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Ideas for a New FE Game/Story


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So lately some ideas for a new FE game has been brewing in my head for a while and I was hoping to share...and possibly hear what others have to say about it.

For the sake of not having one super ginormous post, I'll separate each specific category via spoiler tags. Wouldn't want you to get TOO lost now. :Joshua:

(Will be using Gifs, just so you know)


First things first, the graphics. This might be weird to start off, but this has purpose that connect to my ideas.

Now, while I do enjoy the looks of Awakening, Fates, and just 3D in-general, I kinda want to see IS go back to 2D sprites(even if just for a little while). This is for two reasons:


Now both Awakening and Fates if you download it from the Eshop is around 1 GB.

Fire Emblem 7 and 8 are around 11 MB and even Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War is half of that.

So what's my point? Well, FE 7,8, and 4 had a lot of content even though they were on such a lower budget and were limited space wise.

If they could do SO much with so little, what about now? The limits for space is much greater nowadays and using the 2D sprites could lower the amount of space needed for the 3D graphics.

2.)The Aesthetics

Ok, who has seen Sonic Mania, Street Fighter Alpha, etc? Well if you have, imagine....

Imagine If this...


...were smoothed out like this...


...now that isn't to say the original sprites couldn't work(and I know I'm kinda using two totally different game genres to make a point), but...you know...dem purtty 2D sprite grafics..! :hat:


If my choice of 2D graphics say a lot, I would kinda hope things work like FE4(or with a mixture of FE7)...in some ways. Mostly its 2 generations.

Since IS seems to be liking the children mechanics, why not go back to the root of where it started(and the probably the best use of said mechanic)!

-Supports: As for the supports, have them be limited/specific like before. Maybe keep the "no restriction of how many you do" that Awakening added, but for the most part, let each character have limited/specific supports and not have everyone support with 90% of the Army because then you have to make some cuts in the writing department that can affect the quality(an issue that both Awakening and Fates have, but more so Fates since it had about double the size of characters and it was made more apparent).

-Weapons: "To have durability, or to not have durability? That is the question!"

Honestly, while it kinda doesn't matter......I kinda want it back. but that's more because I kinda like it more, but that's just me...


And now for the good stuff!

(This first part is backstory stuff and is a bit shakey, but...the second part, the main story parts, are more well thought out. Hopefully you can bare with me a bit with what I came up with...if you can......)

They say that long ago, In the land of Enturia(could have a better name), there were originally 2 races that roamed the land. The wise and powerful Dragons and the magical beings Espers. Dragons were powerfully in brute strength while espers were powerful in raw magic power. Both beings stayed with their own kind and stayed far away from the other species. They even went as far as to divide their lands off from one another. One day, a young dragon and esper met while venturing out and slowly became friends. This caused them to wonder why was their such a divisions among their races when they saw that there wasn't much issues they saw with one another. A desire to unify they're divided kinds arose within them. While many were quite unsure of such a friendship, in time, with their bond shown to both their kinds, others began to slowly do the same. However, some dragons saw the espers as weak beings they should not be around with some espers feeling that the dragons would bring about only destuction and pain with their power. In order to change the mind of their kinsmen, some choose to alter their appearance to look similar and even weaken their powers. The forms they took on were the ancestors to humans of the world, creating the third race of the land. This, however, somewhat backfired and caused many to either disown them from their race or leave them uncertain to whether this was good or bad. Eventually tensions rose and the bond between the races were both deepened and divided even more so! It wasn't until one opposing dragon decided to attack another esper......leading to war. The now transformed "humans" wished to stopped the war without violence, but they knew that this was only the beginning of......

"A large piece of the document is ripped in two and you cannot read any further..."

Now fast forward 2000 years later...(Civilization is formed!)

In Euturia, there are 5 nations. Qilin, Jyrone, Kaycil, Dainon, and Lydeon(sorry if these are a bit uncreative. Only 2 had really much thought put into them).

Dainon reigns in the northwest, Kaycil reigns to the north, Jyrone reigns to the northeast, Qilin reigns to the eastsouth, and Lydeon reigns eastwest.

Now for each main story idea!

1.)Dainon was once was a peaceful kingdom, but without notice, Kaycil suddenly invades Dainon! With the country of Dainon being much smaller than Kaycil, it is slowly being overtaken and in just a few months, it will be completely be overtaken.

