a slightly boost in resistance. His three skills can't do all that much (except for charge) if you let him attack first. However he still has 40% hit / evasion he and Ishtar will benefit from.

Note: You technically can't beat Julius in this part for story reasons. You have to focus only on Ishtar.

Note II: Both have a leg ring equipped so be careful about their increased movement and attack range.

Larcei uses Astra against the warrior and Johan can get a free kill against the hel bishop with his brave axe.

Lester, however, lacks on one single point of strength to take out all the dark bishops with the brave bow.

Leif blocks here.

Elder: None of yeh come even close t'being strong enough to t'fight Prince Julius. Hate t'say it, but sometimes, yeh need t'make sacrifices if yeh wanna keep goin'...

Obtains 5000 gold.

The indirect advice to sacrifice your units... Of course I don't listen to this old fool!

This is really nasty. Unfotunately Cairpre has the restore stave who's fallen behind with his poor movement. He's not able to reach the sleepy people in the next turn.

Note: You'd screw yourself if you gave the restore stave to Nanna, because her resistance is slow that she could be put to sleep as well. And then you'd not have any access to restore at all. Actually same goes for Cairpre, but thankfully he's not in any enemy's stave range yet.
This battle lasted like two minutes because Nanna activated Charge twice. And the third attack of hel finally hit her.


Leif, Faval and Nanna aren't available for the next turns. This kinda sucks...
no more fenrir
... no comment
perfect damage - Fin got hit so he needs healing badly.

I guess the first no statter in Gen. 2? And this happnens to a unit... who's far away from capping anything. Without question the worst child in FE4!!!


one sleep less thankfully
Johan is put asleep.

Lester visits the other village:

Young woman: A terrifying man, that Prince Julius is... Just a single glance into those eyes of his and you're gone... You lose yourself. So many of my friends and others my age've all left for Belhalld to serve him. I've heared nothing from any of 'em since...

Obtains 5000 gold.

Arthur and Fee are asleep now too. Have to wake up five units right now.

another sleep less

He restores Johan and Fee in this turn.
Killing off the three dark bishops rught here.

Caipre recovers more and gets a good level up this time. He has a bad dad with Holyn. He doesn't need strength, but magic. Holyn x Sylvia is another pairing I can't recommend from this playthrough.

The number of the enemies becomes smaller and smaller.
I guess it's the first time that Patty kills someone for me aside of the arena.

Please give me no strength! Anyways he can be promoted now.

Sth. else aside of HP and luck.
This Fenrir bishop has to killed before I can attract Julius with someone. Johan gets the first really useful level in this part.

somewhat useful

Larcei attracts Julius since she has Nihil.
This hurts! 61% hitrate (including 40% hit for his five authority stars) is pretty pathetic.

When Julius moves, Ishtar will do it too.

You see now why you can't beat Julius. The attackpower of all your weapons is heavily nerfed. Holsety's attack would be >50. Now he has 30.

Note: It's a side effect of Loptyr. It halves the attackpower of the opponent.

Furthermore you see the problem with Julius's five authority stats. Even Balmung has a low hitrate against Ishtar. You have to do the exact same as against the fight against Arion: You have to place Nanna, Delmud and Seliph close to you to increase your hitrate. Since I totally forgot to move Seliph (still next to Castle Rados) I only can give Shanan accuracy boosts by Nanna and Delmud.
Shanan makes short shift with her by using Adept.

If you defeat her, Julius will retreat with her.

one more level
Fee also has no problem with the main boss and crits him... which makes me wondering.

Note: If a weapon gets +50 kills, this weapon can crit.
The end of the two remaining dark bishops.

Before I seize:

His promotion. He can use tomes now. I bought him to a tome to send him to the arena.

He could get only one level... because he sucks!

Time to seize:

Lewyn: Looks like we're too late, Seliph. The kids are already gone. I'm guessing they're well on their way to Grannvale.

Blast... Not again...

Lewyn: I hate to admit it, but I doubt we could've gooten here soon enough either way. Now, then. It sounds like they're just finishing up repairs on the Miletos Strait bridge. Ready to move in on Chalphy?

Seliph: Chalphy... My father's homeland...

Lewyn: So it is. I'm betting the citizens there will be even happier to see you than usual. Let's not let them wait any longer!

Seliph: Indeed! Everyone, move out. Onward to Chalphy!

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Diedre's dead? When did that happen? Did I miss something?

How old is Julius? He seriously needs a spanking. Brat ruler is my least favorite archetype ever.

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Diedre's dead? When did that happen? Did I miss something?

How old is Julius? He seriously needs a spanking. Brat ruler is my least favorite archetype ever.

I assume that he's about Celice's age, which is around 16 or 17 years old. It'll also be explained later why he is that way, if it wasn't explained already. ;)

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