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Why do people still hate FE10's story?

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I don't know why it did. I just know that I never wanted to do anything else ever again. Kinda like how Plinkett describes how Star Wars Episode 2 "forces you to live the rest of your life plagued with doubt and mistrust of everything".

And like I said, it was 14 that really pushed it into "ruined my life" territory, and 13 started it.

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You also still have not mentioned how FE13 ruined your life. That's about as bad as SilentChloe blaming her motorcycle accident on FE14's existence.

I remeber that. She made plenty of other outrageous accusations about Fates, didn't she?

Back on topic,

OP, if you don't like Awakening's and Fates's story, okay, no one is forcing you to like it. You also seems to like RD very much. That is also fine.

But people also have the right to dislike RD's story and like Fates's story.

And how FE13 and FE14 ruined your life? No one will understand you if you don't explain.

Edited by Water Mage
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Look bud, just tell us how the these two new FE's ruined your life and stop explaining anything else. You don't want to be seen as a troll, but what you're doing by ignoring everyone else's plea for that one singular most important question about your hyperbole needs to be answered. Petty or not, you are coming off as a troll right now so please explain yourself even if the reason is the pettiest thing in the world.

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I don't know why it did. I just know that I never wanted to do anything else ever again. Kinda like how Plinkett describes how Star Wars Episode 2 "forces you to live the rest of your life plagued with doubt and mistrust of everything".

And like I said, it was 14 that really pushed it into "ruined my life" territory, and 13 started it.

I envy your life, where the worst thing that has happened to you is having to play two 3DS games.

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Because people liked the game! Because any time I go on 4chan, people are praising Conquest, saying it's "the only good Fire Emblem", and that every other game in the series sucked! That's why it ruined my life: it made me feel like Fire Emblem was no less despised as Sonic the Hedgehog!

Edited by Alandrage
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Why do you care that other people have opinions?

Life is better when you don't care about trivial things such as "other people like this game that I despise".

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Because people liked the game! Because any time I go on 4chan, people are praising Conquest, saying it's "the only good Fire Emblem", and that every other game in the series sucked! That's why it ruined my life: it made me feel like Fire Emblem was no less despised as Sonic the Hedgehog!

Well, that sucks pal. But I don't see how that'd ruin your life over it.

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Because people liked the game! Because any time I go on 4chan, people are praising Conquest, saying it's "the only good Fire Emblem", and that every other game in the series sucked! That's why it ruined my life: it made me feel like Fire Emblem was no less despised as Sonic the Hedgehog!

Listen, it's inevitable that some people will like what you dislike. It's fact of life.

That's how the world is, and it's better this way. Better than anyone sharing the same opinion at least.

Try see these different opinions as a good thing.

And it's 4chan, don't take them seriously.

Edited by Water Mage
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Oh no! 4chan liked it! How horrible!

Sorry to say, but people's opinions need not revolve around your tastes and life events.

If you're offended by the mere thought that someone else can say bad things about a game you love, you frankly have too thin skin even for this friendly community of a forum, let alone 4chan.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Because people liked the game! Because any time I go on 4chan, people are praising Conquest, saying it's "the only good Fire Emblem", and that every other game in the series sucked! That's why it ruined my life: it made me feel like Fire Emblem was Sonic the Hedgehog!

As a longtime Sonic fan, I can honestly say that even when the FE fanbase is at it's worst, and I do admittedly complain about FE's fanbase alot, it still isn't as bad as the Sonic fanbase. That said, I don't think it's fair to get overly mad at games for doing exactly what they set out to do. The games were sold so Nintendo could make money due to people liking them, and they did that job fabulously with no ill intent meant for you. I'm sorry they ruined the FE fanbase for you, but eh, I only got into this fanbase because of these games so...

Edited by MCProductions
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Yeah, 4chan isn't the best place for an unbiased perspective bud.

Look at this site and tell me what you see around the forum. Most people here have gripes with certain games and love others but we can generally agree we love the series as a whole or else we wouldn't really be here in this forum. Each past game had it's merits and Awakening wouldn't exist or be so well liked if it didn't conglomerate aspects from past FE games and Fates is just more of Awakening since its still cast under it's shadow for a good portion of it.

Make your own decisions and stop caring about the masses. Heck, I'd be a crying wreck if I let every flaw of RD get to me and the Fates fan have it even worse if it was just this forum considering how many times we've called it a complete wreck of a narrative.

Edited by Raguna
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Because people liked the game! Because any time I go on 4chan, people are praising Conquest, saying it's "the only good Fire Emblem", and that every other game in the series sucked! That's why it ruined my life: it made me feel like Fire Emblem was no less despised as Sonic the Hedgehog!

This is 4chan we're talking about. They crap on everything and everything in there, you should probably stay far away from there if you want to talk about anything you love without getting a corrupted response. Its for the best if you ignore them.

That being said, while the FE community has been rather poor lately, its nowhere near as bad as some other fandoms I've seen, and its due mostly to the severe Gatekeeping some veteran fans spout, mostly against casual mode and other changes made to encourage newcomers. So its suffering from a different problem entirely than the Sonic fandom is.

If you still feel animosity about Conquest, than its because of 4chan, rather than the game existing.

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Fates is just more of Awakening since its still cast under it's shadow for a good portion of it.

Make your own decisions and stop caring about the masses. Heck, I'd be a crying wreck if I let every flaw of RD get to me and the Fates fan have it even worse if it was just this forum considering how many times we've called it a complete wreck of a narrative.

What he said.

I have a JP copy, enjoy the JP voice acting and like the face petting despite everything. And I admit FE14's flaws.

Why do I care if people think it's crap? That's their opinion, you have yours.

It's subjective.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yeah, 4chan isn't the best place for an unbiased perspective bud.

Look at this site and tell me what you see around the forum. Most people here have gripes with certain games and love others but we can generally agree we love the series as a whole or else we wouldn't really be here in this forum. Each past game had it's merits and Awakening wouldn't exist or be so well liked if it didn't conglomerate aspects from past FE games and Fates is just more of Awakening since its still cast under it's shadow for a good portion of it.

Make your own decisions and stop caring about the masses. Heck, I'd be a crying wreck if I let every flaw of RD get to me and the Fates fan have it even worse if it was just this forum considering how many times we've called it a complete wreck of a narrative.

For example, I like Corrin a good bit. Most of this forum does not, but yet this does not bother me in the slightest. The less fucks you give about other's opinions, the better off you are imo.

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Posted · Hidden by eclipse, August 16, 2016 - Talk about rule-breaking. ;/
Hidden by eclipse, August 16, 2016 - Talk about rule-breaking. ;/

*Dons riot gear* The people on that cancer of a website need not voice their opinions at all, because rather than voice opinions, they ruthlessly combat anyone with common sense. Conquest was bad? Lynched. Sonic isn't too bad of a series? Shot in a backalley and dumped in a river. Most other message boards (read: even Reddit) have standards. 4chan lacks it, especially because there is a board specifically tailored to hate speech.

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1. NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO INSULT ANOTHER WEBSITE. There's a difference between dislike and insult, and if you are unable to discern it, send me a PM.

2. TC, this is the second shitty thread I've had to close down. Look for your validation somewhere else. If I have to deal with this issue a third time, whether it be a post in another thread or a thread you create, I'm slapping a week suspension on you, at minimum. If you're at the point where a video game is ruining your life, I suggest scheduling an appointment with a therapist.

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