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So far through this run of Conquest I'm having a lot more fun. I recently started it over because my units were killing the bad guys in one shot and they were a little overpowered and it wasn't that fun. This is also a bare bones run with basically no bought skills except for Lifetaker on Sabrina, Live to Serve on Elise and Bowbreaker on Camilla and soon on Beruka as well. I also changed around a couple of pairings and here is the list:

Sabrina x Odin

Elise x Niles

Camilla x Laslow

Felicia x Leo

Selena x Xander

Azura x Jakob

Effie x Silas

Mozu x Keaton

Peri x Kaze

Azura x Jakob

Charlotte x Benny

Beruka x Arthur

Edited by MeddlingMage
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Just my personal preference, but I would switch Kaze's and Laslow's wives. Midori with Camilla as her mother is an amazing Master Ninja (stacking Poison Strike and Savage Blow with the Shuriken debuffs spells out death for pretty much anyone) and Soleil appreciates the Cavalier line's skills.

As I said, just my personal preference, but otherwise, your pairings look pretty cool. What difficulty are you on?

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Currently playing on Hard right now. I do use the DLC for Grinding, but only to get some of the weaker units up to par with the rest of the gang.

I thought about Kaze x Camilla, but I don't plan on using Midori that much this time after using her a lot in my other times playing the game. So is why I kinda went with Laslow x Camilla this time as well because I will be using Soliel a lot and I don't want to waste Camilla on a kid that will barely see play.

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Currently playing on Hard right now. I do use the DLC for Grinding, but only to get some of the weaker units up to par with the rest of the gang.

I thought about Kaze x Camilla, but I don't plan on using Midori that much this time after using her a lot in my other times playing the game. So is why I kinda went with Laslow x Camilla this time as well because I will be using Soliel a lot and I don't want to waste Camilla on a kid that will barely see play.

I get you.

I started out on Hard yesterday and I am currently planning out pairings myself and I will use the DLC to grind supports.

Good luck to you!

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All depends on what your boon and bane, Odin is a dad if you want Ophelia as your daughter. On my last Conquest run I had Silas as my husband and Sophie was my daughter. But this time I went +Magic/ -Luck and Ophelia is going to be my daughter this time.

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