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Conquest Pairings


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So, I just recntly started playing Conquest, and since i is supposed to be harder then birthright, where I just married units off, just becase I liked them together, I thought, I might want to get adivce on these pairings, since I am not to smart when it comes to how it will affect the kids stats. So here they are so far. (Some of them may not actually have surrports with each other, IDK, I am only at the *Spoiler* Ice Tribe rebellion) Sorry if I repeat some of them, this just seemed the easy way to list it.

MAU X Effie/Soliel/Ophelia/Mozu/Veloura/Selena

Xander x Charollete/Selena/Anna? (Idk about that one)

Leo x Nyx/ Cotton Candy Murder

Cammila x Atrhur/Benny

Elise X Odin/Keaton

Lazlow x Selena/ Cotton Candy Murder

Cotton Candy Murder x Leo/Lazzy, and maybe Odin/ Keaton

Selena X MAU/Xander/Lazlow/Keaton

Beruka x Niles/Benny

Odin X Elise/ Cotton Candy Murder

Niles x Beruka/Nyx

Effie x MAU/Arthur/Benny

Arthur x Effie/ Charrlotte

Nyx X Odin/ Niles/ Leo

Charlotte x Xander/ Benny/ Arthur

Benny x Charllotte/ Beruka

Kaeton x Selena/ Beruka/ Cotton Candy Murder

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Well Anna is a corrin only support option so unless you want to marry her she is out, as to what pairs I liked here are the ones I remember since it has been awhile

Cammiia X Kaze it is about the only support for Cam that I really like

Charlotte X Benny it is the only pairing where Char acts like herself and Benny seems happy with the way it all works out

Leo X Nyx is considered very good I haven't done it myself yet but next time I play I plan on it

Elise X Odin is the only one of Elise's supports that is not creepy and everyone seems to like it

Kaeton X Beruka I like this one and used it in both my Con and Rev runs

Jakob X Azura this is my favorite support in Fates and I always use it

Those are the ones I remember as being best, but I didn't pair everyone up.

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I've tried to honor most of the pairings you wanted. Here's my recommendations:

Master Ninja!Effie!Kana

Master Ninja!Kaze!Shigure


Master Ninja!Azura!Midori




Berserker / Wolfssegner!Peri!Velouria



Master Ninja!Selena!Soleil


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- MU can go with whichever second-gen unit he wants. Or maybe Anna.

- Arthur/Effie, so that she gets a better offensive class, and Percy gets better mods.

- Odin/Elise, for one of Elise's not-terrible conversations, and an Ophelia with an actual magic stat.

- Niles/Beruka - "BUT MODS!" Pfft, this is one of my favorite Niles chains, and it flows amazingly well. The resulting Nina won't die to a stiff breeze, either. I think she can pull something like Malig Knight with this set (get Bowbreaker from another castle).

- Laslow/Peri for one of Peri's better conversations, and because Soliel doesn't care who her mother is.

- Benny/Selena, I guess? Ignatius is gonna tank no matter what.

- Leo/Nyx, because Forrest gets another staff class to his name.

- Keaton/Mozu reads like a competent support chain, and Mozu can pass Certain Blow down to her daughter.

- Xander/Charlotte to give Siegbert access to a really good physical support class.

And for everyone else:

- Silas/Camilla is full of cringe, but the resulting Sophie will be pretty strong

- Kaze/Felicia turns Midori into a magical unit (not like Kaze himself cares, he's got a pretty bad Strength mod)

- Jakob/Azura has an amazing support chain, and Dwyer looks surprisingly good with Azura's hair color

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Anyone paired up with Male Corrin is good but there are some characters that give powerful children like.



You could marry Selena and Laslow because it would technically give Soleil a better growth rate I am not sure though but you could take abilities from Master Ninja Laslow and use Selena's A+ Support with Peri and have Aegis and Leathality on Soleil.

Also it could be useful to have LeoxFelicia for a more girly and Anti-Tome Forest

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Hmm... I have a notebook with my planned pairings for Conquest...

I got;

Kaze x Beruka

Silas x Selena

Jakob x Mozu

Xander x Charlotte

Niles x Nyx (making Nina a magical unit :3)

Odin x Elise

Laslow x Azura

Arthur x Effie

Benny x Peri/Camilla

Keaton x Camilla/Peri

I'm actually using a +Mag/-Lck Female Avatar, and she is marrying Leo, because who doesn't want Forrest to use dragonstone O_O fighting in style, I tell you!

If i played Male Avatar then Leo x Felicia and Avatar (M) x anyone else

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