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North Horean


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Copy pasting this from the opinions thread in a nigh unheard of fit of politeness. It's a halfway positive thread so why not. Slight edits for clarity. Also for those of you with the common disease known as "dumbfuckitis" this is in fact a tounge in cheek half serious comparison. Yes I know sunshine spills out of hoshido's ass in the "plot".


I recently had a shitpost epiphany~

Hoshido = North Korea. (Or isolationist Japan, same thing)

Completely sealed borders.

You only see screens of how staggeringly beautiful the capitol is, yet villagers all wear rags and apparently hunt fucking bears and wild boars to survive.

The only thing we know about the hihgly secret govorning process of horea is that the reins of power are passed down from father to borderline insane and megalomaniacal son (One thinks he's a lobster to the extent of wearing offclass armor for 14 chapters of birthright, the other is named Takumi).

Nobody in horea complains, at all, ever, a clear sign of secret police and backroom vanishings because apparently people get kidnapped and shipped off to fuckallknowswhere on a day to day basis there.

Extreme Isolationist tendencies combined with an apparently huge (and horribly outdated) military made to fight an overly propogandaed "evil" that... never invades until provoked by Horea's multiple outright violations of international law (invading multiple neighboring countries, constant assassinations, open murder attempts in peace talks and human rights violations).

This army is apparently composed of brainwashed child soilder fanatics who have been lied to their entire lives ala Oboro (Spoilers it was Shura)

The glorious leader can do no wrong.

Now get back to the rice fields.

Fuck the nation even has a huge and very poorly placed series of wasteful construction projects that just scream "blood in the mortar".

Everything the plot blames on Nhor either comes from Shura/the country mokoshu merked, or the faceless who...terrorize both sides without discrimination. This is clearly propaganda spread to settle the restless natives.

(Given Horea's other activities Sumeragi knows what he did >.> Or blame Arankos the shouting one)

While Nhor apparently. Has enough wealth and prosperity despite what Horea says that...

The lowest paupers in the slums can apparently afford fine fucking tailoring and decent food, despite the "food shortage"??????

Good sameritain style peoples help abused foreigners, in the worst slums. (Often at great personal risk because Garon is still eeeeviiiil)

The princess of the nation just walks around said worst slums with no fear whatsoever. Unmolested

Nhorian sewer's are spacious and pristine enough for an open fucking market, alongside full blown air assaults.

Solid neutral country relations are maintained with everything not named Horea.

Maintains multiple semi-autonomous outlieing colonies under very reasonable terms (classic educational hostages and light taxation if the ice tribe is any indicator).

The serving classes have a (considering the time period) huge amount of individual freedom and power, thought they still lack "privilege".

The more I learn about fateslandia the more "Hoshido good Nhor bad" begins to sound like "4 legs good 2 legs bad" in it's final thero's of "4 legs good 2 legs better"

Hell Mokoshu is even south Korea, no matter what happens it gets absolutely fucked by both sides as Hoshido trumps up an excuse to invade (Look how evil they are they kidnapped our deadly assasin sent to kill their leader) and the country is ruined by a 3 way war on homesoil

Discuss/flame/takumiismyhusbandopost at your leisure.

Edited by joshcja
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