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Why do people still hate FE10's story?

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It didn't make me annoyed, so therefore it's good.

By that logic, Fates didn't make me annoyed, so it's good, yet I'd never actually say that.

I do prefer the 3DS games to FE10's plot because they seem to actually have focus barring one arc of blatant filler in FE13, the 3DS games actually get started with their plots before the game's half over, and I can actually remember the cast for good reasons in the 3DS games which I can't do in RD unless it's a character my good memories come from POR.

To give RD credit where credit is due, Part 2 is my favorite story in the series, but I dislike the rest to much to care.

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...I can't understand what you're saying. You're saying FE13 is better than FE10.

That's heresy.

It's called an opinion m8, mine's entitled to be different than yours. Granted, since this IS the internet, that's probably not the case, but whatever

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It's not an opinion when the game that RUINED MY LIFE is being touted above one that gave me some of my happiest moments in life.

Uh, I have the opinion that FE13 is better than RD in terms of plot. I'm not trying to change your thoughts on it, you just asked why people still hate FE10's story, and I told why I did, tho I don't hate the story, I just strongly dislike it. If you like FE10's story and hate FE13's, more power to ya, but I've got my own thoughts and I see no reason to change them.

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Dude, I think you have a slightly more personal investment in this matter than most and I'd recommend you see that a game ruining your life is a big hyperbole. RD is my favorite game and it did have it's hiccups and faults and while never to Fates extent, I can see why people could prefer FE 14 over FE 10.

All of us have different tastes, and as a whole everything from Shadown Dragon past is barely played by most new fans due to how drastically different things are with Awakening onwards. Just calm down and keep your feelings in check.

Edited by Raguna
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Because it still has narrative issues that games before it normally lacked. There were no stupid and contrived Blood Pacts in FE6, which was average plotwise.

They're not the worst narrative issues in the series (wth Azura why aren't you showing Leo the crystal ball/Valla curse/Grima resurrecting without the Emblem/etc.) but they still make FE10 part 3/4 below average overall.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Genuine question, are you a troll?

Considering your topics and posts from before, I'm starting to suspect that you are.

On-topic, just because some say FE14's story is worse, it doesn't earse the flaws from FE10's story.

And this is coming from someone who issues with both games's stories are rather small.

There are things I dislike, but it won't stop me from playing or prasing the good things.

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You're doing two things. Thing #1, you're getting upset with people because they think Radiant Dawn story is bad. And #2, you're getting upset with MCProductions opinion that the 3DS story telling is better. Which btw, even he isn't defending the Valm arc, which a lot of people consider the worst part of 13. And he did praise the writing in part 2 in Radiant Dawn....
I am not sure why you think that even if it worse storytelling happens in the series happens that people instantly forgive Radiant Dawn's flaws.

As for how I feel, I don't think the 3DS games are well written. But I think the Gangrel arc is fairly standard in story telling. And I think part 1 of Radiant Dawn is okay and part 2 is great. And part 3 is where it starts to fall flat and part 4 has nothing redeemable

It's not an opinion when the game that RUINED MY LIFE


Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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Basically what people have said before. The Blood Pact is a really stupid plot point, about on the same level as the outstandingly dumb stuff in Fates and Awakening. Just because those games' stories are worse overall doesn't erase what was wrong with Radiant Dawn's story.

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Dude, I think you have a slightly more personal investment in this matter than most and I'd recommend you see that a game ruining your life is a big hyperbole. RD is my favorite game and it did have it's hiccups and faults and while never to Fates extent, I can see why people could prefer FE 14 over FE 10.

All of us have different tastes, and as a whole everything from Shadown Dragon past is barely played by most new fans due to how drastically different things are with Awakening onwards. Just calm down and keep your feelings in check.

At least Shadow Dragon still holds fast as one of the best in the series- People not playing it are legit missing out

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If I tell you, you'll call me a troll and laugh at me.

Basically what people have said before. The Blood Pact is a really stupid plot point, about on the same level as the outstandingly dumb stuff in Fates and Awakening. Just because those games' stories are worse overall doesn't erase what was wrong with Radiant Dawn's story.

The blood pact isn't nearly as stupid as being praised for burning tens of thousands of people alive, or magical "spare everyone" powers that never work consistently, or Izana dropping dead because Takumi is a whiny brat.

Edited by Alandrage
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If I tell you, you'll call me a troll and laugh at me.

The blood pact isn't nearly as stupid as being praised for burning tens of thousands of people alive, or magical "spare everyone" powers that never work consistently, or Izana dropping dead because Takumi is a whiny brat.

