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Any Tips for Rev Ch. 9? I want to quit.


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So, I started a Rev file after all this time. I enjoyed the first chapter (Ch. 7), but I have not enjoyed Ch. 8 and Ch. 9 makes me want to never play Rev ever again. Gunter sucks, Felicia is a messing people up as a strategist (but cant take a hit), MU is an overleveled god soaking up xp for no benefit, and the rest cant deal damage (0-4 dmg). I'm playing on lunatic and I always play by having to access all chests, which might be what is making me want to vomit on this map. Any tips for this map and Rev in general? I'm starting to see why people hate on Rev so much.

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MU lvl 13.92 Nohr Prince

hp 27, str 18, mag 6, skll 15, spd 13, def 12, res 5.

Has yato, Dstone, steelsword.

Felicia lvl 11.24 Strategist

hp 22, mag 16, skl 9, spd 11, def 5, res 20.

Has fire, heal, bloom festival.

Gunter lvl 4 Great Knight

hp 25, str 11, skl 15, spd 8, def 11, res 4.

Has steel lance.

Subaki lvl 8.22 Sky Knight

hp 25, str 10, skl 14, spd 12, def 11, res 11.

Has iron naginata.

Azura lvl 9.53

Kaze lvl 7.22 Ninja

hp 21, str 9, skl 10, spd 16, def 5, res 11.

Has iron shuriken.

Everyone else is base stats or Sakura, who just heals.

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Just abuse the MU here and take it slowly if you have to. Have Felicia pair up with him if he's taking too much damage. There isn't really a great benefit from leveling the rest of these units early on.

Edited by samthedigital
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Birthright may have been marketed as the grinding campaign, but as with that path it is encouraged, in Revelation, it's mandatory if you want to use everyone. If you're not a grinder like I am, then you just might survive with the party you have and benching everyone else. You get so many underleveled characters in so many gimmicky chapters that force you only to use a few units, and tend to favor the royals. Revelation is definitely the worst path of the three so if you really do want to quit, I understand, but I know it's hard to let that money (and exclusive supports between Nohrians and Hoshidans, for me anyway) go to waste.

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Does this campaign push for low manning with royals that aggressively? Also, is every chapter going to be a 30+ turn headache?

It pushes the royals pretty damn hard, sorry. Especially ones like Camilla and Takumi, who you get pretty early.

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If it helps, Tonics and forges are a thing, and you might want to take advantage of them early on in the game, especially Ch. 9-11. Also, getting Kaze (if you're going to use him) to Lv. 10 quickly could also serve your team well, as Poison Strike helps in giving other units mooch kills.

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It pushes the royals pretty damn hard, sorry. Especially ones like Camilla and Takumi, who you get pretty early.

I think Sakura's pretty useful, too. Not sure if her personal skill stacks with Elise/Demoiselle, though.

Oh, right, the actual chapter. You have both Gunter and Felicia, who can give some nice bonuses to Corrin. I'd shove Gunter in back, and turn Corrin into a pseudo-tank by keeping Felicia/Sakura close by. Not sure if the forge is available, but if you're worried about Corrin killing everything, a forged Bronze Sword should do the trick. The other option is to have Subaki ferry Corrin around, though it requires reading the winds carefully. Kaze can work as Corrin's support, but I'd rather have him debuff enemies, which may or may not be anywhere near Corrin's location.

Or, you can bump your run down to Casual, and abuse battle saves.

EDIT: Wording, 'cause that's confusing.

Edited by eclipse
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I think Sakura's pretty useful, too. Not sure if her personal skill stacks with Elise/Demoiselle, though.

Real fast, I do believe it at least stacks with Demoiselle. And yeah she is pretty useful, I forgot about her. You get a decent healer pretty early so she's really good.

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Just flyer skip to fugga there is no incentive to play this map the long way at all, ch10 gives one of like...every single stat booster and feeds you 1-2 units at a time with glacial slowness so you should be able to train to the soft exp cap there.

Then the game ends because you get Camilia Selena and Beruka on ch11 (Or 12 whatever) to go with whoever you bothered training (generally it's hayato, some nerd, and mozu), that'll hard roll the game until you obtain a Lobster, Silias, and Significantly Worse SIlias With a Lazor Sword.

Edited by joshcja
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If you're getting fed up with the map itself you can cheese it by fielding only Corrin. Give Corrin tonics, a 1/2 range weapon with some healing items in the convoy, then pair up with Rinkah and wander over to Fuga.

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It pushes the royals pretty damn hard, sorry. Especially ones like Camilla and Takumi, who you get pretty early.

Eh by the time you get camilla, other characters do become usable.

About chapter 9, it's already been said; you'll have too many units too far behind to do much of anything. At this point, I had ninja Fcorrin, butler jakob, archer mozu (game doesn't give you much of a choice but to train mozu in her own paralogue, and traitor's brand), and songstress azura carry the map. Tsubaki + Kaze hunted chests, Hana stole an occasional kill if she was around, and rinkah was just there.

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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I have ignored Mozu utterly, since villagers always suck unless you grind a ton. I gave Subaki and Kaze most of the xp in Paralogue 1. I can see that not having 1-2 range is a huge negative for Rev. I was able to do +str/-lck cav for Conquest and figured I could do the same here.

Edited by Centh
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Alright, finished the chapter in 24 turns. 24?! Ugh. I spammed the crap out of tonics, which helped a lot (I try to not since I don't know what the gold is like in Rev). Are they all going to be like this?

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Alright, finished the chapter in 24 turns. 24?! Ugh. I spammed the crap out of tonics, which helped a lot (I try to not since I don't know what the gold is like in Rev). Are they all going to be like this?

Imo Chapter 9 actually belongs to Revelation's hardest ones due to your lack of characters with good bases. It should get better from now on.

Chapter 10 is quite easy anyways, throws a ton of stat boosters at you and is generally pretty good for training weaker units.

The next few ones get harder again, but you should still be fine if you just keep an eye out for the promoted enemies that start to pop up rather frequently. Use the prepromotes that you're going to get on your own if necessary.

Gold management is kind of weird in Revelations though: You get a lot of it early in the game, then there's a whole lot of nothing in the following time until chapter 19 starts drowning you in money again. Personally I wouldn't spend all my gold now but keep a little to buy master seals in the midgame.

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Yo, TC, don't double post! Use the Edit button instead!

Congratulations on beating Chapter 9! Chapter 10 will take a bunch of turns, but the enemies show up REAL slowly, so figure out who you want to train permanently and bring 'em along (recommend Felicia over Sakura in this map, you'll see why once you play it).

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