Enter Rachel, a mage studying the dark arts who prefer to keep to herself and her sister Kris, a knight in-training who is Rachel's inspiration! Their mother(a swordmaster), father(A sage), and a few other friends start a rebellion to rebel against Kaycil. However, the sudden attack left some of country disbanded and many fear they'll need much more help to fight back. So, Rachel's father takes a small force to the neighboring country Jyrone while Rachel's mother stays behind to get as much help back home as she can. However, during his absence, the main rebellion force that Rachel's mother controlled is attacked. While they can fight back the attackers, Rachel's mother is greatly injured and, while lives, cannot fight with her injures for a some time. With her out of commission, the rebellion is thrown into a panic! However, Rachel, while usually quiet and keeps to herself, suddenly gains the courage to calm the rebellion and encourages them to keep fighting despite not having a leader!

While this does calm them down, some suggest that someone else takes command until her mother recovers and/or her father returns with help. With not many having experience in leadership, they are unsure who would fit the role. It's then when Kris nominates Rachel to be the leader! Rachel is completely against this, seeing how that would make her responsible for the lives of the rebellion and she feels as though that the hope and lives of Dainon, even if for a brief moment, shouldn't be put into her hands! Kris then reassures that she's more capable then she realizes and that she will help Rachel when she needs it. While the people are unsure themselves, they put their faith into Rachel and follow her on her quest to save their homeland!

2.)One day, the prince of Qilin is nearly assasinated and blame has been pointed towards Lydeon, who claim they are innocent. To make matters worse, when Lydeon trys to peacefully resolve the issue, reports of an attack on a village on the border lines of Lydeom reach the throne. Survivors from the attack say the attackers looked like they were knights from Qilin. This causes much tension between the two countries and bringing them to the brink of war.

Enter Silvia, a cocky axe wielding mercenary who lives in Qilin, but sometimes travels back and forth from Lydeon. She is accompanied by her partners Dyna, a calm and level-headed rapier fighter, and Jack, a skilled fire mage who is totally goofball.

The mercenaries are given a job from a man said to be a servant from the king's palace to recover a very special item from a group of bandits that he's "needs to get back posthatse" and will handsomely pay them for the job. He even goes as far to show a royal seal that are only given to those who work in the castle. Dyna is quite suspicious and wants to decline due to how "odd" it was for someone from the palace to ask some random mercenaries, but Silvia and Jack feel like this may be an opportunity to get some connects to the palace and maybe even brighten their futures!

Upon defeating the surprisingly weak bandits and recovering the item, Dyna recognizes the item is none other then the Royal Heirloom of the Lydeon royal family, The Fire Emblem! When returning to their employer, they find not just him, but the Royal Knights at his side! He then claims that the royal Heirloom is in the possessions in the hands "Qilin mercenaries"! Silvia tries to argue with their now former client, but the knights ignore them and quickly move in to capture them! While the mercenaries escape, but this news reaches the palace! This not only causes war to be declared, but Silvia, Jack, and Dyna are labeled criminals by both countries!

While running and hiding for their lives, the mercenaries are unintentionally saved by a married couple named Duncas and Joanna, who recently came from Jyrone to do business with a certain shopkeeper, but decided to turn back when words of war started to spread.

(These ideas are a bit rough around the edges, but with some work, they could be much better!)

So......what do you guys think? Is it good, is bad, does it need work, etc.

Tell me what you think! Maybe even leave your own ideas!

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I've been playing a lot of Project X Zone 2 lately (like "I got it a week ago and am almost done" a lot, and it's a 40 chapter game!), and I really like how the 2D graphics are played out. Everything is fluid enough that it looks really good. I definitely think FE could go back to "basics" with graphics (and it would help with space issues) if it looked something like that.

Supports are nice and offer character development (most of the time), but they shouldn't distract from the game's story TOO much. If it's a run-around game like Sacred Stones or Awakening, then maybe. But in a progression-type game like Blazing Sword or Fates, supports should probably take a back-seat.

I'm honestly not sure how I feel on weapon durability...

"Dainon was once was a peaceful kingdom, but without notice, Kaycil suddenly invades Dainon!"

...Well, I guess a story needs to start off somehow, right? Though this certainly sounds like a game I'd like to play. Story could use some work in a few places I think, but all-in-all, it looks great.

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I've been playing a lot of Project X Zone 2 lately (like "I got it a week ago and am almost done" a lot, and it's a 40 chapter game!), and I really like how the 2D graphics are played out. Everything is fluid enough that it looks really good. I definitely think FE could go back to "basics" with graphics (and it would help with space issues) if it looked something like that.