Honestly I think people would take you a bit more seriously if you bothered to elaborate.
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If I tell you, you'll call me a troll and laugh at me.

The blood pact isn't nearly as stupid as being praised for burning tens of thousands of people alive, or magical "spare everyone" powers that never work consistently, or Izana dropping dead because Takumi is a whiny brat.

What Glac said about the top bit.

Also let's see, like it or not, Micaiah did the same basic thing in RD and her allies worshipped her as a savior for that and many other terrible actions. Sure, Ike's group called her out on it and she herself feels guilty for it, but they're the enemy to her army and if Nohrrin feeling guilty for his own actions isn't enough, then it isn't for Micaiah either. Maybe Cervantes, Walmart, or someone could've called Chrom out on it? It wouldn't of fixed my issues with it, as the enemy calling the player out on their actions doesn't make me feel guilty for my actions when we're killing them a thousand different ways anyway, even in a game like RD where you play as both sides. The magical "Spare everyone" powers are kinda easy to explain away tbh. You can knock someone out with the broad side of a sword or the shaft of a spear ya know, and doing so would easily fit the condition Hinoka's army and the Ice tribe is described to be in after you beat them. Sure, the way it comes across to the player in Fates is total horseshit when seeing it the first time, but to say it's impossible without magic is wrong when you can knock out a threat to remove them from the battlefield just as easily as killing them. Agreed on the last bit tho

Edited by MCProductions
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It's not an opinion when the game that RUINED MY LIFE is being touted above one that gave me some of my happiest moments in life.

I love how mine is reversed of your situation. So granted, if your argument is valid, so is the reverse.

It wasn't "ruined my life" per say for FE10, but there were consequences... Awakening gave me the wonderful life through the people I met because of it.

So yeah, that's your opinion and it's subjective as all hell.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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If I tell you, you'll call me a troll and laugh at me.

The blood pact isn't nearly as stupid as being praised for burning tens of thousands of people alive, or magical "spare everyone" powers that never work consistently, or Izana dropping dead because Takumi is a whiny brat.

I would be willing to hear you out. Feel free to send a PM even if you do not wish to express it here. : )

Though Awakening may have been on the lower side of enjoyable stories to me, it does not mean there is any reason to try and convince others of this, nor is there any reason to get upset if people disagree. Many others have stated such already, but I figure it may be worth reiterating again.

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Honestly I think people would take you a bit more seriously if you bothered to elaborate.

Chapter 14 of FE13 has MU burning tens of thousands of soldiers alive, and being praised for doing so in a pretty Dora the Explorer-esque contrivance.

Several Chapters of Nohr Route state over and again that MU managed to win fights WITHOUT ANYONE DYING. Somehow.

Izana drops dead on Valla Chapter 9 even though he never did in the previous route, and only because the game feels that it needs the extra drama to coerce perpetual drama queen Takumi into joining MU's team.

There is nothing rewarding about playing through the most difficult, grindy game in the franchise when just about every cutscene just makes me cringe like I've just watched a particularly bad Retsupurae victim.

Edited by Alandrage
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Chapter 14 of FE13 has MU burning tens of thousands of soldiers alive, and being praised for doing so in a pretty Dora the Explorer-esque contrivance.

Several Chapters of Nohr Route state over and again that MU managed to win fights WITHOUT ANYONE DYING. Somehow.

Izana drops dead on Valla Chapter 9 even though he never did in the previous route, and only because the game feels that it needs the extra drama to coerce perpetual drama queen Takumi into joining MU's team.

There is nothing rewarding about playing through the most difficult, grindy game in the franchise when just about every cutscene just makes me cringe like I've just watched a particularly bad Retsupurae victim.

....You still didn't answer their question about how FE13 supposedly ruined your life.

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While I respect your love of FE10, you're not going to convert anyone as every FE has some sort of hilariously bad offense in the story.

FE10 relies too much on FE9 for character development and simultaneously nerfs the new and old characters time in the spotlight.

Not to mention the generic thing that is the support system.

If you're going to ignore the merit in Conquest's wonderful gameplay, then FE10's support system has no merit whatsoever.

You also still have not mentioned how FE13 ruined your life. That's about as bad as SilentChloe blaming her motorcycle accident on FE14's existence.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Honestly I'm curious why Awakening ruined your life. I'm not big on its plot and a lot of people know I'm one of the big complainers about Fates's story, but I don't think it had the power to ruin lives.

You also still have not mentioned how FE13 ruined your life. That's about as bad as SilentChloe blaming her motorcycle accident on FE14's existence.


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