Supports are nice and offer character development (most of the time), but they shouldn't distract from the game's story TOO much. If it's a run-around game like Sacred Stones or Awakening, then maybe. But in a progression-type game like Blazing Sword or Fates, supports should probably take a back-seat.

I'm honestly not sure how I feel on weapon durability...

"Dainon was once was a peaceful kingdom, but without notice, Kaycil suddenly invades Dainon!"

...Well, I guess a story needs to start off somehow, right? Though this certainly sounds like a game I'd like to play. Story could use some work in a few places I think, but all-in-all, it looks great.

Oh darn it, I forgot about Project X Zone! That would be a great example! I could probably edit a picture of that in......later! ;3 Edited by Busterman64
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No need to change Game-play and Graphics if you ask me (make the children available post-game and that's it). Also, how do you do the spoiler tag, I have a story idea inspired from Amadeus.

Edit: Describing and giving an example messed up the post, so for it to be easier, here's a picture of how! Hope it helps!


Edited by Busterman64
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I could care less about aesthetics so long as the game looks good like the GBA games or Fates

Take everything Fates Conquest did in terms of gameplay, and expand upon it for the next game's gameplay.

As for Story, I would like a plot structured in a vein similar to FE6 and TRS. ie, your typical FE premise like FE6, but a metric fuckton of dialouge between all of the characters without having to unlock supports. Have the Supports work like Awakening/Fates, and make the kids post game content. I'd also like 3 lords ala FE7, as I feel that setup along with the general chemistry of FE7's lords made for some very heartfelt moments I haven't seen other games in the series pull off. I'm fine with the inevitable avatar being one of these Lords, but that's not mandatory for me. Also, have all of the Lords actually be Nobles, I may like Ike as a character, but I REALLY don't think he should be doing what should be Elincia's job.

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To me the weakest, in-your-face aspect of FE games I have played (Awakening, Fates, SD) is the story and characters. The visual aesthetics I can live with either in a 3d environment or a 2d one, and the game play would be something improving on what Fates Conquest already does well.

With the Fates games a lot of the story is tied to the characters, but the characters aren't very impressive or downright disappointing (look at Azura, Corrin and Garon). While the premise of Conquest was about changing a corrupt kingdom from the inside, that didn't really work out in practice, as it just came down to "oh, if we kill Garon, it's over!" So what I'm getting at is this: you can have the most epic of backgrounds for a story, but if you don't pull off it's execution in practice, it's going to be boring, people will complain of lost potential. If on top of that the characters that are supposed to be your main way to experience the story are dull, then your experience is going to suffer as well; you can have an excellent story-world set up, but if your characters aren't on the same level, it's still going to suffer.

That's just what I wish FE would improve story-wise, I personally think there were some pretty good improvements on the gameplay from Awakening to Fates.

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A point I probably should have added earlier(and will edit in a little later), was that with the new space that the 2D sprite graphics could open up, IS could go the FE4 route with the next game's story and have a story that spans 2 generations(if they insist on keeping children units)since the amount of money to pay for 3DS cartridges wouldn't be too big of a worry(because the more the space needed, the more money needed for a bigger cartridge. There are 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB cartridges I believe, and each cost a certain price, times the total amount of games a game company want to make...which can be quite a lot if they need ALOT of space)!

I'm fine with 3D and/or 2D, but I want a(nother) FE game where the children units fit into things a lot better because then...what's the point of them being there? That's more work that could've been used elsewhere!

(Maybe it could work well if it was on a home console? *wink* *wink*)

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Edit: Describing and giving an example messed up the post, so for it to be easier, here's a picture of how! Hope it helps!


Thank you.

The only thing similar to Amadeus is the jealousy Salieri feels towards Mozart.

All of this is told from Teresa's perceptive.

Our main character Teresa (an avatar) is an inspiring tactician who is being groomed to be the next royal tactician for the kingdom of Palva. Teresa had to learn magic and how to use every type weapon possible, because a tactician who doesn't know how to deal with any possible outcome is a useless tactician. They become the new royal tactician after the death of their mother Velma, the previous royal tactician. Velma's dying words being, "don't conform Teresa, be your own independent person, have your own thoughts and don't let anyone tell you where your place is". While Teresa's mother served under the great and noble king Theron, Teresa gets stuck with our main lord Clark. He is a highly respect man among the people, but not to Teresa. Clark became king once Theron died at the hands of Fanne, the high warlock of Finina, our "main villain". Tales of old say that the Fire Emblem is the only thing strong enough to defeat a high warlock, the high warlock is considered to be the most powerful kind of mage. So Clark and Teresa are off to find the Fire Emblem.

After the first detour in a small fishing town saving them from bandits, twin sisters Olga & Helga are invited by Clark to come along to find the Fire Emblem, much to Teresa's dismay. Clark's happy go lucky personality is one of the reason's he's beloved by so many, he's a noble who doesn't has the aura radiate off him. After recruiting more people who want Fanne dead after what she did to their homeland. We go to an ancient library to learn more about the Fire Emblem, it's then when they get ambushed by Fanne's army. At the end of the chapter, Vladimir the Tsar of the kingdom of Vasca comes to their aid. Vladimir recognizes Clark and offers them sanctuary and resources in Vasca. In the middle of the night, Teresa and Vladimir get to talking. This scene I'm proud of and my reasoning for all of this.

Vladimir: Tell me, what is your relationship with Clark?

Teresa: I'm just his tactician, nothing more.

Vladimir: And you're satisfied?


Vladimir: Can I talk to you about something?

Teresa: What is it?

Vladimir: I'm letting the king of Palva stay in my castle. He seems perfectly nice, enjoys some beer and large breasts in his face.

Teresa: Believe me he does.

Vladimir: But I like most about him is that he's able to trust his tactician with government secrets.

Teresa: It's not like his tactician is some random schmuck he found passed out on an open field. No, his tactician had spent years and years of life training for their position. Only to let their lord take spotlight for all their hard work.

Vladimir: Are you ok Teresa? It's seems that I hit a nerve.

Teresa: I'm fine.

Vladimir: ... I wonder how he did it.

Teresa: Do what?

Vladimir: Find someone who won't fuck him over.

Teresa:... He sees the goodness in everyone.

Vladimir: Which is why it's such an honor to help him. And his tactician out (Blushes).

Teresa: (Blushes) And we are grateful.

Teresa's and Vladimir's relationship blossom after Fanne's army tries to evade Vasca and Vladimir tags along with them. Their journey (after a fuck ton of chapters) brings them to the snowy mountains of Saint Maria, near Finina. The location of the fire emblem. During the time leading up to Saint Maria, Teresa begins to think about their relationship with Clark, what their mother told them when she died and her conversation with Vladimir. Teresa receives news about the state of Palva because of this quest and Teresa is not happy. Clark is no longer popular among the people.

Teresa: (They won't care if Clark never returns)

Vladimir: Pondering alone are we.

Teresa: Vlad.

Vladimir: I know about Palva.

Teresa:... I failed... didn't I.

Vladimir: All I'm going to say is... do what is right.

The kingdom Clark once wanted to protect is now on the verge of famine and death because of him. Teresa had to do what was right. After the death of Fanne, Clark and Teresa are all alone deep in the mountain. Clark is to weak to move.

Teresa: I'm done.

Clark: Teresa.

Teresa: All my life, I was trained day and night to serve you and nothing more. I had to watch many die for your own personal satisfaction.


Teresa: I did everything for you. I watched you get showered with glory because of my hard work.... I want that spotlight on me... I want your father's crown on me... and may gods have on your soul.

Teresa kills Clark and leaves him for dead. Upon returning to Palva, Teresa becomes their new ruler and leads them out of the despair Clark put them through. Teresa would later to become highly regarded as Palva greatest ruler.

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Right. Then let's get to work.

World: The Continent of Evropa (working name) was once ruled over by two gods: the God of life and the god of death. They ruled equally over the four nations of Lotharingia, to the West, Scania, to the north, Corvina, to the south, and Albae, in the center. The world was in harmony between life and death.

It was not to last, however. The Gods slowly but surely left the world, as humans got more and more control. Eventually the air of brotherhood between followers of life and followers of death was broken, and rivalry began to set in. War was inevitable, and it started when Constantius III, Emperor of Corvina, began launching a series of attacks on death worshippers settlements. The Wars of Religion had begun, and they would last 30 years, devastate the continent, and leave death worship all but wiped out.

It has been 40 years since that. Most nations have been blessed with strong monarchs, who have led their nations to recover from the devastation of the war. The King of Lotharingia is not that monarch. He continues to live in luxury as his nation wallows in famine. Revolution soon broke out, led by the rebel leader Marius. Marius siezed control of the Capitol and executed the entire royal family, declaring himself Supreme Leader of the Republic. However his hatred of royalty was not sated. And so it was that 40 years after the Wars of Religion the continent goes to war once again, as Lotharingian armies pour into Albae to "liberate" it.

So that's tha backstory, I'll put stuff up about the characters later. For now, what do you think about the setup?

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